Your last point is well taken, JD. I had read about this appointment perhaps in the Taibbi tweets. She is a disgusting individual. Like Glenn Greenwald was saying in a video about the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop, people are rewarded for lying - the entire Deep State and legacy journalists are the best examples.

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beyond belief: what a load of crock...

the MSM are certainly in the pockets of corrupt entities that are screwing the American public right left and centre.

however, because so many people are just apparently grateful to be getting their lives back to 'normal' (although many of us know better), they just wish to ignore anything that is going to upset their perspective and make them think about what is really going on.

Until their lives are disrupted once more - and may not be reversible..

why should those of us who can see what is happening be brought down by sycophants who are themselves, expendable.

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Move quickly to change sec.230 ! And arouse the sentient part of the American people that the last stepping-stone to overt Fascism has been laid. In a manner of speaking,”they” are coming for us , and “they” are not afraid of us .Time to strongly, most strongly, push back and keep on pushing.Remember, we are not the minority few radicals;rather, we are the majority American Patriots. Think it; love it; believe it !

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The scary part isn’t that she may have been appointed to a draconian censorship wing of the federal government. The scary part is that since being appointed, we haven’t heard a single thing about this “advisory committee.”

Big scary red flags when all advisory committee members are "appointed." Meaning they can handpick who is onboard with them and flood the unanimous vote 24-0. Keep us in the loop on this one. Not only did this twitter exec collude and censor for the current Biden Adm., she gets the nod for advancement. Quid pro quo - has to be the case. No Twitter staff member works that hard on projects for nothing.

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The scary part is that this is paid for by our hard earned tax dollars. The leftist machine is massive, corrupt and tyrannical. We are but serfs or tenants at this point — just what our great country was founded to escape. There is little protection of the rights and liberties once guaranteed by our constitution and Bill of Rights. The astonishing number of Executive Orders this actor has signed profoundly change our nation yet pile up without scrutiny. They have proven to be without conscience -- lawless and ruthless. And they are nothing if not meticulously strategic. So don’t underestimate any “agency” or “task force” they construct, regardless of how quiet they may appear.

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The Khazarian Mafia led white house continues.

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Just stop ... You obviously know little of the true history of the Khazars.

Unless, of course, you mean to say "foul Zionist Jews"?

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Yes...yea I do. Did you bother reading the list of people?

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Of course. What does it matter? There are people of Greek heritage, German, and others. What does it matter? They are people with compromised character, and dangerous. The ethnic identity means nothing.

And stop trying to evade the libel of that term "Khazarian Mafia". None of us here are stupid. So at least make an intelligent comment. This is a Subsyack for thinking people.

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It matters because the KHAZARIAN MAFIA is responsible for 99% of all the death and misery in the world.

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Silly, silly. Try some facts as a change of pace, like reading the academic analysis of the DNA and Linguistic components of their language. All the ACTUAL evidence will refute your case.

Plus, if their history was so earth-shattering, don't you think a renowned historian like Arnold Toynbee would have written about it?

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Dec 4, 2022
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Who is we?

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Another great article JD.

The angle I would like to see explored, is would she have been hired, if the purchaser of twitter had been regime friendly.

How convenient, that a former exec twitt, that was in their legal department and probably knows the ins/outs of the operation was hired by the regime...as the threat of an information dump, that would show many instances of corruption and collusion from joe brandon and his bureaucrats, looms heavy

Look for new cyber security laws to be passed, that clamp down on platforms, that don't fall inline. The censors will now be censored, by the tyrants in the CISA, FBI, NSA and CIA.

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Forgive me for saying this, but "wake up and smell the coffee." The left has been doing this for years now. Any loyal soldier who toes the line, be he/she a "journalist," staffer on the Hill, U.S. representative or Senator, it doesn't matter. When any of these people is shuffled out of a job, and has been loyal to the agenda, there are a boatload of guaranteed positions for them, usually well paid, to occupy if/when ousted from a current position because of scandal, loss of an election, or anything that puts them out of a job. It could be in government, at a think tank, for a mainstream media company, anything that guarantees continued sinecure as a reward for carrying the water for the cause. Is this a similar case? Absolutely! You don' think Peter Strzok was hired because of his magnetic personality, do you?

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Good point at the end--what are and what have ‘they’ been up to?? 🤬🤬

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Found this through a lesser-known search engine: https://www.cisa.gov/cisa-cybersecurity-advisory-committee-meeting-resources

They've got their agenda up for the next meeting, December 6. Ten (10) minutes allotted for for public comments - aren't they generous?!

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All supporters of the WEF Great Reset. Probably take their orders from Yuval Noah Harari directly.

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If we had a DoJ with integrity, Bidens would be in the DC Prison and the protestors would be free.

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The MSM COMMIE GLOBALIST BOUGHT OFF WHORES up here in CHINADA and America are running our countries.

Our lying little MFERING REPTILE BRAIN SOY BOY lied directly to us in our INQUIRY " in Ottawa and it's apparently no big deal as he performs for Klausy and Billy

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“Babylon is global and God is pulling evil out of the darkness so we can see it, so we can make our choice. Those who want to go the way of Babylon, there’s no hope for them.

Let’s not lose sight at what God is doing. Right now, we’re in judgment, and this is sifting. There is a split going on for two different paths. Then there’s going to be those, a remnant, who choose to go the path that’s going to lead to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

With these quantum systems, instead of an explosion of evil - that’s global - what we’re seeing is God is pulling evil out from behind the scenes where it’s always been. And what’s going to happen is an implosion of evil that’s all going to get sucked into these quantum systems; which is going to become an alternate reality and those that go in it are going to be locked in it until it’s eventually thrown in the lake of fire.

But what we have to understand is that Babylon is global, and we are all embedded in it; and the Bible says,

“Come out of her my people, unless you partake in her sin.”

We have to understand the pyramid schemes and the root of these problems, but we also have to understand that it is our financial system, our governmental systems, our education systems, our logistics systems… It’s all tied to Babylon.

None of it is the way of the Most High and how He intended us to be. So, His remnant (us) has to be willing to break free at this point in time. Can you leave the money system behind and walk as Jesus taught us to walk in community and love with your neighbors? Can we stand on biblical morals and principles as a community? And Commandments, we have only one law which belongs to the Most High - no centralized bodies of control. So the world we’re in now, no, there’s no hope, but if we’re willing to make the changes and break free, we’ll be placed on a path to the Kingdom of Heaven.” - love.lee.777

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