Maybe the people who aren't taking it seriously don't want to...and we should give them that freedom of choice. Cynical, I know. But the time and effort and passion that people like you invest in 'waking them up' seems to fall on deaf ears. It has become political to deny the inevitable reality. On the other hand, 'you're on your own, neighbor who didn't stock up' might not play well if someone is surrounded by communists....like many of us here in LA.

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How 'prepared" is well prepared and that is to say how can you measure what is well prepared, (weeks/months worth of this or that)because the circumstance could go on indefinitely at which point everyone will eventually run out of whatever it is they have.

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The worst part about this is being a parent to two very young, developing children. If what we all think could be coming, this is going to be scary times. I think the big question is how hard it hits the "developed" world vs the so-called third world. If it's very bad here, violence and chaos will escalate in ways we've never seen.

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I'm glad, it allowed me to get a year's worth of food and water purification. I blame the jabs, I've told people and they can't reason it

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