:Soylent Green" comes to mind. Another rather accurate picture of our future. Campy as it is, it's worth watching again.

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While this article covers much of what is happening, there is so much more. Lake Mead (which provides much of the water for Arizona and the Southwest) is down to the point of exposing dead bodies in 55-gallon drums. And the largest producers of seeds have already sued multiple farmers for "illegal use" of their seeds. One farmer had wheat planted specifically with heritage seeds, and was sued by Big Agriculture because his wheat had been pollinated by "their" patented plants produced on a neighboring farm. It seems bees do not recognize lot lines. And if farmers don't buy Big Ag seeds, Big Ag will sue them out of existence.

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Same here in UK. When you see it, you can't unsee it. Brexit, P&O ferries that transport food, farmers being encouraged to retire and paid not to grow. The vaccines took away the immune system and induced amyloidosis. They still want to reduce the population. I've prepped for a years supply

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I remember seeing Soylent Green when I was at Uni..

So, the global elite wish to enslave the entire world's population in a scenario that is almost worse than communism. What's the point of living, then, I ask myself? Existing in their 'world' will be literally a HELL on Earth.. I do hope that I won't have to come back to such a dystopian planet and, if I have to reincarnate, I can go somewhere else in the Universe.

And, when it comes to souls, I often wonder at the words Aristotle is purported to have said (although I haven't been able to find the actual source): 'Not everything that walks in the guise of man is human'. This begs the question: is having a soul what makes us human beings?

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Gates is obsessed with globalization and hell-bent on destroying anything and everyone in his way of dominance. He has no soul

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With the food system as well as most everything else thank goodness for antitrust laws.

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