Even Normies are asking more questions 🤣

The issue with a lot of those who refuse to see is arrogance

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They can’t accept they’ve been lied to so terribly.

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Exactly! Or that they were duped .

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I keep telling my 85 year old mom’s boyfriend that other countries published data- why isn’t that happening in America? And anyone who questions it gets fired. That has him thinking.

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That's why the CDC won't disclose the studies! it takes other countries to do it & you can bet they try to Block those results. Like Canada. A hospital in Toronto has 3 floors with neonatal wards & they are full with newborns whose mothers were vaccinated & they have heart defects. 30% of the mothers there who were vaccinated have had "Stillborn" Babies! I'd recommend avoiding the Gates/Fudgy WOKE POKE unless you are just plain Tired of Brandon & his Party!

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Better Dead than Wrong, Comrade. This may apply to other areas of interest as well.

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So, if I were a vax'd member of this team......what would I be thinking????

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I suspect they are in denial.

Except for the all-in WEF sycophants and acolytes, ALL the jabbed are in denial.

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Oh Shit

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They've even started attributing some of these deaths to 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,' like we're giant infants that simply fell asleep in the wrong position or something. You have to wonder, are *they* this stupid, do they believe *we're* this stupid or is it both?

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Please, just keep asking questions and demanding answers. Personally, I think the answer is obvious. But- we need data. Demand it!

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Whenever I read another story like this, it just affirms the intelligent decision of the wifely babe and I made by getting the toxxx jab, no matter the social and economic consequences.

I suspect, over time, "unexpected deaths" will be the norm, not the exception.

Critical thinking and skepticism of the MSM wins again.

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1000+ athletes, documented deaths > "UNKNOWN" causes? Hell no...https://www.bitchute.com/video/gleJSssZZqjP/

NO accountability. unless the parents and families stand up andDEMAND IT!

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Mr. Rucker, covid19 injection materials ARE NOT 'vaccines', these are GENE MODIFICATION TREATMENTS, causing ALTERATIONS in the human genome. Since you confirm to FDA illegal, thus CRIMINAL re-definitions, completely defying the real science, I'm cancelling the subscription to your news, enough of the global LIES, no matter how many part truths they are revealing.

If you want to learn little bit more about the science, check out these posts:




all completely CENSORED on duckduckgo, 'strangely' even on SUBSTACK... Maybe becaasue I also wrote this:


pointing to the russian involvement of this entire covid scam, indirectly connected to the current Daszak 'collaboration'...

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Considering that I've written profusely about the jabs, injections, "vaccines," or whatever you want to call them, and opposed them vehemently on national radio, not to mention reached millions with over 150 articles and podcasts on the subject, I accept that you would cancel your subscription over the use of the word "vaccine."

For some people, it's not the body of work that offends them. It's when the path they've chosen is so narrow that they cannot acknowledge there are many fighters against the jabs such as Dr Malone, Dr. Gold, and RFK Jr. who have used the word "vaccine."

I know based on thousands of emails that I have helped a large number of people realize they should never, under any circumstances, let a Covid needle anywhere near their bodies or the bodies of their families.

I have NEVER had anyone tell me, "I wasn't going to get the jab but since you referred to them as a 'vaccine' I decided to get it injected in me."

We are fighting against a MASSIVE, consolidated force of evil. I am pleased to lose subscriptions of those who are so offended by terminology. It's petty and demonstrates a lack of the real mettle necessary to fight this battle.

During my three hours of conversations with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, she said we should never call them vaccines and I agreed with her. But during those interviews, she used the word "vaccine" twice. It happens. I do not doubt her intentions or the effect she has on people who listen to her fight the good fight on a daily basis.

Moral of the story: don't be petty. Fight the real fights against the real villains.

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I too am appalled at the term vaccine for this death jab but have you noticed that Turley ALWAYS puts it in quotes indicating that he KNOWS that it's NOT a vaccine but that's what they falsely call it.

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I agree mejbcart; how can anyone still call the clotshots 'vaccines' without using punctuation to emphasize the lie.

They know what they are doing.

(I am new to this Substack, and paying attention to nuance.)

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"Unspecified?" It's key to know why a 43 year old would suddenly die. Was it a heart attack, drug overdose, suicide?

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are these people handling all. the data, threatened, paid off or just unable to think clearly and questions responsibly!? Any parent would ask ....WHY!???

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Regardless of how these people are dying their Obituary's should state HBV (Had Been Vaccinated) on them. It doesn't mean that's what killed them but............????????????? In motor vehicle accidents it lists HBD (Had been drinking) & that doesn't mean they blew a .08, either!

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