I agree. Trump has been big pharmas greatest free advertisement on the jab the last few years. He's not dumb or blind so he is obviously invested. Until he denounces it, he supports all the deaths and permanent illnesses associated with it. In his own words "It's his greatest accomplishment" I hate to see his worst.

RFK says the right things, but everything he claims to be for(childrens health defense) is 100% opposite what the demoncratic party stands for. If he was an independent ticket maybe....

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RFK Jr. is a hypocrite. He has on his team the Vaccine Frankenstein who is on record saying that he wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids (not on his privileged boys). He's campaigning on transparency while hiding CHD's financial data. He campaigned for Hillary Clinton yet thinks he's morally superior to Trump🙄

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I heard Trump got some donations from Pfizer but IDK if it’s true

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In 2020 the big winners selected by big pharma were Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Beijing Biden. It definitely was not Trump.

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He may now, though....

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Where's the donation info proving it? I follow the money trail for big pharma, would love to see where you're getting the data from. TY.

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Even if he did, he would be lying. When people will finally wake up to a deception of the left/right paradigm controlled by the same forces

The Hegelian Dialectic Process:


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Because people have been programmed to believe it's right vs left as a distraction. And distraction is as American as apple pie.

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Absolutely. No one makes it to the front pages--no one--without the permission and blessing o the Deep State. That should have been everyone's first clue. No mistakes were made, no elections won. All part of the long plan.

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The key thing to remember is Trump has not a single true conservative lined up to take control of cabinet positions. Same problem as last time. Trump did not drain the swamp. Trump flooded the swamp. CIA Haspel. FBI Wray. Attorney General Barr. Transportation Elaine Chao-McConnell. Pompeo, Pence, Mnuchin, Tillerson, Mattis, Esper, Nikki Haley... the list of traitors goes on forever. Trump does not have anyone. He relies on rinos. Trump is controlled opposition. Same as Q. psyop. Sit on your hands and believe one guy will save you from the coming collapse and death. When in fact, he pushed the death jabs.

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Trump's cabinet was a Deep State All-Star team.

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Exactly right!!

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Agreed. The signs are all there. His latest Town Hall on CNN was a good one.

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Trump's #1 problem when he won in 2016 is he did not know who to trust, and the RINO DC Establishment really f@cked him over, bigly.

One asset I like abput Trump is he's a fast learner.

I suspect he won't make that same mistake mistake again.

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Oh stop. He still pushes the jabs crediting them with "saving millions of lives." Do you really think he just hasn't been handed the memo yet? Wake up. This psy-op is bigger than any of us can imagine.

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You hear what you want to hear.

Listen to what he ACTUALLY says. He always states "in some people." Which may be true in the vulnerable populations.

I do not recall ever once Trump flying near the "vaxxxxx mandate" flame.

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No Peregrine--It has no benefit, even in some people. No benefit to anyone. It is a bioweapon, literally called a "countermeasure" by our own DOD. WE created the virus and we created the injection. It has ZERO effectiveness and has caused excess deaths this planet has not seen in centuries. There are no "two sides" to the vaccine.

I don't give a shit about his stance on mandates. That's just a talking point. This "vaccine" should be removed from them market immediately. Anything short of calling it out for what it is---and that is was part of a grander scheme to defraud the world, makes him complicit.

He knows more about vaccines than most people as this was his "issue" prior to his presidency. This man knows exactly how all of this came together. So really, it's YOU who hears what he wants to hear.

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I don't need a lecture from you, dude, on the vaxxxes or anything else. Just stop it.

I have personally suffered in several ways for refusung the jabs.

Mandates are NOT a "talking point." Mandates were at the heart of the vaxx scam. I don't give a shit if someone jabbed themselves. Just do not require I get jabbed by law.

Trump did NOT create the vaxxxes. ALL Trump did was reduce the bureaucracy to get it to market...which virtually everyone agreed with. It was not until waaaay past Trump's term that the truth about the vaxxxxes became known.

Go tell Trump he doesn't know what he's talking about.

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Mandates are a talking point for Trump. That's all he says regarding the "vaccines." And they were not "at the heart" of the vax scam. At the heart of the vax scam was the fact that a group of people who worked through the DOD conned the world with a man-made bioweapon and its "countermeasure." He was part of that, every step of the way.

The basic idea is that "public health has been militarized and the military has been sort of turned into a public health front or Potemkin Village such that they are using public health language and public health laws to actually carry out a military campaign."

They are DOD weapons and those contracts were in place. He was well aware. It was a "kill box "--that's a military term for establishing a geographic space or three-dimensional area for a military attack by air and by surface to kill the people who are in it and then dismantle the kind of framework and move on to the next campaign.

And what the DoD and the World Health Organization intend to do and have gotten quite far in doing, but not completely reached their goals, is to set up the entire world as their geographic terrain, their target population as all the people in the world, the duration of their campaign as permanent. The weapons that they're using are, 1) informational. That's the propaganda piece and the censorship piece. 2) Psychological. That's the fear and terrorism piece of telling people they need to be afraid all the time and they need to listen to the government. 3) chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear [CBRN] weapons, which are called in their campaign pharmaceuticals, vaccines but are actually toxins and pathogens.

Congress and the presidents — Trump and Biden — passed several additional Congressional acts funding and reinforcing the structure of the kill box and issued more executive orders under the Defense Production Act, under the Stafford Act, under the National Emergencies Act, to sort of build out the program.

This is from Katherine Watt.

No way he was just a hapless fool that signed specific legislation over the course of 4 years allowing this to all work. But that's not really the issue here. The issue is NOW. Where is he now? I'll tell you where. In the same evil place he started. He not only knows, he takes credit for it all.

So it seems you do need a lecture from me, dude.

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Yes, exactly, you hear what you want to hear... And, that's what you're doing.

Trump does not have to "fly near" the "vaxx mandate" flame to be part of that psyop.

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How many more millions need to die? Does no one think possibly the mass formation worked? You suspect he wont oops another did I see 20 million dead from Trumps signature on EUA. Billion injured, no way to know if its over or just begun. The dying time that is.

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Who are the "true Conservatives" currently serving in Congress that you'd like to see as Cabinet members?

Are you aware of the selection process for the Secretary of each agency? Have you ever been in DC, meeting with members of Congress?

What is the role that Rona McDaniel plays in the selection of members of a Republican administration? The DNC controls the White House, did Rona Romney control Cheeto Man's administration?

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Congress is impotent and they don't play by the rules anyway, we're at war so time to not play by theirs either. Circumvent and don't conform.

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If DJT does not admit the exact nature of being fleeced by Fauci then he is wasting his and our time. He will never occupy the Whitehouse moving forward. If he has publicists on his staff then he is not listening to their advice! People are much more forgiving if you sincerely apologize. This nation is on the cusp of collapse and it deserves a real leader who will be straight with the citizens. The Warp Speed hamartia was DJTs worst move and he needs to man up.

A very good and thoughtful article!

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Completely agree with your summary!

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It wasn't Fauci, it was Mike Pence, the fake Christian.

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Wasn't Fauci.read Celia Farbers article on how Fauci used orphans to run vaxzine trials on for an aids vaxxine hope you have a strong stomach. Lying Jesuit sadistic sociopath. By no means take this as a defense of Pence.

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No, Mike Pence was in charge of the entire C19 Task Force, he brought in both Fauci and Birx. I know about Fauci experimenting on the kids in my community. Robert Malone wanted to do the same to our kids with Anthrax vaccines. These monsters are all the same - experimenting on other people's kids, not on their own privileged kids.

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JD, we need a "like with reservations" button. You're right. If The Donald would renounced his support for the jab, it would make him a better candidate--but it wouldn't make him a better human being. I pulled the lever for him both times he ran, but I am really feeling a great reluctance to vote for him again. He is too morally compromised and my own morality is putting up a strong fight. We can say he's the lessor of two evils--and he quite possible is. But the lessor is still evil. I find myself leaning more toward Gov. Ron. If it comes to it, I will likely pray for forgiveness as I vote for Trump because I know the candidate from the other side (whether it be Biden or someone else) will be more unacceptable. But I really hope it doesn't come to that.

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I believe Mr. DeSantis just signed a restriction of speech in Israel??

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Can you explain why Trump is morally compromised?

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Do you mean "how" is he compromised or "why" he is compromised? The "how" should be obvious to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention. He has had multiple affairs from Stormy to this latest one. He is using donated campaign monies to pay his personal legal bills. There are so many other things it would take the rest of the afternoon to list them all. As to the "why Trump is morally compromised" that would require insight into his soul, his history, his general lifestyle. In short, I don't know "why" he is compromised other than to say his moral compass seems to spin a great deal.

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Meanwhile, the Biden crime family continues committing crimes.

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Yes, and crimes at a level that is destroying our country. And the fact that they are tied to human trafficking is atrocious.

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What country? China?

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Do you honestly believe any of that nonsense?

What I see is a person who is constantly lied about and smeared by the media and by the communists in the democrat party.

But I repeat myself.

"Obvious" is relative and depends on whether you choose to apply some critical thinking of your own.

If Trump had come out as a democrat, the media would likely portray him as the second coming and the sun would constantly shine out of his arse.

Regarding the alleged misuse of campaign funds.

Is that actually true, or did the media claim it was?

Because they aren't the same thing.

His lifestyle is that of a saint compared to Brandon and a great many other politicians, though it is really none of our business anyway.

At least he isn't an incestuous, crack smoking, child molesting, incompetent, diaper wearing old criminal bastard, who has the full protection of all government agencies.

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That is no emdorsement least he isn't that guy. I don't care bout his affair or his finances. His pride and arrogance is disconcerting, as is that loan he got when he went belly up in the early 80's those bankers don't loan that kimda money to any but their own. Nrags he has their private number bet he does. Brass tacks he did not stop the bio labs, did not uncover financing the political coup in ukraine selling arms to Azov to violently suppress protests, did the Odessa massacre happen on his watch crickets i hear crickets. Asked zelensky for help with biden? Is that believable? What help you need i got a 100 chinese laptop i knew Biden admits bragging on camera how he forced them to fire the prosecutor of birisma or no aid package to make more bio-defense virusses if there even are virusses. Lying rockefeller science lapdogs. Oh, didnt get his wall buikt or the pipeline finished oops. Not his fault right also 20million dead not sure thata counting the miscarriages and how do you factor infertility multiple dead? 2.3 jan 6th boy he handed hos most loyal up on a silber platter, not a word in support of them no money for lawyers? Bad pr to support insurrectionists? Yeah i know it was a dark op a huge one musta took months of prep by the left. How dis they know he would send them? To peacefully man he enunciated that like he was on trial. Its a show not even shakespeare they dont respect us enough. Its punch n judy and sad how many collegiates ait mesmerized jeering judy and listening attentively to poor punch he must be good.that evil judy hates him so. Punch is never harmes and Judy never charged.

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You come across like Mike Pence, the "Christian" who thinks he's morally superior to others.🤢

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Well, today he said that banning abortions on babies with beating hearts is too harsh in response to DeSantis' passing that legislation. For the record I voted for Trump both times and don't like DeSantis. I was shocked that he would say that.

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What is?

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I get that too often as well.

It ruins the flow of threads.

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Gov Ron is just as bad but he does share credit. That to is grift. He harvard not skull n bones that other club also mason lodge 235 or some serpents lair.

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It's like you looked into my brain with this comment--same, same, same.

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Even though he could turn this into a full-blown attack on the Deep State, his ego won't allow him to admit that he was taken. But then, NO ONE in power will dare speak the obvious.

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I’m never voting again. Until the cheating is taken care of, good luck. What a joke.

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What Renee Marie said. Also, I can’t vote for anyone who glorifies the death shot. I can’t vote for a democrat. I can’t vote for deSoros. Many reasons to not vote.

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I’m starting to feel that way! Just punched out on all the BS. It’s just everywhere.

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Don’t hold your breath

Cheating has been going on longer than you are aware of...and it will never stop.

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I know. It’s a waste of my time.

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I agree with everything you said. It is unlikely he will denounce the poison shots because he will NEVER admit 1) he was wrong and 2) he was tricked and conned. Has Trump EVER admitted he was wrong. If in the end by some miracle it’s Trump vs RFK Jr....I’m voting for Bobby

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Or so you're voting for Bobby who is for Climate Change. That means he's part of the

WEFers. Trump DID NOT MANDATE any vaccines. So, you want Bobby and

Climate Change lockdowns. Our Country is actually in a State of Emergency. Have

you seen the Illegal Alien Invasion coming over our Borders? I don't see us making it

to a 2024 FAIR (laugh) Election.

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Just an FYI, I did hear RFK, Jr. state that the WEF is using climate change as a means for control. I am still watching and listening, but so far, I have only heard him speak about environmental issues that are a verifiable threat such as chemicals being poured into the Hudson and making the fish toxic to eat. Having said that, know that I am not disagreeing that he believes in climate change. I just have not heard him say anything that resembles the insanity that the extremist spew.

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EXACTLY! He said the real environmental movement of which he has been a part for 40 years and won dozens of lawsuits against not only polluters but captured regulatory agencies like the EPA, has been hijacked by the DAVOS criminals. Trump although I did vote for him twice was too easily influenced by the evil Javanka. As Bobby K said Trump ordered the lockdowns

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It's easy for Bobby to say whatever he wants about Trump and the China COVID. Bobby wasn't in his shoes. So, you didn't see what Trump was up

against? Frauchi, Birx, Redfield. Pelosi and her Leftists gang would've pushed to keep our Country locked down for months just like the Chinese do to

their people. You all better pay attention with what's going on with the

WHO. If we don't do everything we can to stop JOE putting us under

the EVIL TEDROS (WHO). He'll have the US locked down for a sniffle.

BTW just think about all those diseases the Illegal Aliens are bringing

over JOE"S free for all border to the US.

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Telling you vote, don't vote. They will select who they want. Time to kick the table over game is rigged. Nullify mandate, Constitutional convention, secede Pointing out Biden and China are worse than what Trump did? But what they did would not have been possible if not for what he did! Just consider Trump is Punch a puppet of someone WEF? Black Pope? He signed up for the EUA, DOD and HHS running everything. No standing to sue because rights are suspended. Same as Martial Law only Health Crisis, think Reagan signed us up for this. There was no surprise wild-card anti deep-state champion. They sold us Trump with an old trick, They hate him, they use lies and the FBI to attack him. They lie, oh the media hates him cause they do what their told. Focused hate - the beginning of mass formation... by the time 2019 hit people were either never Trumpers or ever Trumpers either way focused hate of either Trump or the Left. Primed for Covid induced fear, isolation, one solution one voice. Lockdown, Masks, Vaxx Military countermeasure bio-weapon. All began with systemic focussed hatred of Trump... your champion was the key to their plandemic. You think they chose a key they couldn't control?

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I know. I don't know what can be done about the stolen Elections.

You are right the whoever they are select who they want. You saw in the 2022 Midterm Election results were called on the weekend.

Unbelievable. Is your body healing after the burns? Sorry...

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I heard he said climate change “deniers” should be locked up but again, I’d have to see a video or read a transcript to be sure

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Well stated.

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So, because Trump did not mandate the vaxx, he's a good guy???

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Compared to what JOE has done and continues to do on vaccines. I say Yes.

JOE has to get those kickbacks from Big Pharma, because his money is

running out in Ukraine. But, I'm sure China has paid him well. He certainly

won't be starving in his lifetime. That's just what Communists do.

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I do not like where RFK stands on 2nd amendment rights.

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He said in his book this scamdemic destroyed the bill of rights with the exception of the 2nd amendment.

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yep, that's what I said too, or rather asked: Has Trump ever admitted he made a mistake? It's possible, but I don't know of him ever having done that. Which really isn't too surprising considering most (all?) politicians never admit they made a mistake, never admit they were wrong. So no, Trump will not denounce the death jabs.

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You're voting for the hypocrite who has elevated the Vaccine Frankenstein who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids 👏👏👏and the hypocrite who is running on transparency while hiding CHD's financial records....we have a winner!

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Unbelievable wrong on covid but good for the economy? Good for ntl sec? Ya think, a govt that injured billions killed millions so far... but other that not a bad guy.

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He can't say that because as the President it's his responsiblity to get information from many credible sources before making a decision. In fact as a Trump supporter who voted for him twice let me respond to that narrative if he were to come out and say that.

As President you have the responsiblity to make sure you are getting information that is accurate. You ignored the hundreds of scientists and physicians who reached out to you in the Great Barrington declaration telling you this was all nonsense etc. You ignored Dr. Scott Atlas who you consulted. Instead you chose to listen to an open supporter and sychophant of HIllary Clinton, by his own admission, who has a track record of millions of dead people from AIDS because he blocked research into therapeutics. Public record. YOu did all of this after the democrats made an attempt to impeach you, concocted a false Russia collusion narrative and undermined every single thing you did. You clearly didn't see the efforts they would make to foster fear and use that to expand voting from home so they could steal the election in spite of me saying that's what they were doing two months in.

As president you didn't show very good judgment in this area and your miscalcuations led to deaths of thousands of people, the shutdown and destruction of our economy, A stolen election and the transformation of our nation into a Banana Republic as well as the entrenching of the globalist agenda to undermine our civil liberties.

The problem with foolish Trump supporters is they think he can just abdicate his responsiblity by blaming other people saying he was lied to. Sorry Mr. President but you demonstrate bad judgement in this and there is no way around it and he knows it. He can't admit he was wrong because in spite of that getting some people on board it will alienate tons more and the democrats will use that to attack his character non-stop. He essentially backed himself into a corner he cannot get out of.

Aside from the obvious does any of this matter. We will NEVER see a fair election again. How do people not get that. We had a stolen election. The supreme court refused to hear overwhelming evidence of such because it's compromised and the democrats got away with it. Do you think after they got away with it they will ever give up power. The conservatives are the most delusional people on the planet.

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However you are not "spot on" for one "the mistakes" are intentional. Just happened to ask Gates? Accidwntally took advice from an admitted depopulationist? Not just him Dems to all of them Use that. They accidentally make the exact wromg legislatio ? Every time. Not buying it anymore. Sex ed to prevent vd, after 30 years its worse than ever. War on poverty. Worse than ever. War on drugs same every time. As for elections doubt we ever had a fair one they probanly could have selected bide. Without beimg o vious about it. It served them better to 1 make the magas furious, gain Trump sympathy loyalty. To well I think I see clearly its one beast. They donot lose the executive office. They go back n forth to give you hope of change amd the illusion of agency. Swings left then right always government power grows. The people's shrink.

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Well said sir my thoughts exactly with very little of the composed thorough devastating delivery bravo.

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Totally agree with you on this point. 👏👏 Trump is known to never admit he’s wrong. By stating he was falsely led by health officials whom were highly regarded at the time, he’s basically calling them out for their manipulation of him and all of us.

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A good leader will admit when he was wrong.

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I don't see him ever denouncing the jabs, remember he gave all of our WHO money to GAVI. Also, Alex Jones asked him to renounce the jab and he told him he wouldn't and not to ask again.

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Exactly!...WE are on OUR OWN and have been so...since 1871..but for the very first time in 150 years OUR AMERICAN states are assembling lawfully and nationwide to hand the DC Defacto subcontractors theurvwalking papers as per US SUPREME COURT case "ExParte Milligan 1866" states.

Check it out for yourself and SHARE generously . We have All 50 states assemblies started

(The American States Assemblies)


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Thank you JD.

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I agree that's biggest issue I have about Trump the other issues are small and I can tolerate. But the Vacines what's his true stand I know he's hearing all the bad news about this poison so what's up trump.

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I'm not angry. In fact, I'd vote for RFK, Jr. over Trump on this issue alone. It'd be the first time in 54 years that I'd vote for a Democrat.

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DId you read how he treated his first wife? Better think again....

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I said the same thing last week, but im done nullify Dc its to corrupt to much blood on her head best thimg for america we shove DC into the atlantic get that evil temple to ashteroth baal and moloch off our continent.

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This is one thing that Trump has been wrong on and it's serious. He's still the best candidate but what does any of that matter now that they've perfected the theft of all elections?

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Critter they didnt just perfect it in time for Biden,.they selected.Trump in 2016 they been selecting my whoke life im 60 likely we.never had an elected president. certainly not since the secret ballot acts of.the 1890s.

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"He's in better position than President Trump on the issue, but not by much."

Nice Gaslight attempt. But fail.

DeSantis is in a much, MUCH better position than Donald "My vaccine has saved hundreds of millions of lives" Trump .

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Yes, but not long after that he did all sorts of anti-mandate and anti-vax stuff.

DeSantis reversed his position early and very hard. Look who he hired as the FL Surgeon General. I went to a DeSantis rally and he was very anti-vax.

DeSantis is probably the most anti-mandate governor and one of the top anti-vax officials.

As he said, he went with the flow at the beginning. But then the data started coming out and he switched his mind.

If you talk to any hardcore anti-vaxxer, to say that Trump and DeSantis are even close on the vax issue would produce gales of laughter.

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Except when he supported it. De Santis is a puppet to. Mason I dont need to know more Harvard not a skullboner some straweberry letter 23 sorcerors +.witches club, or knights of nighe shrubbery lip service to chold trafficking no ones stopping it any agency or govenor could. Elites run it.like they run our politicians end this demom infested evil propped up whore of a nation. They established The US for jist this time to destroy her a d bring aboit the NWO. Their not sure who wrote it either Weishauph or The Black Pope in 1975 words not mine.

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late response.

Did you watch the video? My comment was supposed to be sarcasm. Which, if you watch the short vid, you'll see why. Desantis severely pumping the safety and efficacy of the sh*tshot and taking oblique? shots at the unvaxxed.

He did change somewhat 2-3 weeks after this vid (Aug 2021) but continued to hype it for 'those at risk'. God help us.

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This is a huge problem for his campaign now particularly because of RFK Jr now.

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