It’s always been a mess. Back in the 90’s I went to rehab for drinking problem . They wouldn’t let me stay at my parents house in the suburbs for aftercare. Because my dad had beer. So they let me rent a room in Schenectady NY full of old men. I was in my early 30’s. It was a scary place to live, much more dangerous than staying at my parents would have been

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One of the many “ programs “ I was offered & always accepted the help. None of them delivered what they had promised.

These “ get back to work “ programs basically use us as slave labor but we can put it on a resume.

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Or the assistant at the library paid by the county. She wouldn’t show me how to use the computer, she just filled out a bunch of applications for me. That wasn’t the original deal .

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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See “Seattle is Dying” documentary (KOMO Seattle). It is still relevant after four and half years. Solutions include tough love drug enforcement, no tolerance for violence, arrests and prosecution for crimes. In patient and out patient treatment. We need to stop incentivizing drug use and homelessness.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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This is a local organization that actually works for the good of humanity.


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AWESOME! Thanks for the link.

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I would bet the farm that this type of corruption is pervasive throughout many government agencies. No one has been watching the hen-house for decades and if they were, they have been bought off to see nothing and report nothing.

It's one thing to provide basics to rural Africa like water, electricity and minimal shelter and something different to provide homes or shelters in a big city where you need more infrastructure support so that these places can be maintained and people can afford to live in them without 100% support all the time.

It looks like this is another grifter scam where our tax dollars pay for others to live a wonderful life by flaunting the laws with no chance of ever being caught.

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Why is so obvious in democractic cities though oh I forgot democrats.

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Jeremiah 17:9 NLT — “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?

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It's really sad.

It's sad because blue cities appear to grow government off the actual need to help fellow citizens. By expanding their government domain, they are allowed greater compensation. So, they actually have incentive to focus not on helping citizens but on selfish promotions.

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First get rid of all the grifters, illegals and those who just do not want to work. My Red state suddenly is full of religious charities giving to those coming from other countries, instead of sending them back home, and/or refusing to help. If someone is an alcoholic or a drug addict, they need to clean up, and Medicaid is not the answer unless the person is trying to find work, AND pay taxes, and declare themselves a working person. I know people who get free stuff all day long, work for cash, and never have a bank account They get free dental, free meds, free phones, and I, for one, are sick of it. The homeless will never go away, unless the purse is closed. The Biden administration is famous for free giveaways, and I hope, under Trump, it all goes away. Welfare should be temporary, and not for 3 generations of lazy.

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Another great article I can share with gratitude to jdrucker!

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