This indoctrination has been ongoing since at least the early 1900s. Check out the Dodd Report on the Reece Committee hearings in 1953-1954, or KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (link below). There is no mystery that when we surrendered all of the educational establishment to the Left that we would end up where we are. CRT and other machinations are merely the culmination of efforts that have been ongoing for 120+ years. Would that we had both recognized what was happening and taken action to stop it. We didn't, and we will never redeem the ground lost. Look at today's college/university graduates: no critical thinking skills, thoroughly indoctrinated and hypnotized, nearly useless eaters.

Sorry; forgot the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA

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While it is not an issue of "sin" for me, it seems that homeschooling is more and more the only solution to so many problems affecting our children. Here in CA, they are ready to vote for ten (10!) bills affecting our children's rights re: vaccination, medical consent and medical privacy. The pressure to screw up our children is coming from all sides.

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This is truly frightening because in some parts of the country this information is kept from parents and children can be given life altering hormones to help them "transition."

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The only people who want to talk about sex with children are perverts.

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I was going to add "or parents," but then I remembered that most parents feel uneasy talking about sex with their children -- what used to be referred to half-jokingly as "the birds and the bees talk." But they know they have to, especially now when their children are at risk from these classroom perverts.

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Exactly. We talk about the Birds and the Bees when they are old enough to have to make decisions and to know what's going on, but I could count on one hand the parents I know who talked to their first or second grader about sex.

Actually, I couldn't count them because I don't know any.

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Misplaced compassion leads to evil.

Useful idiots waving rainbow flags out of "empathy" leads to the destruction of society.

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Where the hell are the fathers of these kids to put the fear of God into this perverted "teacher?" What we are seeing is a failure men.

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If some father does something to protect his children from this assault them, I'm getting on the jury and voting "Not Guilty". I don't care what a parent does to protect their children from these people, "Not Guilty."

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Fourth graders, as you said, are too young to make this call for themselves without indoctrination. However, if one were to take the information at face value, mightn't we begin to think the heterosexual students are now a minority and need protection? If a school system or society can produce this many students who have sexual perversions then why can the schools not even more easily turn out students who are properly socially adjusted?

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20/32. Let's apply critical thinking skills. Where would the next generation of freaks come from?

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This teacher coached and prodded these kids into making these "decisions". Children this young are so innocent, young, trusting, and easily swayed. That's exactly why the gays want to have access to them in public schools, without their parent's permission or knowledge.

They know that as kids get older they will naturally reject this lifestyle; and so will their parents.

That's why it's so much easier to prepare (groom) a little child that belongs to SOMEONE ELSE>

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Mar 29, 2022
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When a society normalizes and codifies sexual deviancy as normal, it is the end of that society!

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