This is all very important. of course. But keep the eye on the ball: The mechanisms of government are being maneuvered to enable takeover of every government in the world [by] the global tyrants using the W.H.O.

Study up on it now, as in "yesterday."

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Totally agree. Biden's administration is part and parcel of the selling of America.

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And, of course, this is all much deeper than merely the Biden administration. There are probably many attention deflectors, agit [agitation] propagandists, fake and controlled opposition artists, etc. The level of corruption represented by The Biden Dysadministration is merely the tip of the iceberg. That iceberg was formed decades, and perhaps we can even say "hundreds" of years ago, for the purpose of exercising the hideous strength that we are witnessing.


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The WEF is another threat you should study.

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Indeed, this all part of a unified assault, a monster with many heads.

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Systemic treason. When the Constitution does not matter then treason will be rewarded. A weaponized federal governnent, and most state governments, will destroy all opposition in order to remold our democratic-republic into a godless, chaotic mobocracy. The illegal alien stolen elections obamination set into motion the pandora's box of evil. Many people worship the obamination and thus have destroyed America. Pray that some of the lost people will accept and profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior before the riots, lockdowns, economic scarcity, and death jabs return as the final phase of evil's great reset is implemented.

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Let me know when you all decide you want to stop being sheep.

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Charlie you go first.

You are clearly a leader.

Folks will follow.

We had over 2 million on January 6th and nothing happened.

Tell us leader, what should we do...

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Haha. I love your sarcasm. Tyranny can only happen if people let it happen.

It is that simple. Millions of people have died and will die because you all are complacent. We all could of stopped this madness if we all stood up and said no.

January 6th? Look how did that turn out? It just showed how weak and easily controlled reps are. Where was the freedom convoy in the US? DW wrote an article about how Republicans were too scared to support the convoy in the US. Most of everyone in the comment section agreed.

I can't lead you all because you all can't see the jail cells you live in. We have a couple of heroes who are standing up, but they are loosing. Why? Because they are outnumbered.

You asked me what you all need to do? Stand up together. Say no. At the moment you all are not unified. The best way for you all to get out of this mess is to be on the same page. You all are not.

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I resist everyday.

I resist with my purchases and do not support globalist groups or GMO food.

I resist with my rigged vote, living in CT isn't easy.

I resist in any way I can imagine.

I contribute monthly to many groups.

I am currently helping to support WeThePatriots.org

They are fighting to knock down a tyrannical "law" removing Religious exemptions for childhood vaccinations in order for my child to attend public school.

We've homeschooled my child going on 6 years.

We may just go the whole way with it.

I think many are standing up and resisting.

But it isn't enough.

We voted in 2016 and were on a good path, but evil regrouped and the machine worked over time to rig the 2020 fiasco.

Our money is alsmot worthless, they print it out of thin air.

I've done protests and petitions until I am blue in the face.

Nothing changes.

I'm an independent slave, I see the bars of the cell.

We were just attacked with a government designed bio-weapon.

I resisted, no mask ever, no jabs, nothing.

But here we are.. waiting for the CBDC to control my buying and electric cars to control my movements and we do nothing.

I pray a lot.

I find we are being left with little options and those options are not ones that most folks can stomach.

Even if those options were deployed it would create a vaccuum, and evil corruption would simply fill in the holes.

I have no remedy.

I only have my personal decisions and personal fights.

They've divided so much.

I see you are divided as well, R's and D's.

I don't buy into the 2 party duopoly.

There is right and wrong.


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How well is that working out? I say you have until 2025 to 28 to enjoy your peace. The elites will create another pandemic if you all dont do anything.

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Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Your remakrs imply you are above it all.

Please explain or perhaps I am misunderstanding your attitude.

All I see you doing is typing shit online..

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This interesting banter points toward two aspects that, rather than being opposed, must be marshaled and made to work in harmony --- for instance, as many physiological processes [exhibit], or, as Heraclitus observed: " There is harmony in tension, as in the bow and lyre." One [pole] is the need for leadership, and the other is in the need for independent, bottom-up agency and self-initiative. Both must advance. Internet "personalities," podcasters [and] writers of all sorts -- even when presenting good ideas and analyses -- have told me that they focus solely on analyses and avoid "action" statements for fear of the government of other forces. I have proposed broadcasts schooling people on"action" (all legal and moral action, by the way --- as is protected by the Constitution) and some of these quit taking my calls or [they shun] me. [So be it.] These people, you might begin to suspect, are blowhards and cowards, or that their operation, institutional/corporate gig, or knockin' down has developed a life of its own --- you know, "kids to feed." Sometimes, too, it makes you wonder whether [or not] they m[ight] be paid opposition. These people [may be] like the control rods in a nuclear reactor that absorb energy and keep the intended reaction from "going runaway critical."

Like you, Chewy, I explore, on my own, things that I can do locally while also speaking in ways that I can, broadly. Interestingly, the windbags are dismissive of hearing about these things. That is, again, in itself interesting and -- perhaps -- diagnostic.

Beware, as I think you are, of people who raise the excitement and then are disparaging. These do not even have to be supposed to be agent provocateurs. I have observed that there are these pot-stirrers who like to see a schoolyard fight, but then run away when they sense themselves being pulled into it.

I think the broad AND local, leadership of the self-initiating, long-term PLUS short-term tension (which we have not talked about here, yet) are the ways to build.

I must say that I [have] tried in local churches and with local sheriffs --- these people are for the most part already captured territory. Our opponents are not dummies and they have been at work on this for some time. Now, we just have to figure out ways of making all of th[is] effort of their[s] to [---] come to naught.

One huge impediment, especially since 9-11, is that the powers that be have insinuated distrust. I saw this in stark relief because I left the U.S. several days before the attack on the WTC and only returned three years later. What I experienced was staggering. Americans had been turned on each other! Some suspect, and do so with good reason, that this was part of the plan. That whole "see something, say something" junk caused every petty tyrant in a government office, church-lady, or nasty neighbor overdosing on cop shows and Rambo-style movies, to turn her twisted, paranoid weapons on perfectly trustworthy people, perhaps ESPECIALLY trustworthy people as a means of tak[ing] down by a few rungs the virtuous people they are jealous of.

Expect this. No good deed goes unpunished. But fear not, from what I see, these types of malicious good-for-nothings, one-by-one, [and] in due time, reap what they sow --- with a thousand-fold "profit." Pray for them, their plight is destined for misery, and is so purely at their own hand.

It has cost me, but I have chosen to use my own name. I understand when people choose to be anonymous, but at some point, we have to be able to find each other. Of course, due diligence and ample time and situational testing is necessary.

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This is why nothing gets solved correctly or fairly. Silly me i never knew Judges were really crooked at a high leve till Trump. I know at lower city levels they are so why not the top right? I see no way hes getting out of this one unless they can get the trial switched to non political area. I saw they want to move to W Va doubt that will happen. I mean they got him down to the wire. My problem is, im pretty sure hes not sqeaky clean his ego is to large. But where is that line? We will never know the truth not even from Trump. Is it over yet? wake me

Thank Mr. JD Rucker, have a great day everyone be safe

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It's a clear conflict of interest, and it should be nullified by a higher court. It proves what we already knew--the left will do even dishonest and unethical things to get and keep power.

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My neighbor, a very committed Democrat, has her head buried in the sand and refuses to see what's happened to her beloved party.

As long as we have a biased press and compromised social media who are intimidated by Democratic bullying, we are doomed to become one more ignorant victim of the communist takeover.

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I feel like I am literally surrounded by a sleeping democratic neighborhood...I get what you are saying/feeling. It truly amazes me how so many will not open their eyes to all this corruption.

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To their defense, they really have no idea what is going on. Their news' feeds do not mention any of the things we have learned. None of it. That's part of the frustration. And try telling them something outside of their awareness - sound like a crazy person and/or they lose it. Censorship, like a well-oiled machine, is working as designed.

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Despite the facts re a corrupted DOJ, we need to scrutinize the C.O.G. and war manual to better understand how the gears align --especially when looking at deep state operatives like the O'Briben' gangsters. CALL FOR WHITE HATS ASAP.

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I think around fifty years ago; I wondered if Continuity of Government was running everything from the back room, and what we were watching was like Plato’s Cave. Wasn’t it odd they whispered, “Our Nation is under attack” in George W.’s ear instead of whisking him to a more secure location? The most senior members don’t change with each administration; and are more than likely, appointed for life.

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I've wondered as well...after 63's coup...who's really been in charge? There's evidence that the faction running the "show" certainly seem diabolically anti-humanist. Although much of the Tele-programming was also social engineering and behavior mod(to varying degrees expressing good samartian values sometimes--as in Andy Griffith Show). On the other hand--war reports from 'Nam just kept the entire false narrative going(MIC profit schedule). Many dots to connect in this regard... pax

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

The official story they give is, they have hardened facilities for your elected officials. They even let you tour the older ones, the ones they’ve already replaced. They don’t tell you they have replacements for the occupants, as well.

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An honest judge would recuse themselves.

But this is a Democrat.

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So much for an American Law system…NO DIFFERENT THAN Communist Rule ! When will we Prosecute the REAL CRIMINALS?

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She is on the list....

Maybe at the top...

I will not say what list...

But it's not my holiday shopping list.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

The left and their pals in the Deep State think they have scored s big one. This will backfire. The bottom line is thst the election was stolen. This will be the first time the evidence will be presented in a high profile public trial. Unless Trumps lawyers completely mess up, this will exonerate Trump and clean up election cheating so it does not happen again in 2024. Evidence:


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The timing was impeccable. Besides the conservative news/talk shows getting caught up in the latest attack on Trump, liberal outlets were given enough fodder to ignore the Biden story altogether. Perfect!

Let's see now...Lies about Covid, the bogus (s)election of 2020, the insurrection that never was, laundering money and depleting our arsenal in Ukraine, denying deaths and adverse reactions from the bioweapon, The Bidens, CRT, LGBTQ, DIE, ESG, BLM, tranny shows, the weather, Trump, Trump indictments, useless Congressional hearings ad nauseum, normalizing psychiatric disorders harming children and young people....what have I missed? It's enough to drive a person mad. Oh,, now I see - that's the point!

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American Courts are pseudo courts or fictions and simply are Corporate Administrative Offices designed to resemble Courts and all of their Judges are simply Executive Administrators designed to resemble Judges.

The purpose of these pseudo Corporate Courts are only to settle contract disputes and since George Washington's government was military in structure. If either party refuses to participate, these Courts cannot become involved and the dispute is dead in the water! My use of the term "dead in the water" is not a canard because these pseudo Courts are unconstitutional Courts of Admiralty, the International Law of the Sea!

The Washington Monument was completed in 1884, as a tribute to George Washington and his military government, which is actually a sea-level obelisk that infers that all of America is "under water" and thus subject to the Laws of Admiralty as opposed or contrary to the intended Constitutional Civilian Government under

Common Law.

You want truth about where you actually live or do you want to continue living in this Godless trap of a society?


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Glory Be to God in the highest; there's at least one Journalist getting a grip. STOP ZOMBIFYING THE PEOPLE BY FOLLOWING THE CORPORATE MEDIA OUTLETS YAPPING, SQUAWKING, SCREEMING ABOUT THE DISTRACTIONS, DIVERSIONS, REDIRECT of ATTENTION. Leave Trump reports at the bottom of the Daily and only use one sentence to report choosing innocuous, benign words IF REPORTING ANYTHING AT ALL.

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Sorry your boy is finally getting his ass hung out to dry. You may like Trump for whatever reasons, none of them democracy supporting, but stop attacking a judge because he/she is not one who is playing your political game. Actually you should be quite happy that this judge is not part of the reactionary tribe Trump bullied onto the SCOTUS. Perhaps it is time to join your confreres who have come out to declare Trump's lies and tactics don't even meet GOP standards unless they are part of the insane wing that has gained so much power within that Party. To note, regardless of how you may feel on any given issue, which is your right, the bottom line needs to be supporting the Constitution and rule of law and not supporting criminal behavior--unless of course you like Trump's demand for his totalitarian rule. Then we are in major oppostion

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You must be infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The only cure for you would be to wake up in some disgusting 3rd world communist hell hole where you will wish for the good old days of the Trump administration. Right now you (and all of us) are just one election away from becoming that Hell Hole!!!

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thanks for the love. maybe one day you will learn how to communicate without all your hate. then maybe you will also learn that your beliefs are based on Trump/GOP lies and propaganda that seek to destroy your income and ability to function with any civil liberties left.

FYI, there are choices other than Fascist GOP reactionaries and Centrist Dems but you need an open mind to learn about them

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Sweetheart...drop the comedically phony *be kind* karen theatrics. YOU launched a full frontal assault on the intellect, integrity and honesty of anyone who does not share your comically absurd derangement and willful contempt for facts. When YOU *communicate* through lies, slanders, unhinged and ungrounded opinions absurdly masked as objective fact....plainly put, when you lie, YOU are indulging in cowardly malice of your own. Grow up. This isn't 7th grade, and you aren't passing gossipy notes to your mean girl cohorts, here.

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HAHAHA "communicate without all your hate."

1) Obvious lefty tactic to call/bind as "hate speech" any opinion you don't like.

2) Carol's reply to you was no more "hateful" than what you wrote.

Please feel free to comment in the room, but leave your damned high horse outside.

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Although, I’m still out on IF Trump knew about the DOD bioweapon. The fact that he still stands by it disgusts me. Trump started the mess.

I will never vote again at 59. I trust no government entity.

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He had to know about it as he decided to keep funding G-O-F. Of course we know how he refused to listen to his advisors as they kept reporting. It is sad that you won't vote again but if you maintain that position, I hope you find ways to work on creating solutions to the problems we have in this country. Fascism supported by both Parties is really the biggest one.

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My answer to ALL: God

If every person had God, we wouldn’t be in this position. LOVE sounds corny, but it’s the answer.

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Again, you lie. Dr Birx, sweetie, publicly---in a televised interview and in her book---admits that she intentionally lied to Trump about everything. The efficacy of the jabs, the fake science of lockdowns and the absurdity of social distancing. So the *they* you allude to as you dissemble on, are known to have lied. Fauci, of course, is being criminally referred for his proven lies involving both the funding of the Wuhan labs, and the origin of the covid virus.

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Are you practicing for a gig at Babylon Bee, karen? Name the ...lol...*totalitarian rules*, no matter deeply marinated those said *rules* are marinated in your lethal TDS. Name them. Woman up, karen, and don't try to lie your way through your *proof*, because I guarantee you are no match for even the little toenails on most of us. Yours is a rant worthy of the medieval intellect and emotional issues of the Salem witch accusers.

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Jack Smith has been described as a professional Hit Man! He's no lawyer...most of his cases are Losers and get overturned. Sounds like just the man the Mafia Boss in the White House would hire.

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According to Jonathan Turley yesterday. it still does not mean he cannot be elected and hold office.

He just has to get there.!

Election fraud still stands in the way.

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Remember all those cases Trump filed alleging election fraud that were dismissed? His lawyers will get a chance to air all of it in this case. Thanks Jack! Go ahead and prove more people voted for Biden than any other president ever.

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Not only will Trump have the right and authority to conduct discovery, the Feds are boxed into a corner. They allege *fraud* ( which, of course is their obscenely unhinged reframing of free and protected speech ); it will now be incumbent on them to prove the fraud, ie., proving a negative. At the same time, Trump now also will have the platform to publicly produce proof, or the reasonable supposition of that, of all the instances of suspected/known election fraud. As maddening as this show trial is, it has to backfire on the feds, they really didn't think this through.

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Kind of Bidenesque...

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