Heck, energy secretary/idiot Granholm has ties to electric energy companies. These people are criminals and traitors.

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And yet we all just sit around the dinner table talking about the tacky, dried-up old hag while we wonder if China, Russia, Iran or, well, any other country is going to drop one on us while we are the gas station counting change to buy the fumes to get ourselves home from work on. I've written letters and tried to get people thinking and writing to their reps as well. But I think everyone is smart enough to see that the normal routes aren't working, not by a long shot. I have relatives in Mexico who have asked twice in the last 8 months if we can only impeach one President. What they were asking was did we use up one impeachment on Trump. When they understood that one was not all there was, the next question was "Why haven't you used that or SOMETHING to get rid of the people causing the trouble? Because it's not solely Biden's fault, stupid as he is. We can impeach and vote and whatever all day, if we're don't get rid of this kind of blood sucking, money grubbing trash, we still have the same problems.

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When will we get out our pitchforks?

Anyone do their taxes yet?

They snuck in some changes that will cripple many.

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She used to get bus stops and BART stops near properties she owned to boost their value.

Nice to see her family has moved on from such schemes that took a lot of time and effort for such meager returns! Making 25% of $2+ million in a year or two is way more in line with her importance and excellence!

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So, where does dear Gavin Newsom fit in? I know he's supposed to be her nephew - but on whose side?

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"Tesla, the electric vehicle company"

More like the giant Ponzi scheme that will kill you and give you a free cremation.

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DHS were advised that they would be driving Tesla vehicles? A neighbor of mine advised me this today. Pelosi should be arrested for insider trading

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Feels especially evil, slimy evil, because of all the niceness. Nice Ice Cream Nancy. Super slimy evil niceness.

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Biden just addressed, with General Austin present, the 82nd Airborne in a manner that strongly suggests they will be sent to Ukraine. He referenced what they would see over there. Not good, IMHO. Not our war.

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yeah, bur Paul has to sleep with her!!! Not worth 2 million!

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yeah, but Paul has to sleep with her!!! not worth 2 million!

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Part of the her wealth can be attributed to her being, like, 139 years old and grifting for so long. On the plus side, a large percentage of her wealth must be spent to make her only look 97 years old.

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