I watched Katie Hobbs do that interview and was stunned how stupid she sounded, where if you listen to Kari Lake she sounds intelligent and does tell it like it is. The difference between the two is stark, so stark in fact, I don't see any way that Katie Hobbs will even come close to Kari Lake in the election.

Most people know their limitations but there are a few who lie and bull shit their way through life, so we end up with politicians running our governments who have no business either in temperament or intellectual capacity being in those positions, and Hobbs has neither capability !!!

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She has domonion machines on her side, no need to debate.

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She’s a coward and a moron. Lake will win here in AZ- no doubt. People are sick of the stupid fucking woke bullshit democrats spew.

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If Kari Lake were to "lose" to Katie Hobbs, it would be a JOKE and a manufactured tragedy. Forget allowing Venezuelans to cross our border ... we might as well move to Venezuela where living is cheaper.

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Hobbs: “like she (Kari lake) is totally...not ....willing to like sit down...with a like legitimate journalist, like I know she like...she had a conversation with you..... but like I’m totally going out and talking to voters about like how bad we need abortions... to like save money...yeah like that stuff... ya know Kari Lake’s whole platform she’s running on...is just like... like ...you know like elections...and I am like already the winner... cause like I know who has the...the like little thumb drive...with like the script to stick in the like machine...ya know like the one that is gonna say like I’m totally the winner...like ya know??? That’s like why I am so like calm and don’t like worry about ya know stuff like talking to like to the public...”

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Millennials don’t know what it’s like to live with inflation. To them it’s another theoretical thing that happened in the murky past. She seems like a very special snowflake.

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hahahaha George Orwell (author of the prophetic classic, "1984"),

"A people that elect corrupt politicians are not victims .......... but accomplices."

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As the old saying goes, you can keep your mouth shut and let people think your a fool, or you can open it, and confirm it.

Danny Huckabee

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Holy Mother of God. Never thought I would say this but great job CNN. I saw a comment on YouTube that read something like this.. candidates during an interview should have one little sign with yes on one side and no on the other!

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The same strategy employed in 2020 resulted in blithering idiot and dementia patient candidate in the White House. They are doing the same thing and expecting the same result - that makes complete sense. The other side keeps faith in all that is good and fair elections and get squat.

Which side is exhibiting sane behaviors? It's the Hobbs camp.

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