this must be how they got the whole world to put on masks. i always thought that since literally everyone on earth friend or foe of america forced their citizens to cover their faces there must be something pulling the strings, not the WHO. this had to be it.
"In order to implement a secret agenda, an organization must have control over the media narrative. That's why this news fits so perfectly. With offices in over 30 nations, it's understandable why Internews Network has been able to cover for the multitude of sins committed by USAID and their CIA puppet masters.
Praise God for the revelations that have been coming out about USAID. President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and DOGE have been doing a very good job of going after this organization that feels more like a Bond-villain cabal in the vein of "Specter." Let's pray that they are successful in bringing this conspiracy to an end."
This smells to high heaven. This is the Deep State in action. Trump, Musk, and DOGE need to kill this beast!!!
Yes, yes, it all makes sense now. There actually is almost real media nowdays. Mostly we have a propaganda effort of the Dem/leftists living off our taxpayer dollars. It is stunning.
This does explain why the media uses the exact same talking points, no matter the story, or the media outlet. There had to be a clearing house where they all go to get their talking points and this is it. And yes, it's a conspiracy. How long has this been going on? A guess? 35 - 40 years.
Last night I listened to Sky News to hear the spin they were putting on the USAID developments. They were bewailing the loss of funding for humanitarian causes across the world but said nothing about the massive fraud or questioned why so little of the money gets to those people where health and hunger are the biggest problems. There are many small charities with limited resources doing sterling work across the world and paying their CEOs very modest salaries. Just as governments are terrible at creating jobs so too in allocating and accounting for charitable donations.
Reduce taxes and allow the ordinary citizens to decide which reputable charity they want to support. If a charity does not act responsibly, these citizens will very quickly withdraw support. Governments do not spend most of their tax income wisely so the less they receive the less they can waste. Leave the responsibility to individuals to work, support themselves and budget wisely and not burden them with high taxes under an obsessive, controlling nanny state.
Told you USAID was a cash cow for the globalists. They don't spend their own money to control the world when they've got thieves in America selling ours to them for a percentage
Take a look at their website. They aren’t about journalism. It’s a complete propaganda system. Note that one of the speakers at a “One Health” symposium they “sponsored”, is Dr. Li from the Wuhan Lab. Isn’t she the “Bat Lady”? The exposure of these wicked, wicked people is so critical, yet terrifying.
Yes, we should pray for these heroes. They are doing critically important work for the We the People.
Now it is easier to understand why the rot appeared so widespread and deep. Leftists within the political establishment had found a means to financially support and grow their market. They used taxpayer funding to grow the contagion. Deception and deviousness were their tools under the guise of "helping those of lesser means."
Everyone should help their effort by writing senators and representatives stating how much we support this work.
Now it is much easier to understand why they get so angry, why they threaten, why they are violent. We are a threat to their very existence by stopping the misuse of USAid and the spread of leftism throughout the federal gov.
That low iq woman is probably an illegal alien whose confidence has been artificially boasted by Newsom's fake leadership in California. If the ppl in CA are not awakened from their Dem stupor by the malfeasance, misfeasance of the Dem politicians like Newsom & the mayo of LA, who they keep electing, there will be no hope for CA.
The Media is part of the occult ALCHEMY that they have always practiced.
When you set up "narratives" aka LIES and you tell them in repeated and consistent way, you CREATE REALITY. Literally.
Think about it: 9-11....the narrative. War? ALWAYS a narrative.
COVID? People took shots and wore masks and tore their families up in debate. NARRATIVE.
This is now being broken. MSM was destroyed by the Biden lies (and their own greed for streaming dollars and crushing cable) and now the money trail is being revealed. The FRAUD that they are not legitimate businesses is out there.
Now that this is broken, the truth can get out and we can move on with the revolution.
What happens in every revolution? They TAKE THE RADIO AND TV STATIONS FIRST.
Years ago, one of my professors of a grad course at the Uni. Of Houston had the editor of the Houston Chronicle come and give a presentation. This was in the late 80’s.
After he finished, he asked for questions. I raised my hand and said, “The press is called the Fourth Estate, correct?” He said, “Yes, it is.” I said, “It’s called that because of its absolute importance in any Democracy. It’s the People’s Watchdog, informing them about what’s really happening in the world politically, culturally, economically. Without which the people are ignorant. An informed electorate is therefore crucial. So the Press has be to uncontrolled, right.”
He liked my words and agreed. So then I asked, “Sir, if we have a truly free and honest Press, then how is it possible to randomly select 100 of the largest newspapers in the nation, lay them out, and on their front pages are the exact same headlines, same font, same story, same spin? Not just even one day, but day after day, for as long as I’ve been alive?”
He turned purple and just walked out of the room. Our Press has always been a total lying sham.
Ohhh, I liked that…I have a running thing going with my friend in Australia… Told her the other day she sounded like the MSM! She came back and said she doesn’t listen to it, I pointed out she was verbatim talking like them….for instance…she called Elon…President Musk…
I was delighted that you mentioned prayer in your article. I believe 100% that prayer is reason the Swamp is draining spectacularly. This is exactly the way God often brings deliverance…. Suddenly and thoroughly. He doesn’t do anything half-way. He put everything in at exactly the right time, place and with the right people, like a finely tuned machine, to grant a Great Deliverance from the clutches of evil hearts, intentions and practices. Finally we are free in America. Praise the LORD.
I'm wondering now, what the news will look like, when they are all defunded and defanged, what they will all be reporting on, and how? Will they actually have to send people back out in the streets again, and to other countries to to actual real and meaningful work again? That will be glorious...
And that all being said, the next thing that needs to be done, I believe, once this job that Elon and his crew are finished, is to take a good, hard look at all the illegals spending that Congress has been doing in a lot of their 'bills', in comparison to what the Constitution actually allows them to really spend. There are certain limits on what they can or can't spend, and they have been violating that for a very long time now.
This needs to have a good hard examination. We need to get right back to basics on this, and fast. This will save us all one heck of a lot of money right here.
“I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people."
President Grover Cleveland vetoing the 1887 Texas Seed Bill
It is the last two subordinate clauses which are the really important ones. And we are learning that the last clause has been turned on its head: the government does not support the people.
Actually, what it says here is that 'the government should not support the people', as in the people should not become dependent on the government. And on that I agree, in which case we would become nothing less then chattel, and would vote for those who would support us (ie, the Democrat plantation).
That being said, I do see your point, the government has certainly not done it's job in supporting the needs of the people, it has actually gone out of it's way in furthering the destruction of this country, and I do believe this has been by intent, and I have been saying this for a number of years. Now, finally, this theory is now being proven.
One of those times where I would have just as happily would have liked to have been wrong, but sadly was not. Far too many greedy people would up in our Government and lining their pockets at the expense of the people in this country, and could have cared less about the country itself. The people that are/were doing this need to pay a heavy price for this, so that others down the road will know that there are Consequences.
Without consequences, people will just keep doing the same things, if not worse further down the road. All one has to do is look at the Pelosi's and the Shumers and the 'Mad Maxine's' and others of their ilk in our government that have done the things that they have done and have faced no consequences over the years, to see exactly what I'm talking about. This needs to stop....
Cleveland is perhaps my favorite US President of the post-Revolution generations. In a similar vein to your comment above, you probably are already familiar with Davey Crockett's story:
Well as this USAID story grows, the radicals are screaming and running scared cause their gravy train of payoffs is over and they might enjoy prison time. Fu*k um.
this must be how they got the whole world to put on masks. i always thought that since literally everyone on earth friend or foe of america forced their citizens to cover their faces there must be something pulling the strings, not the WHO. this had to be it.
So much more makes sense now in light of what USAid was funding.
The Dems/leftists/rinos disproportional anger, fits of rage, make sense now.
Some say it was a bet to see if they could get people to wear hijab.
The whole world did *not* put on masks. Only the stupid and blind did that, or those who live in places ruled by petty tyrants.
"In order to implement a secret agenda, an organization must have control over the media narrative. That's why this news fits so perfectly. With offices in over 30 nations, it's understandable why Internews Network has been able to cover for the multitude of sins committed by USAID and their CIA puppet masters.
Praise God for the revelations that have been coming out about USAID. President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and DOGE have been doing a very good job of going after this organization that feels more like a Bond-villain cabal in the vein of "Specter." Let's pray that they are successful in bringing this conspiracy to an end."
This smells to high heaven. This is the Deep State in action. Trump, Musk, and DOGE need to kill this beast!!!
Yes, yes, it all makes sense now. There actually is almost real media nowdays. Mostly we have a propaganda effort of the Dem/leftists living off our taxpayer dollars. It is stunning.
Sorry, i make a mistake - should be "no real media...".
They are the beast.
You are an idiot. What will it take to open your eyes?
i bet you like the Clinton's Foundation "charity" with its 90% overhead fees.
This does explain why the media uses the exact same talking points, no matter the story, or the media outlet. There had to be a clearing house where they all go to get their talking points and this is it. And yes, it's a conspiracy. How long has this been going on? A guess? 35 - 40 years.
Last night I listened to Sky News to hear the spin they were putting on the USAID developments. They were bewailing the loss of funding for humanitarian causes across the world but said nothing about the massive fraud or questioned why so little of the money gets to those people where health and hunger are the biggest problems. There are many small charities with limited resources doing sterling work across the world and paying their CEOs very modest salaries. Just as governments are terrible at creating jobs so too in allocating and accounting for charitable donations.
Reduce taxes and allow the ordinary citizens to decide which reputable charity they want to support. If a charity does not act responsibly, these citizens will very quickly withdraw support. Governments do not spend most of their tax income wisely so the less they receive the less they can waste. Leave the responsibility to individuals to work, support themselves and budget wisely and not burden them with high taxes under an obsessive, controlling nanny state.
That is how ALL western media buried the hunter laptop.
Told you USAID was a cash cow for the globalists. They don't spend their own money to control the world when they've got thieves in America selling ours to them for a percentage
So, when do the broadcasters lose their FCC licenses?
Take a look at their website. They aren’t about journalism. It’s a complete propaganda system. Note that one of the speakers at a “One Health” symposium they “sponsored”, is Dr. Li from the Wuhan Lab. Isn’t she the “Bat Lady”? The exposure of these wicked, wicked people is so critical, yet terrifying.
Oops, here’s the website
Yes, we should pray for these heroes. They are doing critically important work for the We the People.
Now it is easier to understand why the rot appeared so widespread and deep. Leftists within the political establishment had found a means to financially support and grow their market. They used taxpayer funding to grow the contagion. Deception and deviousness were their tools under the guise of "helping those of lesser means."
Everyone should help their effort by writing senators and representatives stating how much we support this work.
Now it is much easier to understand why they get so angry, why they threaten, why they are violent. We are a threat to their very existence by stopping the misuse of USAid and the spread of leftism throughout the federal gov.
That low iq woman is probably an illegal alien whose confidence has been artificially boasted by Newsom's fake leadership in California. If the ppl in CA are not awakened from their Dem stupor by the malfeasance, misfeasance of the Dem politicians like Newsom & the mayo of LA, who they keep electing, there will be no hope for CA.
The Media is part of the occult ALCHEMY that they have always practiced.
When you set up "narratives" aka LIES and you tell them in repeated and consistent way, you CREATE REALITY. Literally.
Think about it: 9-11....the narrative. War? ALWAYS a narrative.
COVID? People took shots and wore masks and tore their families up in debate. NARRATIVE.
This is now being broken. MSM was destroyed by the Biden lies (and their own greed for streaming dollars and crushing cable) and now the money trail is being revealed. The FRAUD that they are not legitimate businesses is out there.
Now that this is broken, the truth can get out and we can move on with the revolution.
What happens in every revolution? They TAKE THE RADIO AND TV STATIONS FIRST.
Agree…remember also that the CIA has embedded assets into the media. Why wouldn’t they?
Years ago, one of my professors of a grad course at the Uni. Of Houston had the editor of the Houston Chronicle come and give a presentation. This was in the late 80’s.
After he finished, he asked for questions. I raised my hand and said, “The press is called the Fourth Estate, correct?” He said, “Yes, it is.” I said, “It’s called that because of its absolute importance in any Democracy. It’s the People’s Watchdog, informing them about what’s really happening in the world politically, culturally, economically. Without which the people are ignorant. An informed electorate is therefore crucial. So the Press has be to uncontrolled, right.”
He liked my words and agreed. So then I asked, “Sir, if we have a truly free and honest Press, then how is it possible to randomly select 100 of the largest newspapers in the nation, lay them out, and on their front pages are the exact same headlines, same font, same story, same spin? Not just even one day, but day after day, for as long as I’ve been alive?”
He turned purple and just walked out of the room. Our Press has always been a total lying sham.
Ohhh, I liked that…I have a running thing going with my friend in Australia… Told her the other day she sounded like the MSM! She came back and said she doesn’t listen to it, I pointed out she was verbatim talking like them….for instance…she called Elon…President Musk…
I was delighted that you mentioned prayer in your article. I believe 100% that prayer is reason the Swamp is draining spectacularly. This is exactly the way God often brings deliverance…. Suddenly and thoroughly. He doesn’t do anything half-way. He put everything in at exactly the right time, place and with the right people, like a finely tuned machine, to grant a Great Deliverance from the clutches of evil hearts, intentions and practices. Finally we are free in America. Praise the LORD.
I'm wondering now, what the news will look like, when they are all defunded and defanged, what they will all be reporting on, and how? Will they actually have to send people back out in the streets again, and to other countries to to actual real and meaningful work again? That will be glorious...
And that all being said, the next thing that needs to be done, I believe, once this job that Elon and his crew are finished, is to take a good, hard look at all the illegals spending that Congress has been doing in a lot of their 'bills', in comparison to what the Constitution actually allows them to really spend. There are certain limits on what they can or can't spend, and they have been violating that for a very long time now.
This needs to have a good hard examination. We need to get right back to basics on this, and fast. This will save us all one heck of a lot of money right here.
“I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people."
President Grover Cleveland vetoing the 1887 Texas Seed Bill
It is the last two subordinate clauses which are the really important ones. And we are learning that the last clause has been turned on its head: the government does not support the people.
Actually, what it says here is that 'the government should not support the people', as in the people should not become dependent on the government. And on that I agree, in which case we would become nothing less then chattel, and would vote for those who would support us (ie, the Democrat plantation).
That being said, I do see your point, the government has certainly not done it's job in supporting the needs of the people, it has actually gone out of it's way in furthering the destruction of this country, and I do believe this has been by intent, and I have been saying this for a number of years. Now, finally, this theory is now being proven.
One of those times where I would have just as happily would have liked to have been wrong, but sadly was not. Far too many greedy people would up in our Government and lining their pockets at the expense of the people in this country, and could have cared less about the country itself. The people that are/were doing this need to pay a heavy price for this, so that others down the road will know that there are Consequences.
Without consequences, people will just keep doing the same things, if not worse further down the road. All one has to do is look at the Pelosi's and the Shumers and the 'Mad Maxine's' and others of their ilk in our government that have done the things that they have done and have faced no consequences over the years, to see exactly what I'm talking about. This needs to stop....
Cleveland is perhaps my favorite US President of the post-Revolution generations. In a similar vein to your comment above, you probably are already familiar with Davey Crockett's story:
Well as this USAID story grows, the radicals are screaming and running scared cause their gravy train of payoffs is over and they might enjoy prison time. Fu*k um.
God has consistently chosen the worst among us, to be the best for us.
Opinion: To beat the entrenched Satanists, it takes a gigantic SOB!