This is right on the money. If one refuses to recognize and state what was done in 2020 there will be no fair elections going forward.

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I've come to the conclusion the powers behind the coup of 2020 have no intention of ever turning back the clock. It is evident every day that passes and nothing is done, whether audits or examination, no confessions or arrests. It is a hard truth, but the spoils of victory -the Law- is on the side of the "winners" and those opposing their criminality are the enemy and will be dealt with as such -- as soon as time permits.

Jeffrey Prather, and others, has suggested WWIII actually was China v USA in 2020. They won. It's their man in the WH.


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We live in a completely lawless society. Now, worse than ever. Just look as some of these crimes being committed in broad daylight. I use to be afraid of dying but not anymore. This world has gone to shit!

But it started long ago. I subscribe to Naomi Wolfs newsletter and wrote the same thing there even though he was once her boss. When the POTUS stands before the entire world and lies on National TV - that opened the flood gates. I did not have sex with that woman! From that moment on - everyone began doing the same.

Bernie Madoff did what he did because he could and it too has been non stop ever since. A very wise man once told me it's much easier to do the wrong thing rather than the right. It's very true.

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I was wondering how we win elections with all the voter fraud perpetrated during the 2020 election. Control of this country seems to be out of our hands and run by the installed players in our government as well as the media and tech companies. How do we, and can we fix this?

Sorry for my negativity; but, I cannot envision justice for all the crimes against the American people as well as the populations around the globe.

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You're not negative you're a realist. Hopefully once people wake up regarding the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever known - they'll begin questioning everything and realize TRUTH no longer exists. Everything is a lie. Name just ONE thing that is still sacrosanct? Just one! You can't!

All this being said John Fund and Hans Van Spakovsky have written 2 or 3 books on election fraud which have been meticulously researched. John Fund was a journalist with the WSJ for two decades and HVS is an attorney and former member of the Federal Election Commission and is currently with the Heritage Foundation Election Law Reform. The evidence they produce is factual, inarguable and indisputable. And yet you will never ever see them on TV to solidify just how rampant voter fraud is.

The machines alone will leave you incredulous and seething with anger because the fraud is just so blatantly obvious and THIS is just the machines. There is also a movie called Electoral Dysfunction (https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/details/Electoral-Dysfunction/422782) Just watch the trailer. The woman explains how we have 13 thousand election jurisdictions that run elections 13 thousand different ways! It is so corrupt which is why I have nor will ever VOTE! I refuse to support or enable any of it.

And we all know what that bastard Zuckerberg just did spending 450 million dollars in order to "help" finance local elections. Normally poll workers get $200-$250 for the days work - he was paying them $50/hour which was just one of the ways they were tampering with the ballots because they also knew no one has ever "been prosecuted" for voter fraud!

IT IS NOT that it isn't rampant but rather no one is ever prosecuted for it. In fact it's the deliberate rallying cry to get them to the polls. The voter Motor Act states no proof of citizenship required when registering to vote. Contrary to the plethora of lies 82% of ALL voters want it! So unless someone turns the person in (your voting record is public knowledge) or the election is contested (less than 1% difference) this is how they get away with it.

There are OVER 35 million illegals in this Country of which 10% most definitely vote! It's not the Presidential election that matters the most but rather the smaller lower turnout for senate etc. that make ALL the difference! It is so corrupt!

The Motor Voter Act was Bill Clintons very first piece of legislation he signed in office.

Coincidental? I don't think so! In fact Obama was a staunch supporter of it back in Chicago and said we need to make it "easier" for people to vote not harder. READ John Funds books to see just how rampant voter fraud is!

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Wonderful information to examine and increase knowledge of all the corruption that has been perputrated against citizens of this country. Realism does not eliminate fears for our liberty and the sanity of the world. Although, reality and facts can hopefully create a strong majority armed with the truth to fight the present tyranny and future attempts at world domination.

In the end, disseminating data and facts to fight propaganda may upset the narratives on MSM. Truthful informations needs to spread like a wildfire and take hold of everyone who has had their head clouded by lies.

We can hope, pray,and spread the truth where we can to reach the masses.

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I apologize for spelling errors (a bit tired). That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.

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The results for the midterms and 24 general election will be the same unless the Republicans stop the vote stealing. I think we know the chance of that happening. We will go to bed believing we won and wake up to find many many ballots were "found" giving the dems the victory. If nothing changes, nothing changes!

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YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! No way in hell are Hillary and that pervert Cuomo considering running again if it were not for the fact they plan on implementing the same corruptive chicanery

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It is no wonder that they are saying more Black Voter's Voted for Beijing Joe foe the simple reason that BLM which is called ActBlue gave Beijing Joe $ 60 Million Dollar's.

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Shouldn’t that be illegal!

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Yes, it should be Illegal but he sure accepted the money. That is why the Democrat's never did do anything to the BLM when they was Rioting and Burning Building's down. The Leader told Beijing Joe and Cameltoe they had better not forget how they helped the Democrat's get in Office.

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I agree, but Team Trump has fumbled and bumbled this effort. Total amateur hour. And they even knew it was coming, yet failed to have the right people and resources in place to fight it from the jump. They LET this happen.

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I totally agree! WE knew this was coming and I was shocked preventive measures weren't in place. I truly and honestly believed all the necessary measures would be implemented.

Unfortunately however this is now the future of elections because - they got away with it. Every time I see someone like Hillary or Cuomo talk about running - I think myself there is no way in hell you would get elected to anything unless you pull off another 2020 which was the most corrupt election in the history of this Country.

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There's not one election problem that would be occurring had the constitutional framers not usurped Yahweh's exclusive election authority (per Deuteronomy 17:15, etc.) whereby they turned election "discretion" over to We the People, the majority of whom, according to Christ in Matthew 7:13, are in the broad way leading to destruction.

Clue: No wonder America finds herself teetering precipitously on the precipice of moral depravity and *destruction."

For more, see blog article "Constitutional Elections: Dining at the 'Devil's Table'" at https://www.constitutionmythbusters.ORG/constitutional-elections-dining-at-the-devils-table/

See also Chapter 5 "Article 2: Executive Usurpation" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/BlvcOnline/blvc-index.html

Scroll down to heading "Elections."

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David Jose takes on Wisconsin gov and gives the PEOPLE REAL REMEDY!!! Great presentation on this video!

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Dems mastered the art of voter fraud starting in 2018 midterms, in my opinion. We saw a number of districts in CA, for example, switch over night from GOP leads to Dem wins, and no one batted an eyelash. That was the Dems watershed moment. Then they appeared to have taken what they learned in 2018 and applied it across the board in districts they needed to win, and in the POTUS election, as well. They won't go back, they won't let go, and they will do anything necessary, ANYTHING, to hold onto power. Using the 14th Amendment to disqualify Republican candidates from serving was their most recent clever ploy.

To even have a chance of bringing people to justice would require the active participation of hundreds of elected and appointed officials, many of whom benefit from the status quo. That simply will not happen. If we thought it was nearly impossible for healthcare officials and politicians to collaborate on destroying an entire economy and generations of children for a bad flu season, imagine how difficult it would be to get hundreds of officials to convene investigations and grand juries and criminal trials to hear cases of voter fraud, when many or most of those officials are in place either through voter fraud or through an appointment by someone else who benefited from voter fraud.

Bottom line: We likely will never have free and fair elections in the future, and we will never hold enough people sufficiently accountable for what happened in 2020. Moving on, knowing that, is all we'll be able to do. TPTB won't stand for any loss of control.

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