UBI, here we come!

All the alarm bells are going off in my mind for this, and their CBDC as well. This is how they do things. Create a crisis, then offer the “cure” or solution.

God be with us all. It’s going to get wild out there.

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And don't ignore the key word; "basic." It's a sure bet that whatever your current standard of living is, it will be brought down to a "basic" level, both minimize costs and to ensure "equity" across populations. We all will be slaves, living on basic income and spending it only where they will allow us to spend it. What kind of sick mind thinks this stuff up, and then foists it on an unsuspecting population?

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Impoverishment is definitely part of the plan. All equally miserable. That’s utopia for you!

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I just bought $5.00 worth of pre '64 silver dimes for $100.00. (That's 50 dimes if anyone is reading this from a gubmint skool in the last ? years.) It's quite an inflation rate that keeps people scrambling on a treadmill to get ahead. My savings from as recently as 2006 has been eaten away by the inflation moths, if I hadn't had a tinfoil hat and purchased metals to preserve some semblence of value it would be grim.

These ghouls in DC just do not care what happens to others from their actions. It's all about grabbing what they can for themselves before it all goes down the toilet. still time to brace for impact, but it's months not years now, though it will continue to get worse over the coming years. CYA b4 it's SOL.

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Very detailed summary of this massive boondoggle making it more clear that it’s even worse than I thought, which was devastating. Seniors living on retirement plans and savings will watch it dwindle to non-existence. My life insurance death benefit has already lost a 20% value just this last quarter.

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Take a good look at the waste in the PIG BOOK 2022 https://www.cagw.org/reporting/pig-book

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I bet you get a great article out of the pork from both sides.

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For those of the last generation, the current one, learn cook, learn alternative cleaning methods to clean, a gallon of white vinegar, has many uses, cleans a minor wound, glass, mirrors, use in dishwasher instead of that expensive rinse aid. Bleach can sanitize water, learn how, clean anything but colored clothes. And no Tide Pods aren't any better than a bottle of liquid laundry soap. Hair shampoo can double as bath soap. Your big bottle of hand dish soap can be used to refill hand soap bottles. DO NOT REUSE MILK JUGS. Glass is best. Extra water. Date & Rotate.

Learn to garden, dry Heritage seeds, Can your produce, use Cash at Farmers Markets. Range free chicken eggs cost the same, but you get the real thing. If you have freezer space a few friends, buy a yearling steer and split the cost. No room for chickens, try quail or rabbits. Just understand they have to have clean limed environments to prevent disease. Learn their diets. You can freeze eggs, I use slider bags to do 2-4 eggs, then freeze, put in quart bag in my old freezer, dated. Sugar, flour go in glass sealed containers out of the light. Dry beans in 1 lb bags, fill a 5 gallon bucket, do the same with pasta and rice. Label and stack. Bacon grease is to be saved and frozen for seasoning. Broken up Egg shells go in your garden.

Make your own pet food for cats/dogs. Ground Turkey/chicken less gas issues. Peas, carrots, apples chopped up.

Don't know how to sew, now's the time to begin to learn. My mom and her 5 sisters grew up in flour sack bloomers, the 2 boys in shirts. The scraps from the Shirt Factory became quilts. The truck patch garden, wild fruit, nuts, chickens, eggs fed them, or was traded.

And be prepared to defend and protect what is yours.

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Just think: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600 predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible' immutable/unchanging moral law (including its economic and taxing statutes), today's ever-escalating inflation and debt would be unheard of.

Moreover, there would be no graduated income tax, no property tax, no sales tax, nor any of the other sundry unbiblical taxes.

There would, furthermore, be no Federal Reserve, nor its mistress today's usurious fiat banking system, nor its enforcement arm the Internal Revenue Service.

For more on how the Bible's integral triune moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) applies and should be implemented today as the law of the land, see free online book "Law and Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant" at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.

See also Chapter 25 "Amendment 16: Graduated Income Tax vs. Flat Increase Tax" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective." Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 25.

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