The body can heal from so many insults including mercury amalgam fillings and copious childhood v-sins that were never tested as effective either. we have all been fooled for a century or more as herbal medicine was censored by Rockerfeller-style monopolazeefaire.

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I'm kind to those duped into getting the EGTs.

I am not kind to those who helped force the jabs, did what they could to cancel the unjabbed, to destroy their lives, and to this day refuse to admit the jabs are poison while they STILL push them.

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I have a couple of male friends who were compelled by their respective employers to get vaccinated.

Now, with the TRUTH about the Covid vaccinations finally emerging - each of them, in their own way - is becoming palpably concerned about their health, i.e., seeing a doctor (cardiologist specifically), irregular heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. Damn shame ... and such a horrible CRIME against humanity.

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Dr Zelenko sell something on the ZSTACK.com website to detoxify from the shot. I’ve been taking the regular zstack for 2 years not and have not gotten any kind of sickness, so I know it works. Haven’t had to take the detoxify one because I never, and will never, take the flu, COVID, shingles shot as long as I live.

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As someone who received the vax believing I was protecting my elderly mother, I ask everyone to be compassionate towards our fellow world citizens who did or continue to get the vax. So many still believe their country would not lie or manipulate them, or maybe it's psychologically impossible for many to admit they made the wrong decision for their families. Whatever the case, sadly lives will continue to be lost, others will develop illnesses, and our hospitals will become stretched beyond their capacity. God help us.

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We are kind to those that just got the vax because they thought it was the right thing to do. But we will never be kind to those that tried to take our lives away not allowing us to go anywhere, not being able to get life saving surgery because we were unvaxxed, not allowing us to go anywhere on planes trains or even to another state or province to visit loved ones, not allowing us to visit our elderly in nursing homes, go to funerals or weddings, in some cases not allowed to buy groceries. loosing our jobs and basically destroying our lives. But the worse ones were the ones that attacked us in public telling us they want us all to die and we sure came close to it as the government was pushing the same thing in all countries. We came that close to be exterminated because we refused to take the vax and be murdered. I want to see these people in prison as well as all the hospitals, companies, healthcare professionals, doctors, police, politicians, Holly wood actors, CDC, FDA, WHO and everyone else who tried to force us to comply and destroyed our lives. I want them all in prison for what they knowingly did and in many cases were paid big bucks to do.

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I agree. All involved with this evil scheme in the US and abroad need to be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity.

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As I always say that those who bring others to justice need it just as badly...if not more.

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I believe you are correct on all counts. Even now - although I know it to be true - it must be INCONCEIVABLE to so many to imagine their government, their leaders, their DOCTORS have completely misled them. To what purpose ... to depopulate the Earth? Maybe ...

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". To what purpose ... to depopulate the Earth? Maybe .."

Without question. Fewer people easier to control.

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. . . I really wanted to say "Definitely, " but I was trying to be reasonable.

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Dear lady; no need of political correctness as the world has no time for that. I appreciate your trying to exhibit diplomacy as that speaks to who you are but you know that those of us on these type of message boards know better.

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Spot on ...

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Suramin or pine needle tea is said to have some amazing properties. Dr. Judy Mikovits (look

up her videos on Bitchute) says we can reverse the damage. It's worth looking into. Make sure

you collect real pine needles (and rinse, clean then boil and make the tea) or order off etsy.com

or another site, look for "pine needle tea" (organic is best). Watch/listen to the videos first and then you can make a better informed decision. If you already did the vaxx, don't do any more. No matter what you are threatened with. Look to God and trust in Him. God bless.

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Great info! Thank you.

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Take the ZSTACK. Daily saline nasal rinses. Make sure your vitamin D level is adequate, especially in the winter. Be careful around crowds of boosted people indoors (it’s a spike shedding cesspool).

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"... a huge chunk of those who got jabbed did so because they were given a tough choice."

This was the case with my daughters. Both would have lost their jobs, one of whom was faced with not being paid to take care of her severely disabled child. I tried to disuasde them but to no avail. I have, however, persuaded them to not get any boosters. Their choice was understandable. I'm lucky to have been retired when this hit.

Speaking of the reigniting of COVID hysteria, a new "XBB" variant - a name straight out of a bad sci-fi flick - is the latest doomsday entry:


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It will be interesting to see how many doses of the new bivalent booster go unused. Many are waking up to the fraud.

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Once again JD, another fantastic article! Thank you for all that you are doing!

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You hit the nail on the head; this mistake is both horrible and permanent. What do you say to people, especially those close to you, who have taken the shots and are now living with ticking time bombs in their bodies?

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There is nothing you can say. All you can do is be there when something goes wrong.

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Sort of makes you feel kind of helpless, does it not?

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Well...I know what you mean, but I will say one thing on the condition that I don't know everything about what these vaccines can do: we can try to help people detox and mitigate/slow down any damage.

There's just so much we still don't know, and every body is different.

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To all the people who have done what they thought was the right thing I am sorry I did it for my job but on the same day as my first jab and then on the same day as my second jab I did a full body cleanse and I haven’t been sick at all and this has been a year now I do take stuff like Zinc and other things that Dr Zelenko recommended and have been fine. Now for all the politicians in The USA and here in Canada you will burn in hell and to any other Doctor Media and others who promoted the vaccine you will all pay the price and Fuck the WEF and your big eating bullshit we the people will prevail

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We shall see. Don't have the critical mass of normals yet.

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Bird Flu is the next pandemic theater and it is more deadly

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Tom Clancys RAINBOW 6..........we are now living it........Its the VAX, stupid!

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the CDC vaccine group is meeting tomorrow and may try to add the Covid shots to the normal childhood vaccine schedule


The Centers for Disease Control’s vaccine advisory committee is holding a meeting tomorrow at which it appears the committee will discuss adding Covid-19 shots to the standard childhood immunization schedule.

I write “appears” because I have not confirmed this plan with the agency. But the Federal Register - the official government notice for the meetings - reports https://www.regulations.gov/document/CDC-2022-0111-0001 that “recommendation votes on pneumococcal, adult immunization schedule, child/adolescent immunization schedule and COVID-19 vaccines are scheduled.” [emphasis added]

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