You're right, that it's to fight tyranny, but people can't comprehend what that means (yet). Remember, there are MANY who WANT to be taken care of. So keep that in mind, and keep it relatable. Protection from crime AND government tyranny or even an invasion from another country (and even that is abstract, until you tell them that there are terrorists making it through the open southern border as well). And besides, look at how many democrats have been buying guns in the last 2 years. They're fearful of rampant crime, coming for their riches or them.

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If only the Founding Fathers had strategically used ALL CAPS when their quill put ink to parchment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a FREE State, the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall NOT be infringed.”

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Sharing America with these people, I can't call them leftists, nor liberals, not even Progressive's. They're deniers, as Russian defector, Yuri Besmenov, stated," until you lead them to the gates of the Gulag, and kick them in the Ass, they won't believe you" The Progressive's in the schools and the media, have done a magnificent job, brain washing these people, and in most cases, a light rinse, was all that was needed. Despite paying the rising prices for gas, food and goods, they honestly believe it's Putin's fault, despite Biden's day 1 edict of destroying American Oil industry, the believe, the Oil companies are greedy, despite having our entire supply chain, totally dependant on China and other countries, they refuse to see the wisdom of Made in America. And despite the massive failure of Green Taxpayer subsided energy, they still believe it's the Future. Honestly, You CAN'T FIX STUPID ! And almost half the country is STUPID ! I call it the "Curly Howard Approach" Drilling holes in the bottom of a sinking boat, to let the water OUT !

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I agree with your arguments.

I’m Australian and not very knowledgeable about US history and government. But . . .

Quite a few years ago in Australia we had a horrific mass murder.

A guy shot a lot of tourists who had just got off a bus. They were visiting the site of the ruins of a penal colony in Tasmania, Port Arthur.

Our Prime Minister, John Howard, took the opportunity to pass laws restricting gun ownership and instituted a massive gun buy- back of citizen’s gunns.

I thought this was wonderful snd fully supported it.

But since then I’ve moved to your position. Why?

Well No 1. I talked with US citizens who said the Port Arthur massacre could not happen in the USA because there would be armed and trained citizens in the crowd and they would take the gunman down. This was a viewpoint I had never thought of.

Secondly because I read that Hitler took over every, or virtually every country in Europe except Switzerland.

The Swiss policy was to have all men armed snd trained to fight. Apparently it’s almost impossible to take over a country where all the men are trained and armed.

I don’t know if that’s true, but it made sense to me and it is true Hitler did not take over Switzerland.

But then I read a bit of US history and learnt that the founding fathers established a republic. Not a democracy. The reason was, that like the early Greek philosophers like Ato and Aristotle (I may have the names wrong) they feared democracy because of its tendency to degenerate into mob rule.

As the USA was established through a war of liberation from the British Empire, a war that arose from the Americans’ resentment of unjust taxation and tyrannical rule by Britain. So, the Founding Fathers were freeing themselves, at enormous cost and risk from a much more powerful empire and feared above all the possibility of tyranny by their own government. They saw the descent into tyranny remained a constant threat that needed to be guarded against. This was their number 1 reason for insisting on the right of citizens to bear arms.

And now, many countries including the USA and Australia, are suffering the loss of basic freedoms such as the right to free and informed consent to medical treatment and the right to a doctor-patient in which the doctor is protected in his right to treat and prescribe as he sees fit. The patient’s health and medical information is private.

So, this is why I agree the need to defend above all from tyrannical tendencies in our own government and to be ready to resist tyrannical invasions by enemy forces.

Never give up the right to bear arms. Provide top level training in safety snd the constitution to all gun owners.

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They seek your counsel because you are well versed and knowledgeable. You are correct, 2A is to fight tyranny. Crime statistics obviously don’t work because Chicago with strict gun laws has shootings and murder every weekend. Dems completely ignore these issues.

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I am not blessed with the gift of prophecy so I do not know for sure if tyranny is truly coming. But I can say with a degree of certainty that tyranny greeted by an armed populace will be slowed if not stopped entirely. We must not be the generation that willingly sells our children and grandchildren into governmental slavery. "Shall Not Be Infringed" and the patriots who believe and practice those words are are the mechanism that continues to ensure that won't happen.

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If you truly want to all-but rid America of these shootings and other public crimes, we only need to return to the Bible’s non-optional responsibility to defend ourselves, our families, and others. With nearly every law-abiding man armed ready to engage any active criminal, these shootings would be all-but eliminated overnight.

The Second Amendment will never accomplish this and is, instead, part of the problem.

America was sold down the river when the 18th-century founding fathers replaced Biblical responsibilities (based upon the moral law of God) for Enlightenment rights, and nothing demonstrates it better than the Second Amendment.

Think about it: The Amendment WITH the wording "shall not be infringed" is the MOST infringed, licensed, and limited Amendment of the entire twenty seven. Furthermore, a future generation of our posterity is likely to see the Second Amendment whittled away entirely or repealed altogether. This is inherent nature and danger of optional Enlightenment rights versus non-optional Biblical responsibilities, such as the following:

"Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword [or today's equivalent] in their hand ... this honor have all his saints. Praise ye Yah." (Psalm 149:6-9)

"But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house [beginning with spiritual and physical protection], he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." (1 Timothy 5:8)

Which is more potent: 1) An optional right, or 2) A non-optional responsibility?

Which is more likely to be infringed, licensed, and ultimately abolished altogether?

Which did the pre-Second Amendment Americans look to for their authority to bear arms, with little or nor infringement?

For more, listen to "The Second Amendment: A Knife in a Gunfight," delivered at the Springfield, Missouri Firearms and Freedom Symposium, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Go to our Video page and scroll down to title.

At this same location, you will also find a radio interview Larry Pratt (Executive Director of Gun Owners of America) conducted with me on this same subject. I think you'll find Mr. Pratt's remarks especially interesting. Go to our Audio Messages page and scroll down to T 952.

See also online Chapter 12 "Amendment 2: Constitutional vs. Biblical Self-Defense" of "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective." Click on the top entry on our Online Books page and scroll down to Chapter 12.

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At what point does one just stop arguing with an intractable individual and just write them off?

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well said!!!! right on the money and this is something the left will never ever get.. and I mean EVER

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