Why do we have to pussyfoot around the truth? There is no GOP. There is the establishment UniParty.

The Dems are straight up the party of marxism, racism and anti-Americanism. And the members of Congress with "R" after their name are partners in crime with them. They are bought and paid for by the corrupt administrative state, the deep state, the CIA, that has overthrown our country with the help of the corrupt lying media.

The Bushes were traitors to America. No-Name McCain was a traitor to America, and was executed for his treason. Romney thinks he is safe from execution.

Obama was an 8-year installed Manchurian Candidate, whose job was to prepare the US for total destruction under Hillary.

Anyone who takes ANY "candidate" like Nikki Haley seriously, is a brainwashed ignorant globalist warmonger.

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The "buffer party" ensured that President Trump was figuratively handcuffed in office.

The DemonRats are ensuring he is literally handcuffed, with a bonus set of leg irons for good measure.

And the band plays on......

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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One giant two-sided trough, blue pigs on the left, red pigs on the right.

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I will keep repeating my view as an old man who has had a keen interest in history spanning some 60 years: the Republican Party is beyond repair or reform and needs to be replaced by a new party of patriots.

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The RED WAVE did not hit because of the Senate republican leader,the head of the RNC, and the house GOP leader. IMO. All anti Trump,non MAGA idiots. It it difficult to imagine a conservative preferring a Socialist to a Trumper.

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And the massive election frauds continued in 2022.

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The uni-party wants to crush you! Democrats use power and push policy that elevates them and crushes normal people. Republicans when in control don’t want to lead and advance anything that helps its own supporters....controlled opposition only. Look how they vote...Traitor Tom Cotten has voted for more surveillance of the American people. Look at the depravity that occurred in the Senate chamber a few weeks ago, That is DC in a nut shell. We fought a revolution for less, there needs to be heads swinging from trees for the jabs and lockdowns. This includes government, business....We need to take our country back and put America First to succeed!

Get ready for 2024 fraud.....no one was punished last time 2020 or 2022, it will continue.

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I fully agree with your assessment. And I am sick and tired of the pointless campaigning for 2024. Trump and we the people had tried so hard in 2020. Then the massive frauds in ballot counting and fake voter rolls changed everything.

I predict with 100% certainty that the Democrats will win a total "mudslide victory" in 2024. Not only the presidential race, but also the Senate and the House. The game is over.

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Voting is a scam. Primaries are rigged just as much as general elections.

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A 'Two Party System' is a fallacy and utter delusion. There is only an Imperialist Nazi Uniparty...

Treasonous to The Constitution and loyal to The Black Nobility out of The City of London, Basel in Switzerland at the BIS and The House of Windsor/Guelph/Del Drago. So fed up with the Monarchs and Peers with their International Death Cult Mafia made up of Corporatists, Academia, Media and the Secret Society Menagerie...ALL ENEMIES OF HUMANITY AND ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET.

Yes these evil demons do bribe, blackmail, threaten, seduce, theive, deceive...MURDER. And, this is the actual Govt. of the United States regardless of who we choose as


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So many of our persecutors smugly walk among us, as though they are victims, rather than perpetrators. Media, medical, edumacation, etc.

They are the co-conspirators in this engineered downfall of "Murica. They have robbed your children and grandchildren of their futures.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Damn, Emerald. Damn. Well.. never mind that. I don't know how to spell out a wolf whistle anyhow.

JD, i say you and Emerald Robinson are both absolutely right and well said. And DC is starting to really piss me off. We NEED ALL our candidates from here forward to:

• Be knowlegeable and protective of the Constitution and deeply commited to the real American spirit,

• Have a will of iron and unwavering determination,

• And know how to pick other real leaders who are the same.

High energy would help, too, as we have a lot of difficult ground to cover if we're going to kick the anti-American's butts back to their dark caves.

And while we're reconstructing this beautiful nation, we want to apply the same standards for every elected and position, including the county dog catcher, when possible. We have to be tireless and relentless about it.

I'll vote again for President Trump, but i think his weakest attribute MIGHT be his selection of staff. He did appoint some effective leaders, but also some that were turn coats, and that was a serious problem as they knifed us all in the back.

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I cannot support my opinion with any research, polls, man-on-the-street interviews or barroom commentaries, but I would bet that the only reason a large number of conservative candidates run as (R)-Candidates is because they know that Independents will not, generally, win elections in our rotting-two-party-system. Since the first George Bush ran as an (R) and then made his NWO-speech and sent troops into Iraq, I have no longer trusted anyone's true beliefs based on the (R)-branding on their behinds, with George Bush II confirming the rightness of my position. But I must add that outside of the glow of the Republican campfire there are some good, honest Conservative (R)'s that seem to endlessly toil for the sake of the Nation as a whole, and I thank God for them. They and the American people may be the only thing that is keeping this Nation from collapsing into rubble.

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GOP: nothing Grand about it anymore! Yes it’s Old and a Party owned by evil people trying far too long to destroy our Constitution‼️ They promote the great divide between We The People and it must stop!

One Nation Under God

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She's okay. I'll stick with Sundance.

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The Gop-ers are trying their darnedest to imitate the fascist democrats. RINOs are one step removed from being full blown democrats.

That list of total losers over the last 20 years is very telling. Whatever the GOP stands for, if anything, I want no part of it.

In fact, I want no part of any government, period. Government is the most destructive monster the world has ever created. It serves no one except for the ultra arrogant snobs running it and the control freaks administering it. What a freaking 10,000 year joke!

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It’s so bad that I’m considering not voting for the first time. Seriously, what’s the point. Plus, if I vote for Trump will they eventually come after me and my family, while Trump kids get more wealth, and more privilege?

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All Trump’s money hasn’t given the man peace, and I am sure his family suffers too. He’s taking slings and arrows because of us- when they go after him, they are going after every one of us.

We all have to be willing to fight for America.

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You must vote, Te

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I think a lot of us have had similar thoughts, Te, but this country is so big with huge population etc.. i think they'd only go after those who continually give them trouble and are highly vocal about it. Like those who flatly refuse to go along with their liberal, facist, ignorant, Godless insanity, and of course Christians and Jews.

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Everyone needs to get over it.

There is never going to be another Trump.

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In reality, President Trump was essentially larger-than-life in his first term. Quantitatively, he didn't accomplish much that was in a conservative's favor.

Much of that has to be blamed on the sorry-ass cabinet and staff members he had foisted upon him. The "system" (AKA "swamp") is monstrously huge and organized, likely more so now than when President Trump was the sitting President.

I believe nothing less than a citizen coup with support from what little actual military still exists is the only way to tear down this mess that started out as a lean, streamlined gubmint that stayed out of citizen's ways, for the most part.

Most certainly, fighting will be a steep uphill endeavor.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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In fact, the GOP establishment has nothing but contempt for the MAGA Republicans.

Why does the fat pig Ronna McDaniel remain the chair of RNC? Because her shamelessness uniquely qualifies her to be in charge of RNC funding.

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Parties are a joke, the Dems and Repubs exist to funnel money to the ? at the top. Participation implies consent. Can't vote your way out of this.

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