Good post. The truth so many can’t/won’t see. It appears either too simple or too complex for many or the idea there’s a supranational bunch of kleptocrats pulling the puppet strings offends their delicate sensibilities. Whitney Webb, Katherine Austin Fitts are good on these issues.

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Excellent comments. Yes, the agenda is the New World Order, and the end of nation states.

The end game is total rule by unaccountable elites. America would become a very large Singapore, an internment camp.

Our book Reality Prism discusses such things.



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Right on just add Satan’s puppets

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I posted this today I

ran across this Stars and Stripes article. It would seem, the Z man has about worn out his welcome. That is, unless you’re Sleepy Joe who is sending Volodymyr another $800 million buck-a-roos. I think that makes about $54 billion in total, but whose counting?. we know this is money laundered when will it stop? it won't . Biden is so compromised and yet.

good article

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Biden’s senile ineptitude is perfect cover for Global Elites destruction of America. Congress and the Deep State fleece American Taxpayers as payment for the planned destruction of America, as shills for the Global Elites.

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"We must stop attributing to party politics the machinations of the globalist elites."

True. But it is not JUST the Democrats who are their pimps (or rather, their whores). The Bush GOP Establishment plays their OWN scripted role in this POLITICAL THEATRE. To misdirect our attention away from the actually functioning DC UNI-PARTY, the Bush GOP Establishment is cast as "the opposition" and as "conservative" while they ensure we continuously move toward the totalitarian, collectivist goals that will destroy our Constitutional rights and liberties, our economy, our culture, etc. The Bush GOP Establishment operates as a NEUTRALIZATION OP to disempower the millions of America-loving Constitutional conservatives while ensuring we slide ever further into the socialist/globalist totalitarian morass. I find it impossible to hate the nihilistic commie Dems as much as I do the treacherous & fraudulent Bush GOP Establishment. At least the Bolshies & their Useful Idiots actually BELIEVE in their evil ideologies while they amass their wealth & power. The fraudulent & treacherous ostensible "conservative" elite are selling us all down the river SOLELY to amass their own wealth & power. But yes, their roles are ALL scripted by larger Powers That Be.

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Eldridge Cleaver on guarding Betty Shabazz - Bay Area Television Archive

https://diva.sfsu.edu/collections/sfbatv/bundles/209117 video

memory lane

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Totally agree with that. The question is where do Putin and Xi stand when it comes to the globalists? I personally don’t think they care at all about Schwab and crew. They probably only like em because they clearly make it easier to take over America and anywhere else they’d like. But.... is the enemy of my enemy my friend? The way i see it the American people have a war with China around the corner as well as an ongoing war with globalists.. AND THE GLOBALISTS WANT WAR. Biden doesn’t but his masters do. Unless of course they’re afraid of the west losing the war then they’re out of power as well.. Strange dynamic were in now.

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Spot on. “the reality is this had very little to do with partisan politics and more to do with installing someone the globalists could control. The stolen election was about pushing The Great Reset” you nailed it. Biden is definitely a puppet and doing everything he’s told to do. He’s too brainless to do this. Obama said he wanted to transform America—he actually meant destroy. Incompetency cannot be this effective in doing so much harm unless on purpose. And the purpose is to destroy America. People need to wake up and realize this.

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