I see one key touch of gray in your silver lining. They are not going to allow Trump to mount a proper defense, normal rules of jurisprudence will not apply. Gag orders will all but stop his campaigning. And the courts will do to him what they did to Bannon, who was not even allowed to mount any real defense in court. All the objections and appeals on court rulings will be effectively ignored or slow walked. Mark my word he won’t be allowed to prove anything. I hope I’m wrong and you are right though.

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The International Central Banker Family Mafia Capo's promised OVERWHELMING chaos/crises and the INJUSTICE System most certainly is promoting it's share...With the 'Death by Investigation' of the Govt. Legislatures.


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How can we trust Willis' judgment when she neglected to charge The President with the most obvious violation, that of "Being responsible for The Fall of Man, in the Garden." Or was she just unable to convince Satan to appear as a false witness before the Grand Jury. Not to worry good reader, this failure on her part will not save her from the testimony which will follow before the "Great White Throne," when her ultimate destination is recorded. Of course, I have no foreknowledge of the future to come for anyone, nor do I willfully judge others. However, I do have the knowledge and am confident that God Our Father does have the experience of seeing His Innocent Son stand before the unworthy who made false statements and claims, and passed judgment upon His Son, The Only Begotten Son of the Living God. Because of His Perfect Nature I do trust that His Judgment will be Good and True. Were I Attorney Willis, who may have just sealed her fate, I might reevaluate my search for vainglory in this world where no good exists and seek eternal forgiveness. (May God my Father in His Perfect Mercy forgive me of my sins through His Son Jesus Christ, Amen.)

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Biden is the MOST unpopular president EVER!! He makes Jimmy Carter look good!! Even that rat Obama is a smaller pariah compared to Biden and his criminal family! All the dirt is seeping out from under the carpet of lies the Democrats have told. Every attempt to smear Trump has opened the eyes of the undecideds. God loves America and he will not allow EVIL to win!

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Democrats = communists.

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Poor Wile E. Coyote, he will never acknowledge the fact that ACME never will make a functional Trump Trap®.

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All these indictments of President Trump and any of his high profile supporters are socialist show trials that the Nazis and communists have used for the past 120 years or so to criminalize political arguments. Obama and his team, who are actually running the federal government, have already coordinated with these various prosecutors bringing the charges and all of the accused have been judged to be guilty of all, or at least, the vast majority of, the charges. The trials are to degrade the defendants, their families, and their supporters and fulfill the bloodlust of the uniparty members, all the "D"s and many of the "R"s who hate Trump and the MAGA movement. All the judges, all the prosecutors, and all the juries are part of this effort and none of the accused will be given a fair trial. So, those who argue that if the defense counsel use this or that argument to defend these patriots, they are missing the whole point of the exercise. All have already been convicted and will be sentenced to the maximum punishments allowed. The same will transpire at the appeals level, where all the judges with "D"s by their names, as well as some with "R"s, will rubberstamp the punishments. The only hope for true justice lies with the Supreme Court and that's problematic.

Danny Huckabee

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Very thorough. Thank you for this. Everyone knows what they are doing, it's all lies and a mockery of the rule of law. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for this sham against the leading Republican opponent. I'm just afraid they will resort to further desperate measures, and I can't say it but I think we all know what that is! God help us!

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Will cuckservatives and Republicucks ever do more than wag fingers at the bolshevik democrat filth? 🤔

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What a powerful and persuasive analysis this is. The injustice in the Fulton County indictment is so blatant, so perverse in its construction - truly this will become the Fulton’s Folly of the 21st century.

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I admit to not understanding the focus on Trump in general, but I'm also a dyed in the wool cynic.




I'd also suggest looking up his "freedom cities" (not original) idea which sound an awful lot like the 15min cities everyone is so fond of.

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To Build Back Better you need to destroy (MAGA).

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

The indictments against Trump will surely pail in comparison to the corrupt Biden regime. We will wait and see… and in the meantime, we won’t give up hope.

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Hopefully, even the main-stream-media will feel shamed into acknowledging and reporting on the ludicrous charges and 'supporting evidence'. Yes, yes, I know---'foolish boy'. I submit that the decline of our country can be laid directly on their doorstep. To wit: How far would the current Fulton County District Attorney have gotten in her campaign had the media widely reported on the massive amounts of George Soros money financing her?

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Hopefully, even the main-stream-media will feel shamed into acknowledging and reporting on the ludicrous charges and 'supporting evidence'. Yes, yes, I know---'foolish boy'. I submit that the decline of our country can be laid directly on their doorstep. To wit: How far would the current Fulton County District Attorney have gotten in her campaign had the media widely reported on the massive amounts of George Soros money financing her?

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The evening news here in PA is suggesting this State may be following GA with indictments.

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