So very disturbing. Americans are naive if they don't believe that could happen here too!

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It *** is *** happening here.

The Cartels control America's borders, have a presence in ALL our states, and are well armed -- including with weapons that we shipped to Ukraine. There are also large groups of military age Chinese males inside our borders.

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Yes indeed. They are being housed in a huge facility near Houston.

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Reports from low density areas in west to have Oriental-in-Appearance Military training in National Lands merely leaving during the night/early morning hours and never interacting with area residents in towns. They hide behind glasses except when accidentally exposing themselves in Heavy Equipment.

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It's a trojen hores

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They just lasered Maui so the billionaires could have more and better real estate.

US was attacked, strangely not many reacted! Maybe because a) they are being lied to and believe the ridiculous lies b) they don't realize who did it

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Catherine Austin Fitts commented on this in a terrific discussion with Greg Hunter. She believes it was done by the deep state, as were the "fires" in California. Also she believes they will continue. For as she said, "Crime that pays, is crime that stays."


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So very true! Along with killing cattle, chemtrails killing us/animals/crops, food processing plants mysteriously burning down, pipelines destroyed, and who could ever forget...Big Pharma and the laundry list of attacks against innocent people for YEARS! Many more we could mention!

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It just seems unlikely that Hamas could pull off such a large scale and coordinated surprise attack. It just seems unlikely that Israel would be caught so off guard. Something much more is up.

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Just more drama and crisis to stress the world.

And to divert Americans from things like Stolen Elections, open borders, economic collapse, Treason, show trials, and plans to STEAL, CANCEL, or Delay Election 2024.


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WHAT? WHAT? You would actually write for an intelligent readership to read, that you believe that a horror has been unleashed upon Israel and her innocent citizens to "divert Americans from things like Stolen Elections, open borders, economic collapse, Treason, show trials, and plans to STEAL, CANCEL, or Delay Election 2024." I do not believe that I will ever in the remainder of my life read more a more moronic, self-absorbed, narcissistic statement . . . and I don't want to. America is not the center of the universe, the sun does not revolve around us nor, thankfully, does it revolve around such mindless blather. I do not know who the trudelgroup.com may be nor do I want to. I would also guess that you would not want me as a party to your readership which I will happily do.

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We understand the distraction part.

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This is horrific and the timing seems interesting to me. Spidey-senses tell me this is different. Didn’t we just give Iran $6b? Hmmm. Hamas has to know Bibi will annihilate them, in the way Hamas is invading and going door2door. The counter attack will triggers other events/reactions, which sets off other events/reactions. Could be the Beginning of ww3! Just in time for an upcoming election year.

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Who can possibly be shocked with this following the OBastard's UNFREEZING Iranian Assets at the orders of the Committee of 300 Pilgrim Society Nut Jobs in The City of London, NYC, D.C. for the express purpose of 'War For Profit'? One of the War Corporations needs some Cash Flow, obviously. Works towards distraction with the Economy they're seeking to institute as slavery as well as yet more chaos which is ALWAYS a good thing in the Documents of the Demons.

Hamas has never been particular about any repercussions to their own people for attacks and even hide in bunkers beneath houses with their own women and children inside. They believe they're terrifying while carrying-out Mohammed's Animalistic Jihad and screeching 'Allahu Akbar'.

For those rising, the threat merely prompts quiet and a growing more numb inside to prepare for the fight as am fully aware this is coming to North America...Also, by design of the Agents of the Committee of 300; Treasonous to The U.S. Constitution carrying the torch for the TERRIFIED and WIMPY, spoiled and lazy, depraved and isolated from the real world while hung-up in Demon's dreams of DOMINATION OF THE GLOBE.

Don't feel very bad for Hamas even as I do feel bad for the innocent. Don't believe this will last long.

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I don't believe there was an "intelligence failure" on the IDF's part. Such a thing is impossible in these times. This was a deliberate lowering of the guard. To the extent that it is possible while unleashing the IDF against the aggressors, heads should roll.

Incredible amounts of financial and political resources have been directed against the Netanyahu government; major factions of the IDF and Shin Bet were opposed to the Israeli Right. Given the Western world's clear antipathy toward Netanyahu I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that external involvement with those actors made this "shocking" attack possible.

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I must agree with you my falcon heavy friend, Space x Starlink just launched 22 satellites and just another coincidence that tomorrow is the next launch date.

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Sadly, the haters that need to be annihilated are billionaires like Soros Cartel, the Clinton Cartel, the Blackrock Cartel and others. These elite billionaires want control. Their sticky fingers are always stirring up chit. If you want to end the b.s., cut the head off of the money snake.

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Another disaster that can be laid DIRECTLY at the feet of pedo joe biden. Along with the invasion taking place of our Nation, it is insane that the demoncrats STILL have the support of at least 30% of the citizenry.

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With all respect to Israel and it's citizens, this makes no sense. They have the most sophisticated military in the entire world. Palestine doesn't belch with Israel knowing let alone firing anything!

I just read this is supposedly about diverting the attention away from Netanyahu and the magnitude of corruption within his government and the massive protests! Whether true or not like Russia this is not unprovoked - in other words they deliberately allowed the missiles and there is certainly so much more to this story!!! Again I mean no disrespect especially when there are casualties involved

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That's what I say, too. There is more to this story. Israel is not telling the whole truth.

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Of course there is when is Israel ever lapse with and or about their security?

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Exactly. I agree.

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The question is always asked: Why would Hamas strike now? Certainly appears to be a massive, well-planned attack. Of course, that would take some serious money to accomplish, wouldn't it? Hmm ...

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Hamas planned this for a Jewish holy day due to the Israeli government being shut down is my bet. It also doesn't hurt they now have the time and funding to plan and carry out large military-style incursions thanks to American taxpayer funding for PA "humanitarian aid" you won't be shocked to learn never makes it to Gaza residents not involved with Hamas or the PA.

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Yes, typical Biden doing the exact opposite from Trump and instigating more terrorism, deaths, and wasteful spending of tax dollars. Biden bends over backwards to appease the radicals in his party. 🤬

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Agreed. This isn't incompetence. It's a plan. Even the incompetent get things correct occasionally, even if only accidentally. For the globalists to institute global communist rule, all true Republics and real democracies must be undermined to destruction. Once everything (economies, governments, justice systems, utilities, social services and society) collapses, people will begin dying by the millions. One government study said if *just* the electrical grid for the country is inoperable long-term, 90% of the U.S. population would die in the first year alone. Now, add violence in the streets due to the breakdown of society, no clean water, no refrigeration, no monetary system backed by the government, no police, no healthcare, no fire fighters...you get the picture. Once the dying starts, people will demand what's left of the government "do something." A global government infrastructure is already laid out with digital currency, digital ID, the UN, the WHO, etc. Once that step is taken and humanity no longer has the numbers to overrun the globalist elite for abuse of power, what's left of humanity will be enslaved through geo-fencing, transhumanism, mass surveillance, etc. Biden is just a continuation of this. The left's long march through the institutions of America was the first play in the game after the UN was created after WWII. The destruction of Israel has always been on deck in this game, as they're the only democracy in the Middle East and while the leftists and RINO's are carrying water for the globalists in America, there's a similar contingent in Israel. Netanyahu is standing against the leftists in the Israeli Supreme Court and in the Knesset. They want him gone, but if he succeeds in defending Israel, I believe the left will have overplayed their hand. Netanyahu will be a hero to the people if he makes Gaza a parking lot and I've been praying for God to give him wisdom and strength in this matter.

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Amen to your last comment. A well stated summary, sadly true.

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Iran just received 6billion from Biden. Trump said they would fund terrorism with that money. Looks like they just did. Hamas and Hezbollah fully funded and probably have many weapons sold in Ukraine black market (our tax dollars at work when no accountability). Hamas wants Israel to react to provoke bigger war with ME.

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It's worse than that. Upon entrance to the White House, Biden reinstated "humanitarian aid" to the PA which President Trump had cut off. Much of that money is pocketed by the PA leadership, some of whom are funding Hamas on the side with American taxpayer dollars. Where the rest goes is a matter of conjecture since the Arab residents of Gaza see almost zero humanitarian aid unless a family member murders a Jewish Israelite. There were several articles about the money in the "pay to slay" program being funded again after the massive American cash injection in 2021. Now Iran just received a similar cash injection, albeit not directly received from American taxpayers. That means Hamas and Hezbollah will both renew well funded attacks on Israel after being limited to tunnel digging during the Trump era.

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From what I have seen this is not a massive attack, not a lot of Hamas on the streets, most of the rockets seem to do minimal damage.

And there are several "faked" videos, that probably made in advance by Mossad. The Hamas emphasis seems to be on kidnappings, not murder. Something about this entire event seems off.

Unless some other nation becomes involved on Gaza's side, this will be a genocide. Meaning Bibi will have given his opposition what they wanted, without appearing to have done so. So very Bibi...

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22 different assault locations, Arabs paragliding over the Israeli border wall at several different locations, a naval attack by sea and 5,000 rockets fired into South Israel isn't a "massive attack" by your estimation? Admittedly, it isn't the size of a world war, but considering the relatively tiny size of Israel, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you look at a map. This is the largest incursion ever perpetrated against Israel by a group that has no national military behind it, i.e. terrorists.

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Exactly, well said ...

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On maps, rockets:

I have been watching videos for some time. Never have I seen any wave of rockets that exceeded fifty, tops. video of attacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6xBrZFEeiQ

I have seen maps that say that there are 22 different locations, no supporting video.

On paragliding:

I have see three guys with gliders, no indication of where they were, nor when. https://twitter.com/richimedhurst/status/1710610952595382642

On force size:

I did see an "assault" on a building but the group of soldiers labeled Hamas were actually by their uniforms Israeli police. https://patriots.win/p/17rSVFcfkG/hamas-is-going-from-house-to-hou/

Now I can look at all the maps in the world, but I see nothing on those maps that ties up with the videos I am seeing. Until they do, numbers, maps, all they are suspect.

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Oh, well, if you personally haven't seen videos, I'm sure the Israelis are just lying. I mean if they tell the truth, no one will come help them fight their war...oh, wait, nobody *has* come to fight their war. 🤦

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I'm actually shocked it took so long for Israel to get to this point. I'd have lost patience with mollycoddling the terrorists long ago. The left-wing activists in America screaming about Israel having no right to exist are bad enough, but putting up with blood soaked terrorism against your people by neighbors who were given free land, aid, food, water and medical care is beyond the pale and begs to be destroyed. My only qualm is the subject of Israel is much like the subject of abortion - people are violently passionate about it. This could easily ignite WWIII.

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it was stated just a few days ago that Iran had enough fashionable material with in a week or two have an active bomb. Now Iran is supporting Hamas, (note With the 6 billion Biden just gave Iran) Of which Hamas is doing the dirty work for Iran right now. Don't over estimate that Iran will hand over the ordnance to Hamas in a heart beat. History has shown the hate of Israel LONG before 1967 like over 1400 years of hate. I need to add the history of many factions of Islam. They conquer and take and do not really build anything that they can call there own. The take over others fruits and call it there own. The Palestinians are stuck in the middle. Hamas attacks Israel from Palestinians land leaving the people of Palestinians hold the bag of the repercussions. Thus the real problem. Islam's Koran says that one Muslim can not give witness on another Muslim. So the Palestinians stand idlily by watching there lives being destroyed by Hamas. Then the blame will be on Israel. And the UN security consul is controlled by Islam

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Israel has been an illegal and genocidal occupying State for over 70 yrs. It has stolen land, destroyed olive orchards, shot Palestinian children with impunity and tortured 1000's of them. It shoots to kill and maim with intention such as the shooting of children's eyes or breaking their arms and legs to cripple them. It has used excessive force when claiming to defend itself. But the reality is that the Palestinian's as an occupied people have the legal right to defend themselves and do whatever they can to achieve their freedom. Israel does not have that right as they are the aggressors and criminal in their repression of millions of people simply because they lived on the land for centuries--something the Israelis have not done. It is very understandable that the Palestinians have had enough and are rising up even knowing the military power and the genocidal racism of the Israelis and their oft stated goal of destroying/killing them. Stop supporting fascism. Stop defending the indefensible. Start supporting freedom of people and their right to self-determination. You want this for yourself. You need to support the same for other people.

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We don't support any religion or people who parade dead bodies and encourage their children to desecrate the dead. We do not support people who believe in CRT or DEI. We recognize those who try and negate the real, BS sob stories about Israel not being legit, the war decided that one for ya.

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confused nonsense

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You and the truth stopped talking to each other a long time ago. Be well.

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I see. You have discovered a truth gene that you control only for yourself.

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You may not know this, but God actually gave the Jewish people the land, which is much smaller today than what they were promised. The Jewish people will be given ALL of the promised land back, but only after the 7 year tribulation period. God is for all people, Palestinian, Christian, Jewish, etc. HIs desire is that they would repent and turn to Yeshua HaMashiach for salvation.

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Nothing to worry about at all. I mean, it’s not like president pudding brain opened our borders two years ago and MILLIONS of military age middle eastern men have been pouring into American cities, right? What could go wrong? Oh, and the Obiden administration made sure they all have new iPhones that OUR tax dollars are paying for so they can be sure to get that call, text, or email notifying them to commence operations.

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In a post reality world, how do we know any of this is actually happening.

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Jacob Dreizin immediately compared plethora of Telegram Gaza atrocities (that will never be seen by most Americans) to the Bucha crap Creep State promoted endlessly .. Wikipedia/Google still does ..


".. Based on all the bloody filth I’ve seen online overnight through this morning, I can say with surety, the “neocons” (& by that I mean specific names, not some generalized ethnos) are about to taste the gap between “Bucha” & REALITY. I hope it tastes so good that you choke on it, motherf*ckers." J.Dreizin

Time to wake-up? ..When some of Briben's Army pouring across border bring this to your hometown, maybe then.??

Nah. ..Not 'til they drag Americans by their hair .. out onto the street .. and put the quietus on 'em. A couple thousand times.

Gaza is a training exercise.

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