I never used to give much thought to conspiracy theories of any kind until 2020. Virtually every “conspiracy” of the past 3+ years were / are true. I realize now that the governments here & abroad are evil & hate their peoples as useless eaters. I questioned 9/11 when it came out (quickly) that Bush got all of the Saudi diplomats out of the country in the dead of night while the buildings were still smoldering.

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Project for a New American Century proves they had planned it all way before Sept. 11, 2001. The deep state didn't think the public were buying what the deep state was selling so they came up with 9/11 to get us on board so we would be scared enough to accept the loss of our freedoms in exchange for safety. In the end, we ended up neither free or safe. I found that document the day of 9/11 - I didn't buy their story then and I still don't and PNAC proves I was right. They have since changed the wording from the original version I think but the proof is still there last time I checked which was quite awhile ago. It's important reading - IF you can find it - good luck.

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You have vastly underestimated the 'denial power' of the average Normie!

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Never Forget...9/11/01, 9/11/2012, 11/04/2020, 01/06/2021. I can’t even use Reagan’s advice of “Trust but verify” anymore.....trust is gone. DC needs a complete lobotomy.

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PS Willful blindness is just a euphemism for moral cowardice.

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I agree. Said a friend when I tried to warn her about the jab,”Just stop! I don’t want to hear it.” She now has kidney issues.

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My entire extended family blocked me out of their lives for pointing out the idiocy of the jabs. I pray each and every one of them is okay.

Sorry your friend is paying such a price for her ... compliance.

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That's horrifying, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Here's some info, if it helps:

my husband has been a virologist/immunologist for over 50 yrs. He used to help make jabs until he found out what was in them and that was 40 yrs ago, he hasn't been jabbed since then. He worked in Public Health Dept of PA for years, advising the public how to manage epidemics/pandemics and he also worked on research team of a Nobel prize-winning scientist. He knows his field very well. He was horrified when he first heard about the whole covid thing because he knew it was all lies. He was harassed by Fauci's henchman just for one but he also worked with the coronavirus which is what covid was first called, and it is a form of the common cold. It's even in medical reference books, listed as one form of the common cold. The only people who would die from it are immuno-compromised such as those with AIDS and the very old whose immune systems are weak. I cannot find one child who has died from it unless they had serious illness, or were immuno-compromised but that should be a very rare occurrence. Even so, I still haven't heard of one child dying from it. I hope this helps you to understand how very right you are about the jabs. I hope one day your family realizes how right you are as well. My husband's own twin brother did pretty much the same thing as your family - and his brother knows his own twin's background so there's really no excuse for him.

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I like this. Very true when you think about it.

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I’ve been waking up the Normies that o work with. Many are too complacent and trust every work of the Government! I take a completely different approach - trust but verify and exercise professional skepticism! Also, isn’t it funny how all these so called “conspiracy theories” turn out to be true? Just like when I heard people use to say, Rush Limbaugh was a racist and conspiracy theorist-then I started listening to the man and his wisdom trumps everything these liars where saying! They label these people this way because they know that they’re onto their propaganda.

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Long time Rush listener, he was accurate, did his research, and spoke the truth. My favorite Wordsmiths are the late Charles Krauthammer, and still with us Walter E. Williams. Racism is a taught subject.

Today we honor the second day of Infamy, 9/11/01. minus the gaffe-prone senile puppet, who screwed up his Asian/Vietnam trip, and will take 10 mins to mumble a few off subject. gaffes. Or are they on purpose? "I'm going to bed." and walks off. His babysitter https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/cartoons/MC_BabyJoey_web-800x0.jpg had his mic cut, and jazz music played.

Sent the Hyena instead, who surrounded herself with the NYC 'Don't Send Us Anymore Illegal IMIGRANTS mayor. ' All bubbly.

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"the hyena" - GREAT nickname for her, thank you!

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God bless you, JD!

Stand awake and aware!

Thank you for your wonderful work!

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as the wisest man taught…seek and learn truth and the truth will set you free

Yeshua is the way the truth and the life !

anyone who seeks truth will be led to Him

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I don't know what to think. There are so many lies, conspiracies and more lies going around nowadays, it is confusing. This video was useful in revealing that this great tragedy is not at all what it appears to be after all these years. It would not surprise me if it was all preplanned. The fires in Maui prove that there are people behind the scenes hell bent on global control.

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Dick Cheney spearheaded the 9/11 catastrophe- keep digging

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Yes he did. With Bush, Jr. and Sr. And Bin Laden. They owed a construction company and Cheney owned Halliburton, his cohorts were Bush, Jr. and Bin Laden. I did so much digging. My friend lived across the street from the Bin Laden family in Boston, Mass. Air Force 2 was taken the Bin Ladens back to Saudi Arabia. During the attacks. He has 12 children. This was all a scam. I studied this and people for decades. Maybe I should do a pod cast on this...thanks Stephanie.

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The official narrative is clearly nonsense. Dr. Judy Woods has, by far, provided the best explanation of what happened at ground zero and what could have been used to carry it out.


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Agreed. I watched her presentation and her theories make the most sense to me. What struck me the most (in a horrifying way), was the obscene similarity of the locations (not where fire was) and the remains of burned out hulks of vehicles on 9/11 and the ones in Maui. Good God, if that doesn't put the pieces together for everyone, I don't know what will.

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JD, your initial video is by InfoWars ... and as they often do, there are a few leaps of logic from the (clearly garbled WTC 7 story) to ... "The entire 9/11 attack was a CIA plot."

How am I supposed to believe the (demonstrably) incompetent CIA was suddenly so competent to pull off such a complicated attack on the republic?

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InfoWars is not a trusted source. Both videos are from InfoWars. I don't believe for a second that the American government engineered 9/11. That said, I think the legislation that followed was ill advised, and I think there are world masterminds behind that and what has happened since. But I have not seen any reliable source that blames our government, but plenty of reliable sources that are based on facts, including things like the strength of materials, that say the whole thing, including Building 7, was caused by commercial airliners piloted by terrorists flying into the Twin Towers. I watched tons of videos. I do tend to believe my own eyes, and I saw for myself how the towers collapsed at the point of impact of the planes, not from the base as would have happened with a planned demolition. Popular Mechanics wrote an excellent book about what happened to the World Trade Center, and that is only part of the evidence they revealed that I read.

Alex Jones is not interested in truth nearly as much as he is interested in sensationalism. He has made other false claims, like Americans killed 1 million Iraqi civilians. That is CLEARLY FALSE, but her persists. His source? death certificates produced by MUSLIMS. That is some real credulousness at work. He has been wrong a number of times, and at one point, there were videos on YouTube pointing out his many errors. YouTube has taken them all down. Censorship.

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If you believe that the CIA is incompetent then I will accept that you also believe in a "Flat-Earth," and you are probably the guy, or one of the guy's subordinates who started the ultimate lie that "Satan does not exist." I strongly suggest that you find another location for your spread of disinformation. The CIA may hire all kinds to fulfill their mission but one kind they do not hire are FOOLS . . . yes, I'm talking to you, B McCall. I suspect that you may have once applied for acceptance and were told you simply did not make the cut and your childish feeling were hurt, so you berate the CIA. Let me remind you that the topic was 9/11, the collapse of the World Trade Towers, Build #7 and the loss of over 2,000 innocents. It was NOT a critique of the CIA or a call for the submission of an irrelevant minority opinion. Educate yourself, open your eyes or move on. (With apologies to JD for having lost my temper.)

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If you want to *convert* those who ask reasonable questions, ad hominem attacks on moral and intellectual character isn't the way to do it. I would suggest that conspiracy theories maybe hold a higher religious presence for you, if you are so unyielding as to even entertain a perfectly rational and reasonable question? The CIA and alphabet agencies may be mendacious, but they are not great at pulling off conspiratorial acts without some people talking and whistle blowing. Human nature is what it is, and secrets always get exposed by loose lips.

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Dear Tori, the best I can do is award your attempt at countering my comment with an "honorable mention." Honestly, your comments seem to have little to do with mine, or B McCall's, and though fanciful I lost interest at "*convert,*" having no idea what you refer to. Although I can't seem to muster up the interest to respond to you fully, I will nonetheless wish you and B McCall a pleasant evening together.

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Clearly, you are either dyslexic and/or plain old dishonest. Don't try to cloak that with comically pompous self-perceived condescension, hun. You don't have an intellectually honest rebuttal, so off you go with the predictable attempts to assault character instead of manning up and replying in kind to the content.

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"Dear Tori.....wish you and B McCall a pleasant evening together"

Honest adults - grown integrated men and women who treat other people well - are going to be what turns this ship around, if it's possible. Palmettopalfla is clearly not one of these and therefore has no role to play.

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Sorry, ad hominem attacks don't cut it. What Tori said.

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You folks, B McCall, Tori and now the Desert Nomad, are a tiresome lot. Is the only "highfalutin" word you know, "ad hominem?" None of you have yet addressed the reason for my initial comment to B McCall, that being his declarative statement of "... (demonstrably) incompetent CIA," which contrary to what Tori claims was not a "reasonable question" but a "questionable statement of fact." Instead of addressing my position you want to instead pose as some kind of wounded innocent. Frankly, if you are not already members of a cult of insufferable whiners you should form one. If you have not already realized it let me give it to you straight. Your liberal-minded defense of claiming I am employing "ad hominem attacks" means no more to me than your belching after you've finished your veggie-burger. Intellegis?

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A SLEW of ad hominems. I win!

I don't really care whether the CIA is incompetent or not. They're a public enemy and need to be shut down. So why should I care that you disputed someone's claim they are incompetent? It's beside the point.

I have no liberal mind, and I refuse to eat fake meat. I eat real meat every day.

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Wow. You surely have me pegged.

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And are we also supposed to believe Flight 93 was a CIA operation...?

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I watched the interview with Barry Jennings. I have some problems with it. First, Infowars is NOT A RELIABLE SOURCE FOR ANYTHING. Second, I can think of a reason why it could have been a fuel oil tank, which had been hit by debris falling from one of the towers, from the plane that struck it. And it could have taken out the lobby. He doesn't describe the kind of damage to the lobby. He doesn't really draw any conclusions. Nor does he rule out the source of the explosions. Popular Mechanics had an excellent explanation of why Building & was destroyed, and they backed it up with facts. I trust them. What they said made sense. So the best I can advise you is to refrain from rushing to judgment on this. We know that terrorists took out the towers. There is no evidence that there were any planned demolitions. I studied this thoroughly, and I am persuaded the American government had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

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IMO it's important to always remember that even though these "conspiracy theories" sound crazy, the people who creating all this evil are themselves crazy. They are psychopaths and as such do not think like the rest of us. They don't care about logic, they seek only power/control and money. That's all that matters to them. They enjoy coming up with plans that we won't believe because they're too crazy, but when they do that they believe they "got one over on us - the stupid people who are useless eaters." They are wrong of course, because many of us see through their lies and deceptions. But they are the craziest of the crazy people and are willing to do anything to get what they want. That's why these "conspiracy" theories sound so far-fetched and hard to believe - but when we don't believe that it's a conspiracy, we lose our freedoms and continue to do so until we wake up and look at the truth.

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Reading this is making me ill. I have downloaded the MKULTRA Joint Hearing document and am going to read every word. then I want to go back and read the Church Committee report. How can ANYONE not understand that if our government was willing to do those experiments on unsuspecting citizens, animals, and crops (I know, MKULTRA, MKNAOMI, etc. are only the tip of the iceberg), why wouldn't they try to kill us off with the vaxx? The dirty little secret is that almost everyone who works for government at any level probably thinks that the world is overpopulated and that something has to be done. To THOSE people, of course, not the government employees/bureaucrats/privileged/elites.

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Thank you for bringing these videos to our attention. Unfortunately, this is old news for us "conspiracy theorists". At this point, with all the bad news and wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters worldwide (flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) right now today I wonder if talking about 9/11 is doing any of us any good. We know Satan is working hard through these illegitimate politicians and elitists. We need to focus on the future He is giving us through Jesus Christ. We need to fight for our future. Looking back may be a good education, but we need to take this information and use it for good. I pray we take this is a lesson for those who choose complacency, willing ignorance and anything else chosen to NOT do.

I thank you again, for this is a reminder that this is NOT ending and we need to take this lesson and move forward.

With respect,


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Do you actually believe that most readers take the time to comment because they view the Comment's section as a "field of competition?" JD Rucker works tirelessly to write truly insightful, thought-provoking articles and opinions concerning the times we live in and of how the subjects of his writing matter to the lives of Americans. His readers, they generally try to sincerely provide pertinent responses to broaden our mutual understanding of the issues, but you claim, "I WIN!" as if you were on "The Price is Right." Then you continue by saying, "I don't really care whether the CIA is incompetent or not," which is an acknowledgement of your dishonesty when you write a comment. I will not correspond with those who are not serious, nor honest, and who immaturely confront the issues of these days that could provide our possible mutual destruction. You may respond, you may write what you will, you may chuckle to yourselves about how clever you are and comment to the world about it, but I will neither read your words nor respond. I will no longer acknowledge your presence.

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