May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

McCarthy reduced non-defense spending by 0.2%, which is one month's interest or $50 billion, in return for allowing more borrowing of 4 Trillion.

50 Billion for 4 Trillion.

Another PsyOp by world's greatest PsyOp, aka the GOP.

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OMG, that really puts a different light on it. Brandon won, big time.

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That means defense spending was not changed - which means the Pentagon has the dollars to continue wokeism in the military. Bad news.

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Regarding the “agreement” on the debt ceiling: It does not “rescind funds” to the IRS. It reduces the $80m to $78m. No reason to increase taxes when you’re gonna squeeze every penny out of taxpayers with armed IRS agents. Fail.

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I agree, but they would call this a success.

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Just before read.. don't like that picture with them holding hands and smiling at each other..bad news right there

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One would think Americans should have well-learned by now...

When an "official announcement" of something happens on a Friday or Saturday night at nearly 10pm Eastern (especially on a holiday weekend or an important religious calendar day), the subject of the announcement NEVER bodes well for the average American. It is an old trick to put out "news" when the deceitful know most people are not paying attention and most likely focused on other things. All we can do now is hope & pray that the angry ones on both extreme sides work together to tank the vote on Wednesday.

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Two year debt increase is a loss. This goes into 2025. When they steal the election again it's game over. Freaking pathetic bunch of losers. The only hope is the Freedom Caucus! Even then the Senate will sell us out!!!

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When Jesus confronted the Pharisees - Jewish religious leadership - he exposed their hypocrisy.

This is the characteristic many politicians and leaders have in common with the Pharisees - hypocrisy.

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Kevin McCarthy sold America out, and not just on the debt ceiling.

A $4 TRILLION debt ceiling increase?!

That's what the Speaker's negotiators are going to bring back to us?

Moving the issue of unsustainable debt beyond the presidential election, even though 60% of Americans are with the GOP on it?

No meaningful limits on the IRS.

No release of the Jan 6 tapes.


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From the little that has been printed, all McCarthy did was cut a tiny piece of pork off the rear end. No mention of biden stopping sending money to every lib cause, Ukraine, or stopping the illegals. No getting rid of the Armed IRS agents. No fixing America's problems. Seniors are still getting Shafted. While the Big 10 companies get richer. My Nexium went up $3.00 in less than a month. Tricare Life quite paying for it. I'm allergic to the store stuff, and the 3 left on the Formulary. Inflation isn't under control, and the crap that is now in our food makes you sick. And much is not on the label, esp. those tiny ones on fruits. Tuition is still going to be paid unless SCOTUS strikes it down. McCarthy has always been too spined. Climate Change wasn't defunded either. Nor the jobs that will be lost to AI.

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NUTRO DOG FOOD WENT FROM $13.99 FOR 5 LBD TO $25.99 in one week, $20.99 at Walmart, and Chewy about the same.

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You are spot on. Uniparty/Swamp won, American citizens lost. I’m guessing the billions supporting illegals wasn’t addressed even in a whimper, but Biden sure did threaten Social Security and Veterans 🤬🤬🤬 What a huge disappointment and stupid me actually thought McCarthy would do better. 4 trillion debt added and they have the audacity to celebrate. I hope his speakership is jerked from him.

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Where are the loud-mouths like Gaetz, MTGreen, Roy....who said they will recall McCarthy unless he stands his ground? Just talk! 99% of Congress are parasites.

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MTG will continue to gaze adoringly at McCarthy while doing nothing. Her filing articles of impeachments on Biden and others was just a fundraising grift. Note NOTHING was done by leadership to support her. She really is a GOP prostitute.

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No one is surprised. McCarthy has always been a Democrat at heart. When the rubber meets the road he always fails the American people. People better get educated on Nullification and The Anti-Commandeering Doctrine because they are our last peaceful options.

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Knew McCarthy was P.O.S. when he backed out of the race to replace "the crying drunk" Boehner as Speaker when he got voted out and Boehner called off the vote and hand picked another P.O.S., Paul Ryan to replace him!

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A dog and pony show. Thank you, JD.

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The uniparty and the metastatic cancer of the State won, hands down.

McCarthy isn't the worst of them; he is, however, throwing another few anchors into the lifeboat. Those who are supporting him—MTG, Jordan et al.—are just like him. Cultural conservatism is their way of building political capital to cover their part in our national destruction. Make noise about transgenderism, raise calls for impeachment, but work hand in hand with the globalist Communists in taking a wrecking ball to the nation and the lives of its citizens.

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