For those alone today, like myself, this year I am thankful to be able to remember the Thanksgivings of the past. Many good memories of holidays with family and friends. I am thankful I don't have to try to carefully converse with a group ready to dismiss, or attack, any word which threatens the cult's beliefs. For me, it's a relief to not have to hold my tongue or risk being verbally assaulted.

For anyone who is spending this day alone, be thankful for happier times and cherished memories. And most importantly, thank God, for His gift of eternal life through belief in the Savior, Jesus Christ.

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Very good JDR.

I like blatant truth too but it has to be diluted for the brainwashed clotshotted.

Just to "Be kind.", you know.

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in a fact and truth based world, this might work, but my close relatives live in a twilight zone of feelings,, cult mythology and bottomless cognitive dissonance for all things cnn.

Long covid and forces beyond the control of man are to blame for any failures of the great reset cult and yet oddly republicans are to blame at the same time.

Trying to convince cult members who have had their minds broken by orange man bad and billionaires are good is kind of impossible....only God can save them, we can just try to get along for a day.

Or just ask them to explain "what is a woman" and watch their heads explode

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You missed one big point which is the left’s relentless attempt to violate and restrict our constitutional rights under the second and fourteenth amendments of the constitution of the United States of America. When will politicians who are sworn to uphold the constitution be held accountable for their egregious actions with respect to the violation of our constitutional rights? America is heading down the path of socialism like Canada and Argentina. God Bless America.

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Trying to Red Pill my Family has been one the most frustrating experiences of my Life. I am now considered beneath Uncle Fester and far less coherent than the silver tongued John Fetterman. They will continue to use every tactic the Media has taught them, to justify the New Normal.

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Thank you for today’s column, JD. Good topics and suggestions for broaching these topics. I have watched my (former?) friends and family members who got jabbed cover their ears and nah nah to avoid accepting reality. So be it. But I also see the realization slowly dawning in their eyes. Same with elections, climate change, energy costs, etc. In my family, only one cousin and his partner, my wife’s sister, and my wife and I are Pure Bloods. All others, including our son and his wife, are jabbed - and suffering the consequences - lack of energy, weight gain(!?), Bell’s Palsy, etc. Friends have died suddenly. Yes, time to red-pill, but I also think some are coming around on their own, grudgingly so, but coming around.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you.

In stolen elections include ranked choice voting. It just stole the Alaska election.

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If I had any parents left or if I had any other relatives that close other than my kids who know how I feel and agree, it’s likely the outskirts of family do too. I think you summed it all up here in a nice easy fruit flavored pill though, but I feel there is more to the abortion issue and how it all came about. I don’t give politicians the benefit of the doubt anymore. I think Washington DC is all in on it from the start and working together. I think it was overturned when it was just in time to give the election results a plausible excuse (didn’t work imho) for the underwhelming red wave. They thought we were gonna believe it. Like that should be enough. I knew they were going to make it more of a thing than it was.

Anyway I’m thankful we goodies got each other for support, happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Good list. Ought to be good for causing a ruckus at the feast. Food fights? More wine? “Let the wild rumpus begin”? Enemies in our midst? You bet. Successful fascism means you infiltrate everywhere and all at once - silently until you spring the trap.

I recommend music, films and creative, compassionate persuasion.

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Outstanding! Thank you for writing this and it is certainly worth trying, God bless you real good!

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Thank you, JD. Excellent article. I didn't get a chance to read it prior to dinner, but I'm proud to say I only stepped in it once this holiday. My cousin asked me if I was feeling smug over refusing the vaccine and I responded, "Smug isn't the word I'd use. I'm just sad I couldn't convince my extended family of the dangers." I shouldn't have pointed out how dangerous the shots were and are. My cousin and her mother (my Aunt) started screaming about "anti-vaxxers thinking they know more than doctors," blah blah blah. In hindsight, I realized how frightened he (my cousin) is or he wouldn't have opened the conversation like that. My Uncle got things back under control after about 10 minutes and everyone dropped the subject. I, however, never raised my voice or argued after my initial statement, so I'm hopeful they will do some research on their own, ask me more questions or at least, refuse further injections. My stepmother, who got the initial series of "vaccines" has already contacted me privately and ask about my thoughts on more shots or boosters, so maybe she'll pass on the articles and videos I recommended to her so she can determine her future instead of letting Big Pharma do it.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, JD, and everyone who reads your articles. God bless you all and America.

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You can watch Mike Yeadon's 43 minute presentation at the World Council for Health meeting, or read this excellent summary of many of the points he made during it. Approaching those dinner conversations with questions is better than sharing data and Mike's question, "What is the right number of times for your public health officials and governments to lie to you about something that could cost you your life?" is a good place to start as more and more are waking up to the lies.


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Great article, and great list JD. Passing the link to your article on the social media site on which I post!

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Thank you, JD. Excellent article. I didn't get a chance to read it prior to dinner, but I'm proud to say I only stepped in it once this holiday. My cousin asked me if I was feeling smug over refusing the vaccine and I responded, "Smug isn't the word I'd use. I'm just sad I couldn't convince my extended family of the dangers." I shouldn't have pointed out how dangerous the shots were and are. My cousin and her mother (my Aunt) started screaming about "anti-vaxxers thinking they know more than doctors," blah blah blah. In hindsight, I realized how frightened he (my cousin) is or he wouldn't have opened the conversation like that. My Uncle got things back under control after about 10 minutes and everyone dropped the subject. I, however, never raised my voice or argued after my initial statement, so I'm hopeful they will do some research on their own, ask me more questions or at least, refuse further injections. My stepmother, who got the initial series of "vaccines" has already contacted me privately and ask about my thoughts on more shots or boosters, so maybe she'll pass on the articles and videos I recommended to her so she can determine her future instead of letting Big Pharma do it.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, JD, and everyone who reads your articles. God bless you all and America.

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