thank you Mr JD Rucker, im an old soul now, and i pray for my Grandchildren and for all Childrens future. They have no idea what is ahead nor would they understand, heck i dont. The only way out that i see is when Jesus returns for us. Both sides have sold their Souls in some way patting backs. Have a nice wknd everyone and be safe

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Our government is so clearly corrupt beyond redemption that no impeachment, election, nor indictment will remedy our situation. Short of the Apocalypse, nothing is going to clean this country up or hold these criminals to account.

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Sadly, it really seems to be true what you say. The left has control of so much and so many across the nation that is is difficult to see how we can return to the innocent lives we had before. For sure, the main stream media is a full fledged accomplice in this take down. The power of the media is huge. And that so many people get their (left biased) news from the alphabet stations (tv & radio) is disheartening. That so many of the younger generations get their "news" from social media, fakebook or meta, or instagram, etc., any of them, is clear indication of their depth of being brainwashed. It may be that at best a decent president elected in 2024 will only be able to slow the gangrene down but not stop it as needed.

China has a 5000 year history and, thus, has seen many civilizations (emporers) come and go. They view one as lasting maybe 150 years to 300 years. We definitely fall within that range. Belief is that over confidence, arrogance grows, laziness grows, ill-education grows, lawlessness grows, etc., what we see around us now. Then the fall comes. After a 100 or 150 years or so, it may rise again but not as high as it was originally. Then after a spell, it declines and falls again only this time it is for good and never regains what it had previously.

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One only has to watch China Insights on Boobtube to see how bad regimes treat their people that keep them in power. Skyscrapers crumbling within months of completion.

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Military tribunals - military flight paths show that there are numerous military flights going to military prisons around the world. The only reason for these flights is transporting criminals who have been tried in civilian courts and are now on their way to military prison for military tribunals. They will either serve prison time or be executed for treason, etc. We were given the info very early on (that most folks missed) "military is the only way." See this:


Derek Johnson is the name of the author and he went back to active status in military - there is a video I saw where he shows a picture of himself in a meeting with President Trump. Don't give up hope yet, the "storm" is here and has started and this show is just getting started...

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The "storm" is not at all what you think it is. It is manipulation heaped upon manipulation. On the surface, it was presented as a "storm" that would sweep away the Deep State. But the Deep State was the origin of this lie to lull Americans into a sense of false security so that they would not react to the clear and present danger of tyranny.

But just as the Deep State has manipulated Americans, the Deep State has also been manipulated. They have been led to believe that their lie has no teeth to it, when the opposite is true. They do not comprehend the parameters of the game they are playing or of the board upon which they play. By speaking this lie, and perpetuating it, they have heralded their own destruction.

The storm that is coming for them is a real storm. It is a storm that has the capacity to cripple the entire modern infrastructure. It is not man-made, nor is it a human caused event. It is a natural phenomenon as old as this universe. When it arrives, they will flee to their bunkers and cry out for the doors to shut behind them for fear of the wrath that is falling upon them. And they shall not escape.

I have given up all hope in man, but I cannot lose hope, because my hope is in one greater than all of their machinations. They played the great game, but they were never masters of it; the true master of this game will cause them to fall into the pit they have dug for us. He will make them flee when he aims at them with drawn bow. And for seven years they will deal with the aftermath of his storm as they struggle to rebuild through disease, famine, violence, poverty and death.

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The states will pick up the slack as Washington fades

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Our corrupt POS💩 government let them all rot in hell. FJB and his corrupt administration.

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The Sovereign Red States will soon step in to take control,they have no choice as their own situations deteriorate because of Washington!

An example is Texas where the Red Republican States are sending help to Texas to jointly work together to seal the southern border along the Rio Grande!

This is illegal on paper because this issue is a Federal issue but Washington is not doing it's Job there.The States are doing it on their own.This sort of activism by the states will continue to grow as the need for Washington Vanishes.

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Agreed, 100%. I could not dislike the lying thugs possibly one iota more. They are scumbags all.

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Luz,this is the way the world has always been,but here in America the decent people have an alternative. Our U.S. Constitution!

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True, for sure. And, thank God Almighty for our incomparable Founders, one and all.

Otoh, look at what the thugs, aka, Dems/lefties, have done and are doing to our Freedom of Speech, A1; and trying with everything they have to take away A2. The filthy rich like, you know - Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, the obese dude owner of linkedin, the owners of the $9 trillions big techs of Silicon Valley, etc. Previously, the opposition did not have $9 trillion and they did not have 'social media' as (incredibly) news sources. But, you are correct, sir. Your operative word is "decent people". That is us.

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Dear Americans: If there is anyone who does not know that even 50 yrs ago the media was biased - well that is incredibly sad. If you do not know that there has not been anything even close to journalism for the past 10-20 years that is even more sad. In the early 70s I had a new job where I was working with people with disabilities and working with them to move towards employment. I was dealing with problems and negative situations all day, would come home and attemp to listen to the news - it was all negative and had a 'tinge' of leftism. I thought, I can't listen to the evening news anymore so I didn't EVER. I got the local newspaper which was left, I listened to the news on the radio and only in major criseses did I turn on the news on TV. I am sure I saved myself a lot of crap from the media all those years. Who knows how much confusion or fear I missed out on. I neither heard or saw the fear mongering going on in the media about COVID, I week or so ago I saw a 15 min video that showed only the propagande about the shots the fear tactics - It was scary to see it, but I had started my own research before the "plandemic" hit the USA shores. I started my own natural protocols of vitamins and herbs - many got mad at me - but the truth is I never even got a cold since the Spring of 2020 not even a cold! I wonder when they plan the next plandemic? This Fall or winter I assume it will look much scarier blood oozing out of the victims bodies I suspect SCARE THEM ALL they think.

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Splish Splash, a favorite Bobby Darin, for sure;

So true.

But this morning after reading of Biden and his nursing assistants ordering the cia, pentagon, fed gov agencies to meddle Brazil's election that resulted in the lefty they helped move closer to China, is staggering the corruption and over meddling gov we have. Now even Batchelor ponders what will happen, God Forbid, if Biden and Harris retain the reins in 2025.

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Good for you,Splash!!!

In many cases most people don't know the facts because they don't want to know.

The truth can often bring pain to life styles.Life Styles built around Bread & Circuses.

That's why they Watch those left wing sites like CNN!

CNN does not convince anyone,it merely pats them on the head & tells them that everything is O.K. with their beliefs,Thus reassuring the fools that watch.

Sort of like comforting an infant woken by thunder!

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"...Many Americans have an undying faith in the media and thus revere this man-made entity without realizing they are doing so. These people usually consider anything printed or spoken by the media as gospel, and this is precisely how these opinion-shapers would have it.

"People who idolize the media are, at the best, naïve:

'The simple [naïve] believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.' (Proverbs 14:15)

We are to live “by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of YHWH” (Deuteronom"y 8:3). The word of everyone else should be judged by “the mouth of two or three witnesses” (2 Corinthians 13:1).

"Howard Beal of Network described the media:

'If you want truth, don’t come to us. We will tell you anything but the truth. Go to God.… Go to your gurus, go to yourselves. But, don’t come to us.… Your lives are real, we are an illusion.'36

"That is what an idol is: an illusion....

"The impression of an independent press in America is part of the illusion. In 1898, at an annual dinner of the American Press Association, John Swinton, the one-time editor-in-chief of the New York Times, was called upon to toast journalism and America’s free press. He responded in a surprising way:

'There is no such thing in America as an independent press, unless it is in the country towns.38 You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write his honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150.00 a week for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with—others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things—and any of you who would be so foolish as to write his honest opinions would be out on the street looking for another job. The business of the New York journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to revile, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his race and his country for his daily bread. You know this and I know it, and what folly is this to be toasting an “Independent Press.” We are tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.'39....

'Journalism, once a profession, and then a trade, is now a crime.'40...."

For more, see "Thou shalt not make unto the any graven image," the second in a series of ten free online books on each of the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and civil judgments, at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/onlineBooks/second-commandment.html

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Very interesting, Mr. Ted. And true.

One issue is so many do not realize what is being fed citizens now. Many are unable to distinguish journalism from propaganda. Unfortunately, with so many citizens so afflicted, it becomes more and more difficult to see a way out of this mess. Consider how big city people keep voting in politicians, over and over again, who actually harm them. Just look at what the voters did after mayor Durkin left office, they voted in yet another lefty, thinking he would save them. It only got worse, much worse. We suffer a tyranny of uneducated, foolish voters.

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Have you ever wondered how America has ended up with the caliber of civil "leaders" she has today?

Could it have something to do with Article 6's Christian test ban by which mandatory biblical qualifications were likewise eliminated? Once adopted, it was inevitable that America would be ruled by nothing but nincompoops, scoundrels, incompetents, immoral reprobates, and outright criminals. Sound familiar?

Take nincompoops, for example. Exodus 18:21's qualifications begin with the fear of Yahweh. Kings David and Solomon point out the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Thus, without the fear of Yahweh, you end up with, at best, nincompoops as your alleged leaders.

The best you can ever get from the Constitutional Republic's unbiblical election system is the lessers of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.

For more regarding Article 6's Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at http://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/BlvcOnline/biblelaw-constitutionalism-pt9.html.

Then find out how much you *really* know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and receive a complimentary copy of a book that *examines* the Constitution by the Bible.

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I agree 100%,Swinton was a giant of his time!

The only correction I have is that I read That the Banquet was in 1883!

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We are not going to vote our way out of this mess.

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We will win! Win because we have the Free & Sovereign Free States of the American Federal Republic. The States are not weak provincial administrative centers for the Central Government as in Europe.They are States like Hungary,France & Poland but part of a larger Federal Republic of Sovereign States that will take charge soon, as Washington continues to financially disintegrate!

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But, if we do not in November of 2024, it will get much, much worse.

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It won't get worse,it will collapse financially.

But in America we have the states to fall back on!!!

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Hello Luz!

I get a completely different read on the situation!

In my opinion the current situation in Washington can't be financially sustained.

It is not reasonable to project on an election 17 months from now.

17 months is a long time & many things will happen between now & Nov. 2024!

We are in very dangerous times financially,perhaps as bad or worse than the 1930's.

I can't see how this regime can financially survive that long!Maybe not more than this Fall.

When it Falls the States will,by default, need to step in & take charge!

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THAT is HOW Psychopaths work - CAMOUFLAGE, CAMOUFLAGE, CAMOUFLAGE of their inherent FEAR, FEAR, FEAR - so listen to JESUS from NAZARETH, when he says:

"You will know them by their fruits"






The only relevant question is:



THAT is the only professional method to ever IDENTIFY a REAL CRIMINAL, a REAL PSYCHOPATH!

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Great point. Professor emeritus Robert Hare wrote a lot on this personality trait. He suggested that if given a chance to avoid any encounter with these people. They have no conscience and will do anything to dominate. Unfortunately, he argued that many, many in corporate leadership and in politics have this trait. I bet DC is 90% sociopathic reps and senators. For sure, Brandon is one and has been all his grifter life.

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You are 100% correct. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (dem) is being followed by many people, including James O’Keefe...look at who follows who on all platforms...

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I recommend everyone give a listen to or read the boo "Breaking the News" by Alex Marlow. It is certainly a right-wing view but the facts presented cannot be ignored and it explains the mainstream media phenomenon quite well - Mainstream news/media is owned by corporate interests that are all left/Marxist in nature. News channels are actually public relations and propaganda outfits masquerading as legitimate news agencies.


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They are not leftists/Marxists!

They are a different type of poison.They are Globalist Bankers & Financiers....The New World Order gang!

But that being said,they as bad or worse than the old Bolsheviks.

These people have been planning their moves for the last 300+ years in Western Europe.

They are in many ways the bankers & aristocrats in London that the American Colonies revolted from almost 250 years ago

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Propaganda works

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Again, on point 🎯

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The bigger "reality" is that both the US govt and the media have been controlled by the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) network since WW2. The political circus is just a distraction. See chart: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. Then as now, most of the media barons were CFR members, including Paley (CBS), Sarnoff (NBC), Luce (Time/Life), Meyer/Graham (WashPost), Sulzberger (NYTimes), etc.

Most of the CIA directors from Dulles to Burns have been CFR members. Likewise for the secretaries of State, Treasury and Defense. Bush, Cheney, and Soros were CFR directors. The Clintons and Kerrys are members. The major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corporations are sponsors: cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, ambassadors, etc.

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The CFR is one part of it,there is much more! There is the Anglo- American Pilgrims Societies

The media is either paid propaganda or those who are not on their payroll who skirt around the facts for fear of offending these powers behind the Curtains.There are places that wise writers & publishers don't go if they seek to avoid trouble with these hidden powers.There are also the heirs of Cecil Rhodes over in London who have had a great influence over British elites for over 100 years.President Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford U.,Perhaps it was over there that he became an expert at Arkanside!

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Sadly, most people remain distracted by the political circus instead of studying the ringmasters. The CFR is at the center of a large network of banks, corporations, foundations, and NGOs, including the Davos WEF, Bilderberg, Trilaterals, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, etc. The CFR is affilated with the RIIA / Round Table network in the UK as you noted, and many Rhodes Scholars have been CFR members.

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The MSM is total propaganda. We’ve been lied to for far too long by these monsters. No one should be watching thinking they are hearing news reports but instead you are hearing exactly what they want you to hear. These things they need you to believe, like climate change is real or white people are domestic terrorists are things that will benefit them, at the expense of you or me.

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That people even need to be told this?

I spent 38 years in the Wholesale Commercial printing business in Metro NYC.

38 years dealing with the local Joe Bidens of the wholesale world.

Bums who would steal the eye out of your head & spit in the empty socket,...This is the real world!

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There is a lot to what you say!

They prey on Human nature,all has been thoroughly planned long ago.

How to manipulate people!Many people believed the Media because it is the easiest way to go about issues that these people never cared about to begin with!

It freed their mind up for the things they felt were really important to them.things pro sports,Super bowls,World series,Hollywood & the Whole Bread & Circuses Complex.

What I am saying is that most people are fools in LaLa land who stay as far away from reality as they can get!

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They can't cover The Dummy because he is basically dead.

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"Weekend at Bernies"

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Jun 16, 2023
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Pushing tribalism is part of the left's agenda. History tells us this is a precivilization trait and value. Tribalism will lead to much more lawlessness and violence. By the time the principals of this movement walk up, they will be devoured by their own minions & useful idiots and it will be too late.

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It's all nonsense to keep the average citizen occupied.

To pretend that there is really a political difference in Washington.

The Political Process is theater

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