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Yes, the border is open because of profit, not indifference.

Much of our govt is owned by the people who run the sex, drug, slave trade, and who now have total control of our borders.

And as for who is coming in, consider this post by John O'Looney, a UK citizen who from the first warned about the vax.

A brave man, listen to him. https://rumble.com/v25epjh-john-olooney-black-watch-troops-have-told-me-this-is-the-plan-....html

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Hundreds Busted in Human Trafficking Operation — Including Disney Employees

A Polk County, Florida, human trafficking operation earlier this month led to the arrests of 219 people, including people in the country illegally, a high school teacher, and three Disney employees, according to authorities.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd on Thursday announced the results of the operation, saying out of 119 prostitutes who were arrested during the operation that began last week, 21 were possible victims of human trafficking.

“Not only did we arrest more suspects during this single operation than we have ever arrested before, we identified 21 human trafficking victims; during a similar operation in February, we identified 24 victims,” Judd said. “That’s 45 victims we were able to identify this year. The valuable relationships that we have with the social services organizations who join us in these operations make it possible for these women to get help and be emancipated from this way of life.”


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BIDEN FOUND 1 FAMILY HE WANTS TO DEPORT. But why didn't they become citizens? None of the articles mention that. Model Home Schooling Christian Family.

Tennessee family faces deportation 15 years after fleeing Germany to homeschool kids: A 'well-founded' fear

Hannelore and Uwe Romeike, who face deportation 15 years after moving to the U.S. to homeschool their children, are afraid they will face the same persecution if they return to Germany.

Their stay was indefinite, however, until now.

For 15 years, the Romeike family has lived in Morristown. Uwe Romeike, the father of the seven Romeike children, works as a piano accompanist at Carson-Newman University. Now, they say, the U.S. government is trying to deport them.

The family moved to the U.S. from Germany in 2008. Their application for asylum said they were fined by the German government roughly $9,000 after homeschooling their children, court documents show.

Romeike said since he and his wife moved to the U.S., they've had two more children and two of their adult children are married to U.S. Citizens.

"They work here. Everything is here in America," Romeike said. "We don't have any place to live there. I don't have any work to provide for my family over there."

"[Homeschooling] is illegal [in Germany]," Hannelore Romeike explained. If they are sent back, they will face the same persecution as before.


They do work and pay taxes in the US. https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/morristown-family-faces-deportation-homeschooling/51-2d3dd498-b8b0-4b4e-86af-e8c33dae0dbb

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P.S. Thank you for the well written comment about the Romeikes!

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No good deed goes unpunished; no God fearing immigrant will stay in the USA without fear. Christians unite! Help support the Romeikes and write your Congressional Representatives! They’re coming after Christians and Homeschoolers: https://go.hslda.org/e/795273/LDA-1-campaigns-107920-respond/454fcf/1154605305?h=TuRqUS8mcAvve3OOFmZs5AKq-06DTGBPrdMMYiYPwmU

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Excellent TRUTHFUL article. I wish we could impeach them all for treason!

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Love him - or hate him - Elon Musk gets attention ... kind of like Donald Trump. That's a good thing.

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I do know for a fact our Immigration System is a complete chaotic mess.

It is "us the people" who must force Congress and the President to "fix" the system now not later.

Elon has once again done America's citizens a great service, by going to the border and asking questions, lets hope this lights a fire under the Congressional Members asses !

It can't be allowed to continue.

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Nothing will be had in Washington.

This business is way above the political level in Washington!

Washington where politics is just theater!

This will need to be fixed by the Sovereign States applying the U.S. Constitution!

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They are ushering in people who have voted in socialist dictators, hoping that these people will do the same. Instead of sitting around waiting for politicians to close the border, we need to be taking our message to the Latino community that can vote and help them understand why the democrat platform is so dangerous. If the US becomes as bad as Venezuela or Argentina, where will people flee to? We must use the democrats strategy against them.

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Getting more depressed daily reading our country’s downward spiral especially since I rarely read legitimate concrete solutions. Think it’s time to seriously and loudly broadcast a Convention of States. I know the MSM and our Dear Leaders will and have been fighting against it but I believe it’s the only way to stem the tide of our nations destruction. At this point I’ve only thrown $ towards CoS but am going to become a volunteer or state rep. Please join me if you agree.

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“In this world you will have tribulations, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” These “light and momentary troubles” pale in comparison to the eternal inheritance of those who have been saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. If you don’t know Jesus, seek, and you will find him! Let not your heart be troubled!

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The concrete solution lies with the Free & Sovereign States of the American Republic!

Washington is a waste,just enemy occupied territory where the politicians are thespians doing their act. Read about the Theatrics between the Democrats & Republicans over 'To shut down the government financially'. As though this was the big issue of the day!

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Just refund my $100. I signed up for paid service and have never received benefits?


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Elon just reinforces the horror going on at the southern borders. He is now calling for "citizen journalists" to post their videos directly to X. I think that is a super idea! All we see are videos of people getting beat up in the inner cities ( which is bad) and trans people posing as the opposite sex. Let's get some good reporting on just what is happening other than that and the border crisis is a good place to start. Let's see the suffering on a daily basis of the children and others being trafficked and sold as sex slaves. Let's see all the fentanyl coming across everyday. If people saw enough of it, something might change! Prayers.

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Exactly right. Vast majority of national politicians are only there because the Oligarchs allow them to run and fund their candidacies. We are not a representative democracy anymore. We are a Neo-fascist Technocratic Eugenicist banana Republic oligarchy.

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Nothing New!

Back around 1880,

Mark Twain exclaimed "If Voting made any difference,they wouldn't let us do it"

Need to understand human nature.

Tip Oneill,Democrat, said "All politics is local"

What he meant was that the general voting public didn't care about what the politicians did Didn't care as long as they were prospering in their own local little world with a ton of Bread & Circuses.

The only reason most are angry today is because this local prosperity is disappearing!

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The only way this will stop is if we stop funding it with our tax dollars. They know this of course which is why dickhead Biden hired 81k armed IRS agents (instead of Border patrol agents, THAT is where they put their focus)! They’re using executive orders to decide where/when to launder our money and I am so fed up with it! Being screwed sucks enough but literally paying to be led to my own slaughter is just epic BULLSHIT!

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As by Coincidence!

According to the Grace Commission of 1983 report to Congress,the income tax collected does not go to the government in Washington! (Ron Paul)

The tax money goes to the Federal Reserve Bank as Interest Paid the bank for loans the Fed made to the government in Washington!..

And where did the Fed get that money to lend the government?

They created it out of thin air where all fiat money is created,...They Have the Treasury Department print more paper dollars! Hows that for a great 'Shell Game"!

How's that for a variation

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synagogue of satan wages war against the church of Christ for millenia....they raised up the muslim heresy and almost genocided Xtians in spain until they woke up and then drove out the muslims and their owners in 1492 and they are now pulling the same trick against europe and the usa again.

will Xtians wake up ? or will the world finally fall into satan's tools hands until Jesus comes again in power and glory ? we are living in interesting times...and thank God that He makes it all work for His good and that He loves and cares about us more than we care about ourselves

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The synagogue of Satin?

How about the WhoreHouse of Cretins where they created you in a vat!

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you are in a satanic cult....Yeshua can be your savior if you wake up !

Isaiah 53

Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?

He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground.

He had no stately form or majesty to attract us,

no beauty that we should desire Him.

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.

Like one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.

Surely He took on our infirmities and carried our sorrows; yet we considered Him stricken by God, struck down and afflicted.

But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,

and by His stripes we are healed.

We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way;

and the LORD has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth.

He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,

so He did not open His mouth.

By oppression and judgment He was taken away, and who can recount His descendants?

For He was cut off from the land of the living;

He was stricken for the transgression of My people.

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My Brother in Law is an exceptionally good psychiatrist,

He started out working in a maximum Security Prison,So he knows his business!

Would you like to contact him? Contact him & find out how you became the way you now Are?

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i see i have thrown pearls before swine...root on

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With all due respect, JD Rucker, less than half correct. Let's try and get you and Michael Rectenwald together to discuss; he and I've shared direct notes (including a near one hour call a few weeks ago) and I assure you he can weigh in with his impeccable credentials/ expertise pertinent to a range of topics and more recently, the WEF and their Great Reset plans for the rest of us and their ensuring UN Agenda 2030 gets fulfilled. With no sovereign nations, etc; the USA is effectively the last nation barely-still able to - maybe, at this point - stand in the way of this.

Now in "normal times" some years back and that might literally be prior Kissinger sitting with Mao in 1973, obviously entirely unrelated, of course, to the clearly "timely coincidence" of his commencing that very same year with his becoming the by far most influential mentor of K Schwab...you'd surely be very correct!

Please note in regards the prior paragraph, Special Ops veteran turned globetrotting Investigative Journalist and War Correspondent Michael Yon is on the record asserting (quote) "...the WEF and CCP are less partners and more one and the same". (Source: Mike Adams interview of Michael Yon on Brighteon(dot)com)

As to taking care of Oligarchs it isn't just the ones in Ukraine. And there's the rub.

Anyway, we are exceptionally and better stated, frighteningly well advanced down an effective color revolution here inside the USA. No question the Enemy is well within the Gates.

Were you aware that reportedly per multiple groups with lawyers comprising same, that their Freedom of Information Act requests have not been able to unearth the formal paperwork completing the official "swearing in" process, effectively, of virtually any of the Obidenistas Regime? Growing numbers are realizing the Installed modifier is prudent for much improved accuracy, for obvious reasons.

Now if correct why might that be? How about charges of treason? Not technically applicable, arguably at least, it would appear; no I'm not a lawyer and do not practice law however I've been accused of being one a fair number of times over the last several decades.

Please note I've shared more of your pieces in recent weeks than I have from any of your colleagues and peers - yes, a compliment.

Also, the very first place my mind went on reading your piece prompting my response was this:

Good odds he knows what I'm going to share or much of it. But likes being not canceled either digitally or "really".

Now then, a comment from someone with a (from whom again? Me and I'm not a particularly high profile individual, in relative terms although I would encourage you to check my LinkedIn) markedly lower profile is clearly about the only way to somewhat "safely" get such points into the discourse; you're welcome! :)

Now here's part of my own cover/ "insurance", so-to-speak:

Team from one of the launches I led, in that case a nationwide secured comms leader, advised the NSA and testified to Congress on security. And amongst the fair number of US Presidentially appointed level folks I know well an average of two decades each, with one serving on three Boards of companies I've led since the 90s, a sibling of one had a building named after him on the NSA HQ Campus. I can go on with other examples.

In any case, I have a network a bit better than most via both sides of the aisle stretching several decades. That fact helped me get unbanned from LinkedIn when they permanently banned me. I didn't even need to reach out to any of my network; I simply let LinkedIn know I was going to and I started with two focused examples including generalized summaries of who I knew directly, up close and personal with each of those two.

Insurance comes in many forms; doesn't mean I drive more crazily when I have amazing insurance. Just that when a mishap occurs I'm in slightly better hands than most, if you will. :)

Lots of TMI perhaps but hopefully helps explain just a bit of my perspective and seasoning, among more.

Please do keep up the excellent work, Thank You!

My Best & God Bless; Truly!


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Divert attention away from the next Biden financial package which keeps most of you employed and paid and which needs to be approved by tomorrow 30th September (here at least) by Congress and the EMF transmissions on the 4th October and again on the 11th October - is it plausible you won't need your jobs or wages if your minds are controlled by something else - if you are vaccinated that is - it does not apply to those of you not vaccinated (me).

Am I missing something here?

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I don't think this political Dog & Pony show can go on much longer without breaking down.

It's running out of gas & the elections are 14months away!

There is going to be a big political explosion in the up coming.months.

Especially when our half dead economy completely tanks!

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Last I heard, Congress has NOT approved funding for the next 6 months, (some Republicans holding out) as at today, which is the day when the last lot of funding runs out - which means America is up shit creek without a paddle - well the advantages of misinformation or disinformation is that you don't need to know that, Biden has it all under control.

I live in a 3rd world country where it is too expensive now to buy anything from America or England - the postage sometimes costs more than the article I have purchased - and I won't go there.

If Biden has not assumed the mantle of Emperor For Life like Xi did in China then about the only hope for any of us is that Trump gets nobbled by the charges he is facing, Biden's popularity plunges to an even greater low and there is a clear run in to POTUS for RFK Junior and if he is true to his word - he operates "The Defender" online newspaper - there might yet be a future for all of us who survive that long - the possibility of mind control by 5G after 4th October, not withstanding, at least for the vaccinated.

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We can only start to rebuild after this situation collapses.

You are mistaken in believing that Washington can be salvaged with a fix here & a change there! The problem is not a few new faces & few cosmetic changes.

Washington is structurally Corrupt & beyond saving!

Salvation is out in the States & a revived Constitution !

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Hi Sidney - I live in a 3rd world country about as far away from America as I can get so the politics of America are beyond my understanding, pretty much, I just pass on divisive articles which knock Biden, where possible.

A perfect solution for me would be the collapse of the US$ and America which drove our rotten currency up and made everything more affordable on the internet of things - I'll breathe much easier after the 4th and 11th October EMF transmissions if nothing happens to the vaccinated by the 15th October - here is hoping that nothing does!!

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Here is hoping that nothing happens since I was vaxxed against my will. Good luck to all regardless of whether we chose the shot or it was taken unwittingly. And/or unwillingly.

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Hi Pamela - what they held you down on the ground and injected you with their vaccines and you were powerless to stop them?

If you were threatened with dismissal and you had the vaccines to keep your job then you submitted to the vaccines and they were not forced on you.

There was legislation under Common Law whereby your rights allowed you to refuse vaccines, of course you did not know about those Laws because nobody told you about them - but the Law says that not knowing a thing is not a defense and it was your responsibility to find out and know the Law and your rights within that Law

I have the legislation pertinent to the country where I live and I carry it with me all of the time, in the event I am challenged and expected to be vaccinated against my will.

At the Trials of the Nazi's captured after WW2 who executed the Jews in the extermination camps, not knowing a thing was not a defense and those German's who tried that defense were eventually hung, hence the Geneva Convention for all Humans, not vaccinated.

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Actually I gave permission for them to give me a FLU shot just as I had for 20 years which I'd had no problems with. We in our country are supposed to have this thing called "informed consent'" which apparently they began to disregard by the fall of 2020. No one informed me that covid vaccine was actually mixed in with the flu vaccine that year since Biden was having difficulty forcing the covid shot on us. He decided to simply become the lying sneaky weasel that he is and vax us whether we wanted it or not. WITHOUT the information normally required before injecting people with anything not necessarily proven tested and safe for use on human beings. It wasn't until the fall of 2021 that I started showing symptoms and began to understand what had happened. It didn't help that I'd lost my father in July of that year and was really 'myself' at the time. Probably should've put off having a flu vaccine that October but it wouldn't have helped fight off flu if I took it at the end of flu season so I took it in the fall. Now I'm paying for making that decision and trusting my pharmacy to do what was right. Who knew at that time they would stoop so low?

Anyway there's the story. And mine is not the only one of its kind. For myself and any number of others in my same situation I say to you THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND COMPASSION.

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NOT myself at the time.

Excuse the mistake.

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Uh huh. And who OWNS the M-I-C? The same M-I-C that was in charge of the Covid "countermeasures" DeathVax rollout and continued propagation to reduce the population worldwide.

Dig a little deeper.

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According to S.E.C. records from 2011,George Soros bought stock shares in a Bio Hazard Lab

in Wuhan China!!!

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what you speak of is the real hidden plan!

The Globalist plan is some sort of hi tech Feudal System with them on top & served by a small population of educated scribes & artisans.

The problem is that the world is stuck in a Malthusian Trap of severe overpopulation mainly in the 3rd world!

Their planned Feudal System cannot support a huge population.

The solution,..Murder billions of people & bring the global population back down to 1or 2 billion

from the current 8 billion!

Naturally they can't openly say this!

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