You nailed it!! An administration cannot be this bad and incompetent unless on purpose with a goal of destruction.

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Well said, scary but true, and the same is going on in most of the countries of the formerly known Free West.

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Never for a moment considered them as failing. They’re doing exactly as they were meant to, the same as Obama, the Bush’s, Reagan et al. Slow creep of totalitarianism over the decades. Make things good for people, give them plenty of entertainment and schools to send their kids to where they don’t have a clue what goes on, bcz life is good and they just don’t care, and they forget to pay attention to the important stuff.

It’s not just the administrations, either. It’s everyone within every agency, as well. Supposedly some of the brightest minds doing the dumbest things. I don’t have their level of education, but I’d never make most of the decisions they have. Common sense and foresight. They’re not all that stupid.

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Right! It’s going according to plan.

Nothing is accidental.

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I don't trust ANY politician, no exception no matter from what state of the Union. If I want any vaccine(s) , I'll ask for it whether purchasing is necessary or not but I will not volunteer against my will!

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Incompetent people occasionally get it right. No incompetent person gets it wrong this consistently. This is a plan and millions of Americans and billions of humans are going to die. I'm so frightened for my children. I've been prepping to the largest extent possible for the last two years and I'm fully aware it very probably won't be enough. Within 12 months, our country will be changed irrevocably. Oh, the government will feed you but if you want the carrot, you'll have to take the stick.

Welcome to all the worst parts of the Bible.


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I agree that mandating a nonsafe non-effective, of unknown ingredients product is wrong. I too don't trust trump for that reason. Will we get a leader that allows freedom, informed consent and choice? This death cult is easy to see now with SADS and cv infections highest in high injected populations. What leader will save us from this our own pathological mental illness?

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you one of the wisest bloggers out there....no matter your "side" , your perspective is truth

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J.D Rucker strikes again! Indeed, this is one of those objective journalistic master pieces of truth that need to be shared with everyone on your e-mail contact list. Scriptures teach...."My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

Here we are with Facts to be believed, warnings to be heeded, commands to be obeyed and promises to be received. But not from government. It is ironic how timing is everything and that there are no coincidences. Having watched John MacAruthur's message on Utube which so precisely aligns with the facts Rucker presents. Yet it illuminates so much so, that I am compelled to share some of the text in PDF format for all to read.

Moreover I also include the very video of that message which I watched which is most sobering as he exposes the realities of what the world and this country are facing. So take courage, the worst is yet to come, but grand finale assures the best of what is yet to follow and these evil ones will be destroyed for ever. everyone needs to remember that. So in part I share a portion of MacArthur's warnings along with some video links.

The title of his message is......



In reality the greatest threat to this nation is the government, the government. And I want to show you how we are to understand that. Turn to Romans 13, Romans 13. Listen carefully to what the apostle Paul said: “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it doesn’t bear the sword for nothing;for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” The role of the government is to restrain evil; and when it functions to restrain evil, it is fulfilling its God-ordained purpose.Please notice in verses 1 and 2 that government is from God, by God, of God. It is designed as a necessary restraint in a world of sinners. Verses 3 and 4 tell us it is not a threat to those whose behavior is good, but evil. It is those who do evil who should be afraid, not those who do good. In fact it offers praise to those who do good, and brings wrath on those who do evil. And rulers actually,according to verse 6, are servants of God, devoted to that service.

This is God’s design for government. The problem is, when government ceases to function by God’s design, it yields up its authority. The same would be true in a family. God’s design is that the father lead the family. When the father leads in a destructive and evil way, he yields up the right to exercise that God-given authority.And by the way just as a footnote, the man who wrote that, the apostle Paul, was in violation of the government more often than any other person in the entire New Testament. And when he went to preach the gospel, he was very often thrown in jail; and ultimately he was executed by the government that he refused to obey when it no longer functioned to protect good behavior and punish evil behavior.A second passage, 1 Peter chapter 2, and verses 13 and 14 will suffice, I think: “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him”—by the Lord—“for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.” There again we are to submit for the Lord’s sake. “What do you mean ‘the Lord’s sake’?” When the government is doing what the Lord designed it to do.When government turns the divine design on its head and protects those who do evil and makes those who do good afraid, it forfeits its divine purpose. In our world today rulers are designing a culture that protects the immoral. It even has reached the point where it desires to protect criminals,and makes those who do good afraid. When the criminals are unrestrained because they don’t fear the consequences, but the police are restrained because they fear the consequences of stopping criminals, you know everything is turned on its head. Our government is the source of lies and the protector of liars, and the enemy of those who speak the truth. It praises the evil and persecutes the good. So God’s design for government has been entirely corrupted.

As these divinely designed spheres of control in human society descend into chaos, the government will cease to function the way God designed it, and in fact it will become the enemy of the divine design. It will turn everything upside down. It will become the punisher of those who do good, like putting James Coates in prison for preaching but letting rioters go free.



Now I want you to understand that there’s some supernatural reasons why this is happening.

They’re not political. They’re not even social in the fullest measure.


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You left out destroying the following; our Military, Transportation Industry, Airline industry, school destruction. Corruption of our children, all the LGBT crap, changing definitions of vaccines, Destroying Freedom of speech, Destruction of our Medical system, trying to destroy our Constitution and our 2nd Amendment along with all the other Amendments, free speech, right to gather, considered free until proven guilty, Rights of Family and Parents, etc.

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And now it turns out the injections irreversibly change your DNA & affect fertility. Bio weapons indeed.

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Right on the money!

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Absolutely. They were picked purposely to cause mass destruction - Biden was always a nincompoop and the DNC was well aware of his lackluster reputation. Kamala was used for her gender and color and has otherwise been proven to be as incompetent as he. It’s perfect because when they’re gone, there will be bo one to blame or be angry at. Then some slick Rick like newsom will swoop in with his suave and charm and appear to be 180 degrees from this mess.

It’s all been strategized for years.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Maajid Mawaz has a track related to "Get Forced Out" with regard to the dumping of Boris Johnson, contending it's not what most think but rather the WEF types pushing out someone who failed to do their bidding as well as he should have while fooling the voters into imagining they're getting someone who will move to the right, towards the people. That's not what will happen.


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At this point, it's clear that all governments are worthless, as they always were. They exist only to coerce and destroy, in furtherance of their own growth and power. What makes this worse is that the power behind the government remains largely invisible to most people; they just don't get it. People honestly believe that if they elect the "right" pols, things will change/get better. That will never happen, since all pols are chosen for us, even those on the "opposite" side. None of these bozos is even allowed to run if there is the slimmest chance that they will upset the globalist agenda. Would that more people understood this.

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Great information, but what can we, and what are we going to do about it?

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