So they'd rather have Agenda 2030? Yeah, if people really knew what it was all about, they'd run for the hills; both left and right.

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Not only would they rather have it, they actively support every part of it.

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You're correct. The dumbocraps want Agenda 2030 VERY badly, because they see themselves as rulers of the Earth, with us as their peons/slaves doing their bidding.

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This really tells you that the dems have NOTHING left in the tank. They have been out of any good ideas for decades, don't have ANY credible candidates and now the legacy media is throwing Biden under the bus. Unless you want a Kamala, good luck in getting the 240 million. It can be done but with great difficulty. I'm not feeling the least bit sorry for a party that puts lie upon lie to deceive the public. Good riddens to a corrupt party!

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True. But this makes them especially dangerous. What won't they try?

They are unethical, immoral, sociopathic, even psychotic. They are highly likely to try extreme measures again. Within mere hours of calling for (su propio calienta cabeza comportamiento) last weekend, he was again calling his opponent a nazi and dangerous for the democracy, even while we have a Republic. What won't the extremely desperate do?

Everyone needs to be aware.

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Don't forget they've got the ~20 million illegals that will not only vote as told, but will serve as the standing army to kill us.

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Illegals are definitely a concern...however, we forget not all are bad, most don't have guns, or enough means to get them. You forgot to add all the dangerous criminals they set free during rona due to overcrowding. 🙄 And they NEVER send rapist or pedophiles to prison long enough if at all! It's disgusting! Our judicial system is GARBAGE at best!

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You are correct. However, I'm concerned with the many Chinese, and others, young military aged men that they have, more than happily, allowed in. Sleeper cells. Our illustrious overlords in DC will generously supply the fire power to kill us off, force us into their concentration camps, or 15 minute cities (whatever hell they dream up for us).

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Oh for sure!!! Remember the plane FULL of young Afghanistan debacle that was SUPPOSED to be women and children?! Holding onto plane legs and falling to their deaths?! I'm sure due to hoping for the chance to murder us and die doing it for all those virgins they are promised! Which shows how damn dumb they are because who would choose virgins over experience?! If I die for something it better be well worth it and mind-blowing!!! 🤣 Couldn't resist!!! I'm sure my husband would agree. 🤭

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😂🤣 You funny! I'm not disagreeing! Just sayin'. You funny!

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

One point JD,

The laptop was in FBI custody for nearly a year, December of 2019 or earlier, and had been verified numerous ways as owned by Hunter Biden. There was no ambiguity.

They knew (along with the other 51 front page liars).

They just lied.

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Yes, Knutsen is both, gaslighting AND stupid.

It is difficult to estimate what these Dems/leftists will NOT do.

The media is particularly dangerous because it multiplies the effects of the lies and scare tactics of the Dems/leftists.

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They are ALL intentionally deceiving the American people. Those who are in the know, know. I, myself, had lots and lots of years of re-educating myself, reading true documentation. Not HIStory. It’s probably too late for you. Globalism has been actively unfolding since my birth, 1951, and in my lifetime, will be coming to fruition. They are actors. Deceivers. Inhumane treasonous conspirators.

Begin with Dr. John Coleman’s conspirators’ hierarchy; the committee

of 300.

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The only project or agenda I ever care about is the one that focuses on dismantling government and scattering it to the winds.

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SJW's ALWAYS LIE. Project 2025 is no different. It's actually quite good & Trump's team may be working w them on the plan to reduce size & scope of the Unelected Blob ~ https://rumble.com/v56d1ay-team-trump-is-quietly-helping-to-craft-project-25-thats-a-good-thing.html

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The bat**** crazy left has hit a new low in trashing Project 2025. President Trump is distancing himself from it, saying he likes parts of it and dislikes parts of it. They're trying their best to hang it around his neck. A brief description of the 4 pillars has no mention of “Republican”, and I doubt there is one in the whole 900 pages. My Feeling is that it's just a conservative road map to that Shining City on the Hill.

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You are exactly right. The corrupt cabal coupled with the corrupt journalists will lie to win. We all know that now. Vote anti establishment.

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Trump should SUE him for BILLIONS.

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Trump should SUE him for BILLIONS.

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It’s been a busy day:

This morning, I convinced people that they could save humanity by killing themselves with petroleum based mRNA injections.

This afternoon, I co-opted Liberals to support and finance the war machine aka The Military Industrial Complex.

My cocktail hour was interrupted by the failed assassination - aka Deep state fuck up.

But tomorrow I hope to make up for what has to be the biggest deep state fuck up in modern history by getting several enormous government contracts for building nuclear power plants.

I’m going to dog and pony the first round of the investor pitch that nuclear is a Tech Play.

You know … For The People

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Knutsen, another dumbass useful idiot the dems/media would turn on the millisecond it suits their purposes and he's too dumb to realize it.

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How about project 2027, throwing out every politician in America. And researching every single one and arresting them if they ever broke the law. And how about project 2028, drug testing everyone who works for the Federal Government. No warning and no do over.

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“Democrats have warned of the damage that Project 2025 could do to the federal government…” ,like limiting in any way, the ability to kill a whole bunch of infants in utero? Of course, democracy revolves around this issue.

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There's only one Agenda. Agenda 1776!

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