It was not that long ago that referring to oneself as a Christian Conservative American wouldn't get you vilified or marginalized. Slowly, over time, that positive descriptor has been usurped by the "intellectual" left until it now describes shallow, anti-science thinking and intentional ignorance. However, I still cling to the positive nature of defining myself as a Christian Conservative American. I have read the Book. I know how this story ends.

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Perhaps, but it's been a long time coming.

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Spot on JD! you saw right through their agenda. It's about separating our young generation from God and loosing faith in God. How corrupted is that? This mind-f-up has infiltated our schools down to the psych therapists being instructed to address / push the students coming in for any type of counselling into this emotional questionning (I know of a Christian psych therapist in a school that actually left her job because of this).

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I am sure you appreciate that one of the things that the vaxxx does is to disconnect the spiritual connection to Source located in the RH side of the brain. No cranial sacral pulse...what does that tell you?

Here are 2 terrifying explanations from the healing world:


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If this fight is not recognized by each of us as ultimately a spiritual one, you’ve cut your own self off at the knees. Which is why the evil one(s) has/have worked tirelessly to remove God from any and all spheres in our lives for decades. Many sheep wander blindly through it all.

I come from a reformed theology background for the majority of my walk with Christ, so my take on the whole “end times” discussions is different than the more popular dispensational view. Basically I’d distill it down to this: the history of the world and His church’s life within that framework rhymes. There has been great persecutions before. Likely will be future ones as well. Is this the last call of God before everything shifts dramatically and history as we know it stops? Maybe. I’m not so much concerned with that possibility, but rather am doing my best to stay focused on what is right in front of me now. We can learn from how the saints before behaved to encourage us in OUR battle here and now. And Gods eternal word has many verses that are there for edification, rebuke and grace, to strengthen the hands that are weak and allow us to put on the full armor of God. We shall need it.

I said all that to say this (ask any of my family and friends and they’ll confirm I’m of the school that says a lot of words to get to a point..lol) Thank you JD, and all the other amazing people on substack that know this is a battle between God and His enemies. The work done here to feed the flock and call out to the lost sheep is a critical one. Not a good seed dropped here is wasted, but will bring forth fruit in it’s time.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen”

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Sadly, NO MENTION of how to stop the LGBTQIA+ *(and Abortion) Supremacy Agendas IN CHURCHES! - Or perhaps the churches "have gone too far" and are "beyond redemption"?

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Churches/Pastors who lack the discernment to not go woke cannot be fixed without upheaval. Best to find a new church.

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The LGBT agenda (as with all other biblically abominable agendas) will never be eradicated unless attacked biblically, which also means addressing its genesis here in America.

Just think: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600 predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible's immutable/unchanging moral law (including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, etc.) there would be no out-of-the-closet, in-your-face LGBT movement today proselytizing our posterity to their perverted lifestyle because no sodomite, lesbian, or "transgender" would dare risk exposing themselves (pun intended) to petition government for their "rights" or to parade their wares in public.

That they are doing so is just another abominable consequence of the constitutional framer's rejection of Yahweh as America's Sovereign and His moral law as supreme:

"[B]ecause they have ... trespassed against my law ... they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind...." (Hosea 8:1, 7)

Today's America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today's hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today's whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.

For more, see Chapter 3 "The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh" of free online book "Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page and scroll down to Chapter 3.

Then Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land."

Then find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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"It is imperative that we understand three keys to victory against the LGBTQIA+ supremacy agenda, but before we get to those we must recognize that it really is about supremacy. They claim it's about equality, but what more do they need in order to have equality? They got gay marriage passed. They're all members of a "protected class" which prevents discrimination. They have plenty of special days, weeks, months, and events that are exclusive to them. They even have the additional privilege of going into whichever bathroom they feel like using at any given moment.:

these comments are stunningly incorrect.

In most states to date: a gay individual does not have workplace protection and can be fired for simply being gay. ENDA has languished on desks in Congress for years now. Check that out.

"Gay Marriage" was passed for gays to enjoy the same rights as heterosexuals in relationships who wanted the right to marry. Something wrong with this thought form?

Just what " days, months , weeks" are specially designated to gays? Help me out here. Pride parade is a parade..like St Patricks day parade etc etc etc.

"family bathrooms' are just that" family bathrooms.

I wholeheartedly object to trans 1) being allowed in the bathroom of their presenting gender 2) participation in sports as trans in their presenting gender 3) the absolute bs of making sports teams and the military participate in gay flags ; clothing ---any more than flying Ukraine's colors in Congress.

What planet are we on here? Not the one I grew up in...and I am gay.

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"..what " days, months , weeks" are specially designated to gays?"

Late March - National LGBT Health Awareness Week

March 31- International Transgender Day of Visibility

April - (STD Awareness Month)

April 18 - National Transgender HIV Testing Day

April 26 - Lesbian Visibility Day

May 17 - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

May 22 - Harvey Milk Day

May 24 - Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day

June (LGBT Pride Month)

June 26 - US Legalization of Same Sex Marriage Anniversary

May 28 - Stonewall Riots Anniversary

September 22 - Bisexual Awareness Week

September 23 - Celebrate Bisexuality Day

September 27 - National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

October ( LGBT History Month)

October 19 - National LGBT Center Awareness Day to recognize the work of LGBY community centers

October 20 - Spirit Day to speak out against bullying of LGBTers

October 26 - Intersex Awareness Day

October 23 - 29 - Asexual Awareness week

November 8 - Intersex Day of Remembrance

November 20 - Transgender Day of Awareness

December 1 - World AIDS Day

December 8 - Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day


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thank you ..had no idea. how ridiculous: seriously-> "lesbian visibility day"; 'pansexual ----day".... who thought this stuff up?...

but then I think all of the 'awareness' days and events are pure bs- regardless of the cause. Political pandering and a waste of everyone's time.

Be interesting to do this run for the black community and the Jewish community.


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I must respectfully disagree with you . . . .

You tell me where and when anyone has been fired for being GAY in a workplace. It would be all over the news not to mention a mammoth lawsuit! It's nothing more than a total BS excuse. People are not fired because of the color of their skin or who they prefer affection from! They are fired because they've done something wrong! I am so sick and tired of this excuse. The gay and blacks have more rights than anyone else and use the "card" for everything! Tell me again how - who you prefer affection from has anything to do with your work? Puh-leeze!

I will say this however. The gay male community has become the most narcissistic group of people in existence. It all stared with the AIDS movement. They exploited it for all it's worth. That, was the turning point. Back in the 60 and 70's gay men were the nicest people on the face of this earth. Not any more. Even gay men ask why the lesbian community dislikes them so much! In that sense they are often fired from jobs because they are so pre-occupied with themselves, they aren't doing their work!!!!!

Lets talk about gay marriage and the desecration of the sanctity of it! The gay community has destroyed and romanticized it! Perfect example. Years ago Governor Gruesome performed a marriage ceremony for hundreds of couples (Rosie O'Donnell) before it was legal. A few years later when it passed they went back and asked all the couples if they would do it again now that it was legal? Guess who was no longer together? THE VAST MAJORITY! How many wives has Rosie had alone? Lets talk about Ellen DeGeneres! Jane Lynch. Marriage is not a joke! You can count on one hand the number of gay couples that actually remain together! Not saying the same doesn't apply in the heterosexual community but not nearly as profound. How many sexual partners does the average gay male have before he got married? Tell me again how this is about actual love and relationships? The latest gay male craze is the whole dinner party movement.

Just what days and months are dedicated to gays? Last I checked JUNE is gay pride MONTH! I can think of no other community that gets an entire month! The NYC parade is an absolute disgrace. Back in the 70's it was in fact a celebration but now has turned into a freak show. Explain the need to shed one's clothes? Seriously? People don't commit suicide because they prefer affection from the same sex they commit suicide because of this very behavior and being associated/ashamed of it! You are literally chastised and ostracized if you dare go against it! As in you're NOT GAY if you don't participate!

To the person below who wrote is not a lifestyle it most certainly is! If that were not true why the need for the flags? Not only is it a lifestyle it's an ethos. A shared sense of self. An attitude. A certain outlook. If the gay community truly wanted equality they would drop all the labels. They thrive on being different and will never surrender.

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ay yi yi...Let me just state that I was on the front line for gay rights all of through the 90's. Please look up ENDA...do your homework. Gays on the Federal and State levels in most states can still be fired just for being gay. The fact that companies choose not to do so today is a choice but gays do not have protection in those states or cities that don't have specified laws protecting them. There is no protection on a federal level for jobs. Beginning, middle, and end of sentence.

Gay marriage...study John Bradshow. Average life expectancy for any marriage today is 15 years because we live longer.

Stay with your hate...it is what is creating the darkness here that is fortunately not going to win and is not winning now.

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{Gays on the Federal and State levels in most states can still be fired just for being gay. The fact that companies choose not to do so today is a choice but gays do not have protection in those states or cities that don't have specified laws protecting them}

Thanks for making my point! You can in fact be terminated for a lot of things today but no company would ever fire someone based on their sexual preference. The backlash and lawsuits would be insurmountable. Ergo firing someone because they're gay! Get off the pity potty!

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You are wholly and completely incorrect. Why don't you place a call to Lambda Legal in NYC or Chicago etc and determine their past and present caseload for folks being fired from their jobs for coming out in the workplace. There cannot be lawsuits as it is perfectly legal to do so. The attempt to get EMDA passed has been for over 20+ years so the gay community made a conscious decision among the then leaders of the community to strive for the passage of gay marriage. It may interest you to know that studies have been done that gay parents can often be better parents with better outcomes for their children than heterosexuals. I have already raised 3 children in a long term relationship.

Again...this article by JD is about the TRANS movement..which I do not endorse. (Even though JD does not have his information put forth correctly either- full of misstatements)).

It is a deliberate movement within the WEF and One World Order to disrupt and confuse young children and teenagers. Why? fulfills the depopulation agenda...while the Vaxxxx is a eugenics agenda that if Dr. Eads, Dr Robert Malone , Dr Peter McCollough , Clif High, et all are correct...we shall see the global population decreasing about 40% per age group worldwide by 2025.

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Other than someone getting fired TODAY for being gay I wholeheartedly agree.

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Do more homework: being gay is not a 'lifestyle'. There is a gay gene in nature as well as in humans.

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OMG it most certainly is a lifestyle. Hence the term gay "community". It's a shared sense of self. All one has to do is observe the gay men's community and how they all look alike. The haircuts, clothing etc. No one is saying anything about biological. It is absolutely an ethos. There are numerous types of lifestyles from religious to professional and the list goes on and on and on and on.

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nope...you are incorrect...but it is difficult to have an intelligent conversation with inherent and bigoted bias with any individual.

The language in the gay community reflects the idioms as the black community, the jewish community, and as the spiritual community within those particular groupings.

It is not a 'lifestyle' of origin and the science has already proven you to be incorrect....it is not a choice. It is from birth.

Many a teenager has been thrown out of the house and onto the streets because the parents were fully unconscious they had anything to do with the sexuality of their child...in the womb.

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I do beleive you misunderstand the term lifestyle. The gay community is most definitely a conscience "identity" a common "culture" a mode of perception, a particular outlook on the world. And . . . as I stated previously, it's also an ethos, a shared sense of self, a (huge) attitude (which you have certainly solidified) and a practice. I repeat, no one is talking about biological.

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And I repeat...this is singular from the current attempt at the "Trans" agenda within the schools, etc. I consider this event coming straight out of the lower astral realms. It is a form of insanity that is seemingly permeating the globe and particularly the USA at this moment in time. The US is the last stronghold...to conquer.

The same can be said for blindly accepting the supposed 'vaxxx" IMV.

The consequences are enormous through the timelines and at the soul level to say nothing of the physical body.

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I have to take issue with how this column is written JD. You keep referring to the gay community as 'they' as if the gay community is a foreign entity that just stepped off the plane from Mars. You, JD, would need to appreciate that the gay community is not the drag community. Drag Queens are usually straight guys dressing up as females and running a stage play. "Trans' are normally a very small percentage of folks within the gay community. The Human Rights Campaign based in DC had to run seminars some years ago for the gay community to even understand what 'trans' is and and how to address a transgendered individual: which is by that individuals presenting gender.

Being 'gay' is not a 'lifestyle', as you suggest. One is born gay. Male or female. What is taking place right now is a planned agenda.

Have you not paid attention to the hormones being added to food for some time now? This did not just come 'out of the blue'.

This is a planned phenomenon by the same folks who are bringing us the CV Vaxxx.

Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

It does serve to create confusion and instability among families raising children: straight or gay.

The gay community does not endorse this movement IMV, nor should it. Since most folks are not awake to what is going on with the WEF- why would they ( and apparently you) recognize this for what it is. GGB

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I definitely should have been more clear, as I think I was in the show, that "they" are the New World Order perpetrators of the agenda, not the LGBTQIA+ community itself. It's the people driving the agenda, most of whom are not even part of that community, who are the problem.

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suggest you rewrite this column.

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I assume that you have ALL seen Elon musk’s tweet about the Mind Virus creating a Woke agenda right? Some of you here have fallen into this trap from evil . The mind virus is real... & IMV: he is correct. I am impressed he has it. Ggb

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Jesus told us we would be persecuted for our faith. I always thought I was safe from that here in America, but the radicals are full of evil. Satan us strong. We must be stronger.

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interesting article on this topic...

Concerning biology: in my work: gays hips are titled slightly forward and the energetic spine operates differently from a heterosexual.

Here with Matt Taibbi...is another perspective.

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