“Accountable”, like for Wu-Flu & every bad thing that was done to us? open borders (think of all those NEW DemoncRAT voters for 2024!)?shipping billions & all our weaponry to Ukraine? shutting down our energy independence for an economically decimating “green new deal”? egging on a nuclear WWIII? deliberately tanking our economy/supply chains/food security? enslaving us to the WHO & WEF? chem trails poisoning the planet? tranny takeover of society? forcing us into CBDC? THAT accountability?

Sorry to be doom-n-gloom, but where do we even start? The corruption is so deep & into every facet of our lives that only a Herculean Aegean stable cleaning (or another God-given epic flood) of every governmental agency (at all levels), woke businesses & every rotten bureaucracy might do the trick. And every politician who says they’ll do it, does not. Either because the evil forces w/in are too powerful, or they decide they want in on the action.

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Only God can help the World at this point. In God’s realm, ALL IS POSSIBLE. Only man limits. People must fully realize this and understand this.

Pray accordingly.

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Agreed 100%. Sorry to have to say this but the opposition is so wide and deep it is depressing. What makes it worse is the big media is completely on the side of those who corrupt our elections. For sure, election should be held on one day only. But whenever someone makes this point, the media goes full mode attack. It seems like the left now is so confident, over confident that they get in our faces whenever we suggest a low-level correction. In my view, the RNC's Rona is not trustworthy and i doubt she has done much to counter the left's tactics like ballot harvesting, Dems control of elections, etc. There was a very good candidate for her position but, despite her dismal record, Rona was selected over a much better choice.

As for holding people accountable, how is that done with a completely corrupt doj/fbi and rnc?

In my little opinion, it would be easier for 2 or 3 states to leave the union and form an independent and sovereign nation that controls its visitors and immigrants. I say this as an immigrant who now sees how certain people have all but destroyed the nation i chose to liive in.

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⬆️🎯 Agree with YOU, Luz 💯‼️. Including Rona - I was pulling for Harmeet. She was never going to get it though. The Uniparty would never allow it.

And there are people who will say that’s what “they” want - is for us to be dejected & depressed so that we’re inert to fight it. I understand that too & can’t disagree. But it took too many decades for people (including me) to wake up & now that the corruption has rotted everything so totally, it truly is hard to know how & where to start. I’ve never been religious but this all feels like end times to me & God’s Will will prevail.

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Depressed, dejected, and I add terrorized, enslaved, neutralized, and ultimately, dead.

To believe in the One God of the Christians is to believe in a moral order. Remember all the tablets of Moses in the early American courts house which the Miscreant Demons are busy beavers in ripping out?

I don't know about End Times ... and how would we know? But I sure notice that atheism is a common denominator in Transhumanist Woke Marxist Globalism. The other common denominator with these Cretin Demons is atheism by a specified application. That is, 'they' constantly talk about Man becoming like gods (with 'them' in charge, of course!). Like that apple orchard of yore, 'they' are continually insurrectional, usurping of any power greater than 'them' and their god-like agendas.

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Jun 28, 2023
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Thanks Heather. I know ... and what we are up against has been hugely understated, not even close to fully acknowledged. There is almost NOWHERE to run and hide, and be safe. And if 'they' overlook you for awhile, 'they' will eventually get around to you unless we stop 'them'.

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Yes, Harmeet was impressive and i believe would have done much to make things better.

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Unfortunately, Harmeet wasn't MAGA.

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But she expressed some very good ideas and goals. Certainly would have been better than someone like we currently have that uses donations for personal pleasure and gain.

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Yes, but she would be beholden to Mitch the Turtle. There really isn't a Republican Party.

They are all the same. Just today read where 2 US Congressmen voted to keep

DEI in the military. You see what I mean. One is that Turner from Ohio who is worse

than a Rhino. He went on Fake News and said the 2020 Election wasn't stolen.

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At least she would’ve tried, but for the Uniparty, can’t have THAT

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I'm part of a EI group, and you're right, we can't move on. We must continue to divulge how this was done, and help simplify elections back to 1-day, in-person, voting with US citizen government ID, hand counted. Why is our country so far in the corruptible past when other countries have ditched the machines and can report out results quickly?

There are election integrity groups in many states. Please consider joining them, or alternatively, working as workers, volunteers or observers in the elections where you can (not all states allow observers). There is such a need for people of integrity to be the eyes, ears and mouths for the American people, and speak up, raise awareness and disrupt efforts to subvert our voices from being heard.

The bottom line, is that this is being done to take power and freedom away from us.

We need people and patriots who love our country and communities more than self, and are willing to stand up against the forces of tyranny, which will occur if we let our voices be trampled and rights taken away. We need good people to run (and be supported) at all levels of government (local, state or national).

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I don't know if we have done enough to fortify our 2024 election. I do believe that once all 3 branches (especially SCOTUS) are controlled by Progressives, it will be the end of meaningful elections.

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The 2022 Senate Mid Terms were stolen in key States to keep the Dems in control. No need to Steal the House with McCarthy as Speaker. If the DS wants a brain dead Biden-Fetterman ticket in 2024 to be installed, they will make it happen. Who will stop them?

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For sure the doj/fbi/irs will not stop them. Despite all the great evidence Rep Comer has uncovered, what did the doj just do? It's difficult to get anymore corrupt than to ignore the evidence on Biden, Hunter, brother Jim. It appears the only hope for justice for them might be a decent president in 2024 along with taking the Senate and adding more seats to the House. But the probability of this happening with the success of recent Dem/left tactics approaches zero. IF we can win in Nov of 2024, great. If the Dems/left win, likely since they have let in over 7,000,000 illegals and put them on welfare, medicaid, smart phones, etc., right in our faces; imv, it will be time to seriously go for creating an independent and sovereign nation with a handful of states.

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Or Sen John Kennedy (R-LA) He tears them up in knots. Catch his YT videoes. They will not impeach FJB, THEY FEAR THE HYENA CACKLER MORE. Same with Slick Willie, they Feared climate change, gun gtabber AlBore more. I can tell you how bad he was as he was my Fed Senator.

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Yes, definitely. Plus, i really like his southern drawl. ;-)

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I do agree...only God can save us now. When there is this much corruption at every human level of authority, there is literally no place to go for help, except to appeal to Heaven. God help us all!

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Yes, so true.

Sorry to repeat, but i cannot help to think of Sodom & Gomorrah what happened there - scientists now have credible evidence it was actually an asteroid that struck with the force of h-bombs. Lot was told to get out of Dodge quick. So Someone gave him that advice. Now we have credible scientists worried about the Plate Tectonic friction between the Pacific Plate and the Cascade Plate - they estimate that WHEN it goes (next year or another 50 years) everything west of I-5 from Vancouver BC to San Fransicko will be lost. What the plate tectonic scientists worry over does seem reasonable.

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Edgar Cayce predicted it many decades ago!

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What we need are real men who know what true responsibility is, and they are who we call Patriots. "Give us liberty of give us death". Remember that we have more guns in the hands of patriotic Americans than there are citizens in this once great country which is failing badly for lack of exactly what we need and that is PATRIOTISM !!!

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JD it's not that we believe the election was stolen, we KNOW it! We know from the mountains of evidence it was stolen. So when Leftists say there is no such evidence, I tell them there is no evidence they will look at, because if they did look, they would see it. That going against their delusion, they will never look at the evidence, so that argument is a waste of time with them.

But there is another way. Use your logic and reason powers. Forget all the proof. It is impossible for Joe Biden to beat Donald Trump in a free and fair election. Joe Biden at his most competent self the many times he ran for President NEVER did well. In fact he did so badly in the early primaries he was always out rather quickly. So does anyone believe in his declined state, promising to reverse everything Trump did which made our country great, the nation would suddenly abandon Trump and our greatness for what we knew the country would become under Biden? Of course not.

Everyone, especially the Democrats, knew that Joe Biden could never beat Donald Trump after Trump's first term. Why do you think they planned for four years how to steal the election, and stole it in so many ways? The people who knew better than anyone that the election was stolen are the people who stole it. Time to put them in a Congressional Hearing on the Stolen 2020 Election. But the Gelding Old Party (GOP) I don't think is capable of that, especially under "Kevin McDeepState."

Greg Penglis

Action Radio Citizen Legislature



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I totally agree. Win local elections in Red States, live near like minded folks and methodically build a Free (but smaller)America.

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Move on and we let it happen again in 2024? I think it will be worse and that many of the avenues of voting fraud are still unclear. There is no way the commie democrats will surrender power. Their plans to murder 80% of the population are well underway as the majority of the public refuse to acknowledge that their lives are in extreme danger.

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Arizona 2022? They are normalizing the cheating....until there are scalps they will keep doing it.

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Several things. First, read the John Ratcliffe report. He mentions preference of his spies for China but he doesn not include either Italy-gate or Serbia as guilty of messing in our 2020 election. Here is an essay by Srdjdan Nogo, a former Serbian politician that will blow your mind -- and it leads to another article of his. https://srbin.info/svet/the-serbian-software-and-the-election-fraud-in-usa/

You should also know Bill Barr is a humbug! He could not have known what was happening in Italy because the woke FBI, CIA and DOJ were covering it up. Do read the second Srjdan article enclosed in the first. It will chill your bones about what is likely to happen. Also go to Substack and read George Eliason's article on the psy-op being used to defeat us.

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The Serb article is interesting. Thank you. Imv, a huge problem is Soros and now his kid. I heard from friends there that China is very, very unhappy with him over what he tried twice to do there a few years ago. Poland, Serbia, Romania apparently are also unhappy with this guy. For sure, Soros has funded much damage here with his money organizing riots and destruction. It is unfortunate we do not have a justice system that instead of protecting him does not go after him. He hides here from other nations that would actually like to give him what he so richly deserves all the while working 24/7 to destroy America. What a gutter rat. But i am sorry to say, it appears he is gaining dominance over our corrupt politicians. They will not even consider going after him.

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George Soros is banned from a few countries. The USA should have banned him years ago! That says a lot. From what I understand, Alex Soros is much worse, if that’s even possible!

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For sure. It's time to hold on to our hats and seats.

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Unless the elections are remedied, I will never vote again. Fix problems on the LOCAL end first…bottom up, vs. top down. Don’t put the cart before the horse. The top is run by blatant criminals who are not being held to answer for their crimes. It’s moot!

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Why do we need to deny it was stolen? It's obvious it was stolen, and it has been since the day after the election. I agree with some of the other comments--the only way we will control elections and prevent them from being stolen is to mandate election-day voting, in person, with a photo ID. No absentee voting, no ballot harvesting, nothing beyond in-person election-day voting.

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We need;

In person voting; no mail ins except for military or early voting;

Voter ID and citizen only voting - you need an ID for everything else so not racist or exclusionary;

No electronic machines unless only for double counting verification. Paper ballots only which should be the primary method of voting;

Signature verification by at least 2 people;

Election judging should be made a compulsory patriotic duty, just like jury duty;

And maybe election officials should have representatives from both parties so that one party cannot control what happens.

Make it open and transparent.

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NO EARLY VOTING! Voting should be on ONE day only. Results should be given the same day.

Remember those days? I do!

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Won't happen in democrat-run states, nor in many republican-run states. Since states define election procedures I do not see this as a particularly workable solution.

I don't quite know how to address the problem without states punishing the past offenders (since many of these states broke their own laws in the midst of the "pandemic") as a deterrent to future behavior. This is where I think citizen action should be focused - we'll see if there might be a critical mass of fed-up citizens that will move such actions forward. Right now, regrettably, I don't see it.

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JD, God Bless You for speaking out what I have been thinking. We are not moving on! We need to fix the 2020 election before 2024. Dear Father God, put the fear of you back into our government! Thank you JD for your true and encouraging words. God will and is saving America!

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The actual fraud was documented, filmed, and exposed.

- Rigged voting machine software

- No voter ID

- Dead people votes

- People voting in multiple precincts

- Illegal aliens voting

- Unverified paper ballots accepted

- Ballot harvesting

- Ballot boxes stuffed

- Nursing home votes forged

- Thousands of ballots fed through counting machines multiple times

- Observers kicked out of the polls & counting rooms

- Truckloads of bogus ballots unloaded in the middle of the night

- Multiple bogus recounts

- Military absentee ballots not counted

- Corrupt judges who refused to look at the multitude of hard core evidence

VOTING WILL NOT WORK. Until all of THAT is remedied via reform, Democrats will be a shoe-in.

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Totally as you say!

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But that was precisely the point; they knew when they went into their voter fraud operation that it would take years, at a minimum, for us to assemble enough evidence, that likely not one of them would be held accountable, that by the time people figured it out (those who pay attention, which isn't a big number) we would be getting for the next election and that they would enjoy at least 4 years of unfettered government and society destruction, and that most people would have either lost interest or resigned to the inevitable.

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I read the court filings of Sidney Powell. And there were affidavits by the tons testifying to public official malfeasance as to ballet counts. The Uni-Party elites refused to look at the evidence. The Fake Justice System refused to look at the evidence. The media refused to look at the evidence. And Vice President Pence refused to demand a recount of the electoral college ballots. In short, they all were in on it. They are all guilty of knowingly aiding and abetting the coup d'etat, the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020. Furthermore, the rest of the intelligent thinking world knows this. And thus, the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020 ... along with the Covid Democide, the Proxy War and Sanctioning, did great harm to the credibility of the United States, now near Zero. Add in Woke Globalist Marxist Everything and the insanity of beating up people over things like the insanity of using 'pronouns' and the United States is now toast. The rest of the political class around the world, so to speak, is no longer 'picking up the phone'.

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All true. We are unfortunate to be alive when Western Civilization is dying, and we get to watch. This was inevitable, as all civilizations throughout history have died, and the causes are always the same; i.e., the introduction and evil pursuit of money.

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Well then, if I was not seventy-four, and if were very young and had the benefit of good parents who gave to me a traditional non-Woke education well-grounded, I might look at this as a great opportunity ... and grab the bull by the horns. However, not in either the greatest or the worst of health, all I can do is watch the show.

Strangely, the West is an utter bust while Russia has overflowing grocery stores, energy security (like heat in winter) and a solid financial footing ... and apparently is way outproducing the West hugely in war goods. Russia protects its people and the West now wars on multiple just about everything fronts on its own people. And I saw these changes all in one lifetime! Utterly astonishing!

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For what it's worth, you and I are in the same boat. The West was hijacked by the banksters at the end of WWII and their debt-financed financial system was destined to (or designed to) implode at some point. We're just lucky enough to be alive to watch it happen.

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And I thank God that when a kid I could go anywhere and do things without being jailed under house arrest, muzzled with the face diaper ... and subjected to all kinds of criminal agencies. We had the illusion of freedom when I was a kid, but I now know that the die was long ago already cast. We were already gonners in the pipeline in a slow blossoming tyranny.

My pops died in 1972 and my mom in early 2000. Neither would have believed this demonic crap possible. When 911 came along, I knew we were in for it. It's now mostly unbearable. The twig is severely bending. One day it's going to snap.

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George Soros & his Associate Lord Mark Malloch Brown won the election from London with their Snartmatic voting machine loaded with Dominion software!This along with many bribes to politicians by Soros.They also did the same with election in the Philippines a few years back & probably in the recent election in Brazil!.Both are agents of British Privy Council!

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I hold the GOPe in equal or higher disdain than I hold the neo-communist Democrats.

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