Fighting the good fight? Journalists? Do you read your own news feed? They are sellouts. They take money to push the Satanic government's narrative. They compromise whatever morals they told themselves they had every day to "stay in the fight." For every two deaths you report, there are hundreds, probably thousands or tens of thousands, that don't get noticed. The jab is the true plague. We got together with a group of friends in NOLA last week, and every one had personal stories about how they were sick or several of their family and kids were dead or on the verge of death. At some point they asked if I thought it was the ''vaccines," and I said, "I'm sure the majority of it is," like I have from day one of this. They didn't argue or call me crazy like they have from day one: they just looked at their laps and one woman cried. These people are the worst evil any of us have seen in our lives. Don't soft sell it. If they aren't reporting what they know is true, they have knelt to evil. They are apologists, practicing appeasement or f'ing evil themselves.

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Agree 1000%. No excuses! This is getting terrifying. I’m so afraid one of my kids will drop dead. I would never look away like all these parents are doing. I’d be screaming and raging and marching on the streets and handing out flyers to anybody who is at the drug stores standing in line for these shots. We must organize a worldwide event!!

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I can barely contain my rage as the deaths of healthy young people continue to mount, and the only "official" response is willful ignorance, denial and obfuscation. And now, the Molech-serving CDC has incredibly added the experimental clot shots to the childhood "vaccine" schedule.

I have to keep telling myself, "Vengeance is mine" saith the Lord. But I can't help adding, "Please let me watch when it comes for them, Lord."

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An alternative perspective...which may or may not be popular...probably won't be.

It is foolish to expect anyone or any company to do something, that does not bring them profits.

Expecting anything less, is a fantasy. This nostalgic view of "how journalists used to be" or thinking these news outlets/organization should feel ashamed, for not covering this...is ridiculous.

Even in their heyday, they weren't breaking stories and spending time/money on investigative reporting, because they cared about you/us. They were out there to get the scoop first...to sell papers.

Same today...except subscriptions and revenue is digitally based.

The model is the same though...they are producing content, that is popular and that sells.

If there's no audience for it, then they switch to content that is popular and will sell subscriptions/get clicks.

The reality is, their content is mainly driven not by their readers/subscribers, but by their sponsors.

If you think that's not right or should be different, then you need to demand a change. Not in these echo chambers (and they are...we all think and say the same things for the most part) but you need to be calling, emailing and showing up in person, to these news outlets, that you feel are staying silent.

Understand though, they could care less about what you want/think...you don't bring them money, you don't even subscribe to their service...I certainly don't.

The truth is they owe us nothing...they never have, They will only cater to the largest and most vocal audience, but to think they owe you something, over a sponsor (big pharma/big tech) that pays them millions, is just plain crazy.

Stop expecting someone else to care more than you do. Yes I know you care...I do also, but I don't care if CNN, MSNBC or others report on it, enough to call, write or picket them. Same goes for any other information outlet, out there.

They owe me nothing, they have no responsibility to me or the public...they are not altruistic.

That was a propaganda tactic they sold early on, to build reader and brand loyalty. Cronkite and Winchell, were beloved mascots, for these news organizations and were used to bring in readers and viewers. They weren't doing their jobs for the public...it was for paychecks and Pulitzers and in turn they were serving their sponsors...not you.

So, if we want news outlets to cover and report on these un-popular stories (to their main audiences), we need to make noise in other places, than just here. Get all your friends together and start an email campaign, call in mass and demand they cover these stories, make your voices heard.

My guess is many here are like me, in the that I want nothing to do with these other outlets...I get all my news from select conservative sites. So I really don't care if they cover these stories...in truth, I have no expectation for them to do so.

It's up to us to get the word out, about this issue and others, if it's important enough to us, to do so.

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A lot like personnel HR in orgs. They aren't there for anyone's benefit except their bosses and their own. I learned the hard way. 😏

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Great point

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It’s disgusting that so many people KNOW the jabs are injuring & killing millions of people worldwide yet they stay silent because they care more about their paychecks than innocent peoples health & lives?!?

Now the CDC is forcing jabs on children to attend school by adding it to their regular immunization requirements!

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I can't believe how humans value a paycheck over the lives of others. It's despicable.

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Unfortunately when we allowed God to be removed from our schools, government & country, all morals went with it.

Seems most people care about money more than life.

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You have every right to get 'hot'. It's absolutely unforgivable what these monsters are doing, and the assist they are being given by people who will not fight for others.

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We have all been drafted into a psyop war. Yes I fear for my compliant adult kids too.

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I would hope the parents requesting an autopsy are smart enough - and willing - to demand the specific tests required to rule in or out the jab as a cause of death. Most likely they haven't a clue that such tests are not normally run.

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Morticians have been put on notice not to reveal what they are seeing when they try to embalm the dead who have been vaccinated... Seek the truth first.

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Now that the CDC has cleared the way for the Blue States to bludgeon Parents into forcing this unapproved, dangerous jab into your school aged children, we will be seeing more deaths of children

So if the progressive's can't kill them in the womb, they'll get em when they come out.

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I think Boston Hospital is looking for volunteers.

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Boston Children's hospital.

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We cannot forget they are mostly broken in their minds at this point. Prion/nano. Fatigue. Steve at al is exempt.

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It's important to know that where Daniel Moshi is from, in a far western suburb of Chicago, has a ton of doctors who are totally going along with the narrative to keep their medical licenses, which is why it's so expected that they wouldn't be able to determine his cause of death, while they scan for and maybe even insert a probable inherited type of medical condition to explain it away, and hide that it was the jab...one of my cousins up there is a mortician, and has never been so busy in his whole 25 years, and yes, their blood is not normal while they prep their bodies for the wakes...

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What if everyone just calmly spoke their mind. Or you would rather sacrifice someone else’s child? Disgusting.

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Not somewhat understandable and definitely not acceptable!

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To the author: The caption to the title of your story says "" WHAT it the jabs'". You probably want to fix that. I'm just starting to read the article.

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