Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

I will support Trump if he wins the nomination, but I hope he backs out. Here's why:

1. He still has lousy advisors (Stepien, Clark)

2. He's unforgivably blind to the destruction that Operation Warp Speed caused

3. His endorsements show that he hasn't learned from his awful personnel picks in office

4. He cannot seem to pick battles. Everything becomes an ego, personal issue

5. He is never going to stop being the issue.

6. He failed to declassify / unredact all the Sussmann evidence that would have ruined the Dems

7. He went along with the Deep State on Assange and Snowden

8. He let Fauci and Birx destroy the country. He should have brought in outside experts (Ioannidis, Bhatacharya, Gupta, Kulldorff)

9. He is horribly inarticulate. His clumsy comments in early Jan 2021 were misinterpreted because he often fails to speak clearly

There are more but that's enough. He's a good man who was a lightening rod, but now he's scarred and burned. It would be best for him to back away and let a young, smart warrior like DeSantis pick up where he left off.

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I prefer DeSantis!

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Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022

Trump has way too much baggage. DeSantis is perfect, but they're already gunning for him. As long as it isn't another GD treasonous RINO I don't care.

You want somebody who's calm, reasonable, and hasn't been in the spotlight too much. Somebody who won't send libtards into a murderous tailspin at the mention of his name. And that somebody has to be a thorough Conservative able to unleash an EF-12 whirlwind on Democrats and their devastating policies.

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Please quit spewing this nonsense. President Trump is making hard decisions with crap choices. Who else can you cite who, after leaving office, spends so much time, money, and energy for We the People??? I won't hold my breath waiting for your answer. And by promoting DeSantis, you are putting Florida and ALL the electoral ballets they carry at risk - a risk we can NOT afford. DeSantis would be great on the heels of President Trump. In the meantime, he should be cultivating a strong candidate to replace him when the time comes. Shut up already about Desantis over Trump for 2024.

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I agree with you. I'm quickly running out of patience with Donald Trump. I'd like to see DeSantis there, but Florida can't afford to lose him.

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Personally, I think Trump should back DeSantis. DeSantis would then be unstoppable.

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All in on DeSantis

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Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022

I can't imagine any community not wanting to have the discussion. Those people are as bad as the enemy.

I read Trump's [undated] 12 page letter last night. Meh. He could have said so much more. Instead he went on about how the election was stolen---which was great--but it's information we already have. Nothing about the sinister globalists, the poisonous injections or how these food shortages and inflation are being "created" and forced upon us. It makes me distrust him as well. He must know where the heart of the matter is. If he doesn't, then I'm done with him too--and if he does, shame on him for not addressing it--it is a telltale sign.

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Trump anytime. I live in Florida and I like what De Santis has done here so far. But he is NOT ready for the presidency. I lived half my 71 years of my life abroad before I immigrated to the US. The world understands POWER and Trump to the world is POWER. I do not care one iota about Trump's tweets, bragging, big mouth, etc. He is a New Yorker, after all. But remember NOTHING bad happened during his term, inflation was below 2%, the border was sealed, Putin knew Trump's read line. You know why? Because he was UNPREDICTABLE. Enemies, foes, adversaries and friends alike did not know what he would do at any time. I never forget when he had Chinese President Xi at a dinner in DC and Trump excused himself, went out and came back telling Zi he just bombed Syria's regime for using chemical weapons. No one but Trump would have done and said that.

The dream ticket would be Trump for President and DeSantis for VP. We would then have 12 years of prosperity.

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I know I'm repeating myself and perhaps beating a dead horse, but it matters not a whit which establishment candidate (and yes, Trump is in reality establishment) we support or whom we "elect," nothing in the DC swamp will ever change as long as it exists in its present form. It is abundantly clear that what we call the Deep State, comprised of non-state actors, mega-corporations, banking interests (particularly the City of London) and other interests are running all of government. Presidents can't do anything without the approval of the puppeteers who pull the strings. Any talk or discussion about which candidates to support is meaningless, but it does further the illusion (fostered by TPTB) that we have a choice and that our votes or our voices matter in DC. They don't. We need to wake up and smell the coffee - we will not be able to use the existing system to fix the existing system; we cannot vote our way out of this.


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I live in Florida. We LOVE DeSantis here. He's young and has a young family. Plenty of time for him to run. He'll run for re-election this year and I suspect it'll be a landslide. We want him every day of his full 2nd term as governor. Let Trump run in 2024 and DeSantis can run in 2028.

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Trump is still a force to be reckoned with. There are 80 million Americans who think so

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Regarding Donald Trump:

• I am grateful that he defeated Hillary Clinton.

• I wish he were President now instead of the imbecile we have in the White House currently.

• I am grateful that he taught Republicans, at least the ones with their eyes open, how to fight and stop compromising on insane issues and policies.

I wish conservative businessman, religious leaders, and citizens had half the gumption and guts he had, instead of a cowardly passive approach they take to citizenship and life and unapologetically vocalize their feelings, positions, and arguments.

But having said all that, I believe many conservatives are under the illusion that he was a fantastic President and that he should be our next President. At least on the second account, I disagree.

Further, I don’t think Suburban women, the ones who put Republicans over the top in Virginia, will vote for him because of all of is personal baggage, occasional pettiness, and former incredibly stupid statements and actions.

His track record as President:

1. Revived the economy through lower income taxes especially capital gains taxes, resulting in:

a. Low unemployment for blacks, Hispanics and others who have not ‘shared’ in the American Dream

b. Real (measured against inflation) significant income gains for the middle class

2. Lowered the amount of regulation on our businesses

3. Helped the United States become energy dependent.

4. Kept us out of foreign wars.

5. Named (supposedly) conservative judges and justices to the court system.

6. Got foreign companies to pay for their self-defense.

7. Strengthened our military.

These are all good things, especially relative to our previous and current President however, there seems to be a mass hypnosis and nostalgia for the man which is not merited.

(Mass hypnosis is not uncommon in our culture. We have people under 40 years old taking vaccines for a disease with a 99.7% cure rate without the vaccine. These poor youngsters have been cajoled and hoodwinked into doing something that likely is bad for their health long-term… but I digress.)

My beef with Trump is three-fold:

1. He really did not make good, tough decisions, particularly the personnel decisions, necessary to conduct a great Presidency…And America will face the consequences of his bad decisions for years.

2. Vaccines are loser for him

3. He did not have the guts to give the tough orders when necessary.

1. Personnel Decisions

If we take a look at Trump’s ascension to the presidency, he was popular because he spoke the truth, he was frank, and he seem to have the guts to make tough decisions. “You’re fired“ was a Trump catch phrase from his show the apprentice. His sell was that he could make the tough personnel decisions that were necessary to drain the swamp. He came in with high expectations.

However, in regard to the personnel, he could have easily done something about, it seems to me that he was ill prepared to have key positions manned during his transition. Further, when faced with critical decisions on letting people go, he could not pull the trigger.

I don’t know whether he was just naïve or thought he could pick people up and plug them in the jobs willy-nilly, but he picked a lot of mambi pambi run-of-the-mill RINOs who didn’t get the job done. (Mike Pompeo and Rick Grinnell being two noteworthy exceptions.)

More important, there are a whole lot of people that Trump did a whole lot of complaining about that he appointed, and/or he could have fired, but didn’t. He just bitched and moaned about the bad job they were doing.

The following is not an all-encompassing list but it should illustrate my point:

• Jeff Sessions

• John Comey

• Gina Haspel

• Mike Pence

• Bill Barr

• General Milley

• General Mattis

• Last and most important…Tony Fauci.

Let’s talk Covid. Regardless of your politics, if you have the intelligence of a sixth grader you should’ve been able to ask the question of Tony Fauci, “why did your NIH publication in August of 2005 publish– “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread….and yet despite the fact that the milder form Hydroxychloroquine had been used safely for 65 years in millions of patients, you think it is dangerous???” ”Your fired.” One does not need a medical degree to call skubalon when you see it.

Trump got snookered, hook line and sinker. He let them kill early treatment, implement lockdowns, and rush vaccines. WHY?

Back to the 2020 election for a minute, Trump’s was complaining about the Supreme Court not hearing cases brought up to challenge the election.


He appointed 1/3 of the Supreme Court. There were at least two conservative judges before he named his three. If they were bad justices, it’s his fault, nobody else’s.

2. Lose-Lose on the Vaccines

The mRNA jabs are leaky and provide crappy, short protection and cause huge health issue

You would have to be a fool to believe Trump would get any balanced or fair coverage from the media. Should he run, Trump will be blamed for rushing these vaccines to market. Pictures of still born babies, young athletes dying before their time, and data showing ADE will be pinned squarely on his shoulders.

By the same token, he will never get any credit for the deaths the vaccines may have save. The press with tell the American imperitissimi that ‘it took Joe Biden and the Democrats to roll out the vaccines.”

3. Making the tough calls involving loss of life.

Trump did a great job keeping us from being involved in more wars, I believe, for it was for the right reasons. Nevertheless, I’ll never forget reading an article about how his greeting families at the return of fallen US soldiers at Dover Air Force Base had a profound effect on him (as I’m sure it would for any of us.).

After the George Floyd incident our cities were burning. US citizens and their property was at risk. Our federal buildings were being attacked, burned, and looted. Such conduct is a federal crime that the federal government can and should prosecute. When it became clear that states did not or could not protect federal property and personnel Trump should have ordered either national guard or troops in…he didn’t. He wimped out.

The stated excuse was that he didn’t want to overstep the governors and their authority blah blah blah blah blah blah. I say skubalon (look it up).

He could’ve deployed federal officers to federal buildings with the following instructions “shoot to kill,“ and the riots would’ve been over. He could have taken out the garbage.

He didn’t.

I don’t know if it was a calculated political move to elicit the ‘law and order’ vote, but it was the wrong decision. I want a President who will give that order.

The whole reason Kyle Rittenhouse ever stood trial is because Trump (yes and others) wouldn’t act.

Trump didn’t and wouldn’t….and won’t in the future...he is too afraid to order the death of anyone other than a terrorist 2,000 miles away.

Not only do I want a President who will give that order, I want one who will ask why the hell it has not been done already.

Additionally, after failing to take action on the election himself, the man did almost nothing in support of the 2 Republican Senatorial candidates in Georgia. He basically sat on the sidelines and pouted. Had either of those two won, we would not be in the fiscal and legislative mess we are today.

I could go on and on.

I think the reason there are so many rallies for Trump now is that people realize what an incredible screwup Biden is, and we long for at least an above average president.

But the main point of this email is that Trump, IMO, should not be the Republican nominee in 2024:

• He made bad personnel decisions and would not admit or rectify his mistakes.

• Trump will be 77 years old in 2024. He’s too damn old. I know he’s very spry for 74 years old, and still seems sharp. Nevertheless, we all know people lose it at various times and we can’t take the risk of having another senile imbecile in the White House.

• There are some people who despite being reasonably intelligent in other aspects of their lives, don’t realize that the choice for President is binary. Because they didn’t like Trump, they voted for a guy who was demonstrably bought and paid for by China, a groper, and a buffoon. BUT HE DIDN’T SEND OUT MEAN TWEETS, so they voted for him. Their minds won’t change.

Trump needs to be a king-maker, not the king. He doesn’t know it yet, but he would be happier in that role anyway…there is limited accountability and no tough live or death decisions.

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Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022

DeSantis is a better fighter on social issues, doesn't have as much baggage, & he's not as old. Appearance matters to swing voters and DeSantis isn't as repulsive verbally or physically. Trump keeps alienating his base by shilling for a vaccine that is causing many injures. Trump also keeps endorsing RINOs even after being burnt by them many times in the past. Trump may be getting too old to learn from his mistakes.

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Good article and points taken. I too still support Trump, but my concern was why did he endorse Dr. Oz? If he runs I will most certainly support him, but he needs better advisors. With that being said DeSantis is basically a kindler gentler Trump. Sometimes you need that. :-)

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Forget the small stuff, unless of course you are a liberal shill and are trying to disrupt things.

Who was it that identified the Deep State, both political and media, and called a "spade a spade" then made it known to the public? Where would we be now if Killary had become president. Why are sheeple being red-pilled in great numbers every day?

Donald Trump, God Bless him, started the whole process of waking people up to what has been going on in this country for quite a number years. Due to the fact that I am 71 years old and only the Lord above knows how many I have left, would like to see DJT finish the work he started and put all the corrupt players either in jail or on a gallows.

If we don't quit this divisive crap, we'll end up back where we started.

United we stand and divided we fall. (again)

BTW-I am a proud veteran of the Vietnam era and I see hope in peoples faces again. Please forget the jab crap, the Oz crap and all the other crap that is being brought up. We are all individuals with differing opinions. I didn't take the jab and I won't Take the jab, if you did lots of luck to you.

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