Since I was a post WW2 Boomer baby, I'd have to say you hit the bullseye of the Target. My grands told stories of the Great Depression, I only read about later in history books, but they didn't match what went on in the big cities. Small rural Appalachians. More like our Homesteaders of today. Never saw empty grocery store shelves, bad food, violations of the regulations, Congress had set. Toxic Food, that we feed our children, babies. All deliberate. All designed to kill, cause diseases. Heavy Metal Baby Food FDA’s ‘Closer to Zero’ plan fails to adequately address toxic heavy metals in baby food 30% of $ Store toys have Lead. https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2022/09/fdas-closer-to-zero-plan-fails-to-adequately-address-toxic-heavy-metals-in-baby-food/

CLIMATE CHANGE 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose, those old cloth diapers I used went through 3 babies, became dust and garage rags, decomposed in ONE week. Wind turbine broken blades stored in mine shafts, older Solar Panels are breaking down, no where to dump them. No repairing them.

Our Borders so open as to not exist. Illicit Drugs especially Synthetic Chinese Fentanyl, at an all time high. Foreign governments before Americans, saddling future generations with TRILLIONS in debt. In fact being a Patriot is now taboo. Being WOKE, CRT, with no real job skills, in charge of teaching our kids or grands to be like them. Don't know the right pronoun, go to jail, get fired. Disney's pro pedophile policy finally got exposed, which is now illegal to say, along with the economy drove them to sitting fairly empty as our grocery shelves. BUY A FREAKING ELECTRIC CAR, YOU CAN'T EVEN CHARGE! DON'T LET IT BREAK DOWN, CHEAPER TO BUY A NEW ONE.

3 quarters of bad GDP news = DEPRESSION, BIDEN's GREAT DEPRESSION. Effects the world's population. Seniors choosing Euthesnia over freezing or starving.

95 percent of tested baby foods in U.S. contain toxic metals, report says — here's what parents need to know https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/toxic-metals-baby-food-report-215045525.html

A nation who once produced all it's on goods, food, to a nation that now imports their goods, from manufacturing to a service industry. Which let a FAUX Pandemic con Artist fool them And is still pushin their poison on idiots who still believe their crap. Censorship on a level not seen since we were on a Korean war footing.


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One would have 'hoped' that this would not happen in what is supposed to be the last bastion of freedom. It astounds me that people such as Biden, born and bred here would desire to be involved in the country's demise but then again, the love of money/power etc. far eclipse any love of country. As a Roman Catholic, myself, I can say without question (and while I am no man's judge) that Joseph Robinette Biden is speeding ever so much faster toward an eternity of Hell for which he will suffer beyond anyone's imagination. I can never understand how a soul can be willing to sell itself, it's most prized possession, for the love of the temporal but then, that is just myself. Here again, free will choice. His will not serve him well beyond the grave.

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J.D., I very much respect your commentary. But I certainly can't give you a "like" on this one. The reason is specifically because I think you are correct about our immediate future--and who in his right mind would like that? In my opinion, we are most assuredly in for some very hard times. If it was the result of natural economic cycles, I still wouldn't be happy about it, but I could accept the privation as an organic failure that we would just need to get through. But because this is the result of our own government intentionally promoting the crisis, it is galling. I can only hope a red wave will be enough to redeem our once great nation.

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I certainly agree that Biden-Harris are purposely damaging our nation. You can’t make this many bad choices, terrible EOs, flood our country with not only illegals but with fentanyl and criminals. Every move they make is horrible. Every cabinet member is completely out of their element and chosen because they are an activist. Pray for our nation and people to receive guidance and strength.

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I agree with you, 2008 will be a cake walk compared to this. This has all happened because the government refuses to stop printing money. Even today as we speak.

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Preach It, Brother! When democRat Bolshevik Obamy was running in 2008 It was clear Who and What he was about to anyone who LOOKed. Alas, as usual the rinoRats rode to aid his victory with McShame, followed by Romney, two rinoRats.

The Economy is the Key that sets EVERYONE OFF, politics will be secondary to EATING. then the Coup de Gras would be an Energy Disruption or prolonged Grid Down sending the country into 1880's with miniscule knowledge of 1880's Technology.

Like you, I hope not. As much as I want a "normal" return, the Past is gone. Prepare Today & Create your Tommorrow.

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On Michael Synder:

How's his track record for accuracy and timing?

I'll answer that:

Actually not very good.

Writing about doom and gloom forever.... Chicken Little comes to mind.

Not necessarily disagreeing with our dark future....

However, there are economists out there who have a history of frighteningly accurate predictions

My go to economist is Martin Armstrong.. He has his Socrates software .. predictions are accurate and timely.


How about an interview with him ?

He has quite the interesting bio/ background.. a colorful character to say the least!.

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I have always been of the belief that politicians are the "underbelly of society in an Armani suit" and I tend to think that in the public's eye they take one role or the other (Dem/Repub) but behind closed doors they are all one big fraternity probably mocking us at all times for thinking we are so stupid that none of us is onto them.

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We need to bring back public executions...for TREASON. Might snap many of these (useful/useless?) woke idiots back into reality!

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JD, I love the idea of buying locally. But it isn't practical. Stores these days have almost NO inventory at all! Most things are order it and wait weeks for it to maybe come in! So, it's a nice idea, but with the no Warehouse model,....it's not practical at all. If our local stores had inventory in the store house, we could go back to buying locally.

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Voting won't help, as long as there are computers involved.

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And every time we purchase it Microsoft product, we contribute to the Gates plan.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Good info, thanks. But, JD talks too fast to catch some things, i.e.: the web address for him which he speeds through so fast it’s unintelligible for this older boomer. Why no hyperlinks here for the numerous websites he wants us so much to visit?

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