The only problem the Globalist have is that most if not all reports of Western Media are proven propaganda. Western countries have a big corruption problem and their “trusted news” is still propaganda not backed by facts.

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Rand Paul seems to be the only Senator willing to put forth an effort to stop sending $40 billion of US taxpayer funds to support a corrupt Ukranian leader that is part of the globalist agenda. Isn't it interesting how the historically anti-war left have given 100% support to the war effort in Ukraine and the military industrial complex. Rand Paul is an America First patriot.

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Whether or not it was orchestrated from the start, the Ukraine war has provided the WEF with a hero for the suckers and future serfs.

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Thank you once again JD. Insightful and truly prophetic!

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Rand Paul 2024 ?

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13 May 2022 by Larry Johnson 35 Comments

If you want to know how the war is going in Ukraine, you only needed to take note of one piece of “news” today–Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called his Russian counterpart:

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart for the first time since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Pentagon announced on Friday.

The call lasted approximately an hour and was at the request of Austin, who used the first call between the two in 84 days to urge Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to implement an “immediate ceasefire,” according to a brief readout of the call. The two last spoke on February 18, a week before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine.


If Russia was losing or completely stuck in Ukraine, one would expect that Sergei Shoigu would be the guy calling Austin and begging for mercy. Well, that is not what happened. It was Austin that placed the call, apparently unconcerned about his recent public call to weaken Russia. Why would Austin urge Shoigu to implement an “immediate ceasefire” if Russia was getting its ass kicked? Russia getting whipped by Ukraine is exactly what Austin has called for. Remember?

“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine. . .”

If Russia is on the ropes, why call off the beating? You call off the fight when its your guy getting pummeled. The Russian offensive in the Donbass has ramped up significantly in the last week and it is carving up entrenched Ukrainian units with no hope of being reinforced or rescued by a counter-offensive.

I want to show you a false battle map that is representative of the disinformation being fed to a gullible audience in America and Europe. This map was published by a goofy chick, Ashley Cornell, who betrays her ignorance of the military situation and failed to fact check the wild claims from “war expert” Justin Bronk:

War expert Justin Bronk says ailing Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine is FAILING

Let me highlight the lies for you. Start with Snake Island:

Russia suffers losses trying to secure the island after a series of Ukrainian attacks.

WRONG!! The Ukrainians tried and failed to take the tiny rock on the even of the Liberation Day celebrations in Russia on 9 May. Ukraine lost big–the death of more than 60 Ukrainian marines and members of elite AFU units, four fixed wing combat aircraft, 10 helicopters, 3 boats and 30 unmanned aerial vehicles. The Russians knew the attack was coming and were lying in wait. They apparently put some bait on the barren rock–some sophisticated missiles–to attract the Ukrainians. It worked.

Heavy bombardment continues at Azovstal as last defenders hold out.

DELIBERATELY MISLEADING. Yes, bombs and missiles continue to rain down on those parts of the Azovstal steel plant where a shrinking number of Azov battalion fanatics hunker down and send out video pleas for rescue. The a few of the wives of the men trapped in the bowels of Azovstal are now on social media begging for someone to save their guys. Here is one of the ladies, who previously posted a photo of her in her combat pose. The second image–she’s weeping for her man–showed up this week.



The situation in Mariupol is returning to normal and Russia controls the city. The Russians are restoring electrical and water services and providing food to the population.

Ukrainian counter-attack reaches Russian border and threatens to break Donbas supply line.

LIE–The Ukrainians have not reached the Russian border and at least one Russian Battalion Tactical Group has crossed the Severs Donetsk river and are expanding their position south toward Kharkiv. But this is a sideshow. The area is isolated and there is only one significant road running from Kharkiv to Belgorod in Russia.

DOUBLE LIE–There is zero threat to the “DONBAS SUPPLY LINE.” Those lines are south and east of Kharkiv. Just look at the map–the Donbas with the city of Luhansk is prominently displayed. Kharkiv is 230 miles northwest of Luhansk.

The map does get two things right–the Russia has taken Avdiivka and has surrounded Ukrainian troops at Severodonetsk. It is because of the progress Russia is making in the Donetsk that Lloyd Austin called Sergei Shoigu to beg for some mercy. I suspect that General Shoigu told Austin, идите стучите по песку (which is Russian for “go pound sand.”)

One more observation regarding the supposed defeat of the Russians north of Kharkiv on the border of Russia. The people writing on this cannot even get their facts straight about the size of a Russian Battalion Tactical Group aka BTG. Here are three different “experts” with their numbers:

Each Russian Battalion (BTG) tactical group has around 700-900 soldiers (Justin Bronk)

According to the DOD on 18 April there are almost a dozen BTGs in Mariupol. As each BTG has about 200 infantry, then 11 x 200 gives us 2,200 infantry. (Christopher Lawrence, Dupuy Institute)

A Russian battalion tactical group consists of about 1,000 troops. (Associated Press)

The western media has been crowing about the mighty Ukrainians wiping out a Russian BTG. Yet no photos of Russian medical units recovering the dead and wounded from the battle site have been published on Ukrainian or Russian sites. But let us assume the claim is true–the Ukrainians reportedly ambushed and defeated one BTG. It is meaningless as far as the progress of the Russian war effort is concerned. If the Russians were concerned about the battle over a pontoon bridge they would have deployed fixed wing and rotary wing support aircraft armed with rockets and delivered an artillery barrage on the attacking Ukrainians. That apparently did not happen either.

I am not privy to Russian war plans. But I do know that Russia would be rushing reinforcements to the area if this was an important battle. They are not. Even more telling is you are not seeing video and photos of a Ukrainian horde pouring over the Russian border. This looks to me like one more failed attempt reminiscent of Weekend at Bernie’s–propping up a Ukrainian corpse and pretending it is alive.

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And now, I'm not sure whether it was today or yesterday 300 or so Ukranian soldier in Mariupol surrendered to the Russian Forces. So, obviously Russia was winning. How's that hero thing working out for Zelensky? It was obvious from the beginning that he was no hero.

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Ukraine is a dumping ground for global cabalists to launder monies; one reason millions are remanded there supposedly for aid. The only aid is in the government cartel pockets.

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Anti-Russian Sanctions Will Prompt New World Order – Medvedev

By RT News

A new global security architecture will emerge following the collapse of the US-centered world, the former Russian president said.

The severe sanctions imposed on Russia by the US and its allies over the conflict in Ukraine will change the existing world order, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed.

Medvedev, who is now the deputy chairman of his country’s Security Council, took to Telegram on Friday to point out possible effects of the restrictions that hurt not only Russia, but also those who impose them and the international community as a whole.

A number of “global supply chains” are going to be destroyed by the sanctions, risking “a major logistical crisis,” the official wrote, adding that some Western airlines may also go broke due to being unable to use Russian airspace.

The energy crises in the states that have slapped “self-harming” sanctions on Russian oil and gas will worsen, with energy prices continuing to grow, he predicted.

“A full-fledged international food crisis will emerge with the prospect of famine in individual states.”

Instability of national currencies, galloping inflation, and the destruction of legal protections for private property will lead to monetary and financial emergencies, affecting individual countries or whole international blocs, Medvedev said.

“New regional conflicts will break out” in places where tensions have remained unresolved for decades, while “the terrorists will increase their activities thinking that the attention of the Western governments is being distracted by wrangling with Russia,” he wrote.

According to Medvedev, new epidemics could start due to unfair international cooperation in the area and “direct facts of the use of biological weapons.”

Many international bodies, which have proven themselves ineffective in their attempts to settle the Ukrainian conflict, are going to decay, he said, singling out the main European human rights organization, the Council of Europe.

“New international alliances of countries will be formed – based on pragmatic rather than ideological Anglo-Saxon principles.”

In the end, a new security architecture will be created that acknowledges the “weakness of Westernized concepts of international relations,” “the collapse of the American-centered world” and “the existence of internationally respected interests of the countries, which are going through an acute phase of their contradictions with the West,” Medvedev wrote.

The US, EU and some others have slapped several rounds of unprecedented economic sanctions on Moscow since it launched its military offensive in Ukraine. Among other measures, the foreign assets of the Russian Central Bank and various other entities and businessmen have been frozen. Meanwhile, Russia was effectively cut off from the dollar- and euro-dominated money markets, and a wide array of foreign businesses have stopped dealing with the country.

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Zalensky is a Zionist as well - all roads lead to Jerusalem

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Zelensky is no Zionist, he's barely a Jew. He's a JINO. Jew in name only. Only when convenient. Do you even know the definition of Zionism? I doubt it. It merely means: That the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancestral homeland in peace and security. As set out in the San Remo Declaration and the Balfour Declaration. It has nothing to with the ridiculous myth of taking over the world. So, stop using Zionism as if it were a dirty word. Do Germans have a right to their county, do Americans have a right to their country? Do any people have a right to their country? And don't give me the Palestinian argument . The so called Palestinians are Arabs that came to what was called Palestine, under the British, when the Jews started coming back to the land to settle it in the late 1800's and early 1900's to get work and and ended up staying there. After the State was declared the Arabs that wanted to stay became Israeli citizens. The others found a way to make a cause celeb out of the so called refugees and the rest is history. Now there is nothing but terrorism daily on Israel's who are murdered for no other reason that they are Israeli and Jews. I could write a novel her, but its not the place, and it's pointless, you would not change your mind anyway.

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