DeSantis 2024.

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He's wonderful but we want every day we can have of him in Florida.

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I think baby formula and tampons are a higher priority.

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Tampons? Tampons are in short supply? Guess women, or menstruating men, will have to go back to what our grandmothers did: boil cloth diapers and keep them on with sanitary belts.

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We learned the hard way one man can't fix the mess. We need to scrub the whole thing and start over, including unelected staffers who are often the minds behind the men. Term limits, no DC, limited salaries, and on. Wouldn't it be wonderful to start from scratch? Well, I can dream...

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The ancient Athenian system: officials and representatives chosen by lot. Could people chosen by lot possibly do a worse job than the current self-seeking politicians?

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The repeal of the 17th Amendment started the slide into the abyss that we are staring at now. 1913 had many other insidious events too. It was the year that America was totally corrupted and infiltrated.

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100% disagree. If this republic is to be saved, it won't be saved by sending DeSantis -- a man whom I believe to be actually a decent man despite his being a politician -- to head the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate. What makes you think doing so would?

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Very true!

He would just get the Trump treatment, and another DC victim.

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You have never heard of the World Economic Forum?

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How does your question -- a condescending one -- apply to my comment, Vonu?

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I can't tell you since this forum doesn't support a return to the original thread so I can have a proper perspective. Your ad hoministic response says all I need to hear. You may think liberty, but you don't support my equal right to disagree with your specious premises.

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When you get a notification that someone has responded to your comment, you can click on "View" and that will take you to the exact comment and response.

As for ad hominem, you ask if I've ever heard of the World Economic Forum? On this thread? Or anywhere with people actively involved in discussing and reading about this global crime, you seriously ask that question in that way? And please, try that adolescent crap with someone else, OK? You can say whatever the 𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥 you want, Vonu, and I have every right to follow up asking for clarification while also expressing the sentiment that came up when I read it. Got that???

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Nope, wrong again and for the past 162 years! DS is another 'politician' working for the yankee govt. Only SECESSION (as was done in 1776 & 1860) is the ONLY answer for freedom. Keep on worshipping at the satanic temple of your god Abram LinCLOWN; Bend over all you slaves!!!!!

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Adrian, if you mean that by default DeSantis is working for the "yankee" government because that's what we inherited as a result of that son of a bitch, Abe Lincoln, then yes, I agree with that statement. Yet how could it be otherwise? It's the unlawful government we 𝒂𝒍𝒍 inherited thanks to Lincoln's illegal and unlawful invasion of the Southern nations, e.g. Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, etc. As I'm sure you've experienced, try saying what I just said about Lincoln to the "average" person and check out the response you get. (BTW, native Brooklyn, NY born northerner here who knew a long time ago that Lincoln committed a gross crime and was outwardly indifferent to the slaves' fate. He was gonna "save" the Union whether he freed one slave or not...A true psychopath.)

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Lincoln was paid by British banksters to return the CSA to the USA, so they could continue to pay unconstitutional tariffs to cover debts run up by Washington which were due to those banksters.

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How can he be working for a Yankee government when he is the governor of a Confederate state?

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As a Florida resident it has become apparent that the smaller the government the better off its residents. Desantis would go to Washington and deal with the same evil puppet masters and would face vehement opposition (from both democrats and republicans). I personally think the days of putting your hope in the executive branch of the federal government are over.

Shore up your local community, demand action and appropriate legislation on the local level and demand they do what Desantis has essentially done: Leave me alone!

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I'm a Florida resident too for over 50 years. Florida government generally works so well because it must stay on a tight budget and it has a part time legislature. Our legislature is in session for 2 months a year (with an occasional special session as needed) so they have to focus on essential legislation and don't have enough time to enact fluff, crap, etc.

We don't have an income tax. Revenue comes from sales tax and doc stamps on real estate and other legal transactions.

Living on a budget means government must make choices because the budget must be balanced.

It makes for a leaner, better functioning and more responsive government.

Florida has had a succession of fairly good governors. DeSantis is by far the best so far. He has solid common sense and is courageous.

Good government starts bottom up. School board, county commissioner, circuit court judges, prosecutors, sheriffs make a far greater impact on day to day living than any almost any other elected office. Get to know who is running and choose carefully.

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And another excellent comment! Thank you!

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I should have added more points to my comment above.

Florida must balance it's budget. Florida maintains a rainy day fund. This year Gov. DeSantis put $15 billion into the fund. He also has declared four sales tax holidays. I can't remember all four but one of them is a back to school sales tax holiday. This gives parents an immediate 7% savings on school supplies. There will also be a hurricane supplies tax holiday. There are 2 others. The benefit of these sales tax holidays is it helps those who need the help.

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The days of putting hope in the federal government ended after the Articles of Confederation were overthrown in favor of an unnecessary Constitution.

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I love comment, Townes!!! Yes. Precisely! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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The worst thing he can do is to dirty himself in the DC swamp. He will just get the Trump treatment, and be another wasted one term president. He can do much good staying here in Florida.

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I agree. If DeSantis were elected, he would end up like every other President before him -- (without exception that I can think of -- correct me if I'm wrong) -- with blood on his hands. War and death are the health of the D.C. crime syndicate. While DeSantis blew it big time in 2020 by going along with the fraud/crime just like 48 other governors, it seems he got "religion", realizing his mistake and course-correcting. (Meanwhile, we have to ask ourselves about our legislatures. Where the hell were they as these a$$ wipe governors closed down their states??? There is no lawful authority to declare an emergency when there isn't one and then disrupt commerce and the ability of people to earn a living for MONTHS??? Most legislatures suck. They lack any fidelity to liberty. They retard the cause of liberty vs. advance it and act more like fundraisers than guardians and protectors of freedom.)

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That's very true. Trump's 'Warp Speed' was very revealing and another red flag.

Various State legislatures seem to have been hijacked and captured too?

The repeal of the 17th Amendment accelerated this decay.

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I guess we could say legislatures have been "captured", but that takes the responsibility off of these elected ones, yes? As for the 17th Amendment, you mean the passage of this horrendous amendment, yes? Scum legislatures, by passing this amendment to the U.S. Constitution, helped to further the destruction of this republic. The safety of the republic demanded that each (nation) state have two "ambassadors", two "diplomats" to go to the cesspool and report back to the (nation) States' legislatures the goings-on in the pit. This was so that the legislatures could be made aware of any dangers to their states' sovereignty and the freedom of their citizens that actions by either the feds or other states might be contemplating. This "inside info" would enable the (nation) state legislature to take pre-emptive action, if necessary.

Instead, the "captured" legislatures voted to undermine the republic and the republican function of the U.S. Senators' role by amending the Constitution via the 17the Amendment. Now, we have doofuses in expensive suits who think their job is to bring back federal "goodies" to all the "gimme girls" back home -- including the "gimme girls" in the (captured) State legislatures.

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I admit that saying the legislatures were 'captured' is being overly polite.

There probably is actual collusion going on. Although 'capture' or 'hijacking' does imply bribery and/or fraud.

1913 was a very bad year in American history, with many horrendous political coups and takeovers all in that year. No coincidences there?

It could be said that Lincoln started the decaying rot that has accelerated until today. He was possibly the first neocon or fascist president?


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I admit, Justin, that I am very "cranky" over all of this, so forgive my rather sharp way of expressing myself.

You're right about 1913, and I agree re Lincoln. He lied when he said his job was to "save the Union". No, Abe. That was not your job. And it's not what you swore to, murderer.

See? Still cranky.

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DeSantis/Greene 2024

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Merely one more lesson pointing to the fact that D = R; i.e., they are nothing more than 2 sides of the Uniparty coin. The illusion of a choice is merely that - an illusion. Don't ever be surprised when your 'favorite' candidates/politicians side with and act like the puppets they are.

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Valid point.

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Jun 16, 2022
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Such a coincidence. "Tragedy and Hope" is one of the few books I could not put down. I am not surprised to learn that the "elites" took steps to ensure the book was not reprinted. Can't have the plebs knowing the truth, can we?

And yet, whenever I comment on the uselessness of trying to distinguish between the 2 wings of the Uniparty, I am met with comments like, ". . . leave the GOP and don't let the door . . . " Thinking like that is missing the point completely. People are such believers in the illusion that they have a choice that they will defend their party or their favorite candidate with the same zeal that a covid believer defends the shots. You simply cannot get people to understand that they have been played, for decades, and that the people doing the playing have been stealing their wealth for themselves during all that time.

If we can't get people to understand this one basic idea, we will never begin to find an alternative to system of government we have and the corruption that pervades our institutions, at all levels, public and private. One of the themes I recall from Quigley's book is the idea that some cultures are inherently corrupt and beyond redemption. That was enlightening to me. But I never thought that we would reach the point in the West where our own culture is so permeated with corruption. Perhaps I'm just naive.

Thanks for bringing Quigley into this discussion; would that more people knew him and his writings.

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Jun 16, 2022
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I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I will say these pols have one thing in common - they're all globalists, fighting for one world order. The deception is necessary to keep people from realizing that the march toward totalitarianism is ongoing and accelerating. Most people don't have a clue, and won't listen if you tried to tell them. We are on our own.

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We've always been on our own. Unfortunately, everyone, I mean everyone expects a hero to come save them: The Bible thumpers are waiting for Revelation and Jesus, while the new agey dumbasses are waiting for benevolent aliens to come save their sorry asses and the normies (Repubs) are waiting for Trump, DeSantis, White Hats, the military, any efing Joe Blow EXCEPT themselves to save their sorry asses. All in all it truly is a shit show as no one will accept the sole responsibility of saving themselves, because that is the responsibility of God or whoever else they consider their savior. Humanity has always been a slave race living on a plantation eating shit and crumbs thrown their way genuflecting on their knees sucking you know what.

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Someday, those that gas lit others who were more cautious and did their research will have hell to pay for the death and destruction they cost. Spend one hour on realnotrare.com and it will bring you to tears. F all of them. These vaccines DO NOT WORK and they can maim for life or kill.

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Dig deeper. I'm VERY sure that there's extra money going to states to be able to do this. And when it gets cold and all these vaccinated people start getting sick and it's attributed to a new strain of covid, they'll offer these "free" shots to people as a vaccine against it. We ABSOLUTELY NEED to find ways to get the message out that these shots are killing off the immune system and helping make people sicker NOW.

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All i know is what we must do all we can to use our access to the internet and our abilities on the net of what we do well, to never give up sharing quality, reliable, documented, verified information and if you are able to go out on the streets, do that also, put flyers on cars/trucks etc and so on and ultimately, pray to the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ that our prayers are acceptable to Him and according to His will that more and more get a Damascus road conversion and resist the Devil and his countless agents on earth for that is obedience to God.

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Yes probably a condition of the American recovery act

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Here’s what happens with the jab concoction…

The 3 phases of mortality from the Covid vaccine

Phase 1 (0-30 days)

• Blood clots

• Thrombosis

• Myocarditis

• Strokes

• Heart attacks

• Spontaneous abortions

• Pulmonary embolism

• Anaphylactic shocks

Phase 2 (1-12 months)

• Immunodeficiency induced by repeated vaccinations

• Antibody-dependent amplification (ADE)

• Autoimmune reactions

• Prion-like neurological destruction

• Heart failure

Phase 3 (1-10 years)

• Chromosomal damage induced by the spike proteins

• Cancer

• Severe immune deficiency

• Autoimmune diseases with fatal outcome

• Suppressed DNA repair mechanisms (NHEJ)

• Infertility/reproductive disorders

Myocarditis alone is fatal after vaccination in up to 56% of patients within the first 5 years. The particular "giant cell" form of myocarditis will cause over 80% of the death rate in the next 5 years.

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Yet still there are Fox News idiots who still vote for the Mitch McConnell's, Lindsay Graham's, Mitt Romney's, John Cornyn's etc. etc.

I despise these low info simpletons who can't think critically. No better than democrats.

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It is at times so ... immensely angering righteously indeed.

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Sane and apparently not bought off.

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Well maybe in not this area.

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Wow! 👍#DeSantis

I'm sure dollar signs are in view of these other governor's eyes. $$

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Not even supposedly conservative stalwarts like Kristi Noem and Greg Abbott?

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Bless you, Ron DeSantis!! Your heart is in the right place.

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Since the latest news the Dem Favorite Fauci Has the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu

as reported by PJ Media noted below.

Has justice arrived so soon? Really? Perhaps Fauci will finally get to

'RIDE THE BRONCHIAL VENTILATOR' all to the music of Wagners Ride the Valkyries

for all the suffering he has contributed to mankind. That is, before he gets to expire from his own insane plot while dying from the very disease he played such a role in along with Big Pharama, Government and big fake news Media. Enjoy the music as we ponder the outcome of forced vaccination which proves no immunity except for the globalists. t.



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Yes he is the only sane one!!

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Here's a thought... How about a DeSantis/Lake ticket for 2024

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POTUS Ron DeSantis. (Has a nice ring.)

VEEP: Candace Owens. (A real black woman.)

SECSTATE: Donald J. Trump. (Will piss off enemies and allies alike. Why send money to countries who hate us, when they can do it for free?)

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Glad he stepped up against the government! Protect our children🇺🇸👍🏻

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