I am reluctant to hit the "like" button because I frankly do not like anything you have said in this article. BUT, and this is a huge "but," I cannot find any falsity in anything you say. I believe we are approaching some very dark times as Americans and especially as Bible-believing Christian Americans. It's already getting ugly. It's soon to get dangerous. Our leadership has betrayed us. The overwhelming move to a one world government, one world currency, one world authority is antithetical to Biblical truth unless and until the world is united under the rule of Christ Jesus. And it is precisely because of this that I sound a clarion call to all who will listen: be wary of these one world promises and do not mistake them for "good." As Christians we must not fall for Satan's deception as he roams, seeking whom he may devour. Satan's greatest and most successful lie was to convince us that he does not exist. There does remain good in this world, but simultaneously there is evil rising. Be prayerful in seeking God's discernment through Biblical imperatives. I have read the Book. I know how this turns out. We will be fine in the end, but the journey will be treacherous. Stay faithful.
David, as a devout Jew, I believe you have left us out of the conversation. We know that Moshiach is coming. The Lord will provide for those who are unwavering in their beliefs. G_d help us all.
Moshe...I'm sure you noticed that your & Merek's comment created an active religious 'discussion'. While I'm all for debate, at this point in history we can't afford to be re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Thousands of years is too much time arguing about doctrine. The Bible for all its good advice is also packed with directives that people of faith just ignore, because what GoOD person is going to support stoning a promiscuous daughter on their doorstep?
As someone who follows Jesus's message, I think Christians have done as much harm as good in what I see as missing the heart of the law. Jesus pointed out clearly that WE have the spark of GoOD within us to guide us. Given free will to choose in this dimension between GoOD and dEVIL. God is not going to save us...we save ourselves by acting out of GoOD. We are here for soul growth. If God intervenes then we don't get the credit. And of course those who see much of the Bible story line as bogus also ask, 'If God answers prayers then why answer the actor's prayers for the Oscar and ignore the prayers of children being held in basements being tortured?' Prayer, as setting GoOD intension is our personal and collective pep talk for GoOD action and should not be viewed as outsourcing the work to God/Mary/Jesus and all the saints. Worship of God also is a form of shrugging our responsibility to act on GoOD. If you want to be an elite cyclist you don't get on your knees and pray to the poster of the elite cyclist in your room . You follow the directives that got them to their level...it's the only way...it's hard and it's work.
The 'seeking of God's discernment' in my view is to turn to your Higher Self (the voice that says: "I can't believe i just did that". The 'I' is the higher self, reflecting on the personality lower 'i') This is the GoOD spark within and the more you listen to it, the more you follow it the better the result. So while people can be inspired by the Bible, or a poem, song, walk in nature ...Simply ACTING in the name of GoOD collectively is the only way we are going to win over evil. (The religious Bible/ETC. holy book 'discussions' are only going to prevent this win...ironically. Notice the length and minutia of the 'discussion' thread as proof. )
So yep, we need to get prepared and get off the system, but when the SHTF the most important thing to remember is to be willing to go down fighting the GoOD fight because soul growth alone is the name of the game in this dimension and if we want to go with our soul/consciousness at the highest level possible we need to let go of 'living' at any cost. DEATH is an acronym: Departing Earth Arriving True Home.
* this is a copy of a comment I made to David at the top of the thread (here addressed to you) in case you didn't see it. I know yours is from the Jewish perspective but I'm addressing the same issue 'Moshiach is coming. The Lord will provide'.
I think some people will be a more receptive and willing to revisit their previous notions on the matter. Especially now that the impossible is happening in full sight of everyone.
If someone were to tell me 20 years ago that the USA would be a Communist country by the time I was 60 and I would have laughed you off of my property.
You never force a belief of yours on someone else. They need to learn on their own. Each one of us is here (our souls) for a particular reason, I believe. Our souls chose this.
It isn't about what YOU believe, it is about what the JEWS believe since they are behind it all. Jews killed Jesus because he was on to them. They are after all Europeans first, then the remaining Christians. Watch and listen to their own words. Watch the video of Barbara Spectre tell you she (jewish) is behind the multicuturalism.
David...I'm sure you noticed that Moshe's comment to your post created an active religious 'discussion'. While I'm all for debate, at this point in history we can't afford to be re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Thousands of years is too much time arguing about doctrine. The Bible for all its good advice is also packed with directives that people of faith just ignore, because what GoOD person is going to support stoning a promiscuous daughter on their doorstep?
As someone who follows Jesus's message, I think Christians have done as much harm as good in what I see as missing the heart of the law. Jesus pointed out clearly that WE have the spark of GoOD within us to guide us. Given free will to choose in this dimension between GoOD and dEVIL. God is not going to save us...we save ourselves by acting out of GoOD. We are here for soul growth. If God intervenes then we don't get the credit. And of course those who see much of the Bible story line as bogus also ask, 'If God answers prayers then why answer the actor's prayers for the Oscar and ignore the prayers of children being held in basements being tortured?' Prayer, as setting GoOD intension is our personal and collective pep talk for GoOD action and should not be viewed as outsourcing the work to God/Mary/Jesus and all the saints. Worship of God also is a form of shrugging our responsibility to act on GoOD. If you want to be an elite cyclist you don't get on your knees and pray to the poster of the elite cyclist in your room . You follow the directives that got them to their level...it's the only way...it's hard and it's work.
The 'seeking of God's discernment' in my view is to turn to your Higher Self (the voice that says: "I can't believe i just did that". The 'I' is the higher self, reflecting on the personality lower 'i') This is the GoOD spark within and the more you listen to it, the more you follow it the better the result. So while people can be inspired by the Bible, or a poem, song, walk in nature ...Simply ACTING in the name of GoOD collectively is the only way we are going to win over evil. (The religious Bible/ETC. holy book 'discussions' are only going to prevent this win...ironically. Notice the length and minutia of the 'discussion' thread as proof. )
So yep, we need to get prepared and get off the system, but when the SHTF the most important thing to remember is to be willing to go down fighting the GoOD fight because soul growth alone is the name of the game in this dimension and if we want to go with our soul/consciousness at the highest level possible we need to let go of 'living' at any cost. DEATH is an acronym: Departing Earth Arriving True Home.
Thank you for this article! It is refreshing to know that there are other like-minded individuals out there.I believe your article describes my passion in witnessing and telling others about the calamities that we are facing, but most importantly, the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Thank you.
My fear is that we are vulnerable to EMP attack. As preppers know, when the electric grid goes society will descend into anarchy. What is different now: the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of "military aged" illegal aliens who have invaded our country at the invitation of the Biden administration. We will have no effective defense against them in roving gangs creating havoc and murder.
Digital night vision binoculars are a must for a prepper in case of power outages. You can see at night, even in the pitch-dark, and determine if someone is entering your boundaries from fifty, or more, yards away. I ordered hubby and I each a pair.
The ones we purchased were last year's model and so were on sale as the newer version was being released. Therefore, I paid approximately $100 for each one. The newer models were around $250.00. There are several choices available to review at Amazon. You can then shop around to find a better price elsewhere once you decide the make and model you think would work best for you. With advancing technology, the prices are coming down to a reasonable level. I'm so old I remember when hand-held calculators were first available for purchase. LOL Calculators that were $500.00 then can be purchased at the dollar store today for $5.99.
My widowed cousin, who lives in a very rural area, was so impressed with them, she sent the link to her son and told him that "here is my Christmas present wish list".
Much more likely and easier to implement is a cyber attack on our national grid. That will take a few minutes, and I guarantee you that bad actors are already inside all the systems. A bad nation state wouldn't have to resort to EMP's that could be shot down.
For sure, it will get wild. It will be pre-civilization where predators run openly searching for prey.
Recently scientists at the U of W (in Seattle) described a new discovery related to the Cascadia tectonic plate that might indicate the great #9 quake is upcoming - they discovered holes where tectonic plate lubricant (that allows the two plates to smoothly release pressure) that are removing that lubricant from those two plates. Once, enough is lost, pressure will build until it is forcibly released. The last time a #9 hit the NW, ~ 1700, junks of mountains broke off and dammed the huge Columbia river, chunks of mountains broke off and slid into Lake Washington. Those underwater trees are still visible beneath the floating bridge. Downtown Seattle will quickly turn into a wild jungle. Rains of glass from all the high rise buildings, gas, water, sewer lines will break as the streets crack open. Bridges will likely collapse not allowing fresh supplies to enter the city. Soon people will be searching for food and medicines, etc. Some geologists predict the west coast, west of I-5 will be lost in WA, OR, CA from ~San Franciso. It will be truly Biblical in scope the scientists predict and they advise that it is overdue.
I do not want to sound too weird, however, please consider that last year Israel scientists described evidence they uncovered that many of them estimate was the cause of the destruction of Sodom and Gormorrah, a somewhat "natural" astronomic event that triggered a nuclear type destruction of that ancient town. We have been advised why that happened. For my part, we got out of Dodge and I, for one, am not looking back.
I’m in Canada and so many are sleep. They wouldn’t believe me if I tried to tell them what you just wrote. I keep praying for small windows of insight so I can pop a seed of truth in.
I believe things will come to pass as the Bible clearly states. However, I don't believe that means don't try to do anything about it. I will say...once we gave people the information about One World Order, Great Reset, rona hoax, clot shot and everything big pharma makes is dangerous, CDBS, etc we should also then present the word of God! I look back now and churches not preaching fire and brimstone was all by design! I remember being a kid and litterally being scared of doing wrong because I didn't want to go to hell! Now churches are going along with same sex marriages and trans crap! There will be a high price to pay for that. Not agreeing with someone is totally different than hating them or being rude/ugly/belligerent to them! That's not needed. Especially since alot are bots or paid instigators. Families don't always agree, but it doesn't change the love! We need to get back to standing up...the right way...according to God's word! Will we fail and get mad at times...probably...look who raised us! LOL I don't know about you, but I only get mad when I care. I hate seeing so many fooled. However, I'm to the point where I don't argue or I'll tell them, in which I HATE this saying but, "You do you and I'm going to worry about my relationship with God and family!"
I cannot disagree with anything in this article. To those who, in their curled-lip arrogance sneer and say, "Well, what's YOUR solution?" I calmly reply with Robert Louis Stevenson's observation that sooner or later, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences. And here we are.
How? ICYMI, the SCOTUS summarily REFUSED to even hear all the mountains of evidence which would have conclusively proved the world-class election fraud that took place in the 2020 "election"; where do you go from there?
It's one thing to point to the problems and just say "fix it", but it's another thing altogether to make it happen when the highest court in the land says "Nope, ain't happenin' ".
You're right. Unfixable within the system. Probably unfixable period, barring Divine Intervention. Have yet to hear anyone propose a human method for overturning the beast system that now rules the world.
Right - the DYSFUNCTIONAL system, brought to us (US) by the corrupt left, the goal of which is to destroy America as we know it.
Welcome to the newest addition to the highly overrated "3rd World". You'll like it here - you'll own nothing, and you'll love it (according to the party line).
In Arizona, apparently nearly a half million people, Republicans and Independents, stayed home with their ballots on their kitchen tables. IF these people voted in the same percentages those who actually voted did, the results would have been what is needed with clear and obvious Republican wins. So, in a weird sense, they deserve what they did. We do not however.
Elections are easier to steal when the stealers need only a few thousand votes. They're much harder to steal if they need millions of votes. But you're right--both stealing elections and voting for leftists needs to stop.
Easier said than done. Why? Simply because as long as leftists keep "giving away the store", using OUR taxpayer money to reward all the "gimmiedats" who put them in office, it won't stop.
The nere-do-wells in our country learned long ago that they can vote themselves a "paycheck" by getting leftists elected to office, and they have no incentive to change that behavior.
Once again thank you Mr. Rucker, as said below so refreshing one can still express their belief in the Lord, and express their free Speech. Be safe Everyone and have a great day
If one looks at it from the top down, you are right. But how about if we look at it from the bottom up?
Focus first on you, family, and friends, then neighborhoods and communities, then towns, cities, and counties, then states. Elect state representatives that fight for you within the state. Elect governors who do what us best for the state and fight the federal government tooth and nail. Elect Congressional representatives who are indebted to the people, not the Party.
The resources of 28 states can beat the federal government. The GOP is not on our side. Don't expect to find solutions in DC.
We can't stop it and we shouldn't. Once God has pronounced judgment, judgment must fall. There's no, "Oops! We were wrong to listen to those ten unfaithful spies. We'll go take the land after all, Lord. No need for the 40 years of wandering!" It was too late then, and it's too late now. Trying to avoid the punishment will just result in greater punishment. The wickedness we are seeing is exactly what's described in Romans 1. It is the wickedness that God gives people over to after they have rejected him. If you have faith in Christ, do not fear the coming wrath. God preserved Joshua and Caleb, and he can preserve you. That doesn't mean you'll be unaffected by the hard times ahead, but be courageous, and God will use you to accomplish mighty things.
In a perfect world, a handful of the elitist billionaires that are perpetrating this nightmare would seize to exist. Unfortunately, their wealth, and the greed of bureaucrats, insulate them from justice.
And I say this, not because they’re ‘billionaires’, but because they want to destroy freedoms for everyone except themselves. And because they want us dead. Fuq them.
Billionaires like Gates and his pal Soros, the guy who invented Linkedin - i forget his name just now, all merit the French Revolution royal treatment.
In matters such as this, it is up to the D.O.J. and district attorney’s offices to investigate and issue warrants. The corruption is deep and widespread. The spineless leadership is compromised by professional blackmailers. Epstein’s client list is loaded with these scoundrels. Clinton and Gates are the tip of the iceberg. Epstein may still be alive and enjoying the perversions he was guilty of the entire time. We need lots of rope.
God bless you too JD. We don’t know what the future brings, but the prospect of things improving doesn’t look good. You’re right to ask us to prepare, but most importantly we all need to read our bibles and get right with the Lord. Our country’s leaders and many people have turned away from God and redemption is greatly needed.
Moshe, please forgive me for that unintentional oversight. My own boss is a Jewish carpenter and I really should have paid greater attention to the Jewish aspect. Yes, our G_d has promised faithful Jews will be rewarded for their devotion. That I am not as familiar with those promises as I should be lies on my shoulders alone. I do firmly believe the Biblical promise that G_d will bless those who bless His people. So, as I ask your forgiveness for my oversight, I also ask that G_d will bless you in this life's journey. I pray that you continue your journey in faith with an open mind to the possibility that Messiah is Jesus Christ. And be assured that this Christian regularly prays for Israel and the Jewish people.
Civilizations have a history since modern humans left their caves to face saber toothed tigers head-on.
While it is a logical illness to generalize, still it helps to generalize and speculate a bit on some of the characteristics of the fall of a civilization. I guess maybe we are somewhere around #6 or #7. IF enough of us do not sufficiently wake up by November of 2024, then I guess that probably we will soon thereafter enter stage #7:
Women voting to exploit men via gunpoint, aka government, and not having responsibility to any man specifically, allows women to insulate themselves from your 8 stages, to a large extent. They just wait for whatever men win and spread their legs for those men. History proves this IRREFUTABLE fact. Not about right or wrong, just the way it is and reason why women should NEVER be allowed to vote in a system they are always only exploitive spectators in.
No, you're in denial and projecting. You respond to truth with vacuous personal attacks and demands for censorship, like every other hypersensitive, triggered leftist. 😂
Luz, Time for you to stop spreading commie lies and learn how to make an actual argument instead of vacuous ad hominem personal attacks, you lying filthy hippy liar.
Get some massengill and get that sand out of your vjj, maybe some of those heads and limbs of babies leftover from your sacrifices to Moloch too, Jezebel.
You are aware of another IRREFUTABLE FACT, that American women have over a hundred rights that men don't have and men have no rights that women don't have, aren't you? America is an obvious gynocentric matriarchy. But keep screaming 'patriarchy!!!' to divert the truth.
Btw, did I mention that you're low IQ, disgusting leftist filth? You're a feminist, aren't you?😂
You, sir, are a fool and dimwitted. You and your ilk are much of the reason for the decline of this nation. Try to improve your iq before embarrassing yourself with such idiocy. Your mother woud be embarrassed at your foolish meanderings.
Your argument is illogical, because it isn't only women in such a position, with such motives, or with such tactics... Therefore, you've exposed yourself as not understanding our system, not understanding reality, or not understanding human nature, or perhaps even possibly a Muslim man. I'm thinking the first 3, all at once.
Upon further reflection, I'm changing my mind. You're a man who's been effed over by a woman. And, instead of reflecting on that and realizing what you could do differently in the present and future to avoid such a situation happening to you again, you live in the past and keep that hurt and anger alive and well, and take it out on whomever you can, but especially women... and justify your thinking and assumptions and behavior with tropes and anger. How sad. Not just for you, but for everyone in your life. And, you don't even begin to understand how much you're missing out on the here-and-now.
Predictable gynocentric passive aggressive shame tactic nonsense. Anyone who attempts to hold women accountable and treat women like mature adults is a woman hater and bitter bc a woman hurt them, blah blah blah.
No one should have a problem with the IRREFUTABLE FACT that American women have over a hundred rights that men don't have and men have no rights that women don't have, should they?
You're a totalitarian female supremacist. Enjoy your 23 cats. 😂
It sounds like you expect there to be an election held in 2024 - I do not. It'd be soooo easy to false flag us into Martial Law, and I'm actually surprised they haven't done that already... I'm sure they have many scenarios in the works, and are just waiting until they think we won't expect it. Some think the southern border and cartels forcing citizens & others into terrorist-like attacks will be the final touch needed. We will see.
You are very possibly correct, ma'am. As the hour approaches, they will see the stark truth - that they have a very weak bench compared to our very strong bench - often wild animals about to be killed act out viciously. It would not be too surprising for the leftists pulling the strings to act out in desperation. We should be aware and careful.
I am reluctant to hit the "like" button because I frankly do not like anything you have said in this article. BUT, and this is a huge "but," I cannot find any falsity in anything you say. I believe we are approaching some very dark times as Americans and especially as Bible-believing Christian Americans. It's already getting ugly. It's soon to get dangerous. Our leadership has betrayed us. The overwhelming move to a one world government, one world currency, one world authority is antithetical to Biblical truth unless and until the world is united under the rule of Christ Jesus. And it is precisely because of this that I sound a clarion call to all who will listen: be wary of these one world promises and do not mistake them for "good." As Christians we must not fall for Satan's deception as he roams, seeking whom he may devour. Satan's greatest and most successful lie was to convince us that he does not exist. There does remain good in this world, but simultaneously there is evil rising. Be prayerful in seeking God's discernment through Biblical imperatives. I have read the Book. I know how this turns out. We will be fine in the end, but the journey will be treacherous. Stay faithful.
David, as a devout Jew, I believe you have left us out of the conversation. We know that Moshiach is coming. The Lord will provide for those who are unwavering in their beliefs. G_d help us all.
Moshe...I'm sure you noticed that your & Merek's comment created an active religious 'discussion'. While I'm all for debate, at this point in history we can't afford to be re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Thousands of years is too much time arguing about doctrine. The Bible for all its good advice is also packed with directives that people of faith just ignore, because what GoOD person is going to support stoning a promiscuous daughter on their doorstep?
As someone who follows Jesus's message, I think Christians have done as much harm as good in what I see as missing the heart of the law. Jesus pointed out clearly that WE have the spark of GoOD within us to guide us. Given free will to choose in this dimension between GoOD and dEVIL. God is not going to save us...we save ourselves by acting out of GoOD. We are here for soul growth. If God intervenes then we don't get the credit. And of course those who see much of the Bible story line as bogus also ask, 'If God answers prayers then why answer the actor's prayers for the Oscar and ignore the prayers of children being held in basements being tortured?' Prayer, as setting GoOD intension is our personal and collective pep talk for GoOD action and should not be viewed as outsourcing the work to God/Mary/Jesus and all the saints. Worship of God also is a form of shrugging our responsibility to act on GoOD. If you want to be an elite cyclist you don't get on your knees and pray to the poster of the elite cyclist in your room . You follow the directives that got them to their level...it's the only way...it's hard and it's work.
The 'seeking of God's discernment' in my view is to turn to your Higher Self (the voice that says: "I can't believe i just did that". The 'I' is the higher self, reflecting on the personality lower 'i') This is the GoOD spark within and the more you listen to it, the more you follow it the better the result. So while people can be inspired by the Bible, or a poem, song, walk in nature ...Simply ACTING in the name of GoOD collectively is the only way we are going to win over evil. (The religious Bible/ETC. holy book 'discussions' are only going to prevent this win...ironically. Notice the length and minutia of the 'discussion' thread as proof. )
So yep, we need to get prepared and get off the system, but when the SHTF the most important thing to remember is to be willing to go down fighting the GoOD fight because soul growth alone is the name of the game in this dimension and if we want to go with our soul/consciousness at the highest level possible we need to let go of 'living' at any cost. DEATH is an acronym: Departing Earth Arriving True Home.
* this is a copy of a comment I made to David at the top of the thread (here addressed to you) in case you didn't see it. I know yours is from the Jewish perspective but I'm addressing the same issue 'Moshiach is coming. The Lord will provide'.
Well said, David.
I think some people will be a more receptive and willing to revisit their previous notions on the matter. Especially now that the impossible is happening in full sight of everyone.
If someone were to tell me 20 years ago that the USA would be a Communist country by the time I was 60 and I would have laughed you off of my property.
Me too Ross. It’s so frustrating seeing what is occurring throughout the world at 59. It’s surreal.
John 14
Why not?
In The Old Testament, YHWH foretold the coming of Yeshua HaMashiach!
You never force a belief of yours on someone else. They need to learn on their own. Each one of us is here (our souls) for a particular reason, I believe. Our souls chose this.
I find the Mises Institute quite interesting.
"sound a clarion call to all who will listen"
Unfortunately our Jewish brothers and sisters are clueless. Impossible to educate.
It isn't about what YOU believe, it is about what the JEWS believe since they are behind it all. Jews killed Jesus because he was on to them. They are after all Europeans first, then the remaining Christians. Watch and listen to their own words. Watch the video of Barbara Spectre tell you she (jewish) is behind the multicuturalism.
Beautifully said. 🙏
David...I'm sure you noticed that Moshe's comment to your post created an active religious 'discussion'. While I'm all for debate, at this point in history we can't afford to be re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Thousands of years is too much time arguing about doctrine. The Bible for all its good advice is also packed with directives that people of faith just ignore, because what GoOD person is going to support stoning a promiscuous daughter on their doorstep?
As someone who follows Jesus's message, I think Christians have done as much harm as good in what I see as missing the heart of the law. Jesus pointed out clearly that WE have the spark of GoOD within us to guide us. Given free will to choose in this dimension between GoOD and dEVIL. God is not going to save us...we save ourselves by acting out of GoOD. We are here for soul growth. If God intervenes then we don't get the credit. And of course those who see much of the Bible story line as bogus also ask, 'If God answers prayers then why answer the actor's prayers for the Oscar and ignore the prayers of children being held in basements being tortured?' Prayer, as setting GoOD intension is our personal and collective pep talk for GoOD action and should not be viewed as outsourcing the work to God/Mary/Jesus and all the saints. Worship of God also is a form of shrugging our responsibility to act on GoOD. If you want to be an elite cyclist you don't get on your knees and pray to the poster of the elite cyclist in your room . You follow the directives that got them to their level...it's the only way...it's hard and it's work.
The 'seeking of God's discernment' in my view is to turn to your Higher Self (the voice that says: "I can't believe i just did that". The 'I' is the higher self, reflecting on the personality lower 'i') This is the GoOD spark within and the more you listen to it, the more you follow it the better the result. So while people can be inspired by the Bible, or a poem, song, walk in nature ...Simply ACTING in the name of GoOD collectively is the only way we are going to win over evil. (The religious Bible/ETC. holy book 'discussions' are only going to prevent this win...ironically. Notice the length and minutia of the 'discussion' thread as proof. )
So yep, we need to get prepared and get off the system, but when the SHTF the most important thing to remember is to be willing to go down fighting the GoOD fight because soul growth alone is the name of the game in this dimension and if we want to go with our soul/consciousness at the highest level possible we need to let go of 'living' at any cost. DEATH is an acronym: Departing Earth Arriving True Home.
Thank you for this article! It is refreshing to know that there are other like-minded individuals out there.I believe your article describes my passion in witnessing and telling others about the calamities that we are facing, but most importantly, the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Thank you.
Also, get your children out of the government indoctrination centers. Homeschool or good Christian schools only.
We need to abolish all tax funded education.
My fear is that we are vulnerable to EMP attack. As preppers know, when the electric grid goes society will descend into anarchy. What is different now: the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of "military aged" illegal aliens who have invaded our country at the invitation of the Biden administration. We will have no effective defense against them in roving gangs creating havoc and murder.
Trite answer, but "That's what copper coated lead is for".
Digital night vision binoculars are a must for a prepper in case of power outages. You can see at night, even in the pitch-dark, and determine if someone is entering your boundaries from fifty, or more, yards away. I ordered hubby and I each a pair.
Great idea. Thx. We will shop for a couple too.
The ones we purchased were last year's model and so were on sale as the newer version was being released. Therefore, I paid approximately $100 for each one. The newer models were around $250.00. There are several choices available to review at Amazon. You can then shop around to find a better price elsewhere once you decide the make and model you think would work best for you. With advancing technology, the prices are coming down to a reasonable level. I'm so old I remember when hand-held calculators were first available for purchase. LOL Calculators that were $500.00 then can be purchased at the dollar store today for $5.99.
My widowed cousin, who lives in a very rural area, was so impressed with them, she sent the link to her son and told him that "here is my Christmas present wish list".
Much more likely and easier to implement is a cyber attack on our national grid. That will take a few minutes, and I guarantee you that bad actors are already inside all the systems. A bad nation state wouldn't have to resort to EMP's that could be shot down.
For sure, it will get wild. It will be pre-civilization where predators run openly searching for prey.
Recently scientists at the U of W (in Seattle) described a new discovery related to the Cascadia tectonic plate that might indicate the great #9 quake is upcoming - they discovered holes where tectonic plate lubricant (that allows the two plates to smoothly release pressure) that are removing that lubricant from those two plates. Once, enough is lost, pressure will build until it is forcibly released. The last time a #9 hit the NW, ~ 1700, junks of mountains broke off and dammed the huge Columbia river, chunks of mountains broke off and slid into Lake Washington. Those underwater trees are still visible beneath the floating bridge. Downtown Seattle will quickly turn into a wild jungle. Rains of glass from all the high rise buildings, gas, water, sewer lines will break as the streets crack open. Bridges will likely collapse not allowing fresh supplies to enter the city. Soon people will be searching for food and medicines, etc. Some geologists predict the west coast, west of I-5 will be lost in WA, OR, CA from ~San Franciso. It will be truly Biblical in scope the scientists predict and they advise that it is overdue.
I do not want to sound too weird, however, please consider that last year Israel scientists described evidence they uncovered that many of them estimate was the cause of the destruction of Sodom and Gormorrah, a somewhat "natural" astronomic event that triggered a nuclear type destruction of that ancient town. We have been advised why that happened. For my part, we got out of Dodge and I, for one, am not looking back.
I’m in Canada and so many are sleep. They wouldn’t believe me if I tried to tell them what you just wrote. I keep praying for small windows of insight so I can pop a seed of truth in.
I JUST texted my cousin this today!
I believe things will come to pass as the Bible clearly states. However, I don't believe that means don't try to do anything about it. I will say...once we gave people the information about One World Order, Great Reset, rona hoax, clot shot and everything big pharma makes is dangerous, CDBS, etc we should also then present the word of God! I look back now and churches not preaching fire and brimstone was all by design! I remember being a kid and litterally being scared of doing wrong because I didn't want to go to hell! Now churches are going along with same sex marriages and trans crap! There will be a high price to pay for that. Not agreeing with someone is totally different than hating them or being rude/ugly/belligerent to them! That's not needed. Especially since alot are bots or paid instigators. Families don't always agree, but it doesn't change the love! We need to get back to standing up...the right way...according to God's word! Will we fail and get mad at times...probably...look who raised us! LOL I don't know about you, but I only get mad when I care. I hate seeing so many fooled. However, I'm to the point where I don't argue or I'll tell them, in which I HATE this saying but, "You do you and I'm going to worry about my relationship with God and family!"
I cannot disagree with anything in this article. To those who, in their curled-lip arrogance sneer and say, "Well, what's YOUR solution?" I calmly reply with Robert Louis Stevenson's observation that sooner or later, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences. And here we are.
There's an easy solution to avoiding this "societal collapse"--stop electing leftists to office.
We don’t elect them—they steal the elections.
Correct. So we stop that, too.
How? ICYMI, the SCOTUS summarily REFUSED to even hear all the mountains of evidence which would have conclusively proved the world-class election fraud that took place in the 2020 "election"; where do you go from there?
It's one thing to point to the problems and just say "fix it", but it's another thing altogether to make it happen when the highest court in the land says "Nope, ain't happenin' ".
You're right. Unfixable within the system. Probably unfixable period, barring Divine Intervention. Have yet to hear anyone propose a human method for overturning the beast system that now rules the world.
Right - the DYSFUNCTIONAL system, brought to us (US) by the corrupt left, the goal of which is to destroy America as we know it.
Welcome to the newest addition to the highly overrated "3rd World". You'll like it here - you'll own nothing, and you'll love it (according to the party line).
In Arizona, apparently nearly a half million people, Republicans and Independents, stayed home with their ballots on their kitchen tables. IF these people voted in the same percentages those who actually voted did, the results would have been what is needed with clear and obvious Republican wins. So, in a weird sense, they deserve what they did. We do not however.
Sadly, with vote fraud, it doesn’t even matter if lots of people vote against leftists.
Elections are easier to steal when the stealers need only a few thousand votes. They're much harder to steal if they need millions of votes. But you're right--both stealing elections and voting for leftists needs to stop.
That was supposed to be the answer for 2020. See how that turned out?
Easier said than done. Why? Simply because as long as leftists keep "giving away the store", using OUR taxpayer money to reward all the "gimmiedats" who put them in office, it won't stop.
The nere-do-wells in our country learned long ago that they can vote themselves a "paycheck" by getting leftists elected to office, and they have no incentive to change that behavior.
No left/right, just one big corrupt uniparty under globalist control.
Once again thank you Mr. Rucker, as said below so refreshing one can still express their belief in the Lord, and express their free Speech. Be safe Everyone and have a great day
Really well said.
If one looks at it from the top down, you are right. But how about if we look at it from the bottom up?
Focus first on you, family, and friends, then neighborhoods and communities, then towns, cities, and counties, then states. Elect state representatives that fight for you within the state. Elect governors who do what us best for the state and fight the federal government tooth and nail. Elect Congressional representatives who are indebted to the people, not the Party.
The resources of 28 states can beat the federal government. The GOP is not on our side. Don't expect to find solutions in DC.
We can't stop it and we shouldn't. Once God has pronounced judgment, judgment must fall. There's no, "Oops! We were wrong to listen to those ten unfaithful spies. We'll go take the land after all, Lord. No need for the 40 years of wandering!" It was too late then, and it's too late now. Trying to avoid the punishment will just result in greater punishment. The wickedness we are seeing is exactly what's described in Romans 1. It is the wickedness that God gives people over to after they have rejected him. If you have faith in Christ, do not fear the coming wrath. God preserved Joshua and Caleb, and he can preserve you. That doesn't mean you'll be unaffected by the hard times ahead, but be courageous, and God will use you to accomplish mighty things.
In a perfect world, a handful of the elitist billionaires that are perpetrating this nightmare would seize to exist. Unfortunately, their wealth, and the greed of bureaucrats, insulate them from justice.
And I say this, not because they’re ‘billionaires’, but because they want to destroy freedoms for everyone except themselves. And because they want us dead. Fuq them.
Billionaires like Gates and his pal Soros, the guy who invented Linkedin - i forget his name just now, all merit the French Revolution royal treatment.
Are you referring to, Drawn and Quartered?
What the French did.
The guillotine. With a dull edge.
Police slapping cuffs on them is THE FIRST STEP. There aren't ANY cops with courage and conviction, apparently.
Cop suckers make excuses for feckless cowardly corrupt cops, but cops do NOTHING but obey orders, like the goons they are.
In matters such as this, it is up to the D.O.J. and district attorney’s offices to investigate and issue warrants. The corruption is deep and widespread. The spineless leadership is compromised by professional blackmailers. Epstein’s client list is loaded with these scoundrels. Clinton and Gates are the tip of the iceberg. Epstein may still be alive and enjoying the perversions he was guilty of the entire time. We need lots of rope.
I agree facing reality is better than choosing to turn away. There are a lot of good points in this post.
May I also offer a suggestion?
A helpful podcast I recommend is: Getting to Know Your Bible.
God bless you too JD. We don’t know what the future brings, but the prospect of things improving doesn’t look good. You’re right to ask us to prepare, but most importantly we all need to read our bibles and get right with the Lord. Our country’s leaders and many people have turned away from God and redemption is greatly needed.
Moshe, please forgive me for that unintentional oversight. My own boss is a Jewish carpenter and I really should have paid greater attention to the Jewish aspect. Yes, our G_d has promised faithful Jews will be rewarded for their devotion. That I am not as familiar with those promises as I should be lies on my shoulders alone. I do firmly believe the Biblical promise that G_d will bless those who bless His people. So, as I ask your forgiveness for my oversight, I also ask that G_d will bless you in this life's journey. I pray that you continue your journey in faith with an open mind to the possibility that Messiah is Jesus Christ. And be assured that this Christian regularly prays for Israel and the Jewish people.
Civilizations have a history since modern humans left their caves to face saber toothed tigers head-on.
While it is a logical illness to generalize, still it helps to generalize and speculate a bit on some of the characteristics of the fall of a civilization. I guess maybe we are somewhere around #6 or #7. IF enough of us do not sufficiently wake up by November of 2024, then I guess that probably we will soon thereafter enter stage #7:
1. From bondage to spiritual growth.
2. From spiritual growth to great courage.
3. From courage to liberty.
4. From liberty to abundance.
5. From abundance to complacency.
6. From complacency to apathy.
7. From apathy to dependence.
8. From dependence back to bondage.
Women voting to exploit men via gunpoint, aka government, and not having responsibility to any man specifically, allows women to insulate themselves from your 8 stages, to a large extent. They just wait for whatever men win and spread their legs for those men. History proves this IRREFUTABLE fact. Not about right or wrong, just the way it is and reason why women should NEVER be allowed to vote in a system they are always only exploitive spectators in.
Time to get back on your medication. What you say is utterly ridiculous and offensive, sonso.
"You Can't Handle The Truth"
I do every single day of my life.
The problem is you don't and you do not know it.
Simply reading your drivel contradicts your lies.
No, you're in denial and projecting. You respond to truth with vacuous personal attacks and demands for censorship, like every other hypersensitive, triggered leftist. 😂
Someone is reading for you cuz you surely cannot.
Luz, Time for you to stop spreading commie lies and learn how to make an actual argument instead of vacuous ad hominem personal attacks, you lying filthy hippy liar.
Get some massengill and get that sand out of your vjj, maybe some of those heads and limbs of babies leftover from your sacrifices to Moloch too, Jezebel.
You are aware of another IRREFUTABLE FACT, that American women have over a hundred rights that men don't have and men have no rights that women don't have, aren't you? America is an obvious gynocentric matriarchy. But keep screaming 'patriarchy!!!' to divert the truth.
Btw, did I mention that you're low IQ, disgusting leftist filth? You're a feminist, aren't you?😂
Says the commie liar who vomits personal attacks and lies.
Please get back on your psychotic meds.
ADMINISTRATOR - why is this low life vermin allowed on this site? Why? It is extremely offensive.
Starts the name calling, then whines and complains for censorship when others follow suit, typical democrat.😂😂😂
WAAAAA!!!! 😢
You're the 'low life vermin', you hag. You can't take what you dish out, you grotesque hypocrite?
I made a statement and you went straight to personal attack, you typical vacuous vicious leftist pos.
Only commies and fascists whine and beg for censorship, bc you can only engage in personal attacks, not an actual rebuttal/argument. Waaaaaa!!!! 😂
No, zopenco, i am not a feminist. I am a human being and an American citizen.
You're an American female, feminism has contaminated your brain, OBVIOUSLY, Jezebel.
You, sir, are a fool and dimwitted. You and your ilk are much of the reason for the decline of this nation. Try to improve your iq before embarrassing yourself with such idiocy. Your mother woud be embarrassed at your foolish meanderings.
Your argument is illogical, because it isn't only women in such a position, with such motives, or with such tactics... Therefore, you've exposed yourself as not understanding our system, not understanding reality, or not understanding human nature, or perhaps even possibly a Muslim man. I'm thinking the first 3, all at once.
Upon further reflection, I'm changing my mind. You're a man who's been effed over by a woman. And, instead of reflecting on that and realizing what you could do differently in the present and future to avoid such a situation happening to you again, you live in the past and keep that hurt and anger alive and well, and take it out on whomever you can, but especially women... and justify your thinking and assumptions and behavior with tropes and anger. How sad. Not just for you, but for everyone in your life. And, you don't even begin to understand how much you're missing out on the here-and-now.
Predictable gynocentric passive aggressive shame tactic nonsense. Anyone who attempts to hold women accountable and treat women like mature adults is a woman hater and bitter bc a woman hurt them, blah blah blah.
No one should have a problem with the IRREFUTABLE FACT that American women have over a hundred rights that men don't have and men have no rights that women don't have, should they?
You're a totalitarian female supremacist. Enjoy your 23 cats. 😂
Btw, I'm not a filthy muzzie.
It sounds like you expect there to be an election held in 2024 - I do not. It'd be soooo easy to false flag us into Martial Law, and I'm actually surprised they haven't done that already... I'm sure they have many scenarios in the works, and are just waiting until they think we won't expect it. Some think the southern border and cartels forcing citizens & others into terrorist-like attacks will be the final touch needed. We will see.
You are very possibly correct, ma'am. As the hour approaches, they will see the stark truth - that they have a very weak bench compared to our very strong bench - often wild animals about to be killed act out viciously. It would not be too surprising for the leftists pulling the strings to act out in desperation. We should be aware and careful.