Wray and Garland along with all their cronies need removed from office and charged with treason. 🤬🤬🤬

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It is way past time to End The Fed?!?

So we now have proof the FBI was/is working for the Democrats & RINOs illegally & against We The People - American Citizens?!?

They should all be prosecuted!

Everyone involved!

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Why in the hell am I still paying taxes? They are using that money to commit crimes--against ME. It's ludicrous.

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Please explain how you think Discern TV will be able to break through the censorship. One America News OANN had money & viewership & ‘they’ managed to shut it down.

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The FBI didn't pay Twitter *💩*! The FBI forced you, me and every American taxpayer to pay Twitter to subvert the 2020 election and when that wasn't enough, the Democratic Party stole the rest. I *cannot* understand why every American taxpayer isn't in the D.C. streets making BLM look like the protesting amateurs they are. I'm so sick of struggling to keep everything I own and provide for my family's needs while D.C. spends our money freely on transgender research in Columbia and Pakistan and foreign wars in countries that aren't even military allies. It's all a sophisticated money laundering operation that taxpayers will be jailed for refusing to support. I'm so angry about our virtual enslavement by public "servants" who serve nobody but themselves. What will it take for the People to rise? If they're waiting for their children and guns to be targeted, look around you! It's happening right in front of our eyes, while government tells you that what you're seeing isn't real and you're a conspiracy theorist for seeing it. Stand up to tyranny, America!

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As with the cool million the FBI was offering for "confirmation" of the Steele dossier, where did these millions for Twitter come from? What budget line item covers such corruption? A Congress that was serious about defunding would demand to know. But then, the GOP is either unserious, cowardly, or both. Nothing will happen and the left knows it. They know their so-called opposition will never resort to the drastic actions needed to restore the Republic. All that's required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. And the GOP is definitely good for nothing.

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YEP, we have the CCP SCUMBAGGING in D.C.! Now you know why they tried to make Trump look Bad! He truly wants to make America Great Again! This time Don't Take Any Prisoners! You can clearly see that they'll Reoffend! Hanging Them On "Pay Per View" will do & could help pay off the National Debt! Then "Recycle" the Dirt Bags to hog farms for feed!

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"End the Fed" refers to getting rid of the Federal Reserve, not the FlB, but, I agree with that too.

Getting rid of the FEDeral government would be great too.

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The only way this is going to get out is for people to share it out. Corporate media will not report it, talk about it or shine any light on it whatsoever. It's up to the folks who read it on these alt-news sites to push it further.

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The Missouri and Louisiana AH Lawsuit should be a slam dunk now one would think

Haven't heard any recent news but the Judge seems "Interested"

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Thank you . Don't you find it depressing day after day writing about the same ole thing, things we know won't have the satisfactory outcome we want. Legal Process to be done, then fair Judges? I sure get that way at times and all i do is post News like yours on other Blog sites. :)

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"End The Fed" refers to the Federal Reserve, not the FIB, but I agree with that too.

Getting rid of the FEDeral Government would be great too.

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If Trump was President...

Then who actually runs The F.B.I.?

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Our book "Reality Prism" and the little pamphlet "Mindless War" tracks all this and more, suggesting solutions. We face perilous times.


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We must return Trump to the presidency immediately as we have all the proof that the election was stolen.

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Hang both Garland and Wray! They are treasonous, unAmerican traitors.

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