When is Congress, Democrats & Republicans going to admit that all of this is Biden self inflicted on the country and the world & act to Impeach & Convict this traitor to the American Constitution? Democrats have to live in this country also. Is this the inheritance that they want to leave to their descendants? This is the only remedy we have to rid of ourselves of this destruction and try to turn it around. Impeach & Convict Harris as well. Pelosi too.

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Unfortunately, the dems are in with the globalists (they have been assured they can continue to reign and grift) and most of the republicanś are controlled opposition..because they are doing the same grift. There are less than 25 people in Congress that are Patriots, and they are being threateend by the deep state to go only so far and no farther.

Here it is: https://noqreport.com/2022/06/12/its-now-crucial-to-understand-what-were-up-against/

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JD..you are missing the point. It is not incompetence on the part of Biden admin, IT IS CONTROLLED and PLANNEd demolation of this country by our FRAUDULENT GOVT, which include the military industrial complex and the deep state, who have now been revealed to have thrown their lot in with the push for the coming one world order run by TECHNOCRACY. There is no avoiding or not looking at the facts now.

The entire Ukraine situation was proviked by our govt under orders...and we provoked PUTIN. By taking down Russiaś assets and SWIFT to him, that was the PLAN...No more reserve dollar for the world. Its is ALREADY NO LONGER THE WORLD RESERVE CURRENCY. There are two Digital currencies in the works (which is why inflation- along comes the savior), one is by Central BAnks which will be PROGRAMMABLE (i.e. China social credit system) and it is MUCH closer than anyone thinks or believes...the other might be XRP...

A third option, is that Russia saves us...Putin will not after us taking down the swift system from him and taking his reserves, sit idly by. He might be working on the same with China, but instead of a digital currency, maybe one backed by Commodities, of which he has plenty. Personally, I like the latter, and hope that Putin might be planning a little more than those cards...Quite frankly, it is time I think for Russia to do a color revolution on the US frauds currently running our government...The country we thought we had and grew up in is gone....and I want my Constitution back...along with new constitutional amendments...term limits...no non profits for Congress, they live by the same laws,,,and no president or congress can send dollars or equipment outside of the US if they are borrowed or printed or we are running a deficit .

Now all we have to do is figure out who is gonna starve...because you cant eat gold.

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It would be nice to be able to blame our enemies, but no our WORST enemy is our OWN fraudulent, corrupt government!

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Let's take a short walk down Memory Lane just to compare gas prices... Under Odamna gas prices hit new highs. Under Trump, gas prices dropped significantly to well under $3/gallon. Under Slow Joe, gas prices have soared again to record highs (and they aren't done yet). Are we seeing a pattern?

Of equal or greater concern are the large number of food processors and feed lots that have mysteriously burned down. Baby formula factories are unable to produce the stuff needed to feed our infants. Buying a steak can be bad for the heart--and we're not talking about cholesterol here. We're talking well over $25 for a pair of dinner-sized rib-eyes. Then, to push beef prices even higher, just the other day thousands of head of cattle just up and died in the middle of Kansas. Reasons are still unknown. Well, we can get our animal protein from poultry, you say. Not so fast there, Mr. and Mrs. America. A "new" avian flu is killing chickens, turkeys and ducks by the thousands impacting egg production and breakfasts across America. Fowl deaths have also impacted dinners across the country. Roasters are going up in price--and not just because of inflation.

And the supply chain is still not up and running as it should so everyday household items that require delivery (and that's everything) are in short supply and cost more. Gas/diesel prices are having a negative impact on trucking, too.

And just to add a bit more grief to the crap sandwich that is our current government, take a quick look at Wall Street. Under Trump, confidence was solid and Wall Street set growth records. Under Slow Joe, Wall Street is still setting records, but for losses, while inflation sets records for going up. If you still have any dollars left, they are worth less today than they were under Trump.

Do any of you see a pattern here?

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I'm scared to death of what's to come and I've been prepping for years. Without reliable fuel sources, people will have a much tougher time going to get what food there is, healthcare, lifesaving medication and many other necessities. That means food riots, mass death, starvation, hyperinflation, rampant crime and possibly, civil war. I look at my family's faces and wonder if they'll still be here in five years.

And I know *exactly* who to blame for all of it. Not that it helps. Pray, friends. Prayer's all we've got left.

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Jun 17, 2022
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I couldnt agree more!!! Frankly, I am praying for Putin every night...maybe that old La Salette vision got something right...Russia as savior. Our PRAVDA has been infiltrated and used by the deep state and bought off with OUR TAXPAYER MONEY (which infuriates me) and is in the control of just 5 corporations all of whom have Vanguard, Statestreet or Blackrock as big investors.. When was the last time our Anti Trust Justice Dept ruled against a merger or aquisition? I think I was 15 when they broke up AT & T....

Anyway, I like your professions..journalist and Confectioner??? Very nice to meet you. Ive been living lately off of coffee and chocolate!!

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