Mar 18, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

Thank you! Propaganda machine is on full tilt.

People must look into the dissolving of the Smith / Mundt act by Obama in 2013.

Look into David Brock Media Matters , destroying lives propaganda machine .

The 65 Project that weaponizes the legal system against anyone speaking out.

Russia has been the scapegoat since before I was born.

Russian people are treated like the Jews in 1930’s. Because the unvaxed propaganda was falling apart…..

How many Countries has our military industrial complex destroyed? Yet Russia is to blame.

Keep asking questions.

Because The Globalist don’t want us to.

Loud and Proud Question Askers.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

Excellent article. Love to see this information on MSM, I can dream.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

beyond astute analysis....thank you

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Excellent work...again!

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There are so many places we can all point our fingers toward to identify who is the culprit and whom to attack and whom to exonerate. There is such a psychological desire to be right while the USA , EUROPE, THE USA, CANADA & BRITAIN are all collectively culpable. There is no doubt there is a great Kabuki Master behind the veil who is pulling the strings. Bring the controlled media into the scheme of things and emotions become manipulated, people take positions and point the finger. Every country has a history. We only have to recall the Yalta agreement and the sell off of Poland and Europe. Games, games, games. Great Britain robbed India of over three trillion dollars from India's treasurey when the Brits decided to surrender India as its own colony. April 19th 1775 the shot that was heard around the world the USA was soon born as a country. Then in 1812 the Brits tried to claim it all back. Then the American civil war, Britain's stinky kippered herring fingers were at it again with involvement. Of course let us not forget Britain's wars with France. Britain's financing the German bankrupt industrial society because of WW1 and then supplied Germany with funds to build Tanks and a Luftwaffe under the guise of manufacturing Volks Wagons (the people's car) to rebuild the German economy economy. Millions of people died well over 60 million alone. It just never stops.

Russia has a history with Ukraine as does Ukraine with the Russian masters. We would do well

to consider some of that history as coming into play as global powers play chess with each other's sovereignty and lives.

I found this article tonight and I am posting it here for you to read and consider while remembering the words of Santayana..." Those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Here is that link for your consideration . We can add the information into the mix and I hope sincerely someone can make sense of it. The master plan of the globalists seems to beginning to be consummated. The title of this article is Ukrainian Tales

Since it became its first imperial possession in the 18th century, Russia has denied Ukraine’s national existence, while seeing it as an exotic threat.


Trust Russia? Not me, not any further than I trust the goof in the White House or the leaders in Europe. And I weep for the souls that are being slaughtered. People trust their feelings more than objective truth of who they are.

And as for me I think Billy Joel has said it best. We are sick of it all.


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Everybody has been praising Zelensky as he is some kind of God. He is Evil just like the rest of the Child Sex Trafficking People. Ukraine has all those Tunnel's over there and they not only are used for thier Bio Lab's it is to keep Kid's and Adults for Sex Trafficking. As for Putin we will soon find out that he has been working with Trump. Everything is just about ready to all come out and everybody is going to get a shock. I don't know what it is either just Trump and his closest Alie's know.

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Amen, J.D. ! Thank you for reminding us!

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Isn't it all insanely remarkable? No, we cannot believe anything they say or do. We cannot trust any human except ourselves. One overarching theme comes to mind: they are continually attempting to fill the void with false gods. The unwavering trust that was once reserved for God, is systematically being replaced by manufactured, groomed puppets selected by the elites. If you have no faith in God, you are capable of being overwhelmed by fearporn. If you are overwhelmed by fearporn and have no faith in God, then you thirst for a savior. If you do not believe in a heavenly savior, you will be guiled into worshiping their manufactured saviors. Step by step, into the abyss.

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