There isn’t just about anything I wouldn’t believe these days, when it comes to the deliberate destruction of humanity. And by our country, too

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But Cindi - you objectively saw that China's death toll and the toll in the middle east (ethnically Semitic peoples, perhaps not religiously Jewish but the same people) was ten times worse than first world countries like England, Australia, Canada. America's death toll was due to obesity, blacks, and weird ethnic groups.

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Sage, IDK if there has ever been reliably true info on deaths in China & no way to really verify whatever they say anyway (altho surely underestimated). And IDK anything about Middle East numbers except to say that from what I understand, countries w/ lower Vax uptake (e.g. non-Western countries ) fared better, EXCEPT Isrrael that has one of the highest vax rates in the world. For western countries, we KNOW figures re “cases” & deaths “from” COVID were absolutely false & grossly inflated because they wanted the terror factor & how “case”, “from” & “with” were newly & falsely defined - counting deaths of people who died of something else but having tested positive “with” it. Or counting people who died who were actually vax’d (but hadn’t cleared the 2 weeks post-injection) to inflate vax’d vs. non-vax’d figures to make it seem like more unvax’d were infected &/or dying. And now it is the western countries that are having lots of SADS, esp in young people, infertility, fetal & infant mortality & resulting low birth rates, etc. because of the vax, NOT wu-flu. My understanding is that Africa, w/ low Vax uptake because they couldn’t afford the “vaccines” hasn’t had all of the consequences of what’s now happening in the West, so I don’t really understand the comment re blacks here. I’ll agree that here in the US, lots of unhealthy people w/ obesity, lack of exercise but that’s true for all ethnicities here. And it certainly didn’t help that our own government (& many others), outlawed truly safe & effective treatments like Iver & Hydroxy, antibiotics & vitamins, mandated lockdowns that closed gyms, schools, parks, playgrounds that kept people from getting exercise / fresh air / sunshine / community & had the people who were “allowed” to work or children kept out of school sitting on their asses indoors in front of computer screens all day, mandated the vax & filthy masks, intubating & using Run-death-is- near if people were hospitalized, etc etc etc.

So I guess I stand by what I said: There’s almost nothing - no matter how crazy or diabolical - that I wouldn’t believe after the past 3+ years, & I’ll add that on the other hand, we certainly can’t believe anything we’re being told by the smart set & lame street media; their ongoing attempts at censorship of all truths of the “covid era” are proof of the lies. We have reliable truth-tellers here on Substack though, & it’s here that I put my faith & belief

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We were taught this very fact in the military 40 years ago - recombinant DNA weapons that could kill by race.

It's nothing new, but people are probably more adept at creating such weapons now.

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It's quite amazing that American citizens in positions of power or authority (like Fauci) would approve funding for bioresearch in a research laboratory managed by the China military that could be used against America after numerous calls by China to dominate us. It is reported the US even helped China improve its lab to be able to conduct such experimentation. We helped and paid for research to be used against us. Those 41 biolabs in Ukraine were not merely researching for an upcoming mild flu season - odds are they were probably heavily into grotesque research to target specific races. Putin was correct in his description of those labs - they were doing research that was considered illegal here and in many parts of the civilized world.

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Yep...and STILL, the people wouldn't see. Sigh.

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It’s not a conspiracy if they really are out to get us.

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Whoah...that is the literal definition of a BioWeapon.

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Now can he admit that about the vaxxes or is taking the sword and shield exit ramp?

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You mean vaccine don’t you?

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No I mean what I said. The sword and shield concept is a bio weapon strategy so there are multiple weapons and multiple Shields which are the vaccines quote not exclusively the covid vaccine

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Sorry. I was being facetious.

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I suspected this early in the covid campaign when I saw dark skinned people (Indian, black, south american) suffering at higher rates from Covid. At the time I chalked it up to being the people who can't generate Vitamin D as well as the rest of us from exposure to the sun.

I had not seen the research out there that went as far as excluding Ashkenazi Jews. It wouldn't surprise me about the Chinese exclusion. But did they create massive "overnight hospitals" for show, and to incite panic? Wasn't there intelligence that showed more parking lots full of cars at chinese hospitals, or the use of crematoriums at high use prior to (public knowledge of) and during early covid exposure?

Or was that all part of the show as well? I know there were videos of people dropping dead in the streets over there, but I didn't hear of that happening here in widespread numbers. More fear porn?

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It doesn’t completely exclude any group, but some have lower frequencies of resistant or susceptible ACE2 or TMRPSS2 variants than do others.

The research is listed here: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/covid-is-an-ethnic-bioweapon

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I was wondering the same thing. Good point.

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It’s been well established since 2020 the Covid spike protein is an ethnic bioweapon.

Scientific papers on the issue are linked in this article:


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What is the probability, doc, of this research being several years old? Its effect seems to be such that it must have been under development years ago. If correct, then the plot thickens for having it ready to use at an opportune time politically. Yes or no?

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Absolutely, Luz.

This is a weapon years in planning and testing. That they call the injections “experimental” and the virus “accidentally lab leaked” is meant to mislead.


It’s aimed primarily at Europeans.


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Don't feel left out. Eventually these murdering thugs will get to everybody to make gates the happiest idiot on the planet. One could argue that this is anti-diversity. Where are the democraps? We need equal rights so we can be murdered equally.

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Oh boy, a new spin on the bioweapons du jour. the news keeps getting worse...SV 40 promoters, DNA contamination, coordinated bad batches.

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Trouble is, I still don't know ANYONE who died from "covid".

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This is an outrageous statement to make since the hasidim, an ultra orthodox sect of ashkenzi Jews suffered greatly during the Covid pandemic. That’s why dr. Zelensky, a Hasidic physician from the Hasidic community in nyc and the lower Hudson valley of NYS,, became famous for using non traditional and therapeutic methods to treat Covid rather than with the vax and remdisivir which is a killer.

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The God of the 12 tribes frowned upon the Canaanites as they did not follow his laws and saw that the Canaanites, the merchants of the surrounding lands, were using usury (loans) to gain control of the land of his people. After several attempts to stop their evil ways and follow his rules, God had finally given up. The 12 tribes were then ordered by God to wipe out the six tribes of Canaan. The 12 Tribes conquered the six tribes but did not wipe them out completely as commanded by God. The Hebrews showed them mercy and made them pay taxes. Many of their women were taken as wives and the fatherless children were taught their ways.

God had warned his people that if you do not kill them all, they will be a thorn in your side for eternity and, and as you can see, they are exactly that. The below will prove that the six tribes have held animosity for the White race for thousands of years and finally have achieved enough power to wipe out all of them, as is prophesized in the Torah.

The Bible cautioned in Numbers 33:55 - But if ye will not slay the dwellers of the land (of Canaan), they, that abide, shall be to you as nails in the eyes, and as spears in the sides; and they shall be adversaries to you in the land of your habitation. Gee, / wonder whom he is speaking of... sounds like there was a good reason for their exile.

In Deuteronomy 28:44 (Wycliffe Bible aka WYC) God tells his people that if you do not follow my rules they (Canaanites) will become money lenders and enslave them through debt. They will become the head and you will become the tail. Does that help you in understanding who “they” are and why we are in the position we are in right now?

The true “twelve tribes” were the Anglo-Saxons according to Eli James. The 12 Tribes split up around 745-755 BC. Two tribes remained in Palestine and were later conquered and had since forgotten their identity - Deuteronomy 32:26 (Wycliffe Bible).

Even the Jewish Encyclopedia, states “Edom is modern Jewry.” - The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41. The Jewish Almanac 1980 Pg.3 states “Jews are not Israelites or Hebrews.”

The Pharisees told Jesus the Messiah that they are of Abraham’s seed but were never in bondage (John 8:33), which can only mean one thing. These “Jews” were never in the Exodus and thus were not the true Israelites or the tribes of Jacob-Israel.

Was Jesus a Jew? When Jesus was Sacrificed, Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross, which read: ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.’ Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in three languages. The chief priests (Pharisees) of the Jews protested to Pilate “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that this man ‘claimed’ to be king of the Jews.” Pilate answered, “What | have written, | have

written.” - John 19:19-22 (WYC).

According to the Bible, Jesus was fathered, not by Joseph, but by God, being born to Mary through a virgin birth. He was a direct descent from David, and thus was the legal inheritor of the throne, making him the king of the land of Judah.

Through pattern recognition, we see that the same thing that is happening to our world was happening to Judah. The Canaanites had taken over Judah through usury and had a pretty good hold of it by the time of Jesus. The Pharisees and money changers were ruling the people and sucking them dry. They denied Jesus because of his kingly bloodline. If he had become king, they would be cast out and just like today, if you come between the Canaanites and their power, they murder you, just as they had done to Jesus.

They say the son of God died for our sins but I think he also died to remind us of theirs.

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Someone needs to do their homework...

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Take a hike. You need to read some history books. Get lost.

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You need to learn that your Rockefeller sponsored history, is filled with a bunch of lies. Best of luck and God Bless Liz.

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He didn't say the weapon exist, he said they're trying to make it. Covid was not the weapon.

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Did you not hear what the man said? He specifically said that Covid was engineered to attack people who weren’t Chinese or ashkenazi Jews. I’m not even Jewish. I. A trad catholic. But that comment was tremendously antisemitic.

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He said it maybe.As you can see many Chinese died

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Please wake up Liz. You're still falling for it all. God Bless.

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Too bad they can’t make one based on intellect. They could send signals through people’s screens who are watching anything from the fake news MSM. Seriously, anyone inventing this is an idiot as there is no way it won’t come back to kill them one way or another.

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About 2 years ago in mid 2021 in the height of the covid dystopia in Australia a family doctor attempted unsuccessfully to pressure and frighten me into getting the jabs. It was an extremely unpleasant experience, but one I was prepared for. I was new to this clinic and it was the first time I had ever met this doctor (I made sure it was the last time, too). I expressed my reluctance to receive the untested clot shots and was scolded for my independent critical thinking, which only served to strengthen my suspicion of the jabs. But what really stood out from this conversation was the answer I received to my question about which demographic group in society was most vulnerable to the virus. My point was, and I am sure we all remember at the start of the plandemic - it was the very old and very ill that were dying, virtually no one else, and as I do not belong to either of those two categories, then what do I have to fear about this virus? I was told me that it just wasn't the elderly and immune compromised that were dying, but that "black people like african americans" are especially susceptible to this virus and that curiously, the "northern Chinese" are not. She indicated it was the specific nature of this virus that made it this way. I didn't dig any further, keen instead to get out of there as quickly as I could. It was a staggering comment, which aligns with these recent comments by RFK.

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It’s been well established since 2020 the Covid spike protein is an ethnic bioweapon.

Scientific papers on the issue are linked in this article:


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Yes. It’s true. It’s racially targeted.

The Chinese government released the genetic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein on January 11th, 2020. It later transpired that the spike protein is the toxic part of SARS-CoV-2.

Without checking the genetic code or asking for an isolated sample, pharmaceutical companies all around the world rushed to make their vaccines. MODeRNA starting human trials just 66 days later. All eight of the COVID-19 vaccines developed and brought to market use the toxic spike protein as their antigen. This is no coincidence.

The so-called virus is a racially targeted biological weapon. The vaccine is also a racially targeted biological weapon. The fact that they contain the same toxic spike protein gives them plausible deniability. Vaccine deaths can be blamed on COVID-19.

Here is a link to a paper that shows that certain ethnicities have a high level of protection from the spike protein. These are East Asian, Finnish, Ashkenazi Jewish, Amish.


EXCERPT: “We found that the distribution of deleterious variants in ACE2 differs among 9 populations in gnomAD (v3). Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations, respectively (Fig. 1b).

Prevalence of deleterious variants among

Latino/Admixed American (AMR), East

Asian (EAS), Finnish (FIN), and South

Asian (SAS) populations is 2-10%, while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ)

populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions (Fig. 1b).”

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I have seen a well based research paper (authors were some researchers from an Egyptian University) which findings were in line with the statements above.

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Covid is a psy op. There’s no germ to bioweapnize. It’s a fraud and RFK Jr has gotta know better.

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And, when presented statistics, how do you know it’s true. Numbers are easily manipulated to get what is desired.

The death rate was flat from 2019 to 3020 (the year Covid supposedly arrived). Then the deaths from flu disappeared in 2021 and coincidentally the deaths from Covid were reported at the same rate as deaths from flu in earlier years.

It’s a huge psychological operation. Try not to take the bait.

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Manipulating the numbers to generate fear is one thing. Then they divide us with this fraud perpetrated by Kennedy. As a virus pusher who is against the clot shot, he and his cronies ((Bigtree, Cole, McCulloch, Malone, etc.) are setting us up for another crisis.

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