Excellent post.

I'd argue 2022 is worse. They -- both parties, plus Fake News, the New World Order, and Big Tech -- don't even care if we all know the elections are being stolen.

How do you win an election without campaigning? Easy answer: You run it yourself.

Stalin said: "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count, decide everything." An obvious truth, and with Arizona being the poster child for stolen elections. Again!!! Governor Ducey should resign, and they should have a fair honest election with paper ballots and results the same day WITHOUT ONE OF THE CANDIDATES RUNNING THE ELECTION.

Why can't this be fixed? There are mountains of evidence, but where can you find an honest judge to hear the election fraud cases in a nation where Supreme Court judges got death threats and had their homes attacked by mobs -- with no consequences.

If you were a judge -- knowing that a Congress & DOJ who declined to protect the SOCTUS would NOT protect you or your family, and that you'd be demonized and Borked -- would you dare stand up for justice? Fat chance!!!

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Please share and repost all over. Thank you.

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Now it comes a very important question: how you make at least one million, not 3 million americans to get out of their comfy chairs and join together in such a protest.

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Why would people vote when the GOP did nothing against voter fraud the last 2 years!!!! They are getting demoralized!!!! Now the senate and house gop is keeping the same leaders!!!!

DeSantis did not remove election electronics from the voting process in Florida!!!!! He could of been a leader on this but did not!!!!! To me DeSantis is no better than kemp now!!!!

My fear is they will use these same cheating machines and mail in ballots to get rid of trump in the primaries/ next election again!!!!!

Shame on red state governors for doing nothing the last 2 years!!!! That includes rino DeSantis!!!!!

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They have done nothing about it for over 6 years. Worse yet, they had the House, Senate and the Presidency in 2016. Trump/Pence appointed a committee to analyze and purportedly fix the broken election system but disbanded it after being pressured by politicians. Neither political party is willing to change the status quo. They prefer it.

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The elections were, in fact stolen. And we need to shout it from the rooftops.

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I'm ready. We need to follow Brazil. The problem is these wonderful Republican candidates fold like a cheap suit. They write Dear John letters conceding and sucking up to their opponents . But, they bothered me asking for donations everyday. Mastriano in PA conceding with his letter made me sick to my stomach. He claims to be a Christian and excepted a lie. That's why we get nowhere.

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Couldn't agree with you more on following Brazil's lead. It is so hard for me to just sit here and watch our Republican "leaders" sitting in their coveted perches while completely ignoring the promises and oaths they took. It is sickening to behold what is going on. As tumultuous as the current office holders and media make it, I do long for the time when President Trump is back in office fighting to drain the sewage that has taken us over.

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Yes, for sure. Sewage and Rot.

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Kari Lake has been suspiciously quiet; I believe she's on to something and does not want to tip-off the Slimes on the Left. Quite possibly, there are a large number of Republican voters whose votes were never counted. My instincts are that irrefutable evidence is being collected - and will be presented - soon.

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I have had some thoughts along those lines too. However I found out today why so many Republican politicians have been quiet for so long.


There is a video on rumble explaining it too.


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Listened to the video; the GOP has done a lot of really stupid things, huh? The 35 year probation expired 5 years ago ... so what's their excuse, now?

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Oh I make 0 excuses for anything that they do, I just want to know the actual facts. I do know as of late there are too many democrats sitting in senate and Congress hiding behind the Republican mask. That is the fact of why we have been taken over by the verified communist card holding democrats of America. There was at one point people who would actively call out those people and keep the movement at bay, but I think in the last fifty years they have become more organized and strategic with their plans to take America down. It is paramount this generation forward is awake and educated most importantly about the constitution and what communism does to freedom.

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For two years all I have been hearing is "the election was stolen but we will get them in 22" lol... how did that work out? Countdown to "we'll get them in 24!"

Once elections are stolen... it is too late to vote. Why in the world would an election ever be honest again? Are the people who stole it going to fix it?

It is time actually do something folks. Nobody has to storm DC or even take a day off. Go to HR tomorrow and end your withholding. Stop paying your tormentors to torment you.

Then do a real protest. Stop paying taxes.

Talk talk talk. So very tiresome. Real solutions or STFU

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God bless you for your honestly, courage and faith. Keep fighting. We out here can only do so much, but we will support you in any way we can (I will upgrade to paid as soon as I finish writing this). You are a leader and an inspiration, my brother. With God's help, we will save this country.

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There is no doubt. They used an algorithm and allowed just the right number of conservative candidates to win, I.e. the minimum number required that they believed they could get away with. Certain key races like NY and AZ were outright stolen as was the mayors race in LA.

We all know it but can’t prove it. We have no access to data, ballots, how the count was performed. By design, it is secret and off limits to us. Laws were put into effect particularly in swing states to allow the powers that be more time and ability to fudge the data in a believable way, the process is antiquated and no one says a word.

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In years to come if we don’t get rid of all mechanical voting/tabulators there’s no chance for fairness, integrity, or freeness. Strong integrity and incorruptibility are near impossible qualities possessed by folks these days. I know it is a must. That’s just a base of what is needed for the possibility of elections with a somewhat honest outcome. Then you’d have to make uniform election laws that could never be broken and the harshest punishments sought for those who do, no second chances. Another problem is the poor education most states provide to election workers. For instance my state offers a two week training that is held at a resort and out of 2 weeks they watch 2 one hour long training videos. That’s it. The rest of the time is basically a free luxury vacation funded wholly by none other than George Soros. Who also is the man who funded the ERIC voter rolls management system that has all our personal data wrapped into it, many states have enrolled and paid for this. It’s an endless mind warping tragic theft of our country.

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How embarrassing. Brazilians are in the streets by the millions protesting a stolen election Biden bragged about interfering in while Americans just say "oh well" and pretend the 2022 Midterm went just fine!


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Thank you for saying that this is a stolen election period! And calling out the alternative media people who called it as abortion rights, trump, or we didn’t want it bad enough. That is all BS! It was stolen in precinct after precinct. The machines and the mail ins, not to mention, the days to vote are their tools for stealing elections. We have got to prove it and these people have to be held to the highest degree of the law.

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Please share and repost all over. Thank you.

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I really don't see God intervening and I can't blame him. We've pigeonholed God to one hour a week of church, if that. If you stop inviting God to the national conversation, why would God keep showing up? Even His mercy has limits.

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God gave humans free will. If we screw this up, it's on us. If we work to fix this evil, he will help.

Our little E-book, "Mindless War: Prism Truth #1" discusses this.

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I believe that. It was always on us. God is perfect. We are not. All we can do is invite God into our daily lives and ask his protection against the world's slings and arrows. It's just hard to not to let it dishearten you sometimes. It's such a great gift and people continually find more reasons to reject it than to accept it. I continue to pray God moves the hearts of the masses.

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This is an epic tragedy from which I see no escape. The government-corporate partnership can only be beaten at the ballot box, they know this and hence the rigged election. The people's only defense has been removed. What else is left? The options are capitulation or unthinkable. My guess is capitulation will win the day. This sets up a US as an entity that operates just like China. The next battle will be between the west and China. Why does the US government think it can beat China by trying to be like China rather than sticking to it's moral founding? My prediction is that the US will suffer a massive kinetic loss at some point. Before then, it will also suffer through other great tragedies - economic, health, and security.

Arizona was a critical lynch-pin to move their plan forward because AZ has a significant boarder. They aren't hunting for electoral votes, they need to get another 20 or 30 million migrants into the country.

The quality of life will continue to degrade in the US under this tyranny and oppression. This is how you destroy the USA, slowly, pandering to the greed and selfish tendencies of the political and corporate elite. This Greek tragedy rhymes harmoniously with the fall of Rome. The sad thing is that this was all done using the people's credit card (FTX). It like using someone's gun to shoot them and their family. Then placing the gun back in their hands and calling it a murder suicide.

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Great piece. Unfortunately, there’s probably a 99% chance these stolen “selections” will stand. The do over demand in AZ might have a chance if millions of we the sheeple would revolt but I’m not holding my breath.

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International consequences too.

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