Damn, you're depressing... but hopefully it will get people off the couch and DO something! Educate your neighbors about what to look for. Raise awareness and resist every "disaster" they deign to bring to the table as a means to scare us. RESIST! And let them know you're not going to kneel down with them, but kneel down for God. Unify against them in stopping this evil. Demand accountability! Target elected leaders and take them out at the ballot box. Why? Because they're a party to this whole mess, and there needs to be a wholesale cleansing.

This is about control of TRILLIONS of dollars. You want to be silent while hundreds of thousands of new debt is piled on every man, woman and child in this country? Having MORE money shoveled out to incoming illegal aliens than is being given out in social security to our own citizens?

When will American citizens wake up and scare the "rich men north of richmond"?

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Why cancel when the can steal it. Only need 3 to 5 states. Penn Mich AZ Wisc Georgia all can be bought

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I don’t think they’re concerned with the “next term” at all! No. America is the Grand Prize of the Global Socialists! We’ve been free too long. They want us C O N Q U E R E D , not controlled a bit longer.

This is the END GAME! They want us like Venezuela, with a reliable Communist dictator in charge!

The goal is the end of Freedom!

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I’m glad you said it. Me& my tinfoil hat crew agree “ they” are going to try it again. They got away with it so they boldly expect to be able to do it again.

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Reading commentary on X, substack and other free speech (?) spaces, many people are coming to the same conclusion. We seem to be getting very close to a point of no return, due in no small part to the utterly baffling -or worse, purposeful- lack of action by the House leadership. We are constantly thrown a few bones which do nothing except kick the can a block or two down the road. My gut tells me me that for many Republican pols, what began as a conspiracy to just get rid of Trump has morphed into something quite beyond their control, but they are a part of it, and to stop it would be disastrous for them.

The folks doing yeoman’s work, Reps Comer and Smith, are being extremely aggressive in pursuing facts, but McCarthy and Jordan are oddly quiet or bloviating without concrete action.

We’re screaming for articles of impeachment which would ramp up investigative efforts with “super powers,” an action LONG overdue in the face of damning evidence, but we’re met with inane arguments like, “we must be sure our ducks are in a row,” or “we want to be sure our t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted.” Others say, “the Senate will never convict, but I say, let the public know who thinks corruption in a President is fine!

What power do we, the people, have in this race against time? Truth & knowledge is power. I think events have forced more information out into the public sphere much sooner than these people planned. We must keep pressing, demanding information and action, and digging, exposing and spreading what we learn. We must mock these ludicrous trial balloons being floated like masks, boosters, lockdowns etc. We must laugh in their faces and resist.

We must reject fake primary debates which refuse to acknowledge the reality of these times. Most of these candidates taking the stage tonight have no idea of the enemy we’re actually fighting, and those that do are complicit or conspirators. This primary is a ruse to make you believe we get to choose our leaders. We now know better. Don’t play along. This battle really has nothing to do with Trump- no person with a functioning brain has a chance of winning.

We must speak loudly and boldly what we know to be true:


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I hope Mr Rucker will forgive me, but here’s a relevant link from another substack:


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Unfortunately, most people have "cancelled" their common sense, critical thinking, moral values, and spiritual lives in exchange for beliefs in lies, "social justice", trans-homo offendedness, perpetual "racism" (aka blame whitey for black people's self victimization), mass formation psychosis, global warming hoaxes, globalism, death jabs, and complacency with Jesus. Our brave American Founding Fathers, and war vets, are saddened and disgusted with these sheeples. What a disaapointing legacy for the planned, best democratic - republic devised by men who generally revered God.

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Your argument is succinct, convincing, and likely correct. I suppose I have been avoiding the evidence, but you have made it very clear. It is beyond infuriating.

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The Democrats and the RINOs have confiscated the elections from the US citizens. They don’t need to cancel because they firmly control the results.

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I also think they will cancel the '24 election, but I also wonder, why bother? Keep people thinking that their vote matters and just steal it again. That kept folks peaceful this last time.

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They could cite the January 6 "insurrection" as one reason to cancel. They don't agree that people remained peaceful last time.

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Unfortunately I have the same dreaded pit in my stomach .. if no elections in 24

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I have long thought that they would try and cancel the 2024 election via an emergency declaration. They are planning for war at the worst and a pandemic at the least. Buckle your seat belts, it’s up for grabs.

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You described my inner thoughts on their plans. I knew they were going to do unspeakable things to stop Trump before the 2020 election and I was right. I knew when they framed the January 6th protestors that they were going to go full communist and they have. I know the climate cult “earth is on fire” staging is part of the plan to shut down society. I think much is to enrage Americans to the point of retaliating so they can jail and murder many.

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I'm very familiar with psyops and how totalitarian governments function. To me, all things point to the government pushing people into violence resulting in what some are calling a civil war. Except it won't be a civil war, it'll be much worse - a conflict between a heavily armed populace and a heavier armed government - specifically engineered to eliminate the opposition by violent attrition once and for all.

Jan 6 was a test run. They've been circumventing the Constitution for years, and they've gotten away with ignoring the Bill of Rights ever since Jan 6. The First, Second, and Fourth Amendment violations are numerous - absence of due process, denial of free speech, middle of the night raids, censorship, search & seizure, corrupt judges, kangaroo courts, etc., etc. ad nauseum. And there's been no serious resistance.

The current arrests and Fulton County mug shots are the latest. The incarcerations will be next. After that, show trials and a declaration that Trump is ineligible to run - and there's no one to replace him.

Right now, Biden is their perfect puppet. He knows the vast majority of Americans hate him and he doesn't care. Harris can't put a sentence together or express an idea. They will be there, someone like them, or God forbid, worse.

Frankly, they don't need to cancel the election because they've perfected voter fraud with impunity. In spite of tons of evidence (videos, affidavits, whistle blowers, lawsuits, eyewitnesses, tampered software & hardware, etc.) not ONE single piece of Election Reform legislation has been drafted by the Republicans. That's a big one. Things are shaping up to be an exact rerun of 2020.

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Welll said. History has shown that when law enforcement sides with the population, revolutions are peaceful. This is likely why the FJB administration is culling patriots from the military. However, all those who were in the military, many police, and many still in the military would side with the people, so IMO we need to cultivate their friendship or at least not destroy it. IMO this is one reason they call for defunding the police and denigrate them.

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Unfortunately, I too believe you’re correct. The triggering event will need to be BIG. Something along the lines of one or a combo of the following: Ukraine/Russia goes nuclear, CCP invades Taiwan and America is kinetically involved, a successful EMP attack on America’s Power Grid, Plandemic 2 followed by a lockdown. Climate Change event and lockdown.

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Nothing surprises me anymore.

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Not me. I choose to ignore ALL of it. I stand with God my Father and His creation. That is the ONLY place solace is possible.

This is what happens when God is ignored, and and human ego is put in its’ place.

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most likely they will allow sleepy pedo to win the primary and then have him step down for health reasons whereupon they will appoint a winner since it is too late and then they will use all same tricks as last time to choose that person

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Tearing the nation apart may in fact be the game plan. Then they can declare Martial law and cancel all elections for a totalitarian globalist government. How depressing for this once great nation!

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