What you outline is this: Political gasbags gaslighting in need of a long stay in a mental asylum. Apparently all who cultivate the Big Lies are students of Goebbels and Stalin. Goebbels said: "If you repeat a lie often enough ,people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." Sociopaths delude others and delude themselves as well.

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The fourth paragraph about the psychological block of normies is exactly right. It’s a very frustrating phenomenon for those of us whose eyes are open.

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According to a PJ Media article, PayPal is pulling a fast one by claiming they're not fining anyone. The trick is that while they're not doing it for "misinformation", they will still do it for speech they don't like. This needs to be looked at before celebrating. True or not, though, we should dump PayPal.


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Anyone who uses PayPal after this incident A) gets what they deserve and B) should be ashamed of themselves.

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I was recently censored from Facebook because of my past year posts. I was kicked for three days in September when I posted actual data from Pfizer on their adverse reactions of the vaccine. It’s not clear what the tipping point was but it keeps from posting until after the midterms. My messages where vote, vote, vote and ignore the polls because it’s what they want you to believe. They want you to think “why bother “ my vote won’t make any difference. I’m not an influencer and I don’t have a big base. Partly because they make sure people aren’t seeing my posts. It’s wrong and we must continue on. Once voice, one vote, and one message and lots of prayers! Together we can do anything.

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