I didn't see that coming either. But my first thought was - we know 9/11 was an inside job, that global terrorists were behind it - Mossad, the CIA, the former Saudi family that was taken out by MBS, and the Bush regime including Cheney and Rumsfeld.
This is an interesting twist, but I guess I should not be surprised. Their goal IS the destruction of the USA.
Sodom Hussein Obama's mentor Zbigniew Brzezinski (Mika’s father, next to Nasty Pelousy in the link below) was the monster in the Carter administration who armed and financed the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets... after the Mujahedeen were armed with sophisticated weapons, the Soviets left, the result was the USA got 911, and women now can walk 3 paces behind the donkey, the Mujahedeen evolved into the Taliban, who evolved into Al-Qaeda, who evolved into ISIS/ISIL/Daesh... Brezinski, for all practical purposes, can be called the ‘Grandfather of ISIS’...
Jews Albright and Clark (pictured in the link below) had NATO bomb Serbia so the IMF Jews could make loans for rebuilding and get control of Serbian iridium assets… while Saudi non-profit NGOs kept the KLA terrorists well fed and well-armed… Just like ISIS in Syria… their Zionist bedfellows on Wall Street want Ukraine for GMO grain crops . . . Monsanto (now Bayer), Genentech, ADM, etc., are all buying land with the help of the Jews at the IMF by giving the Ukrainian “Dill” idiots debt relief . . .
Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry in the link below), funding foreign conflicts abroad... and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag...
Don't forget that the Taliban was funded and protected by Pakistan Intelligence which is independent of the elected government and is 100% jihadi and anti-American. No matter how much money we give Pakistan, it has no impact on Pakistani Intelligence.
В украинском парламенте полно еврейских аппаратчиков. Украина должна забыть о Крыме и НАТО. Власть на Украине в сговоре с олигархами, им никто не противостоит. Украинская армия убивает мирных жителей . . . и это факт.
Усама бен Мухаммед бен Авад бен Ладен — основатель и первый эмир международной исламистской террористической организации "Аль-Каида" создан США в Афганистан для борьбы с СССР . . . И вот что из этого вышло . . .
Хиллари Клинтон пыталась украсть выборы в России с некоммерческими организациями, как дома в Америке, но Владимир Путин победил ей, поэтому она вызвали все трудности с глупой панк-рок-группой и гомосексуалистами на Олимпиаде в Сочи.
У людей из России и США много общих интересов . . . Мы должны начать новую космическую программу с новой эрой сотрудничества . . . Горькие марксисты ненавидят кавказских людей . . . Белые люди должны объединиться . . . Старики, которые все еще испытывают враждебность, отпадут, как листья осенью.
Еврейские банкиры наводнили Европу с мусульманами и замусорили америку мусором из третьего мира. Большевизм приносит война, безработица и голод. Маммоне и большевизм являются еврейские сводные сестры . . . Сатанизм является еврейского культ . . . Гитлер был прав, мудак.
It's ALWAYS been the destruction of the U.S.; the ONLY country to kick them in the **** where it mattered...The City of London and their Central Banker Family Cartel led by the Rothschilds WITH The Crown Corporation comprised of the Monarch and his Peer Sycophants.
THAT IS THE SHADOW GOVT. BEHIND THE TREASONOUS U.S. COASTAL ESTABLISHMENT as well as the CCP/China they now use to play 'Both Ends Against the Middle'; or as a weapon against the U.S. as it is the only entity possible to save the world from their EVIL even though the U.S., itself, is infiltrated.
Au contraire . . . Pardonne mon français . . . Je suis obligé d'écrire dans plusieurs langues parce que : 1. La plupart des gens aux États-Unis ont subi un lavage de cerveau leur faisant croire que les Juifs sont leur salut ; et 2., leur anglais est de la merde et ils ne peuvent pas rester silencieux assez longtemps pour entendre ou voir ce qui se passe évidemment autour d'eux . . . Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message empoisonné depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratique et communiste sont plus récents, mais ils n’ont fait que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux.
Les idéaux transnationaux, transraciaux, transsexuels, transculturels que ces idéologies nous prêchent (au-delà des peuples, des races, des cultures) et qui sont le subsistance quotidienne de nos écoles, dans nos médias, dans notre culture populaire, à nos universités, et sur nos rues, ont fini par réduire notre identité biosymbolique et notre fierté ethnique à leur expression minimale.
Les banquiers juifs ont inondé l’Europe de musulmans et l’Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde . . . L'exil comme punition pour ceux qui prêchent la sédition devrait être rétabli dans le cadre juridique de l'Occident . . . Le judaïsme, le christianisme, et l’islam sont des cultes de mort originaires du Moyen-Orient et totalement étrangers à l’Europe et à ses peuples.
On se demande parfois pourquoi la gauche européenne s’entend si bien avec les musulmans. Pourquoi un mouvement souvent ouvertement antireligieux prend-il le parti d’une religiosité farouche qui semble s’opposer à presque tout ce que la gauche a toujours prétendu défendre ? Une partie de l’explication réside dans le fait que l’Islam et le marxisme ont une racine idéologique commune : le judaïsme.
Don Rumsfeld avait raison lorsqu’il disait : «L’Europe s’est décalé sur son axe», c’est le mauvais côté qui a gagné la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et cela devient chaque jour plus clair . . . Qu’a fait l’OTAN pour défendre l’Europe? Absolument rien . . . Mes ennemis ne sont pas à Moscou, à Damas, à Téhéran, à Riyad ou dans quelque croque-mitaine teutonique éthéré, mes ennemis sont à Washington, Bruxelles et Tel Aviv . . . Va te faire foutre toi et ton dieu juif.
What has become of America? It’s is utterly filled with brainwashed, inept, incompetent fools…young people of today are more concerned about gender identity, the Ukrainian war, the unrest in the Middle East, all while not knowing what they are talking about instead of academics. I went to a shopping mall the other day, and was the only one to present cash for my transaction. The girl behind the counter didn’t even know how to break my hundred. She just handed me a lump of cash without counting it and said thank you. Luckily I counted it, she gave me $10 less in change then I was due! Then argued with me about it. Oh I can go on and on…
The Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world?
Satan is also a Hebrew god . . .
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
I seem to rattle some folks as I use 'Philistine' instead of 'Palestinian'. I point out the etymology of the words, accurately, and to this day no one has refuted my assertion. Mostly I hear grunts, mumbles, and dirty name calling, or, and my favorite, just walking away leaving me alone.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
Totally agreeable term. Although I would hesitate to use the term Israelite, as there is an undeniably limited number of residents , given racial diasporaic heterogeneity, who qualify as such
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Two books can help bring clarity and offer possible solutions. The cavalry is not coming. The only hope is that We the People fix this. Election 2024 is our last, best chance.
"Democrats Hate America" by Levin.
"Invisible Treason in America," by myself and General Paul Vallely. [It will soon go on a special markdown sales on Amazon at a greatly reduced price.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc is for the most part evil. It morphed from a benevolent martial law to a malevolent martial law in the last few years. They kept it on the low down from 1947. MKUltra is a fact. They say there are White Hats working to clear the swamp. They may kill Black Hats but they will not ruin their habitat. They all have many hats with many colors. It is a de facto government. ( see Black's Law page 416 in the 6th edition available at www.orsja.org) De jure is there also. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. Return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023.
❝. . . “Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.
Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”
Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman.
Left-wing lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane depicted Jonestown as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media. Jane Fonda joined other luminaries in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.”
Herb Caen, a Pulitzer Prize winner who long served as one of San Francisco’s most admired newspaper writers, acted as a hype-generator for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.❞
Yeah, Dave is spot on. The general “divide and conquer based on attitudes and opinions” campaign seems to be going along as planned without any real governmental action taking place to secure the republic from this “destabilization from within” movement.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Admittedly, I didn't see a re-visit of the 9/11 terrorist-events coming either, although I'm not surprised....WHY did 9/11 happen? WHY have the real truths never been addressed???
What we need to face up to is that the last big 'trigger' was the Coup that took place in 2020 with Election Fraud. The Coup had many facets to its implementation. Same happened with the Covid "pandemic" that never was a pandemic.
Chaos and destabilization has been coming faster & faster. By plan. Each event that creates the chaos and destabilization has involved many facets for its implementation. The end goal is the Collapse of the US. We have been in "check" for a long time. If We The People revolt, Marshall Law and no Presidential Election. If we play pacificists, we await the final Collapse events.
Who would DO this?!! We need look no further than our own government agencies -- this is NOT a Joe Biden plan. Joe Biden is barely a puppet. The US is suffering from a multi-pronged attack that involves the top-layers of wealthy individuals as well as the top and mid-layers of govt agencies and corporate entities. But rest assured, it IS about money. Money and totalitarian control.
As for the re-entry of bin Laden...This action is much fresher and closer to home than the tired Che Guevarra or Marx. Let's not forget all of those 'color revolutions' and how quickly countries/colonies have been destabilized and then destroyed. Let's not forget that our very own agencies, including the CIA, were directly involved. Let's not forget that there are evildoers and treasonous players all concentrated on the Collapse of the US. And finally, let's not forget that our 'neighbors' aren't necessarily friends or American patriots.
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
This is another psy-op to drag us into WW3, just like 9/11, which was an inside job (cia/Mossad). And the war drums are pounding, the fiat money is flowing, the protest dramas are happening, Marxist State Media is shaping the narrative. The Israelis are getting hammered with the exposure, the Muslims are enraged and acting out, which means their criminal behavior is tolerated as “peaceful protest”. Plays into the hands of the DS/police state.
❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞
There is no doubt in my mind that Israel wanted war and got the war they wanted. There is no excuse for that government to be asleep at the switch to their own security on the 50th anniversary of Yom Kippor, it was allowed on purpose. All of the rest of “reporting” on this is propaganda.
And why do so many people think that this conflict just started on October 7? Good grief…it did if you ignore what Israel has been doing for 75 years. Bibi has been wanting forever to push Palestinians out of Palestine for years. He’s said that numerous times. Maybe if people read up on the history they’d start seeing the facts. The article is a good place to start.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
I suspect the intelligence community's goal is for true terrorists to start crap in the U.S., followed by citizens fighting back, then allowing overt martial law and loss of rights worse than with COVID.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
JD, Israel has been terrorizing Palestinians whose lands they stole since before 1948. Did Israel really not expect any significant pushback? And does the October 7 attack(which was deliberately allowed to happen by the Israeli government and possibly even directly participated in by Israel) grant tacit approval for Israel to murder thousands of women and children? Are you in the camp of Zionists, including tens of millions of American evangelicals, who place no value on the lives of people other than Israelis?
Jesus Christ’s message to Israel was not a political or military answer (what they wanted). It was one of brotherly love and the Spirit of God WITHIN. Many did not understand Christ’s true message, in my humble opinion.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
People don’t understand that God walked with us, in flesh. He could of had everything anything yet submitted to conquer evil and death. I came to understand Christ blood sacrifice for us
Upon learning about adrenochrome.
Up until that point did not understand
The power of blood. Just recently now
Understand the Holy Spirit. I am going through some transitions of soulful heavy lifting and realize can not do this without
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . .
The fat, bulbous curry nigger, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men?
What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for you kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Get ready for it fuckface, you fat old fags are in no shape to fight a war.
See, this is a good example of the problem. There's so much history of violence, far far past 1948, that it's not possible to stop it without both parties setting the history aside and divorcing. That seems wholly unlikely to happen in my lifetime. Maybe theoretically possible, but the passions and histories suggest any peace would never hold.
That forces me to focus on avoiding that conflict spilling into America, which is already spinning up.
With the global nature of those supporting the terrorism and those that interpret the Koran to require killing any unbelievers, integration or assimilation into America seems just as unlikely as peace between Palestine and Israel. America is full of people from all over the world with every religion known. Yet, only one religion seems to refuse to assimilate into America as part of the culture instead of separate while trying to destroy the one that already existed. You only have to look at the unfettered immigration into Europe to see where it's going.
Monnie, in direct reply to your challenge, I will only stake this claim: Not American that is not a paid leader of this country is responsible for what's happening in this conflict. As such, bringing the fight to us is an unprovoked attack. Based on your logic, why would anyone think anyone should try to inflict any harm on everyday Americans?
And there in lies the problem: the culture predominant in Palestine but inherent in many other places has a single goal of destroying anyone who believes differently. So, no thank you to more of that in the U.S.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Huh? We were talking about mass murder of noncombatants, which is a war crime regardless of which side does it. What does that have to do with cultural assimilation of Muslims? Are you suggesting that all Muslims shd be killed? I'm concerned about the aggressiveness of Islam with respect to people who hold other religious beliefs, but that doesn't justify genocide, which describes what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for decades.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples . . .
Don Rumsfeld was right when he said, "Europe has shifted on its axis," it was the wrong side that won World War II, and it is becoming clearer every day.
What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing.
My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh or some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv.
Nations by Decree must be continually propped up; this is unacceptable. We set the Israelis up for failure, but the Zionists were willing to accept the risks involved given their diabolical predisposition for world domination. They’re willing to accept terrorist atrocities that will “allow” or “justify” the perpetration of offensive wartime atrocities.
Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and on and on, Justin you need a little more knowledge. It is so vile and complex and you are involved with MKUltra and cognitive dissonance. Khazarian anybody? I remember WWII, VJ Day and much more and I was very smart when I was young. They had me fooled until 2013.
❝. . . “Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.
Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”
Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman.
Left-wing lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane depicted Jonestown as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media. Jane Fonda joined other luminaries in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.”
Herb Caen, a Pulitzer Prize winner who long served as one of San Francisco’s most admired newspaper writers, acted as a hype-generator for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.❞
It’s now becoming obvious that Israel killed many Israelis when it finally responded to the attacks. Hamas had no way to bomb the cars at the rave, but Israeli helicopters did. I’d love to see someone not change their mind after reading this.
Caitlin Johnstone is an idiot bitch who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the desert . . . Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are white . . .
The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
let's put another OBiden twist. Obiden has drained the oil reserves. Now Obiden is escalating the war in the middle east. With Iran. Will other Muslim nations side with Iran? The Water ways will be closed and the oil from the middle east will be cut off. Starving the world's oil supplies. Nations that had oil have either stopped or slowed pumping and drilling. This will create a huge hard ack for the countries not involved. But countries who will be dragged into a fight will not be able to fight. This was a total plan by the WEF and Deep state to destroy western nations. Next will be the US dollar clasping & Obiden will cancel the election next year. Then the military will preform the election. The entire Muslim nations against Israel and the USA. All caused by OBiden and the WEF and Federal reserve
❝. . . “Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.
Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”
Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman.
Left-wing lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane depicted Jonestown as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media. Jane Fonda joined other luminaries in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.”
Herb Caen, a Pulitzer Prize winner who long served as one of San Francisco’s most admired newspaper writers, acted as a hype-generator for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.❞
If you think 9/11 WASN'T an inside job then you probably took the 'jab' and believe covid was a natural event and the 'jabs' and 'masks' were effective. Oh yeah, Lee Osward Harvey killed JFK, and OJ Simpson is innocent.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
If you think 9/11 WASN'T an inside job then you probably took the 'jab' and believe covid was a natural event and the 'jabs' and 'masks' were effective. Oh yeah, Lee Osward Harvey killed JFK, and OJ Simpson is innocent.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
I didn't see that coming either. But my first thought was - we know 9/11 was an inside job, that global terrorists were behind it - Mossad, the CIA, the former Saudi family that was taken out by MBS, and the Bush regime including Cheney and Rumsfeld.
This is an interesting twist, but I guess I should not be surprised. Their goal IS the destruction of the USA.
Sodom Hussein Obama's mentor Zbigniew Brzezinski (Mika’s father, next to Nasty Pelousy in the link below) was the monster in the Carter administration who armed and financed the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets... after the Mujahedeen were armed with sophisticated weapons, the Soviets left, the result was the USA got 911, and women now can walk 3 paces behind the donkey, the Mujahedeen evolved into the Taliban, who evolved into Al-Qaeda, who evolved into ISIS/ISIL/Daesh... Brezinski, for all practical purposes, can be called the ‘Grandfather of ISIS’...
Jews Albright and Clark (pictured in the link below) had NATO bomb Serbia so the IMF Jews could make loans for rebuilding and get control of Serbian iridium assets… while Saudi non-profit NGOs kept the KLA terrorists well fed and well-armed… Just like ISIS in Syria… their Zionist bedfellows on Wall Street want Ukraine for GMO grain crops . . . Monsanto (now Bayer), Genentech, ADM, etc., are all buying land with the help of the Jews at the IMF by giving the Ukrainian “Dill” idiots debt relief . . .
Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry in the link below), funding foreign conflicts abroad... and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag...
Don't forget that the Taliban was funded and protected by Pakistan Intelligence which is independent of the elected government and is 100% jihadi and anti-American. No matter how much money we give Pakistan, it has no impact on Pakistani Intelligence.
В украинском парламенте полно еврейских аппаратчиков. Украина должна забыть о Крыме и НАТО. Власть на Украине в сговоре с олигархами, им никто не противостоит. Украинская армия убивает мирных жителей . . . и это факт.
Усама бен Мухаммед бен Авад бен Ладен — основатель и первый эмир международной исламистской террористической организации "Аль-Каида" создан США в Афганистан для борьбы с СССР . . . И вот что из этого вышло . . .
Хиллари Клинтон пыталась украсть выборы в России с некоммерческими организациями, как дома в Америке, но Владимир Путин победил ей, поэтому она вызвали все трудности с глупой панк-рок-группой и гомосексуалистами на Олимпиаде в Сочи.
У людей из России и США много общих интересов . . . Мы должны начать новую космическую программу с новой эрой сотрудничества . . . Горькие марксисты ненавидят кавказских людей . . . Белые люди должны объединиться . . . Старики, которые все еще испытывают враждебность, отпадут, как листья осенью.
Еврейские банкиры наводнили Европу с мусульманами и замусорили америку мусором из третьего мира. Большевизм приносит война, безработица и голод. Маммоне и большевизм являются еврейские сводные сестры . . . Сатанизм является еврейского культ . . . Гитлер был прав, мудак.
It's ALWAYS been the destruction of the U.S.; the ONLY country to kick them in the **** where it mattered...The City of London and their Central Banker Family Cartel led by the Rothschilds WITH The Crown Corporation comprised of the Monarch and his Peer Sycophants.
THAT IS THE SHADOW GOVT. BEHIND THE TREASONOUS U.S. COASTAL ESTABLISHMENT as well as the CCP/China they now use to play 'Both Ends Against the Middle'; or as a weapon against the U.S. as it is the only entity possible to save the world from their EVIL even though the U.S., itself, is infiltrated.
Au contraire . . . Pardonne mon français . . . Je suis obligé d'écrire dans plusieurs langues parce que : 1. La plupart des gens aux États-Unis ont subi un lavage de cerveau leur faisant croire que les Juifs sont leur salut ; et 2., leur anglais est de la merde et ils ne peuvent pas rester silencieux assez longtemps pour entendre ou voir ce qui se passe évidemment autour d'eux . . . Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message empoisonné depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratique et communiste sont plus récents, mais ils n’ont fait que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux.
Les idéaux transnationaux, transraciaux, transsexuels, transculturels que ces idéologies nous prêchent (au-delà des peuples, des races, des cultures) et qui sont le subsistance quotidienne de nos écoles, dans nos médias, dans notre culture populaire, à nos universités, et sur nos rues, ont fini par réduire notre identité biosymbolique et notre fierté ethnique à leur expression minimale.
Les banquiers juifs ont inondé l’Europe de musulmans et l’Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde . . . L'exil comme punition pour ceux qui prêchent la sédition devrait être rétabli dans le cadre juridique de l'Occident . . . Le judaïsme, le christianisme, et l’islam sont des cultes de mort originaires du Moyen-Orient et totalement étrangers à l’Europe et à ses peuples.
On se demande parfois pourquoi la gauche européenne s’entend si bien avec les musulmans. Pourquoi un mouvement souvent ouvertement antireligieux prend-il le parti d’une religiosité farouche qui semble s’opposer à presque tout ce que la gauche a toujours prétendu défendre ? Une partie de l’explication réside dans le fait que l’Islam et le marxisme ont une racine idéologique commune : le judaïsme.
Don Rumsfeld avait raison lorsqu’il disait : «L’Europe s’est décalé sur son axe», c’est le mauvais côté qui a gagné la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et cela devient chaque jour plus clair . . . Qu’a fait l’OTAN pour défendre l’Europe? Absolument rien . . . Mes ennemis ne sont pas à Moscou, à Damas, à Téhéran, à Riyad ou dans quelque croque-mitaine teutonique éthéré, mes ennemis sont à Washington, Bruxelles et Tel Aviv . . . Va te faire foutre toi et ton dieu juif.
What has become of America? It’s is utterly filled with brainwashed, inept, incompetent fools…young people of today are more concerned about gender identity, the Ukrainian war, the unrest in the Middle East, all while not knowing what they are talking about instead of academics. I went to a shopping mall the other day, and was the only one to present cash for my transaction. The girl behind the counter didn’t even know how to break my hundred. She just handed me a lump of cash without counting it and said thank you. Luckily I counted it, she gave me $10 less in change then I was due! Then argued with me about it. Oh I can go on and on…
Kids don’t know how to count change.
..or communicate WITHOUT a cellphone..
"The kids don't know" . . . because they were never taught anything by the people who were on the wrong side of TWO world wars . . .
'kids don't know'... full stop! All by design. The youth of today is the only arguement you need against democracy.
"The kids don't know" . . . because they were never taught anything by the people who were on the wrong side of TWO world wars . . .
So what are you going to do to change it? They are our future. If you do nothing, then that's the future you will get.
"The kids don't know" . . . because they were never taught anything by the people who were on the wrong side of TWO world wars . . .
Or how to tell time-lol!
"The kids don't know" . . . because they were never taught anything by the people who were on the wrong side of TWO world wars . . .
The Israel/Gaza Clown Show is to prepare Westerners/US for state slaughtering civilians.
Been going on for a while in Ukraine.
US Creep State running both vaudeville acts.
Expect this to hit US soon. Govt moving up from Feeb killing individuals to Full-Out Waco Weenie Roasts. Without bounds.
LasVegas & Maui both clinical trials. Ukraine >> Gaza is a logical progression.
Expect the worst.
Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative . . . Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/
Why Do the Ukrainians Allow Their Country to Be Completely Run by Jews? . . . https://russia-insider.com/en/why-do-ukrainians-allow-their-country-be-completely-run-jews/ri27010
Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/zelensky-biden-satanism-war-greed
Documents leaked from Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” show how the Jewish billionaire behind Hillary Clinton gave orders to the State Department and manipulated media coverage of events in Ukraine . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/09/documents-show-soros-ran-us-foreign-policy-on-post-coup-ukraine/
How Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland Funded a Massive Ukrainian Ponzi Scheme . . . https://russia-insider.com/en/how-christine-lagarde-clinton-and-nuland-funded-massive-ukrainian-ponzi-scheme/ri27390
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. . . . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/02/17/jewish-corruption-in-ukraine/
Thank you for this article and remaining vigilant. God is the only one who can help us now 🙏🏻🙏🏻
The Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world?
Satan is also a Hebrew god . . .
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
I seem to rattle some folks as I use 'Philistine' instead of 'Palestinian'. I point out the etymology of the words, accurately, and to this day no one has refuted my assertion. Mostly I hear grunts, mumbles, and dirty name calling, or, and my favorite, just walking away leaving me alone.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
Totally agreeable term. Although I would hesitate to use the term Israelite, as there is an undeniably limited number of residents , given racial diasporaic heterogeneity, who qualify as such
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Two books can help bring clarity and offer possible solutions. The cavalry is not coming. The only hope is that We the People fix this. Election 2024 is our last, best chance.
"Democrats Hate America" by Levin.
"Invisible Treason in America," by myself and General Paul Vallely. [It will soon go on a special markdown sales on Amazon at a greatly reduced price.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
Just ordered!
The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc is for the most part evil. It morphed from a benevolent martial law to a malevolent martial law in the last few years. They kept it on the low down from 1947. MKUltra is a fact. They say there are White Hats working to clear the swamp. They may kill Black Hats but they will not ruin their habitat. They all have many hats with many colors. It is a de facto government. ( see Black's Law page 416 in the 6th edition available at www.orsja.org) De jure is there also. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. Return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023.
It reminds me of the City of London!
❝. . . “Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.
Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”
Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman.
Left-wing lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane depicted Jonestown as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media. Jane Fonda joined other luminaries in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.”
Herb Caen, a Pulitzer Prize winner who long served as one of San Francisco’s most admired newspaper writers, acted as a hype-generator for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.❞
Yeah, Dave is spot on. The general “divide and conquer based on attitudes and opinions” campaign seems to be going along as planned without any real governmental action taking place to secure the republic from this “destabilization from within” movement.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Admittedly, I didn't see a re-visit of the 9/11 terrorist-events coming either, although I'm not surprised....WHY did 9/11 happen? WHY have the real truths never been addressed???
What we need to face up to is that the last big 'trigger' was the Coup that took place in 2020 with Election Fraud. The Coup had many facets to its implementation. Same happened with the Covid "pandemic" that never was a pandemic.
Chaos and destabilization has been coming faster & faster. By plan. Each event that creates the chaos and destabilization has involved many facets for its implementation. The end goal is the Collapse of the US. We have been in "check" for a long time. If We The People revolt, Marshall Law and no Presidential Election. If we play pacificists, we await the final Collapse events.
Who would DO this?!! We need look no further than our own government agencies -- this is NOT a Joe Biden plan. Joe Biden is barely a puppet. The US is suffering from a multi-pronged attack that involves the top-layers of wealthy individuals as well as the top and mid-layers of govt agencies and corporate entities. But rest assured, it IS about money. Money and totalitarian control.
As for the re-entry of bin Laden...This action is much fresher and closer to home than the tired Che Guevarra or Marx. Let's not forget all of those 'color revolutions' and how quickly countries/colonies have been destabilized and then destroyed. Let's not forget that our very own agencies, including the CIA, were directly involved. Let's not forget that there are evildoers and treasonous players all concentrated on the Collapse of the US. And finally, let's not forget that our 'neighbors' aren't necessarily friends or American patriots.
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
This is another psy-op to drag us into WW3, just like 9/11, which was an inside job (cia/Mossad). And the war drums are pounding, the fiat money is flowing, the protest dramas are happening, Marxist State Media is shaping the narrative. The Israelis are getting hammered with the exposure, the Muslims are enraged and acting out, which means their criminal behavior is tolerated as “peaceful protest”. Plays into the hands of the DS/police state.
❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞
Well, this is a frightening turn of events.
There is no doubt in my mind that Israel wanted war and got the war they wanted. There is no excuse for that government to be asleep at the switch to their own security on the 50th anniversary of Yom Kippor, it was allowed on purpose. All of the rest of “reporting” on this is propaganda.
Agreed. Ritter has a great article on this.
And why do so many people think that this conflict just started on October 7? Good grief…it did if you ignore what Israel has been doing for 75 years. Bibi has been wanting forever to push Palestinians out of Palestine for years. He’s said that numerous times. Maybe if people read up on the history they’d start seeing the facts. The article is a good place to start.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
Why did Israel want this war?
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
I suspect the intelligence community's goal is for true terrorists to start crap in the U.S., followed by citizens fighting back, then allowing overt martial law and loss of rights worse than with COVID.
You suspect correctly, in my opinion.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
JD, Israel has been terrorizing Palestinians whose lands they stole since before 1948. Did Israel really not expect any significant pushback? And does the October 7 attack(which was deliberately allowed to happen by the Israeli government and possibly even directly participated in by Israel) grant tacit approval for Israel to murder thousands of women and children? Are you in the camp of Zionists, including tens of millions of American evangelicals, who place no value on the lives of people other than Israelis?
Jesus Christ’s message to Israel was not a political or military answer (what they wanted). It was one of brotherly love and the Spirit of God WITHIN. Many did not understand Christ’s true message, in my humble opinion.
And people still don’t understand.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
People don’t understand that God walked with us, in flesh. He could of had everything anything yet submitted to conquer evil and death. I came to understand Christ blood sacrifice for us
Upon learning about adrenochrome.
Up until that point did not understand
The power of blood. Just recently now
Understand the Holy Spirit. I am going through some transitions of soulful heavy lifting and realize can not do this without
Help. My inner conversion is helping.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . .
The fat, bulbous curry nigger, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men?
What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for you kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Get ready for it fuckface, you fat old fags are in no shape to fight a war.
See, this is a good example of the problem. There's so much history of violence, far far past 1948, that it's not possible to stop it without both parties setting the history aside and divorcing. That seems wholly unlikely to happen in my lifetime. Maybe theoretically possible, but the passions and histories suggest any peace would never hold.
That forces me to focus on avoiding that conflict spilling into America, which is already spinning up.
With the global nature of those supporting the terrorism and those that interpret the Koran to require killing any unbelievers, integration or assimilation into America seems just as unlikely as peace between Palestine and Israel. America is full of people from all over the world with every religion known. Yet, only one religion seems to refuse to assimilate into America as part of the culture instead of separate while trying to destroy the one that already existed. You only have to look at the unfettered immigration into Europe to see where it's going.
Monnie, in direct reply to your challenge, I will only stake this claim: Not American that is not a paid leader of this country is responsible for what's happening in this conflict. As such, bringing the fight to us is an unprovoked attack. Based on your logic, why would anyone think anyone should try to inflict any harm on everyday Americans?
And there in lies the problem: the culture predominant in Palestine but inherent in many other places has a single goal of destroying anyone who believes differently. So, no thank you to more of that in the U.S.
The United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for this kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley . . . The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
Huh? We were talking about mass murder of noncombatants, which is a war crime regardless of which side does it. What does that have to do with cultural assimilation of Muslims? Are you suggesting that all Muslims shd be killed? I'm concerned about the aggressiveness of Islam with respect to people who hold other religious beliefs, but that doesn't justify genocide, which describes what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for decades.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples . . .
Don Rumsfeld was right when he said, "Europe has shifted on its axis," it was the wrong side that won World War II, and it is becoming clearer every day.
What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing.
My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh or some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv.
And some Palestinians are Christians.
The Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world?
Nations by Decree must be continually propped up; this is unacceptable. We set the Israelis up for failure, but the Zionists were willing to accept the risks involved given their diabolical predisposition for world domination. They’re willing to accept terrorist atrocities that will “allow” or “justify” the perpetration of offensive wartime atrocities.
Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and on and on, Justin you need a little more knowledge. It is so vile and complex and you are involved with MKUltra and cognitive dissonance. Khazarian anybody? I remember WWII, VJ Day and much more and I was very smart when I was young. They had me fooled until 2013.
❝. . . “Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.
Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”
Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman.
Left-wing lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane depicted Jonestown as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media. Jane Fonda joined other luminaries in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.”
Herb Caen, a Pulitzer Prize winner who long served as one of San Francisco’s most admired newspaper writers, acted as a hype-generator for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.❞
And all the blacks should have millions each for slavery. I know your language.
It’s now becoming obvious that Israel killed many Israelis when it finally responded to the attacks. Hamas had no way to bomb the cars at the rave, but Israeli helicopters did. I’d love to see someone not change their mind after reading this.
Yes, and here's a succinct summary of what's being done in Gaza: https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/fifteen-things-you-should-never-have?
Caitlin Johnstone is an idiot bitch who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the desert . . . Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are white . . .
The fat, bulbous curry nigger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was telling everyone how the army is full of bad racist white men, and now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Jewsome could be cheated in by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo brigades going door-to-door looking to impress white American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition.
White people are done fighting wars for the kikesucking Zionist ass-whores . . . With the border wide open, open warfare at home within the USA is a certainty if a foreign war is declared.
let's put another OBiden twist. Obiden has drained the oil reserves. Now Obiden is escalating the war in the middle east. With Iran. Will other Muslim nations side with Iran? The Water ways will be closed and the oil from the middle east will be cut off. Starving the world's oil supplies. Nations that had oil have either stopped or slowed pumping and drilling. This will create a huge hard ack for the countries not involved. But countries who will be dragged into a fight will not be able to fight. This was a total plan by the WEF and Deep state to destroy western nations. Next will be the US dollar clasping & Obiden will cancel the election next year. Then the military will preform the election. The entire Muslim nations against Israel and the USA. All caused by OBiden and the WEF and Federal reserve
Bringing us down from inside 🙏
❝. . . “Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.
Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”
Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman.
Left-wing lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane depicted Jonestown as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media. Jane Fonda joined other luminaries in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.”
Herb Caen, a Pulitzer Prize winner who long served as one of San Francisco’s most admired newspaper writers, acted as a hype-generator for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.❞
If you think 9/11 WASN'T an inside job then you probably took the 'jab' and believe covid was a natural event and the 'jabs' and 'masks' were effective. Oh yeah, Lee Osward Harvey killed JFK, and OJ Simpson is innocent.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
If you think 9/11 WASN'T an inside job then you probably took the 'jab' and believe covid was a natural event and the 'jabs' and 'masks' were effective. Oh yeah, Lee Osward Harvey killed JFK, and OJ Simpson is innocent.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞