Jan 28Liked by JD Rucker

I've been saying the GOP have been treating the whole campaign incorrectly for a couple of years now. Instead of saying the Biden regime they should have been saying the "Democrat machine has told Biden to..." .

Once they install another candidate the new one can simply disavow everything that's been done. Once elected they will continue to do what they once disavowed - it's the Democrat way.

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Jan 28Liked by JD Rucker

Vey interesting! You are dead right. We must be careful of our words. They are always a step head of us

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If The Dummy is going to still be on the 2024 ticket, then that proves the elections will be rigged. That is if we even have any elections.

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thank you Mr. JD Rucker, for me, i dont know why everyone is saying Trumps a shoe in got things wrapped up. In normal life yes but we been down this road once and nothing has changed so whats going on here? Am i the only one who says there will not be an Election? Dems cant take the chance their ilegals schemes wont work. Have a great week everyone be safe

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Smart tactical point JD! I agree.

But She? Woman? If Michelle (aka Michael) is elected, we’ll have the first tran president. I think we need to start looking at whether he officially changed names in paperwork. Does your official name have to be on the ballot?

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In 2020 the DNC had to manufacture 30 million votes to beat Trump. If Biden is the 2024 nominee, they will need to manufacture at least 40 million votes. If Biden is replaced, the DNC will still need to manufacture 25 million votes. Replacing Biden makes sense. Can the DNC manufacture 25 million votes or will they find a reason to cancel the Election?

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I believe the best, and possibly only weapon we have in our arsenal is truth. The only way truth becomes a viable weapon is if it defies the narrative and is presented in the most factual and vivid means.

It is a foregone conclusion to anyone paying attention that the O'BloMe first "family" was an arranged group of nondescript mongrels and bastard children from unknown origins. If you feel the children were theirs, then the entire "flaming homosexual vs. recently 'transformed' man" union becomes the topic, and you get to discuss men delivering babies.

Since the DemonRats elected to ignore the vetting of this charade of a POTUS candidate and family prior to election, it falls on us to yell the truth as loudly as we can holler.

Truth will halt this election ploy. I believe the vast majority of "Muricans will be sick to their stomachs when they finally accept what was foisted upon Americans in 2008 and continues to this day, and reject this corruption if presented once again. I believe we must stick to our own narrative, which is the brutal and disgusting truth about these deviant criminal perv's.

It is not a SHE, SHE is not Michelle, SHE is a man (and one ugly-assed woman, BTW) and O'BloMe is a flaming 'mo and ex-"butt hustler" who frequented 'mo bath houses prior to his short Senate run, not very likely to father children even if Big Mike were a woman.

This has been the biggest and most disgusting scam foisted on the American people of all time, and continues to this very day.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Oh wow, a great and important point!

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Don't act like she/he is already taking over our Country. Don't just throw those words out there.

Our Country is in serious trouble.

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The next satanic follower they pit into place will be smelling like ROSES compared to biden. They will.say oh it was Biden the old fool, we tried to help him, be polite, but he is just an old man and we could not change it the age and his antics and his craaazy addicted son.. oh we tried so hard to help because you know we are good people.. we understand illness,, addiction,, age....we even helped Hunter in rehab! But he just couldn't help it and brought coke into the WH.

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The stupidity of most voters is legend....

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Hasn't (her/his) Marxist husband done enough damage to destroy the USA. She/He is too

lazy to run.

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When will the GOP ever get un-stupid? It's a ship with no compass. or sails.

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Excellent. When dealing with any problem definition is required. Biden/Harris isn't the problem, they're the symptom! The leftist themes, schemes, and disasters created by the Democrat party is the problem, along with their hidden handlers like George Soros. That's the problem and that's the target.

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This is what I’ve been saying all along. I think the threat is real. Also, if nothing substantial is done to address the significant election integrity issues, 2024 will be stolen by D.C. surrogates just like 2020 was.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28

yup...Newsome (nee Pelosi) and Michelle Obama as vp....they will be installed with no democrat votes and then potentially "elected" with millions of fake democrat votes by mail

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