Hannity has been weak for a long time, his stance on the COVID insanity was flaccid at best. I too stopped listening to him since.

Your article perfectly describes how rational people feel about this whole situation. This war on the Ukrainians is horrible, but we must not get involved!

Colonel Douglas MacGregor has been a clear voice throughout these past couple of weeks of media war frenzy. If you have not checked him out I highly recommend you listen to him and see what he says about this whole Russia problem.

This conflict is not something America should just stick it's nose in. We've been doing this too long, getting into foreign wars unnecessarily. This whole thing as Gore Vidal titled his book (Perpetual Wars for Perpetual Peace) must end and America must go back to taking care of herself and solving our own problems (which are dire).

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Our poor excuse for a government will indeed stay clear of their playground known as the Ukraine. They have WAY to many landmines to blow themselves up with. May God help Putin lay it all out for the world to see

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Hannity continues to be an apologist for the FBI and he's been weak on pushing back on the COVID insanity, too. I tuned him out long ago.

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Sean is that loudmouth punk kid who starts crap with other kids and then runs away and leaves you to do the the fighting. NEVER trust a kid like Sean, they're great at yapping and yapping is their only talent.

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Never counted on him for anything other than entertainment..To me, he seemed like he always knows where that line is he cannot cross, and the long list of topics Murdoch doesn't let them talk about. Thanks for real news JD

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

The media lies constantly now and with impunity. I don't believe 95% of what I see or hear these days. Putin has his reasons and I doubt we know them. I don't believe in war, as even victories are generally pyrrhic. Let the Ukranians deal with Russia. Putin has already threatened a nuclear attack if anyone in the west intervenes. The United States needs to stay in its lane.

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Putin's inexplicable advance into the country.??? Not inexplicable at all. There was an agreement NO NATO on Russia's borders, which was broken by the US and NATO numerous times. Ukraine was the last straw. And the dozen or so BIO LABS next to Russia was not reassuring to Russia either. THINK, people

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

You got it..I think he's fed up and sick and tired of the spoiled rich kid elite deep state bullies

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And, his actions will reveal that "the world's only superpower" more nearly resembles Mao's "paper tiger."

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People need to realize he's always been an irrational neocon. Go back to the dubya years and you'll see the same fool. His support of Trump doesn't change that. Tucker is the only sane, intelligent, reasonable person on any network.

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I watched the same episode of Hannity and was thoroughly disgusted. Hannity needs to go hyperbolic and at full throttle. Someone should have thrown a bucket of cold water on him.

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When will people start connecting the dots? Yet another created crisis is not a coincidence. The aim is to destroy the European economy even further, to get them on their knees to beg for a new world order! The current sanctions hit hard in Europa and America also, by the way.

Unlike most current Western governments that are steeped in naivety and infantility (where they were selected to get the dystopian agenda carried out by them), the Russian parliament is cut from a very different cloth. They have a collective memory of the 27 million WW2 victims to liberate Europe from the Nazis, to which the West responded by starting a cold war! (Because Russia + Europe could form a powerful bloc against the hegemony of the US). After the fall of the Wall, NATO has pushed itself further and further towards the Russian border, including the deployment of missiles. Then the West (Biden/Obama) commits a coup in Ukraine and puts down the regime they selected, which then fails to comply with the Minsk treaty and kills 14,000 Russian inhabitants. In short, I would not be surprised that Putin has observed and infiltrated Klaus and the WEF for years and then taken advantage of it. As you know, he is an ex-KGB and I rate him higher than most, if not all, Western former representatives. And didn't you say that someone had called him a traitor to the WEF?

Remember that puppet Joe has been pumping billions into the Ukraine even before he was selected as president. By American taxpayers’ money, but also through NATO. You probably also know that his crack addicted son has been strategically placed as a board member in Ukraine’s natural gas industry for years, with zero experience or knowledge (for an absurdly high fee, by the way). The aim is to gain more power vis-à-vis Russia to let them join NATO, but not everyone agrees with that, obviously.

The trend of putting NATO-troops has been going on since the fall of the Berlin wall, in order to gain control over all former Soviet-Union member countries. At the end of the day it are the same ultra multi-billionaire families / corporates, who want to control the world, just like we’ve seen in the current Covid-scam. Psychopath billionaires willing to sacrifice American troops, to implement their fascist, technocratic agenda, nowadays best known as the Great Reset.

Moreover, the first decrees of puppet Joe were literally killing the Canadian - American XL pipeline (later also domestic) and agreeing to the construction and commissioning of the Russian Nordstream-2. In Germany, that is. In addition, he blocks exploration permits and investments; all according COP26 plan! Meanwhile, within a year, the US is no longer self-sufficient.

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The Cold War started with the Soviet Union swallowing up half of Europe, other than that you make some decent points

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Trumps daughter is one of them.

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I agree, Sean has lost it on the Ukraine issue. Sad,

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BREAKING - According to European intelligence, Russia's intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service, has drafted plans for public executions in Ukraine after cities are captured.

There is NO peace for the wicked, saith the Lord.

We are in a situation where the Ukrainian MoD has been caught using false footage from 2014, in order to urge militant action by its own citizens (and a healthy amount of CIA trained provocateurs on the ground) and engage a high-stakes Russian program of demilitarization meant to de-escalate a growing threat in the region (this was on the books, publicly, from the Kremlin since 2017 at least).

The news has not only attempted to arm the public with violent misappropriation of events, but is actively using a network of puppet-leaders like Zelinsky to create further hostilities and danger for Ukrainian citizens who are not at all the target of what is transpiring.

The news lies.

But in this case, you are seeing the full extent of the mockingbird program as it attempts desperately to cling to the idea of reliability and posture itself against its crumbling global architecture.

Although the U.S. controls the global media apparatus. The hearts and minds of U.S. citizens, and those abroad, have largely long-since departed the fields of domestic propaganda.

The Russian ambassador to the UN just said that Trump was the legitimate president and that he was ousted (by election fraud).


Pay well attention to the symbols in this clip and tell me president [P] did not warn us who they fighting 😉

Do you not see those Nazis in Ukraine???


Listen to this Ukrainian tell you the truth about the oppression of the Ukraines at the hands of the Nazis: https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b5f2ee3bed9d34a3fd698907e70c282c91aa43ddbeee8a1b93b5a4ccb679594d.mp4


PREPARE!!! If you have not yet stored food, water and essentials, you are running out of time to do so!!! GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW is AT THE DOOR!!

So, you see, my friend, you are absolutely right. Putin is one of the good guys. Both Putin and Xi are working directly with Trump and team to rid the world of the Flesh, Edomite-ashkeNAZI Jews. Jesus took the kingdom from them in Matthew 21:43 - Jesus cast them out in Matthew 15 and 23 and gave them 8 woes/judgments. Jesus called them out as liars and the synaGOGue of Satan/GOG in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. The truth is that they are the people of God's Curse and who are contrary to all men. They are the 'woman' which sits (controls) the last sea (of people) beast kingdom, the U.N. which received its deadly wound as the League of Nations. They are spoken of in Revelation 17 and 18 and Isaiah 47. They hold God's golden cup of fornication and have been using the USA to pour out that cup unto all nations which has now caused all nations to become Spiritual Babylon. 1 Corinthians 15:46 First is Natural - last is spiritual. Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews in the Natural Land of Israel. Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel, the inheritance of Jesus Christ and chosen ones are, in fact, the born-again Christians. Natural Babylon, Shinar Iraq. Spiritual Babylon = ALL nations - Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 25 - 50 - 51 Revelation 14:8 18:3.

This alliance/covenant we now see between all of these nations is called the "Earth Alliance". We will be going back to the Julian Calander, and ALL nations will become Republics. Do you not see the time in which we all now live? Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate." Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." The first 'little horn (king)" in the book of Daniel was Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) and all that he did is an exact foreshadow of what the coming MAN of Sin will do. Antiochus IV shared his plans with the people. (Trust the Plan) He shared his spoils with the people. ALL credit card and mortgage debts will be forgiven and each person in the world will be given a certain amount of money; a one time deal. ALL nations will become prosperous. He created peace. The MAN of Sin will promise world peace - Daniel 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." These vaccines, we have found out, contain nanotechnology and/or graphene oxide and is injected into the RNA/messenger of DNA which rebuilds DNA to contain whatever is contained in the vaccine itself. The vaccines also contain a spike protein virus and a bit of HIV which is why they now want everyone vaccinated to take an AIDS test. These vaccines have corrupted the DNA of those who allowed themselves to be vaccinated. We are told in the bible that "God will not dwell in a temple/body/heart made with hands". When the DNA is corrupted by man's technology then God will not allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in the heart of the vaxxed. Only those who become born-again, having the Holy Spirit in their heart are allowed into the Kingdom of God. The last coming implant will likely promise to cure all diseases and prolong life because it will also contain angel DNA therefore corrupting man's DNA and becoming transhumanism. This is why they will want to die when stung by the locusts (evil angels) but will not be able to do. At the site of the implant is where God will put the 'one grievous sore'. (Daniel 2:43) "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." What is miry clay? The potter is God, so the clay is mankind. Miry is dirt swept away. Miry clay then are those of mankind who will be swept away in the whirlwind in the fiery trial of 1 Peter 4:12. The 'they' in that verse are the evil angels. Now, do you understand the time in which you all now live? They are telling us that this is the second coming of Christ. Not true! First is natural - Last is spiritual AFTER the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus comes a first time as the bridegroom for His bride, the body of the church which is the 'Day of Christ' at the 7th Trumpet. Jesus returns a second time to gather the remnant of Great Tribulation in the 'Day of the Lord' at the Great Trumpet. Read Luke 12:36 and Isaiah 11:11. Five times Jesus told us "Do NOT be deceived by any means" in Matthew 24, but I see millions upon millions being deceived. God Bless you all.

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When he had Bill O’Reilly on the other day, Bill gave him a taste of his own medicine. Wouldn’t let Hannity cut him off and spoke over him. I loved it. Hannity has lost his way and his warmongering view aligns with old Republican establishment politicians, not America First GOP. A war with Russia cannot be won, both sides lose.

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Someone or something got to Hannity around the 2018 election aftermath. It's clear his intel and/or Deep State sources were purposely feeding him misinformation, which led to all the tick-tock nonsense he kept pushing. It looked like Sean became demoralized about what Trump could actually accomplish with a traitorous RINO Senate and an ongoing impeachment scam. His show has never been the same since those days.

By 2019, he was in the middle of a divorce. I take him wearing those FBI and CIA pins on his suit jacket as a signal he's compromised.

I had watched his show religiously since the late 1990s until the summer of 2020. He's either lost the passion to fight or has decided he can do more good as a toady for the Republican establishment.

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Another measure: the Left ignores him, unlike the attention they give Tucker.

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Hannity is a NEO CON always has been.

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Okay, but that label does not in and of itself describe one's character, which is more the issue here. In other words, 'neocon' does not inherently equal 'bad'. Furthermore, I do not think that the term really applies to Hannity. I cite his long battle to defend Trump against the Russia hoax, a hoax that no bonafide neocon went public against. Don't you think that's a pretty good distinguishing action?

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Find below a brilliant perspective of what's going on in Ukraine by Prof Michael Hudson.

I consider Prof Hudson the only economist who understands how the planet works (he published the first edition of Super-Imperialism in 1971!!!).

There are many people who parrot about Russia-Ukraine without a full understanding of the geopolitical implications and all the forces in presence in the US and Europe.

The war is actually being waged against Germany, not Ukraine/Russia - read what Prof Hudson has to say below:

"America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century":


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Great source, I will have to read it a second time to really absorb this information.

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Sean is nothing more than a taking bubble head with poor manners toward his guests he frequently hosts. He will not move off script and constantly interrupts the guest who has something very significant to say and Hannity cuts him off. Sean is a poor listener at best. He tows the path of the party line and sticks to the NeoCon agenda. Remember how he was during and before Desrt Storm? He will never change and had lost all credibility. Tucker Carlson does a much better job.

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Looks like things are escalating. Hannity be careful what you wish for...

Russian Forces Target Europes Largest Nuclear Power Plant



The US to activate Nuclear response team amid reports of a fire at Europe's largest nuclear plant


Top Russian general killed by Ukrainian sniper in major blow for Putin

Putin’s most senior paratroopers was gunned down by a “sniper” during a special operation in Ukraine. Now what?


Russian Foreign Minister On Nuclear Strike Potential: ‘We Don’t Have Insane People’

We know there are several nut jobs in Washington .


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I wonder what they have on him?

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I like Hannity less and less. Something that’s always bothered me is the way he interrupts his guests. I just don’t watch any news but my husband does. He still has back stabbing rino Lindsey Graham on his show. That’s appalling!

Honk! God bless our truckers! 🇺🇸

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