This interview is indirectly endorsing what I've been posting for a while trying to spur online discussions but I've noticed that no reader is interested! I've been using humor to say exactly what Dr Zelenko is saying about gene editing and self-assembled wireless nano-network in your body. This is not conspiracy theory, this is what's already in the body of those who've been genetically modified. If you want to verify that, just download the BlueTooth App and check if there is a MAC Address containing "Pfizer borg" in your neighborhood. If a jabbed person is around you, you'll see his/her MAC Address that Pfizer uses for control. It's real, it's not a conspiracy theory anymore. It's a conspiracy since the victims are not aware that they're been controlled by satellite. If they fall sick they won't suspect that they may be victim of EMF related to their injections!!!

As for how self-assembled nano networks can be formed using graphene oxide found in all transgenic injections (not approved by FDA since not listed as ingredient), Charles Lieber (Harvard) has filed the following 50 patents on how they're implemented in your cells:


Below is the post of my humor regarding these transgenic injections.

Disclaimer of Liability ™

Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.

We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides and nano-biosensors (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas).

We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Lord Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world).

By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).

Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.

Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.

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There is humor and then there is "sardonic humor" and this is the best of sardonic humor. Just love it.

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What Bluetooth App? There are about 15 of them.

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I do not use mobile devices. I asked a reader in New Zealand to verify if Pfizer was in his environment or not and he came up with "Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af" MAC address. These findings have been reported by the Spanish and Italian scientists who first used electron microscopes to discover that it was graphene oxide that was turning some jabbed people into magnets! It has also been confirmed by the Argentinian Ministry of Health that jabs contain graphene oxide nano particles.

When Japan discovered graphene oxides in Moderna transgenic injections, they thought that it was due to production defects and they destroyed 2.6million doses. Meaning that they're not aware of the real agenda behind these jabs.

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I found another article where a Dr. Luis De Benito shares his report on the MAC address phenomenon. There is also a video of him on Rumble. www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/health-healing/bluetooth-apps-detect-mac-address-in-most-jabbed/

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Likewise! I have searched and found no link.

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What or where is there a named link to the app please?

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I asked a reader in New Zealand to verify it for me. I don't know which App he used but I can see here that you can use Apple App to scan your environment for MAC Addresses - I suspect that's what he used.

"Bluetooth Smart Scanner is the fastest app to find all Bluetooth Low Energy (also known as Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Smart) devices around you. It shows detailed information that Bluetooth Low Energy devices advertise, including device name, signal strength (RSSI), supported services, battery level, etc."


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You should get this published on Babylon Bee LOL

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To see him coughing (heart disease) breaks my heart. This man is a hero, and I know many people will tune hm out because of his religious beliefs, but he has been right, is right, and we need people to find God. I truly believe these are end times.

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" The eyes of the Lord roam to and fro upon the face of the earth seeking to make known his power to those who's hearts are upright toward Him."

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I have watched him talk at many international conferences on Covid-19. He's a universal genius. He's not fighting for a specific(religious) group - mankind's survival is an obsession for him.

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Zelenko is a hero. Period.

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Great interview. One statement I would change. Dr. Zelenko said "They're playing God." I say they're playing Satan. Satan was the angel who wanted to be God and has been actively trying to destroy God's creation since his fall. Everything he does is counter to God. God created man to have a relationship of man's free choice. Satan can't get everyone so he makes a way to fix subjects to pledge allegiance to him.

Yes, this is the endgame. God will win. Men that place their faith and trust in His Messiah, the risen Christ, Jesus, will be saved from eternal separation from the Creator. To make sure we could be certain, since humans question, He sent His Son to prove His existence and His Word to spread the news. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the final book in the bible, is the only book that promises a blessing for those who read it. It explains the who, what, when, and where of the end of this world, when those who love Him will go on to an exciting eternal home to have relationship with the Creator.

You might believe flesh and blood is all there is, that there is no spirit, no soul, and death is the end. But God breathed His Spirit into man and it is in every one of us. When our bodies die, which all will sooner or later, your spirit is released. It will go to the place it chose during life.

This is the time to decide. God is calling us louder every day. Choose Him.

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This is a spiritual war. And they are not hiding it. Its time to listen carefully to luciferian elites when they actually tell the truth about their goals:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)


The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation


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And you'll be surprised to know who joined the NWO first!!!

Pope Francis of the Vatican. He mandated transgenic injections to all of the employees of the Vatican. Do you know that all these injections are produced using abortive fetal cell lines?

The Catholic church has been fighting abortion for decades but their pope got injected with a transgenic serum containing abortive fetal cell lines. The end of time is upon us!!!

If you think that's treason, it's not that bad if you know that the Vatican has teamed up with the Rotschild Khazarian Mafia(RKM) to promote the NWO as shown here:


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The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera,which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican


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This is part of the Forbidden history of the planet. They teach their sheeple what they want them to know for now.

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Thank you for transcribing part of this interview (which I haven't watched yet). I did watch your interview with Dr. Li-Meng Yan last night because of Steve Kirsch's Substack.

The comment that stood out to me like a beacon was, "That's the way, by the way, I deal with anxiety, *because anxiety lives in the psychological space where the consciousness of God is absent*." This is one of the most astute, insightful things I've ever heard anyone say. May he come to know Yeshua Ha'maschiah! That quote is now on a note card on my fridge!

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Baruch ha Shem !! "This is the way!" An ironic quote from Disney's Mandalorian.

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Not seen it, but I'd add Baruch haba ba shem Adonai. Check out Marty Goetz's Ana Adonai. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QXLIt_YBfE If you can find just the song, it's better!

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Miquidem hallelujah: A great IDF battle song prior to going into combat.


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Hebrew music is so distinctive.

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Free speech and free press under huge assault in Montana by LGBT legal network

Jordan Hall, Baptist pastor and publisher of popular conservative news site, sued for libel by transgender lobbyist

State’s left-wing legal establishment & well-funded LGBT “lawfare” mob seek to stop site’s influential voice

Far-left Judge to hold preliminary hearing Feb. 16 to determine whether pastor is a “dangerous person"

I hope sincerely that JD Rucker can champion this cause because Montana is at a cross roads both for the state and the nation. I can only bring this to your attention but there are many of you who can do much to help this good man if you will please.

Here is the full story.


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I am unjabbed, identify as a Pagan and a green witch.

Love Dr. Z, but was offended by his use of the term.

For me, that means I do not ascribe to 'the God thing'. I would use the words 'treehugger' and 'herbalist' but Pagan fits better. I just respect the plants and earth more than any manmade ideas; they are our wealth, and our elders, the plants. They give us all nourishment. I am a proud Pagan, claiming the word that was made a pejorative by Christianity.

From https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-pagan-120163

'When Christianity came on board the Roman Empire, those who practiced the old ways came to be called pagans. Then, when Theodosius I banned the practice of the old religions in favor of Christianity, he obviously banned the ancient (pagan) practices, but new forms of paganism crept in via the barbarians, according to the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages.

I have no beef with you Dr. Z but some of us don't do your version of God. That has to be OK.

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Watched the whole thing today. A lot of what he shared I've heard before from others. I think conspiracy realist is a good term. His comment about covid not being a disease which is designed to be treated is spot on and why all early treatments have been stymied and suppressed. And why millions have died. Very worthwhile hour spent watching this.

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hey, thank you for all that work transcribing that section. One and only one typo I noted, in the transcript section, if you want to fix it. (not saying for sure there is no other, but I didn't see any other.)

""They think through intelligent design — they're intelligent design — they can create a better human. So anyone who has fallen prey to these vaccines is now made in the image of..."

would surely be 'their intelligent design'

But I haven't listened to the interview yet. maybe I am misunderstanding.

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If you by chance have read The Book of Enoch (Ethiopian version) we discover the evil the Watchers committed attempting to destroy the genetic structure of creation busy manipulating, mutating everything to suit their pleasure and violence soon came upon the earth and mankind cried out to God and He answered with Noah's flood destroying everything save eight people and a God selected sample of animal life. The next promised destruction will be by fire as God has revealed in the Apostle John's Revelation of the Messiah when Yeshua comes to destroy the destroyers of the earth with the breath of His mouth ( as I interpret that..... He speaks them out of existence.)

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