All I can say is this is not how I planned to spend the last years of my life.

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Amen! I find myself in the same boat. And there's not much that I can do about it. We can't run away where it may be much safer. Our budget makes it impossible to git and go.

And when they release the Ebola virus, many people will die. The cure drug is very expensive, and hard to get. Other means have to be used to stay healthy. Do your own research on how to cope with that disease.

You will start to hear about the spreading virus, is when the returned home Olympians start to break out and shed the Ebola virus. They are the carrier vectors to spread the hemorrhagic Ebola. virus. The Chinese infected them at the Olympics. So the results of infection will be Worldwide We need lots of prayers. Let God be our shield..

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wow JD thank you, your intellect, guidance and voice are impeccable.

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I'm humbled. Thank you.

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JD I was just reading how Elon Musk came to the rescue of the Ukraine with Starlink to give them internet access that Russia could not interfere with. Could Starlink be the answer to when the globalists try to shut down the internet in desperation in your phase 3, I think it is?

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Elon Musk is an enigma. Sometimes he seems like a sane, freedom-loving man. Other times he sounds like a globalist transhumanist. As much as I'd love for a private citizens or private company to lead a charge against tyranny, I'm skeptical of him. With that said, I just gave him kudos in a different article... https://noqreport.com/2022/03/04/that-time-elon-musk-called-for-an-increase-in-oil-and-gas-production/

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Yes, I think enigma is an apt description. I sense a glimmer of righteousness in him, he has a sharp sense of humor & sarcasm. I’m going to go with the hope that he will come through in the end.

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Elon Musk is NOT our friend albeit he tries to befriend everyone. Only the elect know the truth.

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I think people have hope because it seems the dems hate him

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This is just a big wish, however, I do believe that Joe Biden, and his son should be arrested as an unregistered foreign agents for China and Russia. And also for the deliberate destruction of this great Nation. We might as well also throw in Joe's handlers, since they are the ones who are pulling Mushbrain Biden's strings.

What do you think?

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The real Joe Biden and his wicked son, Hunter, were both executed over a year ago. The Biden we see today is an actor in a silicone mask doing and saying what he is told to say and do and this is done to wake up the people to see the wickedness in their own government.

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I'm with you Leslie B. Have my 84th birthday tomorrow and wanted to retire without all the conflicts going on. We do need to pray for peace in this world.

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Happy Birthday

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The MAN of Sin will soon be revealed. He is the last 'little horn' in the book of Daniel. The first little horn was Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) who was a foreshadow of the coming Man of Sin. Antiochus IV shared his plans with the people (Trust the plan). He shared his spoils with the people - so too will the man of sin. He brought about peace and so will the coming man of sin, THEN sudden destruction (1 Thes 5:3). Daniel 8:25 by peace he shall destroy many - Isa 10:7 for it is in his (Assyrian/Satan) heart to cut off and destroy nations not a few.

That's the truth of what is soon to come.

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The extinction of humanity remains possible but only if both man and God desire. God desires freedom. Man, even Christian man, chooses abolition of freedom. Christianity in teaching love teaches freedom over slavery.

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Thank you for addressing both the physical and spiritual battle we are in. Thank you for addressing the responsibility to pray and trust God while being informed on what's happening around us. There is no 'going back to normal'. We are now in the pivot point. I'm praying God will mercifully grant wisdom for what's ahead. To His glory and purposes.

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I have considered Chapter 6 of Revelation unfolding before us. The first seal is the last two years of global control by the Coronavirus manipulators. Second seal now starts with global wars. Third seal is supply chain disruption, inflation, famine. Widespread death of 2 billion people, the fourth seal, follows. And it gets worse after those things. It's time for God to reclaim His creation and purge evil from the earth. Believers need to be sharing The Word when possible. The only salvation is through belief in the Christ. John 14:6.

When the internet and telecommunications go dark, word is meet in the parking lot of your local public library every Saturday at 9A.

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Mar 5, 2022
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We are on the same page for sure.

You're right to be cautious about the meet ups. Sadly there is nothing trustworthy in this world anymore.

So, now we know the mRNA shots are changing DNA, likely affecting personalities and the ability to think clearly, and perhaps impacting the "God gene" as it's called. It does help explain the evil and insanity we encounter all around us.

Soon and very soon! Here, there, or in the air!

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Mar 5, 2022Edited
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Yes - God created humans and gave us the free will to choose to love Him; Satan is tinkering with human DNA through these shots to "create transhumans," making slaves to serve his purposes. Knowing his time is short, he is going all out this time. I believe those who understood the injections should be avoided at all costs either know God or will soon!

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JD you are a good man brother

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I wish I could disagree with your findings. However, everything you say makes complete sense. As soon as this entire Ukraine issue broke, my first thought was 'smoke and mirrors'. Putin knows Schwab so yes, we're all being played.

Even though I'm no longer a practising Christian (stopped believing even before I graduated - with a degree in Theology), I'm inclined to think that we really are living in the last days and agree with you wholeheartedly that the battle in which we find ourselves embroiled is indeed a spiritual one. (Check out Rudolf Steiner’s hypothesis that one day there’d be a vaccine that could essentially take away our souls; he wrote about this after WWI).

When this entire COVID Charade began, I dug out one of my Clive Cussler books ‘Plague Ship’: now even more eerily prescient of what might lie ahead. Although other rumours mention AIDS being resuscitated as a possible next ‘plandemic’.

Leslie Benjamini expresses my concerns (fears, actually) succinctly “All I can say is this is not how I planned to spend the last years of my life”.

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I have mourned the loss of what was and the now defunct plans, but as I come up for air I am excited to be living in the times foretold by the prophets. So many before us were watching for these very days! Believers need to be sharing God and His Christ whenever possible. This life is short; eternity is forever. Praying for you Inga.

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God will not dwell in a temple/heart made with hands. Any technology that man allows to be injected/implanted into their bodies is a temple made with hands. I know the KJV bible like the back of my hand and I know what is coming, how it will come and why it will come. We are nearing the Day of Deception; it is at the door as the man of sin is about to be revealed and every eye will see him on the image of the beast and only the very elect will know the truth.

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I continue to say that yes, the Flesh Edomite-ashkeNAZI Jews will be defeated because they are the 'Chaldeans' and Jerusalem is known spiritually as Sodom and Egypt and it is they who are the 'woman' which sits (controls) the last sea (of people) beast kingdom; the U.N. which received its deadly wound as the League of Nations. Right now, there is a 'special man' in the background, behind the scenes who will come forward after the return of the internet which will go dark for ten days. Satan mimics all that Jesus does but turns it upside down - good to evil Ps 146:9 Isa 29:16. Just as every eye will see Jesus when He comes, the first time, for the body of the church, so too will every eye see the Man of Sin when he is revealed on all black mirrors, TVs, computers and smartphones which are the 'image of the beast' for they both speak and live. He will be the complete opposite of Jesus as described in Isaiah 53 which means he will be extremely handsome and charismatic, pulling people to him. He will speak of 'new times' and 'new days', but never of a new world order. He will convince people of the world to give up their national sovereignty for global and no one will fight him, albeit it will still be a one world order. The MAN of Sin will be possessed by Satan, thus 'two horns (kings/powers) of a Lamb' (pretending to be the Christian messiah) which evidence has already been told by those in the know.

When will people wake up to this truth? Jesus commanded that we WATCH for the signs of His coming, but if we don't know God's word then for what will we know to watch?? Only the very elect will know the truth.

God bless you all.

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A must see video

Please make time to watch this 15min. Stay with it...

Klaus Schwab..most dangerous person in the world...In his own words..

Stunning watch

Recommended by Dr Malone


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FIGHT BACK! Report false vax info from mainstream media, the CDC, HHS, NIH, Gates, Fauci, and other misinformation pushers.


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The phases / stages are the seals of Revelation. Mark Steyn nailed it over at GBN. (1) White horse (western) = pestilence. (2) Red (eastern) = war. (3) Black (northern) = poverty/famine (note the fertilizer shortage). (4) Pale (southern) = Death and Hades. JD is right, though, that these will unfold more quickly, not less. White horse was two years (1 for lockdown and medical malpractice, 1 for genetic manipulation disguised as vaccine). But black will follow red much faster. Fourth biblical plague tends to be "wild animals," and Africa has lots of 'em. Not sure what specifics of that might look like. Shudder to think. But all of this means: Christus Victor is on the move! Come, Lord Jesus.

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The Great Reset will only prove to be more of God's judgment upon the wicked, which is, in fact, evident everywhere you look today.

Here in America that means that the biblically egregious Constitutional Republic born of the biblically seditious Constitution will inevitably destroy itself as well:

"The United States Constitutional Republic was destined to fall from its inception. This is borne out in the following two passages:

'And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.' (Matthew 7:26-27)

'[E]very kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.; (Matthew 12:25)

"The house known as the Constitutional Republic was not built upon the rock of Yahweh’s1 word, but instead upon Enlightenment and Masonic concepts.2 It began and continues as a divided house....

"The day is therefore approaching when the Republic’s cup of iniquity will be full3 and Yahweh’s longsuffering is exhausted. At that time, the Republic will be subjected to His judgment. Like all nations before her built on sand, she will cease to exist. The question that remains is whether that generation’s Christians will be prepared to build upon her ruins. If not, another ungodly nation will fill the void until finally a future generation of our posterity are prepared to erect a government and society upon Yahweh’s righteousness as expressed in His triune moral law (His commandments, statutes, and judgments).4

"It is therefore incumbent upon this and all intervening generations of Christians to do everything in their power to help prepare for that future generation of Christians to do it right(eous) the next time...."

For more see free online book "A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/biblicalConstitution.html

Then find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and and received a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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i stopped reading after "covid may or may not be a bioweapon..." i'm sorry, but if there is any doubt in your mind, then you really know nothing -- you're just a speculator laying out different scenarios. i don't mean this as an insult, i respect all writers, but it really takes away all credibility.

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I respect most readers, but since you skipped the part just before that sentence when I said I was listing the points of contention, there's no need to waste time explaining it to you.

And yes, of course I believe it's a bioweapon. I just can't teach people to understand context.

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thank you for responding; i meant no disrespect. i just feel that unless we start facing the truth -- i.e. the virus IS a bioweapon, the vaccines ARE a bioweapon... then we will never get out of this mess. and there is no point to sugar-coat it or pretend to respect the rights of all the idiots that think this whole tragedy was caused by some bat.

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It's a matter of explaining to people that regardless of what they think happened before, here's what they need to know for certain. Otherwise, we end up limited who hears the message by saying, "First, believe that this is a bioweapon and if you don't then you can't learn the truth that actually makes a difference."

Convincing people that it's a bioweapon is not important. It's a label. The reason that I carefully worded that section of the article is so readers would understand that regardless of their perspectives on the origins of the disease, the actions that took place after it's launch must be addressed by all.

We cannot rely on ideological purity. Those who refuse to read an important and thoughtful article because they didn't agree with a single statement are not prepared to fight outside of their own bubble. They're saying, "You must fully agree with me about everything, and if not then nothing you say is important or correct."

That's why people stop reading an article based on single sentences.

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A hammer can be a tool or a weapon. I can use it to build or to kill. Whoever uses it to kill also becomes a murderer. When we see what 'they' have done with this 'virus', we know that they have used it as a biological weapon, regardless of its origin. In many ways they have destroyed lives all over the world.

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