I couldn’t agree more. What a refreshing perspective. Thanks, JD!

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Amen! Completely agree with this assessment! The speaker race is refreshing for the same reason- when we have free, open, thorough discussions on important issues of the day, not only are we forced to really think through our arguments but check our internal biases, we come to MUCH better solutions.

The speeches which happened before the vote to remove McCarthy were so illuminating. Matt Gaetz gave well-articulated arguments arguing against McCarthy. His proponents really exposed themselves as shallow and more representative of the man than the constituents whom they purportedly serve. The problems and solution were laid bare in one devastatingly illuminating hour, and thank God.

Now the silence of closed door debates is deafening. We know they are trying to hide behind secret votes or perhaps putting up an alternate candidate behind whose skirts they can hide.

Matt gaetz ripped the facade of the House of Representatives and the American people are completely wise to their games. If that’s chaos, I would like to see more chaos.

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<"Matt gaetz ripped the facade of the House of Representatives and the American people are completely wise to their games.">lyen giv

Wonderful post, Granny62.

I so wish you were right about the American people, but I'm not as optimistic about them being completely wise to anything of substance.

Many of my peers can recite the all the names and positions of "their" pro sports teams, but have not a clue who rep's them in "their" District and State.

In many cases, we don't deserve to be Americans. Americans are exceptional, many of us strive for mediocrity in our lives and interactions.

-Sad, but true.

Onward, Christian Soldiers....

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Why do you like the Satanic Jews?

You must be one of them.

Either that, or you should read the Bible more.

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Uniparty swamp elites support only the British Pilgrim society sponsored babylonian radanite kazherian (fake) jewish banking policies of consolidation and digitalization of banking systems, depopulation by genocidal (fake) vaccines (in violation of the Nuremburg, 1946 treaty declarations), anti-freedom constitutions, global warming junk (fake) science, and divisive anti-Jesus dogma. The scripted manufactured wars (all are bankers's wars) benefit the warmongering military industrial complex who use the fake mainstream media propaganda outlets to sell the latest victimization plots in order to distract the world from their real intentions, the extermination of humanity, and making slaves of the remainder of survivors. All one needs is Jesus, and His word, the Bible, and therefore you will be mentally free from these lies that force you to live in fear. Tell Satan to get behind you. Turn off the cable tv, fake media, corrupt immoral sporting events, and demand schools and colleges to stop brainwashing kids into liberalism and lies of the devil's victimization blame games. Reject politicos who claim they represent We The People. Only Jesus can bless our original constitution, which the Founding Fathers prayed for His guidance. This country is lost with prayers of repentence to Jesus. Your time on earth is too short. However you are to blame for not accepting Jesus especially when He gives you plenty of time to ask Him into your heart before you stop breathing.

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You are lost unless you pray for repentence of your sins. The country is lost without heartfelt prayers to Jesus for forgiveness of sins and mercy.

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This should not be misconstrued as support for Hamas, however, for anyone thinking America's obligated to back the country of Israel because the Israeli Jews are allegedly Abraham's Israelite descendants, I wonder if the following quotations (all of them from recognized Jewish authorities) have something to say about the Zionists' claims to alleged fulfilled prophecies and the never-ending Middle East conflicts:

"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew.'” (Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins, eds., “Identity Crisis,” The Jewish Almanac, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)

That sentence is the opening sentence of the First Chapter entitled "Identity Crisis" of the 1980 Jewish Almanac. That today's Jews are not genetic Israelites is also admitted in "The Jewish Encyclopedia," the "Encyclopedia Judaica," "The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia," "The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia," and by many of their historians.

According to three Jewish encyclopedias and Flavius Josephus, the entire Edomite nation was forced into converting to Judaism and became known as Judahites at the time of the high priest John Hyrcanus (Maccabaeus):

"…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people." (“Edom,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Volume 6, p. 378.)

"They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…." (“Edom, Idumea,” The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Volume V, p. 41.)

"…from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants." (Cecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigoden, “Edom (Idumea),” The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589.)

"…they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time … they were hereafter no other than Jews." (Flavius Josephus, “The Antiquities of the Jews,” Josephus, (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279.)

We keep hearing that if we don't bless the modern State of Israel (which America has been doing since at least 1948) that we will be cursed. However, it seems it's been just the opposite, Since 1948, you name it, and there's not an area in America wherein she hasn't become worse off.

Could it because America has identified the wrong people as Israel.

Today's Jews are not the only ones with an identity crisis.

For more, see free online book "The Mystery of the Gentiles: Where Are They and Where Are They Now?" at http://www.missiontoisrael.ORG/mystery-of-gentiles/index.php

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Thank you.

For so long I have sounded the alarm about "Jews" NOT being the Israelites of the Bible.

Your voice is a refreshing reinforcement to what is otherwise a CONSTANT stream of ignorance from the likes of JD and his followers.

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“Their words are idiotic but their actions are effective. Those actions may be devious, misguided, intimidating, and destructive, but they're effective at accomplishing their goals.”

Good job today JD.

How, as conservatives, do we accomplish our goals? Conservatives do not act like that (quote). Do we just do the opposite?

I appreciate being validated for Thinking and forming my own opinions, making my own decisions, and standing behind them! Thank you.

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If you're thinking and forming your own opinions, why are you here for instructions?

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Conservative Inc is mostly fake anyway. $$$ drives most of these aholes. I couldn't care less they are all eating each other.

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Oddly, it's the $$$ that's fake. The world is rapidly digesting that fact, to their chagrin.

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A truth less society...

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Thank you once again Mr. JD Rucker. Im concerned the R will give us a D as Speaker the way its going. Have a great day everyone be safe

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If it were any real Israel it would be ALL TWELVE TRIBES, but it isn't. It isn't even the two tribes it claims to be. "Israel" consisted of TWELVE TRIBES, not the TWO that were ALWAYS called "JUDEA/JUDAH." That which is calling itself "Israel" today is not "Israel", but a fraud, brought "back" by satanist Rothschild bankers, not God. God's Elect are described very clearly in the Book of Revelation, and no description is given of what is in Palestine today. They are from "All Nations, kindreds and tongues" - those who are without number before His throne. Show me anywhere else in the Bible where His Elect stand before his throne - there is NO PLACE. Revelation is the final Word of God, revealing all things to come. They ain't there. You will NOT find this FRAUD calling itself Israel in Revelation, but you will find Jesus' Words about the "synagogue of satan", those pretending to be Jews, which is exactly what you have in "Israel" today. The majority of "Jews" today follow the Talmud and Kabbalah. The Talmud is absolutely a DOCTRINE OF DEMONS spoken of by the Apostle Paul. Appropriate for the "synagogue of satan", confirming they are the same. The "Jewish" people today have NO genetic connection to the "Judaens" of 2,000 years ago. They assumed the "religion" of Pharisaic Talmudic religion around 1100 AD, then added all their Pagan rites to it - the Pharisees on steroids. They were not "Jews" or what real Judaeans were known as at that time "Judaeans". They were Khazars and Babylonian Rhaddanite bankers, having NO HEBREW GENETICS. A FRAUD, as far as being descended from Judaeans. Jesus told you. You may want to listen to him rather than Rothschild bankers propaganda - ongoing for the past 150 years+, and infiltrated into the churches with their money. The PROGRAM runs very deep - a SATANIC program. All geared and prepared for a False Armageddon and False Messiah - WW3 - Albert Pike's Blueprint for 3 World Wars. That is exactly what is happening now. All going according to plan. If these deceive you, what will the anti-Christ do?

We know ALL TWELVE TRIBES still exist somewhere, because they stand with Jesus at Armageddon - ONLY those having washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. That defines His Elect. NOBODY else ever stands before His throne, or with him at Armageddon. No FAKE Israel will stand anywhere. No NON-GENETIC Hebrews will be among this 144,000 - 12,000 from each Tribe. NONE. And what is in Israel is NONE. They are not "Jews." What we have are fake "Jews", a fake "Israel", a fake Armageddon and a fake Messiah - ALL FAKE. LIES. That is what satan does. He deceives. This is probably the biggest he ever sent down the Pike💛

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God is not through with His chosen people

(Israelites, Hebrews, Jews) yet. He always has a remnant. We see this in many places in the Bible, Romans 11 being one of them. The twelve tribes of Israel (another name for Jacob who is a son of Isaac and Rebekah) are also mentioned in the book of Revelation chapters 7 and 14 where God mentions the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel. We also can know that Jesus was a Jew from the Bible. There are many Scriptures that support this. Jesus was born into a Jewish family who followed Jewish law (Luke 2:27). Jesus lineage is from the tribe of Judah. Jesus kept the passover (Luke 22:7-8; John 2:13, 23). Jesus kept the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:2, 10). He also taught in the synagogue of which Gentiles were not allowed (Mark 1:21; 3:1; John 6:59; 18:20). He promoted respect for the law as was being taught by the Scribes and Pharisees of His day(Matthew 23:1-3). Jesus quoted the Old Testament often (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 4:4,8,12).

We must not forget the promise God made to Abraham (Isaac’s father) which is still in existence today, because God keeps His promise’s (Genesis 12:1-3; Romans 11).

I would encourage everyone to listen to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOQZADmcoS0

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The Bible does not find it's true value when it is approached from the perspective as being a historical document. The Bible is a living, breathing current-moment instance of the plan of Jesus Christ, one formed by God and powered by the Holy Spirit.

The plan of Jesus Christ is not looking for historians at the moment, it is looking for lost sheep, those that are repentant and baptized.

Everyone would fulfill the will of God much more effectively if they listened closely to all Jesus says and approach it from their perspective, from where they stand. After all, you are here, are you not? And God is everywhere, is he not? So, tell me, where is the best place to interact with God, to be a part of the plan? After all, doesn't Acts 2:38 apply as much to you, right now, right here today, as to anyone it was spoken to back then?

The Bible is such a mystery that it simply cannot be understood from a strictly academic approach. The Bible slides through time, written in such a manner that allows it to match up exactly with you, with each Christian, when the time is right, when the power of the Holy Spirit allows.

JD talks about individuality, yet he does not showcase individually derived understandings of the Bible. Why is that? There is a brand new understanding of Daniel 2 that Christians would benefit greatly from, yet when he had the chance to publish that new understanding, he refused to do so. Why is that? Does individuality only apply to politics? If so, that really sucks, wouldn't you say?

And regarding the authenticity of the those that currently live in Israel, as a person that is so far removed from them, I must say the truth about those that are in Israel matters not at all to me, as one becoming the Christian one needs to be now living in the United States. Believe it or not, we have a role in the plan. It would behoove you if you focused on that instead of being concerned with others.

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This kike is pushing a kike agenda.

I would encourage everyone to listen to THIS:


And part B:


BE here, is forbidden from clicking these links. It's too much for your kike-adled brain.

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I would encourage NOBODY look for truth on ANYTHING on JEWTUBE.



Perhaps this hook nose serpent seed would like to explain why in the JEWISH ALMANAC (JEWISH SOURCE ALERT!) IT SAYS: "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a "Jew", or to refer to a contemporary Jew a "Hebrew" or "Israelite"'.


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There might be many who disagree with me, but then they would have to take it up with God Himself. I am just sharing what His Word tells us. The word Jew is used throughout the book of Esther. Mordecai was called a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin (Esther2:5-7). Benjamin was one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Paul, in the New Testament was also from the tribe of Benjamin.

Jeremiah 34:9 uses Hebrew and Jew interchangeably. Jewish man is used in Zechariah 8:23. The word Jew is used throughout the New Testament in very favorable ways and some not so favorable, because some refused to believe that Jesus was their long awaited King.

What you are posting on this forum and maybe others is downright false. You are the one who is caught up in believing the lies of the evil one! Your beliefs are antisemitic and hateful. You are following a false ideology!! A true Christian is one who loves the Lord God with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength and loves his neighbor as himself. This includes the Jewish people.

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And this is how stupid you are.

Jews aren't SEMITIC.


And DAVID HIMSELF professed his HATRED for God's enemies, dummy.

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The word "Jew" wasn't even INVENTED until the 19th century, imbecile.

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Unfortunately, it not both sides. It is ONE side that is psychotic and bites the hand that fed it. Israel merely responds. Even today, the HAMAS leader boasts of how they deceived the preparation of their planned killing spree. Then he vomited on to describe and boast of how foolish the West was to fall for their deceit. It is ONE side, not two. Of course, the killers hope for another length of time to prepare for their next assault. There will be no peace as long as HAMA breathes.

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I bet if "Israel" was gone, there would be peace.


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This was in one of the Black Avenger's Conservative Radio host Ken Hamblin's newsletters. And renamed it. Seems to fit. https://www.c-span.org/video/?53463-1/ken-hamblin-radio-talk-show. He was my nighttime, Rush.

Instead of reading Stop Australia Going Under, it should read Stop AMERICA FROM GOING UNDER.

Stop Australia Going Under

Reprinted from political ad in the Western Australian Sunday Times, December 3, 1995

In 1944, Democratic U.S. Congressman Samuel Pettengill warned America that socialists would endeavor to have the U.S. spend itself into bankruptcy, with a view to making citizens totally dependent on a centralized government.

Pettengill detailed TEN POINTS of the socialist manifesto that would destroy free government. Almost 50 years later, down under in Australia, it is disturbing to reflect on Pettengill 10 points.

1) People must be made to feel their utter helplessness and their inability to solve their own problems. While in this state of mind, there is held up before them a benign and all-wise leader to whom they MUST look to the cure for all their ills.

2) The principle of local self-government must be WIPED OUT, so that this leader or group in control can have all the political power readily at hand.

3) Constitutional guarantees must be swept aside. This accomplished in part by RIDICULING them as outmoded and an obstruction to progress.

4) Public faith in the legal profession and respect for the courts must be undermined. The law making body must be intimidated and from time to time rebuked, so as to prevent the development of public confidence in it.

5) Economically, the people must be ground down by high taxes, which under one pretext or another they are called upon to pay. Thus they are brought to a common level and all income above a meager living is taken from them. In this manner, economic independence is kept to a minimum. Public may not begin to rely on its own resources.

8) Government bureaus are set up to control practically every phase of the citizen’s lives.

9) The education of the youth of the nation is taken under CONTROL so that all may be indoctrinated at an early age with a spirit of submission to the system.

10) To supplement and fortify all the foregoing, there is kept up a steady stream of GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA designed to extol all who bow the knee and to vilify those who dare raise a voice of dissent.

6) A great public debt must be built so the citizens can never escape its burden, making government the virtual receiver for the entire nation.

7) A general distrust of private business and industry must be kept alive so the

Samuel Barrett Pettengill U. S. Congressman 1886-1974 Reprinted from an article in Ken Hamlin ‘Talks with America’ Newsletter Feb. 19. 1996 P.O. Box 562 Castle Rock, CO 80104

PETTENGILL, Samuel Barrett, (nephew of William Horace Clagett), a Representative from Indiana; born in Portland, Oreg., January 19, 1886; in 1892 moved to Vermont with his father, who settled on a farm in Grafton, Windham County; attended the common schools; was graduated from Vermont Academy at Saxtons River in 1904, from Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt., in 1908, and from the law department of Yale University in 1911; was admitted to the bar in 1912 and commenced practice in South Bend, Ind.; member of the board of education of South Bend, 1926-1928; elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-second and to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1931-January 3, 1939); was not a candidate for renomination in 1938 to the Seventy-sixth Congress; resumed the practice of law; newspaper columnist 1939-1948; vice president and general counsel of the Transportation Association of America, 1943-1945; national radio commentator, 1946-1948; attorney for the Pure Oil Co., Chicago, Ill., 1949-1956; consultant, the Coe Foundation, 1956-1965; resided at his boyhood farm near Grafton, Vt.; died in Springfield, Vt., March 20, 1974; interment in Grafton Village Cemetery, Grafton, Vt.

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Many Hamas weapons reportedly were ours, from Afghanistan. This "crisis" has been planned for years, triggered by $6B from Biden to Iran.

General categories mask key facts. Surely most Americans (not the woke) realize that general labels blur reality?

* The Pope is Communist and NWO, but many clergy support freedom and diversity. Our book "Invisible Treason in America" has a foreword by an Arch Bishop warning of The New World Order.

* There is a Jewish book, just out, also warning of Obama's Treason. "Obama's True Legacy."

* Many see Muslims as blood thirsty monsters, killing for Allah. Some are, but I was a guest trapped in Cairo, Egypt when it went on the "dangerous places" list. The Muslims were the best hosts I've ever had. I was under their protection. They kept me safe. That is part of their culture.

Beware Mind War!!!

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Foundation built upon SEPARATION of Powers. Three branches of Gov. Actually 'inclusion' of 'diverse' opinions! Thank-you very much! Great article JD! !!!!!

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I basically live as a conservative in many ways but don't have a clue what conservatives stand for. Democrats, liberals and Marxists all stand for death and destruction...as long as they benefit. But conservatives? I don't care about less government.

In my mind, the only solution is NO government. Where that puts me or into what group, I couldn't care less. We have had American government for about 250 years and it's has run its course. If we knew the truth of it all, I think we would find our government has been as ruthless as any other but in different ways or a bit more indirectly. It's still the same...maximum control-freakism.

No matter the form of government, people get dead and gone or lost on the edges.

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Your confusion about "conservatism" is actually valid. And I would like to take this time to validate it here and now. The fact is, the "left" and the "right" are merely false paradigms designed to divide and conquer. The ideologies they each embrace contain irreconcilable logic flaws. I'll give you an example.

Most people consider "conservatives" to be the party of "individual liberty" and "small government". You would accept this as being correct, yes?

Then why is it the "conservatives" support the WAR ON DRUGS (personal liberty? NOT TODAY.) and the INDUSTRIAL PRISON COMPLEX it creates (small government? NOT TODAY.)???

The reason is simple. Because when you accept inverted principles, you become easy to fool, because you have inadvertently created a schism in your mind when you accepted things as fact which make no sense from an ideological standpoint.

Both the "left" and the "right" are filled to the brim with intentional irreconcilable logic flaws. This is why neither "side" can think for themselves or form logical opinions. In short, there is NO SUCH THING as the "right" and the "left", they're merely made-up constructs designed to obfuscate the actual truth.

And your idea that "no government is probably best"?

I'd like to congratulate you for being 100% SPOT ON. Those of us that CAN form critical, independent opinions and thoughts have long since come to realize that the notion of "voting" for people to "rule over us" is a fools errand. The people that are part of that system (and hopelessly dependent on it) will scream "ANARCHY!!!! IT'LL BE CHAOS!!!"

Because fear is how they rule. But perform a simple thought experiment to see if this is probably true.

Ask yourself...if the government were to simply dissolve tomorrow, are you waiting for that moment to run out and be unlawful?

Do you KNOW anyone that's just...WAITING...for no government...to become crazed criminals?

Me neither. But the system is pretty DESPERATE to keep you believing that you NEED people to rule you. So much so, that this opinion will be attacked RUTHLESSLY. Even more so than most.

Here's the tip of the day.

None of us needs anyone to rule over us.

We don't need "governments". We don't need rulers or governors or presidents or kings or ANYONE. Save for the guy that created us and gave us life.

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All I can say is this war has brought out all the religious zealots on both sides! We need some common sense on both sides in order to solve all problems.

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War involves TWO ARMIES.



That's a WAR, genius.

The false "Israel" (4th largest military in the world) attacking Palestine (ZERO ARMY) is the MORAL EQUIVALENCE of MIKE TYSON fighting a NEWBORN INFANT.

"...this war...this war.."...wtf?

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People like you are part of the problem to not realize this is a war is ridiculous .

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Go ahead, John "Big Man Tough Guy Super Patriot" Snyder. Tell us why it's SO FUCKING CORRECT for "Israel" with the 4th largest military in the world to use their MOSSAD to create HAMAS and ISIS, and to then use that HAMAS and ISIS which THEY CREATED to give them an excuse to MURDER people when the groups they create do what they're ordered to do. And all on the JEW CONTROLLED MEDIA which, gee you didn't believe because of COVID up until 5 FUCKING MINUTES AGO but NOW the news is all "Woe is Israel! Poor little Israel!" and fucks like YOU are like "DON'T YOU WATCH THE NEWS, COMMIE?!?!" You tell us why all this makes it correct for Israel to do what they do. In land that was NEVER THEIRS TO BEGIN WITH BUT THEY STOLE IT WITH LIES AND DECEIT.

You're sick. You're really sick.

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So...let's pretend you're a multi-discipline MMA heavyweight fighter.

You're telling me, that you would think it's right, the correct thing to do as a heavyweight MMA fighter, to get into the Octagon with a 10 year old pre-pubescent girl and just BEAT HER TO DEATH.

And the reason you would beat her to death? Is because you STOLE HER DOLLY, and she would DARE walk up to you and demand you give it back.

This is an EXACT AND PRECISE ANALOGY for what "Israel" is doing RIGHT NOW.

What kind of...sick FUCK are you, anyway?

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To struggle to live is not being a zealot. To destroy an enemy with a long history of murder and mayhem hell-bent on continuing their murders and mayhem is not being a zealot. To want to destroy an enemy that has publicly announced REPEATEDLY their intention to kill every last one of a group is not being a zealot. Self-preservation is natural and objective.

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I am not talking about people in general it is people that use religion etc to justify continuing this fight of a thousands years to take one side or another. I support just ending this fight and finding peace so we don't have to listen to this crap any more. Both sides are not perfect and have there points.

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How to you find peace, exactly, when all the Jews want is to steal the birthright of the TRUE ISRAELITE PEOPLE by WIPING THEM OUT (the covid "vaccine"? Hello?) and enslaving all the rest of the world? I mean, what's your goal for peace there?

As a diplomat negotiating for peace, how to you approach someone that wants to wipe you out or enslave you. Where do you begin negotiations?

"Well, sir, maybe if you only wipe HALF of us out?"

"Maybe we can have Christmas off?"

Where in the fuck do you begin, exactly, John? One side is perfect, as created by God, one side is Satanic and literally created by SATAN. SAYS SO. IN THE BIBLE, JOHN.

These are STATED GOALS, btw. There is no disputing this is their intention.

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Here is where its logic COLLAPSES and it gets REALLY ANGRY at me.

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So when a Jew like Noel Ignatiev calls for the destruction of the white race (the quotes are ON RECORD, DUMMY), then you agree that self preservation is natural and objective, and we should kill the Jews that call for the destruction of the white race.

Because...consistency of logic and all...right?

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