Just one more reason why the FDA is the worst federal agency--bar none. It may take a few years, but there will be a reckoning, the likes of which has never been seen before in this country.

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Two words: Population Control!

Jab your kid…no grandchildren

for you!

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“Reimagining child sacrifice.”

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I read yesterday it was approved for EMERGENCY USE. That means it is still experimental! IMO Most people don't know that's what emergency use means. This comes straight from a virologist who worked at Public Health for many yrs. He has 55 yrs virology experience. Please spread the word, that this is an EXPERIMENTAL vax - any parent who gets their 6 month old or 5 yr old jabbed should be brought up on child abuse charges IMO. Also it has been well-known for eons in the immunologist/virologist scientific community that NO CHILD UNDER AGE 6 SHOULD EVER BE VAXED! Their immune systems aren't developed enough and it will damage their brain. THis is why autism is so high. Back in the 60s it was barely known about and was extremely rare - so rare in fact that I never knew anyone who had it. Now it is about 1 in 37 kids or number close to that. They are giving babies vaxes and they should never be doing that.

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The unscrupulous FDA, WHO, CDC and our government are all sacrificing our innocent children to Moloch for their own agenda ~ power and greed! Parents who are allowing their defenseless children to be given these experimental shots are either ignorant, brainwashed or evil ... perhaps all three!

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Isn't it pretty clear by now that the jabs don't do what they were meant to do even by those quadruple jabbed? How can a person not see that and go for more ?

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Sacrificing Children to Moloch


"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)


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There. Is. No. Emergency!

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Califf's statement is pure BS. Did the committee members get the documents last Friday (just like the public) before the meetings on Tuesday? Are we to believe that every individual on the committee read through all 190 pages of Moderna's EUA?

Yes, their actions are pure evil, direct from the pit of hell.

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Found the link on another substack. Gonna send it to Steve Kirsch, and anyone else who sat through these KANGAROO courts. How heartsick they must be that they are being ignored.


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Someone in law explain if there is real legal recourse which could be pursued against these frauds, criminals, complicit murderers, abusing their power. RICO? Fraud, Criminal negligence? What miraculous event has to happen to see charges brought against the whole cabal? The proof is there. Prison without bail, all of them. Can ONE brave AG start to move this mountain?

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The children are the justification for their taking an experimental gene therapy.

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these are VILE DEMON$ of Death, Destruction & Damaged Children for LIFE! There will be HELL TO PAY!!!!

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

They will burn in a lake of fire for eternity for what they have done!!!

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