America has criminals in the White House and a fraud election.. THIS ABOVE IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THE CORRUPTION & HORROR INSTALLED in our WH

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remove the beam from your own eye before removing the twig from mine

i voted against bush globalist wars and was tricked by trump into globalist pandemic commie takeover. rfk is best choice this election

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RFK is an enviro-nazi whose literal career has been made on suing on behalf of the green ( globalist ) agenda. Speaking of removing beams, et al., ahem....

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He is best known for suing corporations/big pharma who have grossly injured children with the jabs which are forced on children. Do some research about him, I've watched him most of my life and am his age, 69 y.o. He's one of the few decent Kennedys. I've heard him say he is totally anti-communist and is a capitalist - he also exposed C I A for killing his uncle and has exposed A LOT of truth that no one else would say. Your comment tells me you haven't done enough research into the truth about him, so keep on digging to find the truth. I've been a researcher of deep state for 25 yrs, and I've found that often we need to do ALOT of digging to find the real truth.

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scamdemic was the largest commie theft of freedom and takeover of small biz by corp gov industrial complex and trump could have stopped it all and you still dont realize u were bent over

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Not only could he not have stopped the program, he spoke of Ivermectin. The plan was long created before Trump, activated and now proven to be a "Globalist" process. Provvide valuable dialog, or find "mother Jones", or the "Daily Mail", and relax. Facts do not support you.

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Oh now it all makes perfect sense... You’re a Trumptard! I should’ve known. 🙄 Trump is responsible for Warp Speed, which has killed millions of people worldwide and will eventually kill billions. It killed my mother and my best friend. THAT will be Trump’s legacy and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it. He’s no better than Hitler ~ in fact he’s worse. I hope he rots in prison and he most likely will, so you better find another false prophet to worship. Pfft... Christian, my ass!

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you have 2 ears and 1 mouth and should learn to listen more than you speak. i think trump is guilty for everything in the scamdemic and truly scared of his price of betrayal in a second term. however your defending unapologetic adulterer chosen by trump with fake xtian lgbt rants shows you dont have much common sense. pray you learn wisdom

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Obviously, reading comprehension isn’t your forte. AGAIN, Mrs. Noem is an adult. It is not my place, nor is it yours or anyone else’s to judge her. That is God’s and ONLY God’s job.

Your FAKE Christian values speak volumes about the kind of person you really are. True Christians do not judge others and that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re not a true Christian. I will pray for you, as well.

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Spoken like a socio-communist "dupe". Tree stump, not twig. Seven years of optics and you still haven't cleaned your glasses? RFK would be an interesting Vice President, while he is as well infected. John F Kennedy would be a Constittuioanl Republican today. Tony, come away from the Marxiat screed, that in many ways educated you. There are no liberals, they are illiberal, no progressives but regressive.

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JFK was a committed NWO GLOBALIST. However you might still be correct in your assertion that he’d be a member of the GOP today. But he definitely would not track as a Constitutionalist. The clear merging of the DNC and the RNC into a uniparty would bring JFK into that fold, neatly.

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In the main, I agree. One of the reasons I state that is the fact he was committed to placing us back on the Gold Standard, which would have generated the destablizing of the "Federal Resrrve" if not killing it. Thank you for the comment, and in avatar commonality. With your permission my thought on the uni-party, Quigley and "O" : Myth Making: http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/30361471

Be well in all things, and trust we chat again. Raven6 1965 - 1993

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No, I don’t believe RFK Jr. is the best choice. He’s a Democrat. I think both political parties are bad. They’re pathetic, to put it bluntly.

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DJT. I wish he would start third party.

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True because it has led to the destruction of some of our important agencies, e.g., fbi, doj, irs, military, faith in our own gov, etc., et al.

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Opposition motives. Noem’s name gets bantered around as potential VP and then all of a sudden this “affair” hits the news.

Not believing it. Maybe Vivak or Haley campaigns wanting to damage her chances with innuendos and gossip.

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Yes, I agree ~ the timing is very suspicious. But, even if the rumors are true, who cares? I don’t, at all. She’s an adult and her personal life is HER business.

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spoken like a democrat

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Definitely NOT a Democrat. I’m a Christian Conservative. And it’s not my place OR yours to judge ~ that’s better left up to God.

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sound like a clinton defending democrat

not a christian conservative

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And you sound like a typical, judgmental “Christian.” True Christians don’t judge others... Or in other words, you’re a hypocrite.

“Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

We are ALL sinners.

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What effect will this have on the teenaged daughter?

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This is just plain stupid behavior for a man or a woman who has political aspirations for higher office. It’s also extremely disrespectful to her husband and to herself. If she is unhappily married she should have the self respect to get a divorce. President Trump needs a scandal like this like he needs another

Indictment. This is poison for his campaign. I don’t know how she proves that it’s not true. There’s just too many people saying that it was an open secret.

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Anyone foolish enough to conduct him or herself in this manner is absolutely disqualified to be VP or frankly to hold any other public office. This used to be an issue of security if not morality. It is idiotic, selfishly childish and yes, immensely disrespectful to their families and co-workers. We must insist on raising the bar for decorum even if it seems that all of humanity is falling into general degraded and even degenerate behavior. That said, I would not have trusted Noem in any event and do hope Trump looks to someone stronger and more clearly situated in the conservative camp, someone like Kari Lake.

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Unless I have absolute PROOF, I believe nothing anymore.

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The fact she did this so publicly is not good - also I read in another article that her husband left the Governor's mansion 2 yrs ago. I also looked up stats for govt crimes and saw that the govt crime rate went up quite a bit when she took office and that was yet a different article. So 3 sources, which are not mainstream liars, are saying this. It's not looking good for her.

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Agree, the timing on this is highly suspicious, especially knowing the left's history of lies and sociopathy. However, having said that, IF it is true, she is immediately removed from further consideration - because it would show her to have a penchant for lying, coverup, betrayal of her marriage vows and betrayal of her children and family. Real proof is needed now to determine the veracity. I hope it is not true because it is a terrible thing to betray one's family and children and vow.

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Innocent until PROVEN guilty used to be the standard we adhered to... or was it never really that much of a line in the sand? He said/she said gossip would be "evidence" swiftly kicked out of any court proceeding. A close friendship (IF that's what it is) can be misinterpreted by onlookers whose own mindset cannot conceive that a male/female connection could stop at that point, whose own internal mental programming is taking what THEY believe is underway to its "logical conclusion" (affair). The days of relying on the mainstream media to investigate and report facts accurately are SO far long gone that any inquiry by them must be considered laughable propaganda, bending itself to the will/agenda of whomever the MSM really works for.

What an extremely tough situation to have emerged in the press (can only imagine how the spouses and children feel, too, reading all the speculation), with the timing of the news "story" a bit suspect (!!) and potentially very unfair to both parties, if innocent. AND, if the story IS true and we're coming at it from a Christian perspective, we would have to consider the "he who is without sin, let them cast the first stone at her" admonishment from Jesus. All I know for SURE is that Kristi is among a small pool of excellent VP candidates (including women like Kari Lake), based on their provable track record, and I would hope that it's criteria other than gossip that result in the final decision.

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Sherilyn, agree w/ the innocent until proven guilt too but that isn’t the world we’re living in anymore. What’s happened w/ Hunter v. Trump, J6 v BLM & everything the other side gets away w/, it’s obvious morality, decency, honor, fairness & blind justice are swirling the bowl. Not a bit surprised at the timing tho whether it’s true or not

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You're so right. It definitely ISN'T the world at present and I do understand how that complicates the issue. I guess, when I wrote my comment, that I felt that we should keep reminding ourselves what our standard SHOULD be, based on the principles we, as concerned citizens standing for a revival of our Constitutional Republic, want to revive.

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Im w/ you but the forces of evil (most esp including bootlicking “media”) drown out everything & so very many people don’t think, preferring to be told what to believe. My other comment should’ve included “if it is true”. But it will hardly matter, whoever the VP pick is in the end. Any will be scrutinized & demonized

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Forgot about playing nice, it doesn't work. Let's not forget how Obama got to where he was. He was losing in his Senate bid in the primary AND the general where "luckily" both his opponents were going through a divorce. He and David Axelrod got their records unsealed and that sealed Obama's victory. The rest is history. We will never win if we don't play their game.

In regards to Noem, I hope the news isn't true. Having an affair, especially having younger children, is sad. However, it is certainly not a deal breaker. But, Lewandowski had his own issues back in 2015 when he led up Trump's PAC. So that adds more fuel to the fire if true. However, with most everyone in politics, money and power eventually corrupts.

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I don't think my suggestion was so much about "Playing Nice," as it was about remembering the kind of standards we want to ensure we return to, as we restore our Constitutional Republic. You are correct in all you've pointed out, but I would add that, here in Hawaii, where I live, the election system is rigged to the hilt. I have my own story (being denied an accurate/timely request for 2020 election records, as were others, which IS a federal felony, with our elected officials responding by giving Election Officer Nago a pay raise)., but here is an Observer/Whistleblowers interview. https://rumble.com/v2ig80s-hawaii-elections-whistleblower-austin-martin.html

And for those who are wondering, I DID reach out, extensively, both to island and to mainland attorneys of note, with FULL documentation of my claim (that Nago illegally refused to provide the election records) and no one took the case. They had bigger fish to fry... states whose manipulated vote was changing national election outcomes.

We have to get back to a system whose outcomes we can trust as a "first and foremost" project (along with totally ignoring the MSM). https://skeshel.substack.com/p/the-ten-points-to-true-election-integrity

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THIS comes much closer to decent reporting than the lead story, by giving legitimate reasons to weigh her positions and track record against her statements. Thanks for providing something substantive upon which to reflect.

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Who are *the witnesses*? What do they consider *blatant behavior*? The fact that these alleged *blatant* behaviors bizarrely took place in crowded venues, is highly suspect. Allegedly going for years, without one whisper of improper behavior. No divorce or separation actions sought by the injured spouses. Just anonymous eyewitnesses, for some reason fixated like old spinsters on these two, in crowded venues. Not a fan of Noem, but the gossip has all the maturity and credibility of a 7th grade girl spurned by her unrequited crush.

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My initial reaction when I heard about it was that her VP prospects went up in smoke. If, a really big IF, it's true, she's done as a possible VP choice. DJT doesn't need the drama. He's got enough of his own. I hope it's not true because there's a lot of children involved. If it is true, it was stupid actions by both parties. We need proof. Solid proof, not hearsay.

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By the time you get proof it will be too late if he picks her. The drama this will bring to his campaign would be definitely a disaster. If this was a planted false story, it did the damage that was intended. Politics used to be dirty, now it is downright filthy.

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In the world of high level politics today... frankly nobody gives a damn. And it won’t have ANY effect on the kids. Not when they’re subjected to porn and trans issues from the third grade up. Or the parents allowed TikTok into the home as the primary babysitter before mom and dad can get home from work assuming that it’s still even a nuclear family situation, which is highly doubtful.

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The American public don't seem to mind a child sniffing paedophile in office, so I doubt an affair will cause much trouble.

Edit. I forgot. She's not a democrat.

Shits going to hit the fan then.

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It makes no difference who he picks or if he's installed back in there. They are going on with their agenda at the WEF and I don't think they care who knows. Biden is proof ot that as well as destroying Maui with DEW weapons, then putting fences up and destroying the evidence. Removing or killing the inheritors of properties as they are taking property away from the ones that are still alive. Jesus is the only answer.

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AMEN! The only answer...

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I'm surprised to find out she would be that stupid. I have nothing against her and, in fact, like her. I just think Kari Lake is more suited as a running mate. She would be more effective and give a whole new meaning to the VP slot.

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Indeed, I’m definitely in favor of Kari Lake.

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Kari Lake was my first choice too. But she’s desperately needed in the Senate. Moreover, she’s not the experience in governing that Noem has. Kari needs to go to DC and learn their wicked ways do as to better defeat them.

Noem has crafted budgets and fought the political battles that needed to be fought to better serve her state. That kind of thing always leaves personal wreckage of some sort, yet she soldiered on. She’s undoubtedly signed Death Warrants and put criminals to Death. That’s a heavy burden.

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Saying that Noem has more experience at governing is just saying she knows more political bullshit. Kari is excellent at ferreting out bullshit, political or otherwise. Have you not seen her in action? There is no real "job" other than president of the Senate, tie breaker and electoral ballot counter. If something happened to Trump, Lake has the guts, energy, fortitude and knowledge to step in without missing a beat. I don't know what it is, can't explain it, just something holding me back from Noem. Plus, I think Trump would take advantage of Kari's energy and intellect to be and do more. I don't feel he would do that with Noem.

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She doesn’t have the EXPERIENCE. I love Kari. I want her to be Governor of Arizona because that will give her the experience to run for POTUS rather than the Veep spot. Political Bullshit goes with the territory. Trump is a Master of it. He HAS to be.

But leadership is a lonely thing and it’s something done alone. How do I know? Former US Army Infantry Captain. Uncle Sam spent a million bucks teaching me leadership. I never saw a day of combat. I served from 1980-84 on active duty and ‘84-94 in the reserves and briefly the Florida National Guard.

I trained to lead troops to fight the old USSR on both a nuclear and chemical battlefield. That army was one FAR superior to the third tier troops invading Ukraine currently. I still managed to accrue a case of PTSD because the Infantry is just chock full of UGLY shit. Fatalities happen, even in training. Harm occurs. Emotional damage results. That’s what it means to be a leader. That’s not something that a journalist like Kari can grasp from the get go. Nor can any civilian on this thread. If you’ve served in the military in a leadership position then and ONLY then can you grasp what I mean.

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Thank you for your service. I prefer she be governor first too. I'm only speaking to this because she isn't currently in a position to be governor. I understand what you are saying. I sent all 3 of my children to service in various places and for longer than I liked. I get the feeling that Noem isn't that big of a fan of Trump. Just a feeling.

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Timing is highly questionable for sure like many others have stated. Personally she is likable and has done some good things governing BUT she has also been weak on things like Tranny Madness....I think there are better picks for VP than Noem that truly know what time it is and are ready to some major damage to the government and bureaucracy.

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If Trump returns it will be for 42 months as the antichrist. Stop the hopium. Cannot be saved by the vote. Trump did nothing good. The better economy was the bankers doing. Trump was even scolded for taking credit for bankers work as was warned that when the bankers crash the economy that he will own it Trump gave executive order of right to try experimental drugs just prior to his warped speed kill program. Trump is 100% deep state actor. Biden is the fry pan Trump put us in but Trump is the fire when he returns . Like Jesus was the persecuted suffering servant, so Trump copy's that. Jesus and Jonah were 3 days 3 nights in belly if whale/hearth if the earth so Trump was 3 days/nights in belly if Walter Reid healed from his fake covid and no mask after as he was healed. He even said he'd consider giving out his saving blood in the interview .stop it. Jesus is returning soon after a few years of hell on earth .

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You have very strange ideas. Get professional help.

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Sep 16, 2023
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Wow. You have right to say you don't agree and submit other ideas but your and other responder are sick puppies in your God like responses that only you are the way to not that you think you are they way but you know you are the way. You will with this attitude end up like the Reich followers killing all you determine evil and think you serve God. Only reason I bother to respond is that your soul not perish. View points of contention are nothing to your sick godlike attitude.

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Please. He’s NOT deep state.

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I've got all the proof in the world he is deep state. However, I know there are people out there like you who won't read it.

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Thank you Billy. Am old guy like you in Christ. There are some of us left that accept reality even if it isn't nice. That's called sanity. It's nice to hear truth from others that gives encouragement as the darts get flung at you. Want to help a wounded animal and it hurts you. Oh well. Our reward is in heaven and not here

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J. D. Rucker wrote: "Lest we forget, Trump himself was known to have engaged in multiple extramarital affairs in his time before the White House."

I think you need to do a bit of research before you start believing mainstream media, who are known liars. If you do a search you will see that these lies are coming solely from mainstream/liberal media. Deep state criminals have paid women to say he had affairs with them and some of them refused the money and told the truth - that Trump was always a gentleman and never had extramarital affairs with them. Some of these women were offered ALOT of money but still turned it down. Here is what Trump himself says, it's a 4 minute video very short:


I've watched President Trump for 45 yrs - he always tells the truth. I've never yet caught him in a lie and I've researched him ALOT for years, even before he became president. The media has spread atrocious lies about him for a long time now. Believe what you want, but please don't spread lies about him. He's trying with everything he has to save America and these lies don't help, but more than that they are lies and Trump doesn't deserve this kind of bad press. I'm sorry to say this but it also hurts your own credibility when you repeat mainstream lies, sir.

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You don’t seem to understand that whether it’s true or not, the drama & chaos it will cause his campaign is not worth it.

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I was addressing J. D. Rucker's quote on Trump, I never said anything about Kristi Noem, so I'm not sure where you get the idea that I don't understand the drama and chaos it would cause. Of course I understand that, that's very obvious the trouble that the gossip would cause. However, I don't think Mr. Rucker needs to add to that by saying that Trump has had numerous affairs. It seems you missed my point and are assuming I'm not very bright. LOL

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I was in no way assuming that you are not very bright. I would prefer that Mr. Rucker not bring up President Trumps unproven affairs but you know as well as I do that if he doesn’t there’s a million people that will. Forgive me if I unintentionally insulted you.

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Thank you for your gracious reply! I wasn't insulted, just found it funny, didn't mean to infer I felt insulted.

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If it is credible, and I suspect it is NOT, then she is out. Kari Lake will be better anyway.

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Lets see, the subject has been around for some time, blah blah, right after "Speculation not substance" appears concerning Trump blah blah, exccoriating Trump for Billions relating to

"speeddating" ? While I have respect for your writings,lack of names, tone, and the missing ALLEGED, which is literally an unknown word anymore, is entirely missing. Circumspection is the word of the day for you. People have been imprisoned, on charges later rejected, todays opposition programs, "faux" fact checking, moral depravity are raise their head in this. This

type of subject is better left to others. You know, it has taken 7 years, and morons still think

Trump was guilty of many ALLEGED, now proven false issues. Be well, while stay in your lane of experience. Raven6 1965 - 1993

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