This started 3000 yeas ago with Isaac and Ishmael. The blood feud will never end toll all are dead.

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Exactly. And also the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob gave that land to Israel and it will always be their land. No doubt about it but the refusal of Mohammed's descendants will only be to their detriment. Read the scriptures, that land belongs to the "apple of God's eye" the Jews.

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What a LIAR you are! From your own stinking post " And also the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob gave that land to Israel"

Do you all see what this serpent has said here? gave that land to Israel?


ISRAEL IS A PEOPLE, GENIUS. THE WHITE RACE. NOT THE JEWS. Gave that land to Israel. What a retard. HE IS ISRAEL.

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Temper, temper. By your angry post, I can see how right I am. hahaha! So transparent. You know I am right. Hope you don't have a heart attack. LOL!

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LOL He/her is calling you a retard for not knowing a thing about actual scripture when I'm fairly confident the scripture would frown upon the way he/her is talking to you! Mind boggling to say the least. 🤯🤦‍♀️🤣

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So you're claiming that Jesus DIDN'T say "You are of your father the devil." To the fuckin Jews.

That's your claim. Jesus talked shit on Jews ALL DAY.

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Fuckin Jews, well we know what you are now. You have lost all credibility. Bigot.

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What a retard. Way to admit you don't know a thing about actual scripture without having the guts to type the words.

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Um, so, Isaac and Ishmael are the 2 sons of Abraham...from Isaac, we get the ISRAELITES aka the WHITE RACE...Isaac...Isaac's sons...Saxxons...ahem...and from Ishmael, we get the "Arabic" people...and there blood feud isn't really between the sons of Abraham, it's between the children of GOD (which would be Isaac and Ishmael) and the children of Satan, and of Cain, the Canaanite Ashkenazi Khazar JEWS.

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I ponder what the Schwab Klausians perspective is. Perhaps they enjoy the mayhem, as it pushes their central control freak show as a "mature" solution. How do *they* intend to corral radical Islamists in their Great Reset, seeing how many Klausians are also Jewish?

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This is just the “next big thing” to distract, divide & create phony outrage & virtue signaling. WuFlu & Ukraine are a bore now so they needed something else to shift attention from the hard truths about the deep damage & corruption of both the jab & Ukraine. And the Saudi-Israeli pact needed to be derailed. The Israelis & Palestinians are just being used & their lives are inimitably expendable.

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They are not “Jewish” they are atheists and JINO’s. Jews in name only. Please don’t tarnish all Jews by associating us with them.

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JINO. I like that.

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Anti-Semitism is ingrained in the Quran and there lies the problem. Until Muslims call for the removal of numerous passages in the Quran, Muslims believers will attempt to erase Jews from the face of the earth because Mohammad instructed them to kill the Jews.

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Jews are of Satan. It really is time people like this guy wake up to this fact.

There is no "Star of David" mentioned in the ENTIRE BIBLE.


Demonstrable. Provable in scripture. Provable with outside sources, INCLUDING JEWISH SOURCES.

I DEFY JD Rucker to show me exactly where in scripture the "Star of David" is mentioned.

He can't because it isn't. What star IS mentioned in scripture? The STAR OF REMPHAN. Acts 7:43 "Now you have taken up the tabernacle of MOLOCH under the STAR OF your god, REMPHAN, and I shall remove you beyond Babylon."

Who is Remphan? Remphan is Satan...Remphan is Saturn...Remphan is CAIN...Remphan is RA. Remphan is SOL INVICTUS. SOL INVICTUS. Statue Of Liberty...SOL INVICTUS. None of you retards even realize who that big statue in New York harbor is. Bunch of charlatans and fools. IT'S A STATUE OF LUCIFER you stupid dummies.

What did Jesus Christ say TO THE JEWS? "You are of your father THE DEVIL!"

What did Jesus Christ say TO THE JEWS? "You are NOT OF GOD."

What did Jesus Christ say TO THE JEWS? "You are NOT OF MY FLOCK!" (Surprise, Jesus is NOT JEWISH!)

What did Jesus Christ say TO THE JEWS? "You are NOT OF ABRAHAM!"

What did Jesus Christ say ABOUT THE JEWS? "Beware those who say they are Jews."

What did Jesus Christ say ABOUT THE JEWS? "Beware those who say they are Jews."

What did Jesus Christ say ABOUT THE JEWS?


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You are full of lies, like your father Satan. He's the Father of lies. I don't know what Bible you are reading but it is not a Christian bible. And stop twisting words to make them mean what you want. That is the ultimate in propaganda and LIES.

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The most wonderful thing I learned from being on Fascistbook...mute, block, delete...but never engage. It's year 3 past the scamdemic and EVERYONE has had the same information we have. People fixated on Jews are root of all evil haven't read the Bible. People fixated on anything other than coming together to get rid of big government, big pharma, or big uber rich who've sold the sold to the devil to do anything for money...isn't worth our keystrokes. Because THAT is the root of ALL evil...the LOVE of money! And geez wouldn't it be awesome if it was just ONE group?! Heck that'd be easy but...since it's not let's mute, block, delete. After I left Fascistbook I decided that day I'd never argue with people that are clearly unhinged and have no desire to do anything but instigate. I truly believe Fascistbook's Zuckerprick paid people to do so to get conservatives put in Fascistbook jail when they could say the ugliest things!!! Whenever in all of history has it been okay for strangers to talk to the way they do these days??? What cultivated that...social media which was designed to divide us all! So don't bother engaging with a "so-called" expert on the Bible that even doesn't grasp the simplest and most known scripture...love one another! And it DOES NOT SAY...love one another unless they are jews!

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How do you block someone on substack?

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Click on their profile pic. Then 3 dots to top right...you can mute and block! 🥳 You can't fix stupid, but you can 'technically throughtechnology' duct tape it! 😘

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That's all cowards have.

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It says "Do I not HATE THOSE who rise against you, oh LORD? I hate them with a PERFECT HATRED, and count them my enemies."

Those are the words of King David himself. Speaking to God, by the way.

Idiots yammer on. Those that know quote the word. Hate is a gift from God to protect us from our enemies.

Once again...quoting scripture WHERE YOU CANNOT...And I shall place ENMITY (enmity means HATRED, genius) between THY SEED and the woman's seed...and thy seed shall bruise her heel, and her seed shall bruise thy head.

That's from Genesis, genius. And that was GOD HIMSELF speaking to SATAN, after the defilement of Eve.

Which you know all about. Because you know who God's talking about when he said "THY SEED"...right?

Who is that, would you say?

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I don't waste my time even responding to such a long list of provable false statements. But here's just one example regarding David and Jesus "family tree"


These people hate God. And THAT is their problem. Not to be concerned though with trolls. As it is written "God cannot be mocked. You reap what you sow." He needs to repent while he still can.

Back to topic. Leftists have discredited liberalism but they are only slowly waking up. Fortunately, leftists are so discredited, some conscientious liberals are waking up to how lost today's DCP really is. (Democrat Communist Party)

Now will voters wake up in time to fire these haters of God, haters of America, and haters of all things before it is too late? We will certainly find out. I am actually hopeful, but it could be a very close call given how proficient the DCP is at cheating in elections. We have to turn out in mass.

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It’s a shame that free speech allows people like you to vomit all over other people’s good work.

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"I don't waste my time even responding to such a long list of provable false statements."

Yeah, cause that's what normal people do when faced with obviously provable statements. They...cop out...they don't...oh, I dunno...prove them wrong...a little "slap of facts"...

Cause you CAN'T.

Not because you WON'T.

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Jesus is descended from David. That's accurate.

Neither one of those people were JEWS, imbecile.

They were JUDEAN.

It is only JEW PROPAGANDA which seeks to equate the word "JUDEAN" with "JEW" when they are NOT THE SAME THING.

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So what you're saying is you can't quote a single line of scripture in your favor.

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Jesus Christ was a Jew ~ he tried to bring humankind together~and I'm a Christian~you are trying to sow discord and create more conflict. As far as I'm concerned, you are of your father the devil.

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Wrong. Notice how it doesn't back this up with scripture.

Jesus was a JUDEAN, not a Jew.

Your lies mean nothing, serpent.

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It's your lies that mean nothing serpent~Maybe if you pull your head out of your butt, you might be able to see the light~


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What's wrong? Aren't you going to post any more easily disprovable Jew-nonsense BS links?

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It even talks shit about some "Jewish capital" LMFAO!!!

You have got to be off your TITS to push that obvious farce.

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And by the way idiot, that piece of shit website was so transparent...

I quote..."Jesus was born in Judah to a Jewish mother, raised in Galilee in a Jewish home, and taught in Jerusalem, the Jewish capital. He ministered throughout Israel: "

Once more...

"He ministered throughout Israel."

So Jesus Christ. Born in...what...zero? Somewhere thereabouts? Ministered throughout Israel. Founded in 1949.

You are a grade 1 fucking idiot that can't even read.

And I notice that it doesn't back up the "Jewish mother" bull shit, either. Not with one single verse of scripture.

Go suck yourself, Jew.

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Thank you for your Jew website, no thanks. I don't need to ask a Jew-owned website, I just read scripture.

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Blinken & Weeping Kirby don't see problems. Only Final Solutions. Move all 2 Million Gazas to Red States. Problem solved. American Jews as well as American Muslims would support. Who counts the cost at a holocaust..??

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Always insightful, JD.

Thanks for being there!

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Many Hamas weapons reportedly were ours, from Afghanistan. This "crisis" has been planned for years, triggered by $6B from Biden to Iran.

General categories mask key facts. Surely most Americans (not the woke) realize that general labels blur reality?

* The Pope is Communist and NWO, but many clergy support freedom and diversity. Our book "Invisible Treason in America" has a foreword by an Arch Bishop warning of The New World Order.

* There is a Jewish book, just out, also warning of Obama's Treason. "Obama's True Legacy."

* Many see Muslims as blood thirsty monsters, killing for Allah. Some are, but I was a guest trapped in Cairo, Egypt when it went on the "dangerous places" list. The Muslims were the best hosts I've ever had. I was under their protection. They kept me safe. That is part of their culture.

Beware Mind War!!!

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Well , here's the thing~you don't like yourself very much, and more than that, judging by your immature way of responding to more than just my comments, you probably hate yourself and this is just your cowardly way of trying to pull others down with you, much like what you say to yourself every time you look in the mirror. Now, being that you have a very low opinion of yourself and have to get off by throwing profane tantrums, no one on this site with any sense of self-worth is doing anything but laughing at you, because at this point in your life that's all your worth~now, why don't you go back to mommy's basement and beat your fists and stamp your feet because you're not worth my time anymore~In other words, grow up!

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Notice how it never disproves anything, never posts a single line of scripture, a single fact, and instead it sits around telling others what they feel and think. What ever kind of psychosis you have going on (psychosis IS most prevalent among Jews, demographically speaking), I hope it gets treated.

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I agree with the author, unfortunately, people are sheeple, they will re flock in no time at all. When the shock of what Hamas has done wears off, idiots will be horrified by Israel finishing the job.

Too bad. I hope Israel wipes out every last one of the fanatic scumbags.

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The left always uses manufactured crises to further their anti Jesus, anti White, pro hate, pro immoral, pro slavery-genocidal (death jabs, lock downs, masks, global warming, etc) agendas.

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Close...there is no "left", that's a manufactured false paradigm.

The "left" and the "right" are designed to divide you and to encourage you to become an idolater.

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Leftists have so discredited the DCP (Democrat Communist Party) that some of their big names are saying so publicly. (e.g., RFK Jr) Pathetic the voters can't see how great RFK is. Though I am conservative, I respect him immensely,

GIven the non-stop brainwashing from fake news, it will take a lot to wake up the average liberal voter. Fortunately, the Leftists who publicly disgrace themselves with things like the Israel problem are providing such a strong case. . . to defeat their own cause. . . that true liberals are waking up and abandoning the DCP. And I can say that publicly not fearing the DCP will wise up, cause IMO today's Leftists are incredibly stupid. . . while thinking they are the smartest person in the room.

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I respect RFK’s courage to fight against powerful lobbies like the environmental corporations & pharma on behalf of vaccine safety. However if you do have conservative principles it’s important to look at his other beliefs ( in his website) that will make / keep America weak. He’s better than most Democrats but that’s a low bar to clear. Though he’s now an independent the democrat party is in his DNA.

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He still sucks Jews.

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Keep trying to "vote" your way out of tyranny.

Let us know how that works out. It sounds brave.

You do realize the entire MSM (and most alternative sources) are Jew-owned, right?

I mean, JEWS admit this, ffs. It's only white American imbeciles that deny it.

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There is no moral equivocation here as it is not two parties fighting over land. One party (Hamas) is committed to the annihilation of the Jews, and the other is attempting to survive.

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Liar. One is attempting to steal land, like they always do. They are LIARS and THIEVES.

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If the Hamas massacre in Israel and the antisemitic outrage from the Left, doesn’t wake up liberal Jews, I don’t know what will. This video is a reminder to Wake Up! https://x.com/canadianbacons4/status/1712165079649529898?s=20

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Any of the cognitively challenged leftists that see butchery and then deny it or try to rationalize it is psychopathic, without empathy. As such they actively participate in the destruction of modern civilization.

A group of people, any group, that has been given the financial aid and assistance over a period of several decades but still cannot disassociate from precivilizational behavior, in fact, that retains their precivilizational behavior, mindset, values, does not merit living alongside modern civilized people. They should be shunned and allowed to go the way of the Dodo bird. They simply cannot and do not adapt to the modern world. Early varieties of human species selected themselves out of the gene pool, these savage butchers have elected to do also.

Good riddance.

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One day the real world hopes you'll wake up to the false left/right paradigm and see it for what it is, a control mechanism for the weak minded 'voter'.

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That, sir, is precisely your status, a psychopathic, narcissistic, hateful useful idiot.

Go to Hell where you belong, loser along with the butchers you admire so much.

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My, what a foul mouth Jew you are.

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It’s the same old crap that has gone on with every war. The Arabs start it, then when the Iraelis respond, the U.S. puts pressure in it to stop. It’s nothing to do with ‘Palestinians’. Prior to the Six-Day War in 67, you never heard anything about the so-called ‘Palestinians’. You know why? It was merely a Bitish construct—a mandated area by the League of Nations post WW1, until such time as the area could be split into a Jewish and Arab state, which occurred in 1947.

You see there was a two-state solution in 1947. So the Arabs/Muslims couldn’t stand Jews in the region. Funny how a significant number of Muslims decided to stay in Israel, rather than leave as demanded by the Arab countries because they were going to “drive the Jews into the sea”.

How do I know all this? Because I was born in British Palestine and my family was there since the early 30s. Before the modern state of Israel existed, Arabs were committing atrocities on Jews pre-Israel.

You see, it was never about anything but Jews with extermist Muslims. The Arabs created the ‘Palestinian’ problem. If they had wanted peace and co-existance, they would have had it. Only a few moderate Arabs like Sadat and King Hussein were brave enough to make peace with Israel. Even Egypt and Jordan booted the ‘Palestinians’ out because they didn’t want extermists in their midst.

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The left all over the world thinks that if I pay nice the crocodile wouldn't eat me. This plays lot all over the work. Caged animals and selfies. Wild animials like Bears & buffalo selfies! We really to save the ink in safety warning on power tools. This weeding out of the population really doesn't need any help. It's self fulfilling.

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